The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, August 31, 1906, Image 5

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ch A • H"i.i.kman, president. \v. L. KKM1\ VK'E-PRKS. AND THE AS. J. W. ANDKKWS, SECRETARY. LOANS OF $1,000 IQ $20,000 PLACED AT LOW RATES ON IMPROVED FARMS IN THIS COUNTY If you desire such a Loan, write us fully. THE SOUTHERN MORTGAGE CO. Attorney Wanted to Act i .1 . as Local Correspondent dSS Atlfllltd, u60rgl3. <’ol. H. W. Dent, of Atlanta, is in the city. I. T. Stanley was in West Point last Sunday. L. R. Powell pays the highest prices for hides. tf Miss Mattie Askew has returned from Piedmont Springs. Huy your sidewalk tile from the Newnan Tile Works. tf Mrs. I. T. Stanley has returned from a visit to West Point. Dr. (’. A. Smith was in Atlanta Monday and Tuesday. Dr. Anderson, Dentist; gas ad ministered; Salbide Bldg. tf WANT HD—Two boarders; men prefemV Apply at News office. Mrs. Anderson and chil dren are visiting in College Park. We carry the latest magazines ami periodicals.—Peniston & Lee. “Dr.” E. H. Bowman was in Cedurtown last Saturday and Sun day. Mr. Raphael Powell is up from Savannah for a few days visit to relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murph re turned to Marshalville last Wed nesday. Mrs. Clifford Dickson remains dangerously sick at her home west of this city. Mr. T. B. 8ims,Jof Mississippi, is visiting relatives in this city and county. Mrs. E. H. Bowman and chil dren are the guests of relatives in Cedartown. Tom .Tones, of “Riverside,” re turned home Wednesday from a trip to Atlanta. Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Nunnally have returned front Borden- Wheeler Springs. J. Buford Copeland left yester day for Macon, to resume his work at Mercer University. Mrs. Mary Lynch and Mrs. Joe Hammond, of Atlanta, are visiting Mrs. Bennett Sanders. Mrs. Ben Kirby, who was ill in Atlanta for some time, w’as able to return home this week. Miss Nelia Greene has returned from a visit of some length to rela tives at Uniontown, Ala. J. C. Hardy, a prominent stock man, of Senoia, was in the city yesterday en route to Wyoming and Montana.—Griffin News and Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Goss Mattox, of Florida, are with relatives in New nan. 1. N. Orr, «Tr., and Mrs. S. G. Orr and baby are spending some time at Horseshoe, N. C. Mrs. F. C. White returned to Macon last Tuesday to resume her duties at Wesleyan College. Miss Lillie, the young daughter of Mr. James Hutchens of this city, is seriously ill with fever. Rev. W. J. Cotter filled Rev. E. A. Ware’s pulpit at the Turin Methodist church last Sunday. Col. 11. ('. McCutchen, of Co lumbus. was in the city Wednes day, attending to legal business. Messrs. A. B. Brown and John 1. Miller, of Corinth, were among the visitors in Newnan yesterday. W. A. Pope, a prominent mer chant of Newnan, was in the city yesterday.—Griffin News and Sun. Mesdames W. C. Wright and W. B. Pringle and children will return from Chicamaugatomorrow. Dr. and Mrs. T. B. Davis and little daughters, Grace and Sara, have returned from Tallulah Falls. Rev. F. G. Hughes will preach at Lovejoy Memorial church next Sunday morning at eleven o’clock. Miss Martha Ryder, who was the guest of Miss Louise Atkinson, returned to Columbus last Monday. LOST—Crescent shaped brooch, set with diamonds and pearls, al ternating. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning to P. O. Box ;j:iO, Newnan, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Logan and family returned to Atlanta last Monday, after a ten days visit to G. A. Boynton, Esq., ahd other relatives in the 4th District. To whom it may concern: J. J. Cruse has not boon asso ciated with me in the painting busi ness since May 7th, 190(5. 2t ('. 1). Hollis. C. P. Stephens & Co. have leas ed the Carpenter building, now oc cupied by Darden & Stephens, and will open up a stock of dry goods and notions early in the fall, tf Mr. John Hendrick returned Wednesday from a two months’ trip through South Georgia. He left yesterday for Lake Charles, La., where he will stop for some time. Mrs. J. T. Glover and children, ! Martha and A mail, who were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Z. Greene, have gone to Senoia to visit rela tives, before returning to Birming ham. Orman Powell will return fo the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, ut Auburn, for the fall term. His brother, 'Pom Powell, will return to school at Donald Frazer Insti tute at I >eeatur. W.^ Howard Davis returned to Washington City yesterday, after spending several weeks here with relatives. Mrs. Davis and little daughter will remain in Newnan some time yet. Mrs. D. B. Woodroof has re turned from Borden-Wheeler Springs. During her absence from ' the city Miss Annie Will Redwine filled the position of librarian in a very efficient manner. Prof. J. T. Croley, of Grantville, was in the city last night on his re turn home from Sunny Side, where lie has been engaged in teaching BELTING AND STEAM FITTINGS Miss Kate Blue, of Montgomery, school for the Ala., who was the guest of Miss Nettie Orr, returned home yester day. Mr. Hugh Woodroof, of Savan nah, is with his family at the resi dence of Mr. and Mi’s. George Sponcler. Miss Ruth Camp and her cousin, Miss Ella Robbins, of Talbotton, are at Toceoa for the remainder of the summer. H We have added Belting to our stock of mill sup plies, and can furnish from stock, Hoytt’s high grade guaranteed leather belting, 1 1-2 to 8 inches. New York Belting Company’s highest grade rub ber belt from four to ten inches. Seamless stitch ed canvas belt from four to twelve inches; all four- ply. It pays to buy good belt. We are go ing to carry the BEST. We carry an assortment of cast iron “ells,” “tees,” plugs and bushings from 1-4 to 2 inches. Wrought iron nipples and couplings from 1-4 to 2 inches. Malleable unions from 1-4 to 2 inches. Globe, angle and check valves from 1-4 to 2 inches. Our stock of supplies include lubricators, inject ors, steam gauges, jets, brass oil cups, glass oil cups, packing, etc. We will save you money on your machinery supplies, tt Newnan Hardware Company past few weeks.— Griffin News and Sun. Miss Saru Catherine Peniston en- Mr. I. N. Orr, Jr’s., horse, tertained several friends at a spend- j “Dan,” was insured on May IN, the-day party yesterday. Her ij)06, in the Atlanta Mutual Live guests were Misses Sara Nunnally, | Stock Insurance Co. The animal Margaret Murphey, Georgia and was killed on August 12, 1906,and Atkinson and Willie Theodore Herring. Dr. and Mrs. Z. Greene enter tained at tea Tuesday evening, in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Frank on August 19th Mr. Orr’s claim for #247.50 was paid in full by the above named company, tf J. W. Willcoxon, Agent. A large amount of mail ac- Mnrph ot Marshalville. Covers j euinitiates at the postolliee on Sun- were laid tor eight guests, and the days,and the carriers are frequent- affair was a very pretty and pleas-1 ly unable to carry out Sunday’s ant one. ! mail and Monday morning’s mail Mr. Will Mattox, who has been Monday morning. If residents ill for a long time, is much im- the city will call lor their mail proved, and hisfrieuds are pleased | 0,1 Sundays they will greatly aid to note the fact that he appears to the carriers in facilitating the dis- beon the road to complete recovery, i tributiou o< mail on Monday morn- Mr. Mattox and family are in New- '"ka lian at present. j At the Presbyterian Church Waiter Petty, of St. Louis, is ! i»c*xt Sabbath, Rev. C. O’N. Mar- spending several weeks in Coweta! tindale will preach at IJ a. m. on county with relatives and iriends. “ the Thinking that Translonns a IF YOU are going to paint we can interest you. We sell the well-known Parian paints. This brand has long been known for its dura bility, economy and appearance. It looks best and wears long est. We carry all paint ing accessories, also, as white lead, oils, coloring material, brushes, etc. We would like to figure with you if you are going to paint. Hubert Quillian, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Quilliau. will enter Emory College at the opening of the fall term. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Farmer entertained several friends at din ner last Friday, in honor of Mrs. J. T. Glover of Birmingham. Mrs. A. R. Word and little daughter, Elizabeth, have returned to Atlanta, after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown and family. The Newnan Ministerial Asso ciation will meet next Monday morning, Sept. 3rd, at 9:30 o’clock at the Central Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Copeland, who spent a month with relatives in this county, left yesterday for their home in Tacoma, Wash. The Woman’s Bible Circle, of the First Baptist Church, will meet with Mrs. E. O. Reese next Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Miss Jewel Faver will tie a stu dent at Wesleyan Female College this fall. Miss Lutie Powell en- jters Agues Scott Institute at J Decatur. | Mrs. H. G. Ferrell returned to ; her home in Memphis, Tenn., last ilriday, after a pleasant visit at era i Methodist churches of which the home of Sheriff and Mrs. J. Mr. Gaines is pastor. L. Brown. Messrs. G. R. Bradley, J. T. Miss Rosadell Holmes, who has The Newnan City Schools will open Sept. 3,1906 The citizens of Coweta County are cordially invited to investigate the merits of these schools. The graduates of the Newnan schools take high place, in college, life, or business. If you have children to send to school, instead of sending them to distant and expensive fitting schools, place them in this school of your own county, and thus have them nearer home. Board can be obtained in of Newnan. Your children will then be surrounded by the inlluence of the home, and there is nothing that equals this. Examinations for new students will be held August 30 and 31, from 9 to 12 a. in., at each school. Rates of tuition can be hud on inquiry. For any further information cull on or address J. W. G A INKS, Hupt. He is an experienced printer and was employed in Newnan many years ago. At present he is em ployed as a linotvne onerator. A party of young people, com posed of Misses Mabel Mitchell, Nell and Lucile Beavers, Virginia Daniel and Messrs. I. N. Edge, J. W. Willcoxon, Jr., and Andrew Robinson, and chaperoned by Mrs. J. J. Cruse, picniced at Burpee’s pond last Monday. Rev. W. S. Gaines will preach at Lovejoy Memorial church next Sunday night. Mr. Gaines has conducted protracted meetings this year at all ot the five churches served by him, and as a result 75 persons have united with the sev- Man,” and at 7:30 p. in. on “The Question of Diseipleship.” The morning offering will tie for As sembly’s Home Missions in the great fields of the West. Prayer meeting on Thursday, 7:30 p. m. A cordial invitation to strangers and citizens, old and young. 'been the guest of Mrs. H. L. Fol- i Williams, C. A. Merck, L. B. Mann and W. J. Murphey are in gerlorthe past three weeks, has j X(iW York City> Tbey are rup . resenting Newnan at the Bryan returned to Newnan Atlanta Journal. -Sunday’s | LOST—Thursday morning on j Sutherland Drive, a gold chain bracelet set with three large i topazes. Finder will please re- | turn to Miss Lutie Powell, 26 Nim- : mons street, and receive reward. demonstration, and it is rumored that Alderman Murjihey will im part to Mr. Bryan a recipe for political success—the same having been obtained from the Hon. Hoke Smith, once a candidate for,guber natorial honors in Georgia. When you are Getting glasses Get them right. Have them fitted as they should he. Have the lenses made for YOU—to your measure, so to speak. Then you may read when you like, where you like, and as long as you like, and you’ll not need to turn and twist the book in order to ease your eyes. Not an eye pain or an ache, after you begin to wear the proper glasses, no headaches, no inconveniences ut all. Today would he a good time to begin to have your eyes look ed after. Consultation and ad vice are free any time you call. H. S. BANTA Dodson. Miss Annie Newton is visiting rela tives near Carrollton, Rev. J. W. Gaines filled liis regular appointment at Andrew’s Chapel last Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Mr. Hellonby, of Carrollton, has been elected as pastor of Liberty church for the balance of this year. Mrs. Rebecca Lester, who has been visiting relatives in this community, re turned to Newnan last Saturduy. Miss Mary Kate 'fenny, of Whites- burg, spent a few days with Miss Etta Bridges last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Carmical went to Corinth Saturday to visit relatives. They returned home Monday. Albert Potts and family, from below Newnan, passed through Dodson Thurs | day of lust week, enroute to a barbecue, j which was given at the home of John | Potts, of Campbell county. J John Sewell and wife, of Alabama, | are spending a few days with relatives near here. There was a large crowd at the sing ing at Sargent Sunday. Miss Maggie Smith, of near Carroll ton, spent last Sunday night witli her sister, Mrs. Ollie Copeland. Walter Morris, of Atlanta, spent a part of last week with relatives near Sargent. Mrs. Ida Sewell, from Carroll county, is visiting her duughter, Mrs. Charlie Tarletou. Mr. Othel Morgan and children, of Senoia, spent the latter part of last week with T. F. Jones and family. Miss Minnie Sewell, who has been sick a few days, is improving. Mr. John Ingram, who was well known in this community, died at his home in Campbell county this week. Prof. E. O. Hamlers and sister, Mrs. A, B. Copeland, from the third district, visited relatives near Roscoe the first of the week. Prof. O. H. Dukes went to Unthbert, Ga., last week, where lie has been elect ed principal of the public school at that place. A good rain fell in this section Tues day afternoon. StomachTroublea and Constipation No one can reasonably hope for good digestion when the bowels are constipa ted. Charles Baldwin of Edwurdsville, Ill , says, “1 suffered from chronic con stipation and stomach troubles for sev eral years, but thunks to Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, am almost cured.” Why not get a package of these tablets and get well and Htay well? Price 25 cents. For sale by Dr. Paul Peniston. It will be of interest to the many Carrollton friends of Miss Rowena Turner to learn of the announce ment of her approaching marriage to Mr. DeWitt Boole, at her home in Newnan. Miss Turner has been a frequent Visitor here in Carroll ton, where she has made many friends.—Carrollton Times.