The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, August 28, 1906, Image 1

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EXTRA! NEWNAN INDUSTRIAL EDITION. THE NEWNAN EXTRA! NEWS. VOL. VII. 1 1... NEWNAN, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1906. NO. 21 Newnan, Georgia, Has Now Newimn has line churches, free system of public schools, an annual Chautauqua, a magnificent public Carnegie Library, two big railroad systems, water works, electric lights, lice mail delivery system, two splendid newspapers, oil mills, cotton mills, cigar factory, guano factory. Ice factory, is the county seat of Coweta county, has three banks, and is the sixth wealthiest city per capita in the United States. NEWNAN HAS NOW in PROSPECT One immense new cotton mill being built as rapidly as money and labor can do the work. One big new cotton mill for which the sib* has been bought and paid for and the land laid oIV for work to begin building at once. The two mills above will add not less than one thousand people to the already crowded city of Newnan. Some say that the two mills will bring at least twenty live hundred new people to Newnan. The United States government has appropriated the money to buy a site in Newnan, for a line new public building and several line sites have been ottered. This means at least tilt> thousand dollars worth of government money to be turned loose in Newnan shortly, which with the thousands of dollars from the building of the two big new cotton mills and other industries, means vast sums of money turned loose in New nan shortly. In addition to the three splendid banks now here, one more will commence business on Sept. 1st, 11)0(1. The Atlanta N West Point road and the Central Railroad are fixing to build a thirty-thousand dollar Union Depot in Newnan. The Atlanta N West Point Railroad is lixing to double track their road to Atlanta to accommodate the extra heavy business. The Atlanta & West Point Railroad and the Central Railroad of Georgia have made a joint arrangement to run through trains through Newnan from Columbus to Atlanta. The Central Railroad of Georgia is building the biggest coal shute in the South (nine hundred feet long) just four miles out of Newnan. They are also Inlying options on several hundred acres of land two miles from Newnan and it is rumored that they intend to put up their million dollar shops near Newnan. Their surveyors are now in the field near Newnan getting ready for the big plans. The Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railroad has had their engineers all through this section during the last few days. One of their chief engineers and their right of way buyer was in Newnan a few days ago, and while they would not talk for publication, it is known that Newnan will get this new railroad either on the direct line from Chalybeate Springs, to Atlanta, or Newnan will build a branch line to tap it. In either event Newnan will get the new road. The water power ]**ople at Franklin have spent seventy thousand dollars buying options and land to develop the Chattahoochee just alsive Newnan, and will spend a million dollars on this plant. They will build a trolley line from Atlanta to Columbus through Newnan to haul their immense freight and other traffic. Newnan will get the benefit of all this. Big people are coming from other points to the big auction sale of lots on Thursday next, August doth, ami will talk to the men of Newnan about investing thousands of dollars additional capital here. A Newnan banker is authority for the statement that one man is coining here shortly and bring one hundred thousand dollars new money here to invest in and around Newnan. Mayor Burdett, the Cole Mfg. Co. people, and other well known and responsible citizens can tell you other big things that are coming to Newnan, which we are not at lib >rty to refer to. Tne above is only a few of the big things that Newnan now has and has in prospects. The people of Newnan do things. You all know that. You all know also that all of the above is going to make property iu Newnan even more valuable than it now is. You all know that Sutherland Park city lots are now the only available vacant property in Newnan and the big auction sale of these lots will take place Thursday, August doth, ll)0(t, at ten o’clock, a. m. You can liny these lots at your own price and on easy terms:. Property is liound to go higher in Newnan, so now is the time to buy. Don’t lie backward for Newnan is going to be twice as large as she now is and property in Newnan is as good as money in the bank. Georgia & Alabama Realty Co. Home Office, Brunswick, Ga. C. W. Deming, Mgr., Newnan, Ga. Photo of Mr. Joseph H. Phillips, BIG MAN COMING. Geo. R. Lynn, ol Kentucky, Will Attend the Lot Sale. Ueo. It. Lynn, of Madisonvillc. Ky., one of the wealthiest real es tate men in that State, will be here Thursday. Mr. Lynn is coming from his far-oil' Kentucky home to attend the big auction sale of lots here Thursday. Photo of Mayor and Council ot Newnan, Ga., ABOUT C. W. DEMING Who is Conducting the Big Auc tion Sale of Lots Here. Premier Real Estate Auctioneer of America, Mr. Phillips has sold more lots than any one man in the United States. His record is 597 lot sales and every one has been a success. He bears the distinction In reference to C. W. Deming, who is conducting the big lot sale here on Thursday, August 30th, the Fitzgerald Enterprise says: “He is an old newspaoer man with an experience of some 19 odd years, over a territory from the Canadian border on the north to Cuba and adjacent Isles on the south. He is accustomed to work ing in places only that are worth while. As an illustration of his As they appeared with a large body of representative business men of Newnan, in Sutherland Drive, the main thoroughfare of Sutherland Park. This picture was taken during the formal ded ication of the streets in Sutherland Park to the city of Newnan, Ga. The streets are named alter the distinguished members of the city accomplishments it is but neces sary to cite his management of the Havana Cuba Post, when as pres- representative of ihe military ad ! ministration he was largely instru mental in securing the passage ol !executive board, including the Mayor and each Alderman, as fol lows: Hon. A. R. Burdette, Mayor, and Aldermen Roy X. Cole, George Sponeler, G. It. Black, Thomas Swint, '1'. M. Hood lum, Win, Murpliey, W. W. Spence, W. S. Askew. The sev enty-live beautiful residential lots in Sutherland I'ark will be sold at auction on Thursday,August doth, at 10 o’clock a. m. Twenty dollars m gold will be given away free. Every white person on the grounds will gel a 'Tee ticket (o this twen- ty-dollar gold piece. Easy terms on the lots. You get them at y our own price. Big brass band concerts free. Free carriage rides from the court house square to Sutherland Park on day of sale, ('nine and bring the ladies. the l'latt Amendment, freeing Government affair, through The Cuba, through the Constitutional Convention. As right hand man and Editorial Confidant of General Leonard A. Wood, Military Gov ernor, he yet so fairly conducted the handling of the United States P. st, that he was publicaly com mended by Civil Governor Nunez, of the Cuban government, as one who could be depended upon at all times to give a square deal to any of lieing the highest priced real es- state auctioneer in the country to day . As a platform story teller he stands in the front rank. 11 is | funny sayings will amuse the la dies, entertain the men and fur-1 | ..ish zest to tin* big miction sale of seventy-five lots at Sutherland ! Park, Newnan. Ga., Thursday, V August HUth, 1900, at 10 o’clock a. in. Free carriages will leave from court house square, Newnan. Big brass band concerts free. Twenty dollars in gold given away free. Come out and bring the la dies.