The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 14, 1906, Image 5

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J. T. IKU.l.KM AN, rHI>»Dr.N T. '.V. i.. KKM1\ VICIM’RES. AM) TK KAs .1. \\\ AXPRKWS, SKCR KTAKY. Lf;A\S OF S1.000 YO $20,000 PLACED AT LOW RATES ON IMPROVED FARMS IN THIS COUNTY If you desire such a Loan, write us fully. THE SOUTHERN MORTGAGE CO. aas Atlanta, Georgia. Attorney Wanted to Act Local Correspondent | Local News of Newnan" •T. T. Williams was in Atlanta last Wednesday. L. It. Powell pays the highest prices for hides. tf Miss Knth (’ole has returned from Adairsville. Buy your sidewalk tile from the Newnan Tile Works. tf Miss Kate Snead has returned from Borden-Wheeler Springs. Dr. Anderson, Dentist; gas ad ministered; Salbide Bldg. tf Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Damp visited relatives in Palmetto this week. WANTED—Two hoarders; men prefered. Apply at News olliee. Will Hugh Pinson, of Cordell*, was in Newnan the lirst of this week. J. J. (loodrum, dr., was down from Atlanta last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Will Hackney, of New York City, is the guest of relatives in Newnan. I). W. Boone, who is in New York City, is expected to return next Tuesday. Mrs. Jones and Miss Ethel Jones, of Canton, <«a., are the guests of Mrs. Lela Adams. Will Rowel has returned to Alexander City, Ala., where he will buy cotton this season. Misses Jessie and Jennie Lou Word, of Atlanta, were among the visitors in Newnan this week. Drs. I. C. W. Smith and R. B. Durrett, of Palmetto, were among Mayor <1. H. 1'rquahart, of Turin, was among the prominent gentlemen in attendance at court this week. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hughie is in a critical condi tion ami is expected to live but a short time. C. J. Barron is enlarging and improving his residence on the corner of Washington and St. Clair streets. Sept, liith and 20th, (matinee Tuursday afternoon) the great Francis Comedy Co. appears at the Auditorium. Mrs. Wade Dent spent Friday in Atlanta. Miss Frances Herring has re turned to Shorter College. The condition of Mr. R. C. Moore who has been critically ill for a couple of weeks, is somewhat improved. Mr. W. S. Dent is expected home Sunday and will have as liis guest Mr. Roy Dent, of Washing ton, D. C. C. N. Fuller’s famous musical eohiedy company of 25 artists comes to the Newnan Auditorium Sept. 1 Pth and 20th. Col. Leon Hood, a brilliant young attorney of Carrollton, was called to Newnan this week by the j illness of Mr. Roy Merrill’s little daughter. Mrs. J. T. Harrison and little daughter, Gladys, went to Roan oke. Ala., last Saturday for an ex tended visit with relatives and i , . lnends. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Fisher re turned Tuesday from a delightful visit to Lookout and Chickamauga. Mi. and Mrs. J. R. Holt mid j While at Chickamauga they were Mrs. Minnie Varner have returned from a stay of several weeks in ' New York (’ity. John M. Strickland, Es<|., from the eastern part of Coweta county, was among the prominent citizens in town Tuesday. Dr. George II. Stubb«, of Rip- ! minghani, was in Newnan the lirst j of this week the guest of his bro- |> | ther, A. W. Stubbs. Books issued during August by I Carnegie Library: Fiction, P2d; Classed Literature, 55; total, list. Mrs. D. B. Wood roof, Libr’n. Mr. Pierce DePass, of Arcadia, Fla., is a recent addition to thciville. population of Newnan. He holds a position with D. T. Mangel A Co. Lace curtains, portiere cur tains, rugs, mattings, art squares, blankets in our annex, over Far mer A Lee’s store. P. F. Cuttino it Co'. the guests of Mrs. Gordon Lee. , Tailored (’omniandery, No. II, Knights Templar, meets this (Fri day) evening and there will be work in the Red Cross degree. All Knights are urged to be present. FOR RENT—Four-horse farm, j or two two-horse farms in Second District on Newnan A Greenville For terms, etc., apply to R. F. Hunter, Newnan, Ga. tf ’ Miss Marlin Peavy is again in charge of tin* music department of the llogansville school. She is an accomplished musician and is win-j ing deserved success in Hogans-! (’apt. Habersham King and i family have given up their home! on Savannah street and will be! with Mrs. Ella Leverett, on Green-j ville street, during the autumn j and winter. Mr. Will Barron and little daughter, Gladys, of Bowden, were the guests of Mr. W. H. Holmes and family the first of this the attendants at court this week. week. For Sale—Several hundred jugs Misses Georgia —just the thing to put new syrup Mize, of Iron City, in. .1. B. Broadwater, Newnan, Ga. -t Mrs. H. J’. Woodroofand Miss Emily Woodroof, after a delight ful visit of several weeks to the family of Mr. Goo. Sponcler, re turned to their home in Savannah last Tuesday. THE NEW STOVE STORE We have leased the Carpenter Building, formerly occupied by Darden & Stephens, and have made it exclusively a ^tove sftore. This is without a doubt the largest display of High Class Stoves and Ranges ever put on the Newnan market. In this new ^tove ^tore we have stoves for wood, stoves for coal, sftoves with four eyes, stoves with six eyes, small-oven stoves, large-oven stoves, stoves up to $25.00, {ftoves down to $6.25 Mr. and Mrs. Erie Adams re turned a few days ago from a trip to New York and other Eastern cities. J. T. Harrison, of West New nan, left this city Tuesday for West Point, where he will visit parents. Hon. 8. L. Whatley, from Young’s Tanyard, was shaking hands with friends in Newnan last Tuesday. Franc Campbell, P. G. Stanley, Jim Carmical and Miss Clestelle McLeroy were guests at a barbe cue last Wednesday, given at Ros- coeby Messrs. King and Estes. Our line of toilet articles is now complete. Me have just received a fresh supply from Colgate and others, and can please the most fanciful. We men tion a few of them : Talcum Powders Dental Powders Perfumes Toilet Waters Toilet S^aps ,Cold Cream Sachet Powders Peniston&Lee Druggists. and America \la., are vis iting Mr. (). M. Cavender and fam ily and other relatives in Coweta county. Mrs. C. T. Bailey, of this city, who was bitten by a spider about a week ago, was painfully ill for several days as a result, but lias recovered. Miss Virginia Freeman, of Se- noia, was in the eity last night on j her way to Forsyth to enter the Monroe Female College.—Grillin News and Sun. Mr. Spence Darden and family, of the Third district, will return to nan about October 1st. They removed to the country several months ago. Work is progressing on Mr. R. D. (’ole, Jr.’s residence on East Broad street. It will lie one of the handsomest homes in the city when completed. Mr. Jack Woodroof, having passed the examinations success fully, goes to the Philippines in government employ as civil engi neer early in October. The laxative effect of Chamberlain’H Stomach and Liver Tablets is so a^ree- ahle anil bo natural you can hardly real- | i/.c that it 1h produced by a medicine. Miss Mattie lteed Robinson left 1 ThcHc tablets also cure iiicli B eHt,ion. For huIc by PauiHton & Lee, Newnan. Ga. The dramatic season at the Au- ditori it in opens Sept, liith and 20th when the Francis Comedy Co. comes for two performances and matinee. This great company of 25 artists presents the latest met ropolitan successes. Newnan last Tuesday for Birming ham, where she has accepted a po sition in Birmingham Seminary. She will have charge of Latin and French classes. Special value, excellent quality j tapestry Brussells rug 11x12 feet, price $12. The patterns are slight- j ly mismatched, but not enough to Mr. M* Doggin, who lives show. In our annex. 'near McCollum and who was P. F. Cuttino A Co. stricken with paralysis last week, ..... , , I is improving. He is an old and An October wedding ol great in- . . ... , , . .. . . ... . . respected citizen and his lnends tercst in Newnan will be that ol . , . ... .. ,, .. ,, , „ ... , trust he will lully recover Irom Mr. Paul Smith and Miss Ethel . .... . . this condition. Brown, two popular young people who have a host of friends here Messrs. Yeager and Chaffin have and elsewhere. TT 1 ? K10WI ' y sUm! in ° ne of the Hood store rooms on Vernon Mrs. C. C. Cox, Miss Alice Cox street. The linn is composed of and Miss Florence Doyle, the M - Y «ager, formerly of Madras, guests of Miss Jennie Cates for several days, have returned to their respective homes in College Park and Atlanta. You are invited to visit our New De partment in our annex over Farmer & Lee’s store, where we are now showing a complete line of Coats, Suits, Skirts, etc., for women, Wraps for children, Waists, Dressing Sacques, Kimonos, etc. for women, Floor Coverings of all kinds, Curtains, Blankets, etc. We are daily receiving new goods to add to this line and will soon have the largest s f tock of the kind ever shown in this section. and M. L. of Grantvillc, Graphic. Challin, formerly (la.—LaG range Mrs. N. B. Hudson, who is at a sanitarium in Atlanta, is improv ing. A surgical operation per ! ' | formed last week was entirely suc cessful, and she will lie able to re turn home at an early date. The warehouse in this eity for- i Mr. ami Mrs. A. B. Edge, for. I '"“"“f 1 .j’y lato <**•■ merlv well-k.,ow„ reddent* of | ^ W. Powel, w.ll be mai.«ge<Uhl» j v , season by Messrs. A. R. Bnrdett Newnan, are now residing in Mont- , , ’ . . . . .. and T. F. Shackleford. Mr. J. H. gomery, Ala., to which city they' ... . . ... ... . J i Summers will lie in charge of the removed irom Atlanta. , h warehouse. Pat Autry, a popular employe of I , . \Yeare now showing a complete Powell’s Market, dropped a large , 1 line ol ladies’ ready-made suits, block ol ice on one ol his ieet sev- . , . . .... ’ . . ,. , . , . and besides will take special orders io and is confined to his , . , , r where we haven’t the size in stock. eral days ago home as a result of the accident. Miss Dollie Bob Hardy, of Se- noia, was in the city last night on her way to Columbus, where she will spend several days with friends.—Griffin News and Sun. This department is located in our annex, over Farmer A Lee’s store. J*. F. < hittino A < 'o. John D. Faver left for LaGra'nge the first of September, where he holds a responsible position with a Secretary of State Philip Cook wholesale grocery store. His suc- has forwarded to Ordinary L. A. j cessor as book-keeper for I). T. Perdue the necessary blanks for | Manget & Co. is Frank G. Hughes, the State election to be held ou|j r . )a we ]j known Georgia com- Oct. 3rd. The election occurs on • mercial traveler who has lieen with first Wednesday in next month. ]this firm since August 1st. When you are Getting glasses Get them right. Have them fitted us they should In*. Have the lenses made for YOU—to your measure, so to speak. Then you may read when you like, where you like, and as long as you like, and you’ll not need to turn and twist the book in order to ease your eyes. Not an eye pain or an ache, after you begin to wear the proper glasses, no headaches, no inconveniences at all. Today would be a good time to begin to have your eyes look ed after. Consultation and ad vice are free any time you call. H. S. BAHT A The new ^love sftore’s range fitock consists of ranges with high warming closets, ranges with plain shelves, ranges with ca^t fire linings, ranges with water coils for city use ranges with enamel lined reservoirs for use where there is no water pressure. It will be a pleasure to us to show you through our new £tove department. Newnan Hardware Company II Greenville st. Phone 148. p. F. CUTTINO & C0MPAN 1 V NOTICE. I have just bought the stock of the Newnan Furniture Co. and will continue the business at their same stand, where I hope to supply former patrons of the Newnan Furniture Co., as well as new customers, with anything in my line at reason able prices. I will keep a nice line of everything to furnish your house from kitchen to parlor, and earnestly solicit your trade. Respectfully, 25 J. N. MARBURY. Auditorium SEPT. 19 AND 20 and Matinee Have your mules and burses in sured in Hie Mutual Life Stock In surance Company of Georgia. Full face value of all policies will be paid. For information and terms, ; calt on or write to J. W. Wiil coxon, agent for Coweta anil Car- i roll counties, Newnan, Ga. tf Money bo loan on real estate st 7 per I oent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. Francis Musical Comedy Co. 25 Artists and Big Beauty Chorus Presenting Metropolitan Successes New features, songs and jokes, gorgeous costumes, brilliant scenery, magnificent spectacles DON’T MISS IT! Mrs. R. M. Lightfoot, of Ros well, is expected soon to visit her brother, Mr. Ellison Richards.