The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 07, 1906, Image 8

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“LUCKY” BALDWIN. niti Wlilrlt* Iml <»f Simm-iiI.iI Ion In the Minlnu !{<-»Iomn. In 1 s.YI :i lift|»« 11:»rty of gold seekers with a meager out lit o I horses and v iirons st:i:'loiI for California from the village of Karine, Wis. In coiniilillul of this adventurous oNpeilitl iii was a young limn who took with him his wife anil Infant daughter. Ills name was K. .7, Itnhlwln and he made a wise choice In shakinir from his restless feet the dost of a lamer civilization. He needed a larger theater of action for his pent-up and surging activities. While trailing thromth the inountahm of t'lali the pioneers were attacked by Indians, who wore beaten olY during a six hour tlirht In which young Haldwln killed their chief. After six months of hard ship the party reached llanirtown (later called riaeervllle), In ( allfornln. Here Haldwln tarried and licgnii plaeer mlliliiK. He appears to have been no more than an ordinary red shirted argonaut, meeting the ups and downs of mining luck until the dis covery of the Comstock lisle at Virgin ia City. Thither lie drifted and discov ered that Ids natural bent was itain- hlliiK with the mines that other men had opened. Amid a whirlwind of speculation he fought Ids way with such success that he loomed from tho smoke In a few mouths as "Lucky” Baldwin, the man who had cleaned up $7,500,000 In the gigantic deals In the Ktis'k of (lie (Iplllr mines. ^ Han Frunclseo was the Mecca of those lucky sons of fortune who were rearing a great city by the Holden (•ate. As a stock and milling specula tor "Lucky" Baldwin shone res pen dent, but he was also a loyal son of Han Frnnelaoo. lie built hotels mid theaters and business blocks even while lie was iiimiKlng that far from conservative community by mildly freakish extravngnnces. In a very lucid Interval lie bought nil the Hpanlsh grants he could find near l.os Angeles and there spent a million In making this ranch of Ids not only a splendidly productive property, hut al so one of the most beautiful estates ever laid out III tills or any other eouu- try. It was Ids hobby, Ids pet, and lie plaihed tulle* of avenues with noble shade trees and made wonderful trop ical gardens, surrounding Ills home by n paradise of vernal beauty.- Ralph 1). Value in (tilling Magazine. “TELL IT TO THE MARINES.” l*c|i>«C Version of III* Oi-litln of the ■expression !•>• Charles II, The snj lug, "Tell II to the marines,” Is traced to I'epys, the author of the famous "IMary," and it Is said by him to have originated with Charles II. of England. '-II so befell," as I lie story goes, "that Ills light hearted majesty, with an exceedingly bored expression on Ids swarthy face, was strolling in the shade with the Ingenious Mr. I’epys, secretary to the admiralty. "I had speech ,\csler'ell at lieptford,’ said Mr. I’epys, 'with the captain of the licfrynnee, wlm liaili lately returned from the Indies and who told me the two most wouderful things that over, 1 think, I did hear in my life.' Among the stories told were of llsli Hying In the air. T'lsh Hying In the all'!' ex claimed Ills majesty. 'Ila, hn! A ipialnt conceit, which ‘lucre too good to spoil wl' keeping Wlmt ho, sir' lie turned mid beckoned the colonel, Sir William Kllllgrcw of the newly raised marl time regiment of foot, who was fol lowing In close conversation with Iho Dltko of York 'we would discourse with you on a matter touching your own element. What say you. colonel, to m mail who swears ho hath seen lislies to My lii tho alr?' “'I should say, sire,” returned the sea soldier simply, 'that the man hath sailed In southern seas, for when your majesty's business carried me thither of.late I did freiptently observe more Hying fllali In one hour than the halt's of my head In number.' "Old Rowley glanced narrowly at tbe colonel's frank, weather beaten face. Then, \x 11li a laugh, lie turned to the secretary. “'Mr. l'epys,' said lie, 'from the very nature of their calling no class of our subjects can have so wide a knowledge of sens and lands as the otllcers and men of our loyal maritime regiment. Henceforth 'ere ever we east doubts upon a tale that laeketh likelihood we will tlrst tell It to the marines.’ "— Army and Navy .lournal. Franc* nml Hep £nl1nr*. France owes the greater part of her past dory and her present power to In r sailors. There Inis been no dls- euV' i-.v id geographical Importance to which Hu- inline of a Frenchman has not been attached.—Paris Eclair. Mere It re list It-. "lie 1 look daggers at the villain?" asked the heroine. "No.” answered Iho author of Hie melodrama, "you look hutplna.”—Town and Country. Welcome. t n neerssnr)-. “Now, Tommy,” said the hoy's mother, giving him (Inal Instructions, "you must remember how to helmve at the party. If you're asked to have something and you want It you must , say 'Yes, thank you.' and If you don't want It you must say”— "You needn't bother about that pnrt if It, mn," Interrupted Tommy. The HnneiiverloK Mamma. "The maneuvering mamma". Is prac tically extinct. Tbe modern daughter Inis an almost free hand In managing her love transaction*. The mere love marriage, which was so disturbing n thought to the mother of oven twenty years ago, Is seldom heard of In May- fair In those altered circumstances, says the London Graphic. II roUf ii KiikIInH, Teacher -What are the parts of speech? Tommy Tucker- It's—It's when a mail stutters.—Chicago Tribune. Ho what you consider right, what ever people may think of It, despite rpusure and praise.—Pythagoras. — Turin. Turin, On , September 5 —Mrs. F. (7. McKoy Inis returned to her home in the 4fli district, after a month's viait to her daughter, Mrs. F. (). Watkins. Mrs. .1. It. Walker and children have returned to their home at Arlington,af ter spending two weeks with Mrs. J. B. Walker. Messrs. .7. B Shell, T, P. Shell, F. O. Watkins and I. N.Starr visited Newnau Monday. The furmoFs have started the cotton hands and Hud a lot ot rotten cotton. .7.11, Arnold, of Tennille, visited his mother, Mrs. M F Arnold, Sunday, Misses lulu and Nora Page lire visit ing luintiveM in Bartlesville Hits week. Miss Einiriu Shell in visiting the Misses Hunmouft, of Atlanta. Mrs Sid Martin, who has been visit ing here some time, returned to her home in Smith Georgia last Saturday. Mr. Harrison Summeisnud wife spent tho day Sunday with Mis George Urqu- hart, who is quite slok. Miss Margaret (lay Visited relatives in Newnau Iasi week. I 1 ’. O. Watkins has closed school at Slmrpsburg and is now at home. We think the schools at Sliarpshurg and Turin should unite and make uni- of the law for local taxation, thereby building up a school second to none in the State, Will and Frank Amis visited their un de near Corinth Friday night. Kov. Baxter and wife, of Atlanta, have been visiting in this community. After a visit to friends here, Rev. C. W. Hood and family have returned to their home in South Carolina. Miss Kate Harmon, of Carrollton, nml Miss Kmmio Witcher, from near Ros- coe, were visiting here the past week. After spending a few days with her cousin, Miss Janie Amis, Miss Irln Pitt- man hns returned to her home near Cor inth. Horace McKoy and Oliver Davis, of Newnau, visited the family of ,7. C. Mc Koy Sunday. . Will Amis visited Earnest and Brew er Wltclmr near, Roscoa, Saturday. Miss Margaret Summers, of Atlanta. Ims been visiting relatives here. Mrs F. G. McKoy hns returned from a visit to liar daughter, Mrs. F. O. Wat kins, in Turin. Miss Lillie Ragland, of Newnau, and Miss lone Hamrick,from Corner Branch, have been visiting Misses Grace and Lil lian Summers. Brooks Lane, of Newnau, sjient last week with Henry Grain. O. G. Sewell, from Roscoe, attended our meeting Thursday. Miss Ethel Copeland is sick with fever. .! E. Boone visited at Rev. F. J. Amis' Sunday. Alh'ti Grain visited hnmefolks Sunday. O B. Brooks and wife, from Corner Branch, have been visiting the latter's parents. Will and Frank Amis left Monday for Locust Grove, where they will attend school. Miss Anna Boone and father, of Sar gent. visited I. T. Mattox and wife Mon day. Rev. F. J. Amis closed a series of meetings at Frovidenoe Sumlny, bap tizing six He was aided by Revs. Bax ter, Hood, and Davis. Palmetto. Standing Rock. t >thel Morgan lias two new hoarders at 1:1s house. They are hoys. Bonj. Neill, of Carrollton, is spending a few days with friends and relatives hero. Alton Addv, of Nexvimn, is spending a few days with his father Jeff llutohons and W. li. Morgan, of Welcome, spent Sunday with friends hero. Mr. 1. X. On', Jr’s., horse, "Dan,” wns insured on Mu> IS, l in 111, in the Atlanta Mutual Live Stock Insurance *’o. The animal was killed on August 12, IIMMi.and on August IOth Mr. Oil’s claim for *217.50 was paid in full by the above named company, tf .1. \\ . Willcoxon, Agent. Wi-lalit of it I'leee of lee. A rough and ready method o f cal culating the weight of a piece of Ice Is afforded by the fact that a cubic foot of this substance weighs approxi mately 67.25 pounds. First measure (ho breadth, length and height of the cake, and tho three results, being mul tiplied, will give the number of cubic inches. If this answer he tu turn multiplied by .o:$:t the approximate number of pounds will result. For instance, a cake S by l) by 10 Inches contains 720 cubic Inches. This multi plied by .033 gives 23% pounds, the correct weight of such a piece of ice. Wrong Kftttier XX n,. Mr. JawlnieU I've got a new stenog rapher. Mr4 Jawbaek Brute! I sup pose the other wasn’t pretty enough for you! Mr. Jawbaek—It's a man. Mrs. Jawbaek—Fufeeling monster! Try ing to make the people think I'm too jealous to let you have a girl, oh?— Cleveland Leader. Courage. "Does your boy Josh take after you?" "Some," answered Farmer Corutos- ael. "He doesn't like work any more than I do. The only difference Is that he has the courage of his convictions.” —Washington Star. Congressman Adamson Speak in Newnan. Will Con gross mil n \Y. C. Adamson will address tho people of Coweta county at the court house next Monday, Sept. 10th, at the' noon recess of court. Everybody invit ed to turn out and hear the speech. Ono of the most delightful occasions of the season’s gayeties, was the recep tion given by Mrs. Dnard Bullard last Friday evening complimentary to the gni'Ht of Miss Annie Gene Gulhreath.and Mrs. Gail yard of Macon. Quite n num ber of guests from Atlanta, Newtinn and Fiiirbui'ii were in attendance. The lawn was illuminated with scores of Japan ese lanterns, and lawn seats, rugs, etc., enhanced the beauty of tbe scene. A de licious course of Ices and punch was served during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bullard are ideal entertainers, nnd leave nothing undone for the pleasure of gnosis. Irwin Ciilbreath, of Atlanta, visited his parents Inst week. xtr, and xtrs. Wilson, of Montgomery, j are the guests of Mrs. Jordan on Main Ht. Boozer Payne, of Grnntvillo, spent Tuesday night with friends in town. Guy Smith, of Newtinn. visited his mint, Mrs. Hnrrv Hill, last Sunday. John Gentry, of Atlanta, spent Sun-1 dao in Palmetto. Judge Harry Reid, of Atlanta, spent, several days with his brother, Col. O. S. Reid, recently. Ool. Eugene Johnson, formerly of Palmetto, but now a rising young at torney of Augusta, is on a visit to his old home. Miss Mary Cochran entertained "The Saturday Night Club" most delightfully on the evening of rho :10th, complimen tary to the young college visitors of Miss Annie Gene Gulhreath. Those present were Miss Bethea, of Dillon, S O , Miss Bryan, of Atlions. xiiss Poddy, of Daw son, Miss Ellington, of Meridian, misj., Miss Janie Hudson, the Misses Reid, Misses Lute Golightly, Lttcilo Smith, Mary Cochran, Maggie Cochrnn: Dr. Wister Smith, Messrs. Will Johnston, Earle Johnson, Freeman Bullard, Berry Cochran, Liutinr Thornton, Arthur Oonder and Messrs. Gulhreath. Miss Mvrtie Givens is spending the week in AHnnta. Mayor Duard Bullard is attending the State Convention now in session in Ma con. Mr. Bullard was one of the gov- i rnor's nopointees from this county. Prof. Banks opened school with a Hue enrollment on the 2nd. A. E. BROD’S Cut Price Store A snappy list of seasonable sundries For Friday and Saturday Prices for these two days greatly reduced Bargains in Dry Goods. Victoria best apron gingham, guaranteed colors, sale juice per yard 4 1-2c American and Hamilton best print calico, pop ular price of this fabric, lie and 7e per yard, sale price per yard 3 1-2c Sonthlnnd plaids, this fabric warranted extra heavy, fast colors, far superior quality to any sold at (5c and 7c per yard, sale price. 3 T2c Greatest Shoe Offerings in the His- . tory of Sales. fiOII pairs ladies' shoes and oxfords, selected stock, in all sizes, better shoes than you can get elsew here for 2.00, sale price 98c Misses’ and children’s slippers, finest quality colt skin patent leather; this is an exception ally great value at 1.50, sale price. 79c Koxie Ward quality oxfords, popular price of this shoe 3.00, sale price 1.69 Men’s good quality vici kid oxfords, great value at 2.00, sale price per pair 98c Men’s and young men’s colt skin patent bluclier oxfords, actual worth 3.Q0, sale price 1.69 Great Bargains in Clothing. Men’s and young men’s line tailored pants, well worth 1.75 and 2.00, sale price 9Bc 250 pairs extra special value men’s pants, reg ular 3.00 value, sale price 1.49 All 10.00 and 12.00 3-piece suits go in this sale at only . 5.98 Men’s fancy hull’hose, worth 15c a pair, in this 15c 25c 5c 35c 19c sale two pairs for J. I’. Coats thread, seven spools for .... Fireside ball thread, ten balls for Hoys’ knee pants in all sizes, well worth and 50c, sale price 500 elegant self heating smoothing irons given away free of charge. COME AND GET ONE. A. E. BROD 10 Greenville Street Newnan, Georgia Sixty new arrivals. No old, weather beaten, damaged stock to work off. udeDaker Ask any farmer who uses a Studebaker farm wagon and he^ will tell you that it lias cost him less for repairs and has given him longer service than any other wagon he ever owned. The Studebakers are the largest vehicle manufacturers in the world; they get first pick of materials; have unusual facilities; their more than fifty years experi ence has shown them how to build the best vehicle on earth. These reasons have put Studebaker Vehicles and Harness in the front rank. Exceptional materials, exceptional facilities, exceptional experi ence, exceptional skill, produce exceptional goods. You don’t buy a wagon or car riage or a set of harness very often. Why not be sure you arc getting the best? The more you investigate the Studebaker turn, the more you will be satisfied as to its superioritv. It’s the kind of bargain which the longer — you have it the better you like it. Come in and see. Orr & Powell, Newrva^rv, Georgia. Ordinary’s Notices. lie Is sufficiently learned that knows bow to do well and bas power enough to refralu from evil.—Cicero . ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. GEORGIA—Coweta county. By virtue of an order of the Court ot Ordinary of said county, xvill be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in Ootober, 1906, before the court house door in Coweta oounty. between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate and bank stock, situated in Cow eta county, Ga., to-xvit: An undivided •J-:! interest in one acre, more or less, of land located in city of Nexvimn, in wes tern side of said city, known as the U. B. Wilkinson property, and hounded south and west by J. J. Keith, east by Line Street, north by Capt. Holland., Size, 200x1115 feet. Also, five shares of Coweta National Bank stock, No. 81, of Newnau, Ga. ! Par value’of $100,00 per share. Sold os the property of the estate of Jiunes T. Wester, deceased. Terms cash. , This Sept. 3rd,1900. John D. Wester, Admr._of Jus. T. Wester, deceased. Tho family of Miss Fannie Starr have the sincere sympathy of the entire city on account of the death of that estimable lady, which oc curred last Sunday,after an illness lasting several weeks. Fever was the cause of the young lady’s death. The funeral occurred at the home on Monday and was in charge of Dr. (i. A. Ninitially. The deceased was a member of the First Baptist church. The young people from this city who were guests of Col. and Mrs. ,1. C. Woodward in College Park have returned home, after being delightfully entertained for several days. The party was composed of Misses Mary .Tones, Julia Mae Hackney. Christine Cole, Bessie Powell, Ruth Whatley, Nansie Clare Freeman, Ruth Hardaway, Ysabel Salbide, Miriam Atkiusou aud Mr. Johu D. Faver. GEORGIA—Coweta County. T. F. Rawls, administrator of estnte of Roliurt H. Moore, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for Letters of Dismission from his said trust, all persons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in October next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Sept. 3rd, 1907. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coweta County. L. id. Farmer, administrator of estnte of Cornelia A. Dennis, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for leave to sell the lands of said decensed, all persons concerned are re quired to show cause in said Court by the first Mon lay in Ootober next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Sept. 3rd. 11)0(5. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coweta County. L. M. Farmer, administrator of estate of Lnura N. Hubbard, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for leav“ to sell the lauds of said deceased, all persons concerned are re quired to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in October next, if auy they oan, why said application should not be granted. This Sept. 3rd, 1906. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coxveta County. T. F. Rawls, oounty Adtur., adminis trator of estate of Mary ,T. Freeman, de ceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for leave to sell lands of sniil deceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday iu Octo ber next, if any they can, why said ap- ; plication should not be granted. This | Sept. 3rd, 1906. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. ,—, GEORGIA—Coweta County. | The estate of Moses Smith, late of said County, deceased, being unrepresented and not likely to be represented, nil per- j sons concerned are required to show cause in the Court of Ordinary of said County, on the first Monday in October next, why such administration should i not be vested in the County Adminis trator. This Sept. 3rd, 1906. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. DESIRABLE FARM OF 600 ACRES. NEAR GRANTVILLE, FOR SALE. i GEORGIA—Coxveta County, Will be sold at public out-crv before the court house (\por in Newnan, Ga., on the first Tuesday in October next, during tiie lawful hours for sales, all that tract or parcel of laud situated iu ; the 3rd distriot of Coweta county, com monly known as the Zellars farm, em- braciug all of lots of iaud Nos. 13 and i 1-1; tbe east half of lot No. 15, aud the j east half of lot No. 22; containing iu all six hundred acres, more or Ipss, and bounded north by L W. Bohannon;west by ,T. R Cotton and Beavers; soutli by J. E. Dean and M. B. Lambert, and east by Glenn Arnold and L. W. Bohannon. This farm is one of the most valuable and desirable in this section of the county. It is xvell looated on public road, three miles northwest of Grant- ville; has four good houses, plenty of timber, 50 aores of fine bottom land, and convenient to schools and churches. Sold by consent of and for the pur pose of partition between the heirs of Mrs. Ella Zellars, deceased, all of whom xvill join in making a good and sufficient warranty deed to the same. Possession will be given at the end of the present year or as soon as the present tenants can gather and move their crops. For further information apply to T. E. Zellars or T. M. Zejlars, Grautville, Ga. Titles perfect. Terms cash on being put in possession. This Sept, fith, l‘J06. T. E. Zellar3, T. M. Zellars, Mrs. Jessie A. Word, Mrs. Ellen G. Camp, Emma Belle Zellars, Ella Estelle Zellars, Heirs at law of Mrs. Ella Zellars, Dee’d. I The laxative effect of Chamberlain I Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agre ‘ able and so natural you cau hardly res i ize that it is produced by a niedicin j These tablets also cure indigestion. F I sale by Penistou & Lee, Newnan, Ga.