The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, August 17, 1906, Image 7

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PET TION FOR CHARTER We Don’t Lose Any Time when called on to do plumbing. If you discover a leak Prompt Plumbing Action • is what you want. Always get us for plumbing if you want it well done. We don't charge high and are always ready to come. W. Jj. SEXTON, GEORGIA—Coweta County. By virtue of an order issued from the L. F. Shell, of Jackson county; A. J. Almahd, E. A. Kinunel, Jr., and T. J. Fiske, of DeKalb county ;R. W. Tucker, of Rockdale county, all citizens and resi dents of the state of Georgia, respcotful- | ly show; 1. Tlint they, their associates, sue- ! cessors and nssigus desire to be incor porated under the name and style of thb i Court of Ordinary of Coweta county, Atlanta & Carolina Railway. The Georgia, I will sell before the court length of said railway in Georgia will house door in the city of Newnan, Ga., be as nearly as can now be estimated, on the first Tuesday in September, 1900, one huudred and seventy miles, the said between the legal hours of sale, to the railway to begin at any point in Fulton highest and best bidder, the following county, ami extendjthrougli said county property, belonging to the estate of A. into DeKalb county, *nd run thenoe W. Hill, lnte of said oounty, deceased, to the Court of Ordinary o( said county of the albumen, the organic basis j j j VV^VIT IVI R fiARIVIER m said court by the tirst Monday in Sep tember next, if nny they can, why said application should not be granted. This August 6th, 11)06. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. The Newnan Plumber. New Arnall Building. Plmne loll $ T. M. MARTIN I Does all kinds of Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. Expert work and low prices win. Shop op posite Pinson Hotel. easterly through DeKalb, Rockdale, Gwinuett and Jackson counties, passing through or near the town of Lithonia in DeKalb county, thenoe through Con yers on Rnilrond street in Rockdale county: also a line passing through or near Lawrenceville in Gwinnett county, Hoschton, Jefferson and Commerce (for merly Harmony Grove) in Jncksou county; also beginning in Fulton coun ty and extending westward through or to-wit: Twenty ('JO) shares of the capi tal stock of the Palmetto Cotton Mills. Terms of sale: cash. This Aug. 6, 1006. W. B. ORR, or is really in the nature of a physiological bombshell. With no desire to put this scientific anar chist to unnecessary trouble, we cannot forbear asking the address o‘‘ the man who makes or has made laboratory eggs.” And. “linally, aside from the importance of locating this epoch- making individual,” it concludes, “the American hen and her own ers should be given the geographi cal information necessary to look into tin 1 matter thoroughly. If the hen's function as an egg producer is to Ih> superseded by breakers and pipettes, it is no more than Admr. estate of A. W. Hill, deceased. | fair to give her early warning so that she may turn her productive energy into other channels. The ine the ticular For the appearance of the first bale of new cotton, for everybody to get busy with the crop of 11)0(5 and for fall trade to begin to hum, come around to the Big Furniture Store and spend a while. We want to show you the largest and most com plete stock of furniture and house furnishings in Newnan while you have leisure to inspect it. The things you need and want are here, ('onic while yon have time to exam- stock, make wise selections ami satisfy yourself in every par- with quality and prices of your purchases. OEPOT 8T. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, GA. StomachTroublesand Constipation No one can reasonably hope for good .... i .1 i I T discoverer ot the laboratory egg digestion when the bowels are coustipa- , ** tod. Chnrlos Baldwin of Edwnrdsville, "inker owes it to the public,hen as Ill , says, “1 suffered from chronic con- ^ well as human, to reveal his blent- near East Point and College Pnrk in stipntion and stomach troubles for sev- j jfcy and abiding place of Ills mugi- b u 1 ton county, through or near Fair- e ral years, hut. thanks to Chamberlain’s i • n .:i i.., ,i n ,, s t his mi iii(i>„. burn and Palmetto in Campbell county, ytomaoli and Liver Tablets, am almost . . ... .. . . ,, through or near Newnan, Moreland and oured p. W hy not geta package of these I tlon should hl ' l mltl to lus Haims. Grontville in Coweta county, through tablets and get well and stay well? I Now, as it happens, the claim Price 25 cents. For sale by Dr. Paul that eggs have been artificially Ponistou. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind Meriwether county, through or near H.ognnsville, LaGrungo and West Point in Troup oounty and through or near Franklin in Heard county,all of Georgia, 2. The capital stock of said railway company slinll bo fifty thousand dollars with the privilege of increasing the same at any time, and from time to time, to any sum desired, ns prescribed by law, the same to be common stock and to bo issued ill shares of $100 enoli. The prin cipal office of said company to be located in Fulton oounty, Georgia. 8. Your petitioners intond in good faith to go forward without delay to se cure subscriptions to the capital stock, and to construct, equip, maintain and ojierate said railway. They desire the privilege of using electricity, or steam ns motive (lower, and that the duration of this charter be one hundred and one years;'that your petitioners have given four weeks’ notice of their intention to apply for this charter, by the publica tion ot said petition in each of the news papers of tlie several counties in which The S-cent packet is enough for usunl occnsions the sheriff’s Advertisements are publish- Tht|fniiiily bottle (HO cents) contains h supply w j for a year.All druggists sell them. DR. T. B. DAVIS, Residence Telephone No. 5-3 Calls. DR. W. A. TURNER, Residence Telephone No. 64. Drs. Davis & Turner Physicians and Surgeons Newnan, Georgia. Ottioes in Sanatorium Building, corner College and Hancock streets. Tele phone No. 6-2 cftlls. M. T. Edgorton, M. Mnson, W. E. Woods, J. R. HobcIi, Henry Braselton, L. F. Sell, A. J. Almntnl, E. A. Kinunel, Jr. T. J. Flake, R. W. Tucker. ORDINARY’S NOTICES. Z. Greene, D. D. S., Office on Second Floor of Black Bros. Co.’s Building GEORGIA—Coweta County. The estate of Calhoun Smith (col.) late of said county, deceased, being un represented and not likely to be repre sented, all persons concerned are re quired to show cause in the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in September next, why such administration should not. be vested in the County Administrator. This Au gust 0th, 11106. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GUARDIAN’S NOTICE. GEORGIA—Coweta County: After four week’s notice, pursunnt to Section 2,546 of the Civil Code, a peti tion of which a true and correct copy is subjoined, will be presented to the Hon. R. W. Freeman, Judge of the Superior Court, at the court bouse in said comity oil the 15th day of September, 1006. C B. OuiVElt. constructed, lias been made before, several years prior to the Arena's matter of fact assumption, indeed. At first glance, to be sure, many maybe inclined to join the Globe in doubting, since such a perform ance may seem to be equivalent to solving the maddening mystery of life—or, at least, to instilling it. But it must l>e remembered that there are eggs and eggs, some con tain the vital spark; others, also GE<)RGIA—Coweta County: To tlm Hon. R. W. Freeman,Judge of I actual, or natural, are sterile. And the Superior Court of Said County: if there are persons who profess to The petition of C. B. Glover shows: , Find, That lie is guardian of Milton ; 111,1 1 Glover, heretofore duly appointed as i probability, advance any claim to such guardian in snid oounty. ! their being virile. Doubtless they Second, That lie desires to soil for ro-; make no pretence to having dis investment at private sale an undivided covt!re(1 tlu , ppoDUtin of albumen one-fifth interest innnd to the following ... . . .. „ . , either, but insist that they utilize lands, to-wit: Fractional lots numbers! ’ one hundred ami thirteen (1 lit) and one hundred and sixteen (116), containing NEWNAN MARBLE WORKS J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of marble and granite. GEORGIA MARBLE A SPECIALTY All work guaranteed to be first class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work and get prices. IRON FENCE. OF ALL KINDS FOR 8ALE OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR THE RAILROAD JUNCTION NEWNAN, GEORGIA MERCK & DENT IMPROVED HIGH GRADE BUGGIES L. M, Farmer, LAWYER. Office on Second Floor of the Arnall Merchandise Co.’s Building Dr. C. A. Smith, VETERINARIAN. Treats all diseases of domestic animals Calls answered day or night. Office at Gearreld’s Livery Stable. Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. The only guaranteed kidney remedy Buy it—try it—it costs you nothing if it fails. Price 50 cents at Holt & Cates. Magnetic Hair Tonic The most effective hair restorer on the market. Prevents baldness by imparting vigor to the scalp— cleanses it ami eradicates dandruff’, Restores life and beauty to the together ninety-one and one-half (1(1 h.) acres; fractional lots nuinhoi'H one hun dred and fourteen (114) nnd one hundred nml fifteen (116) containing together one hundred and thirteen and three quarter (118 3 .j) acres; fractional lot number one hundred and fifty-six (156), containing sixty-fivo (65) acres; fractional lot num ber one hundred and thirty-seven (1517). containing fifty (50) acres; east half of lot number one hundred and thirty- three (188), containing one hundred and oue-qunrter (101 '- 4 ) acres more or less; east half of lot number one hundred and thirty-four (181). containing one hun dred nnd one-qnarter (104 1 ) acres,more or less; forty (10) norcs off the oast end of lot number one hundred and thirty- five (185); all tlie above lots and parts of lots aggregating five hundred and sixty-two and three-quarter (5fi2 3 .,) acres, more or less, tlie same lying and being in tlio Fourth Land District of said county nnd lying on and along the Cliattaliooohee river witli ail tlie rights appurtenant thereto. GEORGIA—Coweta County. | Third: Said land is a long way from The estate of Lewis Slaughter, late of | market and yields but a small income said county, deceased,being unrepresent ed nnd not likely to lie represented, all persons concerned are required to show cause in the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in Septem ber ’next, why suoli administration should not bo vested in the County Ad ministrator. This August 6th, 11)06. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. and it would be to the best interest of tlie ward to sell tlie same. Fourth: Petitioner desires to invest the proceeds of such sale in . Fiftli: Petitioner shows that notice of his intention to make this application lias been published once a week for four weeks, as required by law. C. B. Glover. Sworn to and subscribed before me, tliis 14th day of August, 11(06. Mikk Powell, Notary Pnblio. GEORGIA—Coweta County. Tlie estate of Mary J. Freeman, late of said county, deceased, being unrepre- ————— sented and not likely to be represented, The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure all persons concerned are required to j H Smith's Sure Kidney Cure. Your show cause in the Court of Ordinary of druggist will refund your money if af- said oounty, on tlie first Monday in Sep tember next, why such administration should not be vested in the County Ad ministrator. Tins August 6th, 11)06. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. ter taking ' one bottle yon are not satis fled with results. 60 cents at Holt & i Cates’. a substitute. Hence, wo can not hope, through the aid of incuba tors, to shortly find absolutely ar tificial chickens on the market, which is a pity. But though the hand-made egg don’t hatch, it does not seem to be an altogether impossible under taking for modern science. The Wizard of Menlo Park has achiev ed wonders seemingly as great, And, difficult or simple, men have maintained that they have accomplished this very marvel. The Globe declares that if they have done so, their wonderful per formance has escaped the knowl edge of science. Which is correct?—Augusta ('hronide. A Tip Top Job in the*repairing of carriages, wagons and other vehicles is the only kind we attempt or turn out. lienee our suecoNsJin repair work. We want your business when you have any thing in our line and we’ll satisfy you in price as well us work. Wo use only the best colors and varnish, thus getting the best results in bug gy painting. Getjono. MERCK & DENT Buggy Builders. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of tlie estate of W. F. Holeinnn, lute of said county, deoeuHml, to render in an account, of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly i made out. All persons indebted to said deceased are hereby requested to make : immediate payment to tlie undersigned. This 8th day of August, 11(06. ALDORA HOLE MAN, 24 Executrix of W. F. Holeinnn Card of Thanks. Artificial Eggs. Are thereof are there not such as artificial eggs? Will GEORGIA—Coweta County. The estate of Bailie Black, (col), late ! things of said county, deceased, being uurep- . . „ . , ’ ‘ i some one possessed of the requi- resented and not likely to be represented, 1 * all persons concerned are required to knowledge and an establish- sliow cause in tlie Court of Ordinary of cd reputation lor veracity before hair. Every bottle guaranteed:; *Md county, on the first Monday in Sep- which even dissatisfied incredulity Price 50c per liottle, at the J. T. tember ,iext > why such administration must bow—answer the query def- sliould not be vested in the County Ad- . ... , „ ,, . ,, This August 6th, litOtt. lnltel y °" Ce aild f0r a)l ’ a,,d th(!re - Keese Drug Store, Newnan, Ga. We take this method of thank ing our many friends lor their help, kind words and sympathy in the three weeks’ sickness of our dear wife and mother; also each one of the nurses who worked so faithfully,and Drs. Davis and Tur ner, who did all medical skill could do for her. May the Lord bless every one who lias remem bered us in this hour of sorrow. Edgar Meriwether, Miss Vandella Lazenby, Mrs. If. H. Bowden, Joe Meriwether, Edgar It. Meriwether, Eugene Meriwether. In the Good Old Summer Time Or any other time of the year, is the best time to buy groceries at the store of G. P. Htepnens and Company. Why? Because the stock if the largest, completest and freshest to be found in Newnan; and because we serve our patrons in the' most careful and prompt manner possible. These are safe, sane, sound reasons; and ought to be suf ficient to induce you to give us your orders. A fair trial of this store is all we ask. Once a customer, always a customer, is a statement that can be made with absolute regard for thfl truth in speaking of this store. The trial orders, the beginning of your business, is what we solicit, if you are not already numbered among our patrons. After becoming acquainted with this store, the rest is easy for us. C. P. STEPHENS 5 C0„ Proprietors of the New Bakery. Telephone No. 31. biitfistrator. 1^. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. by, it may be, avert a possible crossing of pens between the daily and weekly press? “Make Hay While tne Sun Shines.” There in a lemon in tlie work ot the thrifty farmer. He knows that tlie bright sunshine rimy last hut a day and Unnecessary Expense. * s ■ Acute attacks of colic and diarrhoea GEORGIA—Coweta County, come on without warning and prompt) Mary Pike having applied to the Court; For the Arena, in a matter-of- he prepares for the showeis which are so relief must be obtained. There is ho of Ordinary of said county for letters of fact, off-hand way that the New liable to follow; ho it, should he with necessity of incurring the expense of a administration on estate of A. T. Pow ' York Globe regards as tin warrant- every household. Dysinteiy, diarrhoea physician's services in such cases,. ers, deceased, all persons concerned are: ’ " ‘ ' ‘ and cholera morbus may attack some Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aad ffiar- ^required to show cause in said court by ; a '" e ( tctnarks that already eggs member of the home without warning, rhoea Remedy is at hand. A dose of Monday'>" September next,^ if have been manufactured by arti- Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- this remedy will relieve the patient be- should" not C be’ gmuted^ 1 Tlhs P August i ficial means,” an assertion that the rhoea Remedy, which is the best known fore a doctor could arrive. It has never been known to fail, even in the most Re vere and dangerous cases and no family 6 th, 1906. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Globe receives with ridicule, de- remedy for these diseases, should ul- • „ n,,. ... , .... . wavs be kept at hand, as immediate daring that the fact has hitherto l . ... treatment, is necessary and delay may should be without it. For sale by Dr. GEORGIA—Coweta County. : escaped the knowledge of scientists i prove fatal. For Bale by Dr. Paul Pen-! Paul Peniston, Newnan, Ga. j Jennie Coleman, (col), having applied i and reminds us that “the puzzle . istou, Newnan, Ua. •• .. *,•*. ...... 1 ■ Hot Weather Trips via Central of Georgia Railway. Summer excursion tickets to the Seashore, Mountain and Lake Re sorts in the North, South, East and West. A trip by rail and sail to New York, Boston, Baltimore, Phila delphia arid points in the East via Savannah and steamship lines, is to be considered at this season. Tickeis are on sale at all coupon ticket offices. For rates, schedules, etc., apply to any Agent or rep resentative of the Central of Geor gia Railroad. Easy won, poorly kept. Summer Diarrhoea in Children. During tlie hot weather of the sun rner months the first unnatural loosi ness of u oliild’s bowels should have in mediate attention, so as to oiieok 111 disease before it becomes serious. A that is necessary is a few doses of Chun herlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhor Remedy, followed by a dose of cash oil to cleanse the system. Rev. M. t Stockland, pastor of tlie First M. I church, Little Falls, Minn., write* “We have used Chamberlain's Colii Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for sei eral years and find it a very valuabl remedy, especially for summer diso ders in children " Hold by Dr. Paul Pei iston, Newuau, Ga. Rusting out is not resting.