The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, October 19, 1906, Image 7

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We Don’t Lose Any Time when called on to do plumbing. If you discover a leak Prompt Plumbing Action is what you want. Always get us lor plumbing if you want it well done. We don't charge high and are always ready to come. W. L. SEXTON. The Newnan Plumber. New A null bniltlilig. Phone 1511 £ Legal Advertisements^ NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to nil creditors of the estate of Mrs. Lnnm N. Huhhnrd, Inte of snid county, deceased, to render in nn ncconnt of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made out. All persons indebt ed to snid deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the un dersigned. This Stli day of Sept., 100(1 -8 L. M. FARMER, Admr. NOTICE TO DEBTORS! AND CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of Mrs. Cornelia A. Dennis, Inte of snid county, deoensed, to render in nil ncconnt of their demnnds to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made our. Alt persniis indebt ed to said deoensed nro hereby requested to make immediate payment to the un dersigned. This 8th day of Sept., 1000. 28 L. M. FARMER. Admr. T. M. MARTIN Does all kinds of Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. Expert work niul low prices win. Shop op posite Pinson Hotel. fptnlLn^D-^KnfOCn-v Jinlt?lnHnfJtrilH?riltnnanK)tlfillPipaniOPmanlpi DR. T. B. DAVIS, Residence Telephone No. 5-3 Calls. DR. W. A. TURNER. Residence Telephone No. 64. Drs. Davis & Turner Physicians and Surgeons Newnan, Georgia. Offices in Sanatorium Building, corner College and Hancock streets. Tele phone No. 5-2 oalls. Z. Greene, D. D. 8., Office on Second Floor of Blacky Bros. Co.’s Building L. M. Farmer, LAWYER. Office on Second Floor of the Arnall Merchandise Co.’s Building Dr. C. A. Smith, VETERINARIAN. Treats all diseases of domestic animals Oalls answered day or night. Office at Gearreld’s Livery Stable. HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE We earnestly request nil younpr persons, no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and good posi tion, to write by first mail for our great half-rate offer. Success, independence and probable fortune are guaranteed. Don’t d*day. Write today. The Ga.-Ala. Business College, Macon, Ga. it Rex f f The famous STALLION. ■REX,” is iow ready for service. Fee #10.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Paul Dominick, Turin, Ga. BUGGY FOR - $48.00 SALE First-clast leather quarter-top buggy guar- mteed: set of single buggy harness, *fl.(W. Georgia Vehicle M’f’g Company, 5J W. Mitchei.i. St., Atlanta, Ga. ADMINISTRATOR S SALES. GEORGIA—Coweta County. By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinnry of said county, will he sold at pnhlio outcry, on the first Tuesday in November, 1110(1, nt the court house in said county, between the usual hours of sale, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of Laura N. Hubbard, late of said coun ty, deceased, to wit: 18?'-j aores, more or less, of lot of land No. 147, snmo be ing all of said lot, except. 20 acres on the east sice, extending entirely noross said lot and -15 aores, more or less, ex tending entirely across the west side of snid lot. ten chains wide; also s aores, more or less, in tho.southwest corner lot 14(1, same being all of snid lot 14(5,south of Comer Creek, exoopt. a strip ten olinins wido, on the west side of said parcel of said lot 14(5, all in the 4th dis trict, Coweta county, Ga.; also 25 acres in |die northwest corner of the east * tt of lot No. 204, in the 8rd district, Coweta county, Ga.; all in one body and con- tainiiiK 170*.,' acres, more or less Sold for rhi' purpose of paying debts of de ceased and for distribution among the heirs at . law. Terms cash. This Oct. :i, 11)08, L. M. FARMER, Administrator of Laura N. Hubbard. GEORGIA—Cowetn County. By virtue of an order from tlm court of Ordinary of said comity, will be sold at public outcry, on the first. Tuesday in November, 1110(1, at the court house in said county between the usual hours of sale, the following described real estate belonging to tho eetate of Cornelia A. Dennis, deceased, ta-wit: All that tract, or pared of land, lying in the First dis trict, and known in the plan ot said district ns lot of land No. one hundred and sixty-nine (1(50), except forty aores in the southeast, corner, containing one hundred and sixty-two and half (1(52 * a ) acres, more or less; also thirty (20) acres in the southwest corner of lot No. 17!5, in tho plan of said district, con taining in all 102*' B acres, more or loss, except one-half acre used for school pur poses by Farmdale school so long as school continues. Sold for the purpose of paying debts of deoensed and for dis tribution among tho lieirsatlaw. Terms cash. This Oot. !i, 190(5. L. M. FARMER, Administrator of Cornelia A Dennis. Ordinary’s Notices. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Geo, A. Kempson, guardian of Albert. Hubert and Mary Kempson, having ap plied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of dismission from his said trust, all persons concerned are re quired to show cause in said Court on First Monday in November, next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This, October 2d, 190(5. L. A. Perdue, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coweta County: In the Court, of Ordinary. In the matter of J. H. Wynn vs. J. T. and L. E. Arnall, et al. Petition to compel ti tles to land. To the heirs at law of .T. F. Arnall, deceased: Take notice, that at the next term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, to he held on the first Monday in November, lOOfi, 10 o'clock a. rn., I will pass upon tin: application of J. H.Wynu to compel the administrators of J. F. Arnall, deceased, to make titles to laud on bond for titles, said application hav ing been filed in due form. This October 2d, 190(5. L. A. Perdue, Ordinary. known as the John W. Arnold home stance, composed in part of wood place, and hounded north by lands of fibr „ an(1 jn v , a t of wa . the estate of John \V. Colley: east by T. ^ M. Zellars; south by Mrs. Jennie Sad ler, and west by M. B. Lambert. Pos- If the pulp-maker is not also a session will he given on or by January 1, paper-maker this liquid will be i'k)7. pumped upon what is known as Sold us the property of John W. Ar- die "wet machine,” upon which nold, late of said county, deoensed. ! Terms, #500 cash, and balance on giv iug possession. This 17th day of September, 190(5. N. O. Banks, Executor of the Last Will nud Testa ment of John W. \rnold. 29 Sheriff’s Sale. the fine fibres are gathered in a sort of felt and the water, or a greater portion of it, is pressed out. The substance will then be a layer of material something similar in general appearance to a sheet of very damp and coaise blotting paper. Hut as a rule the pulp and paper mills are parts of one manufacturing plant, and in GEORGIA— Cewetn County. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Newnan, said State ! su ^h case the liquid pulp, instead and county, between the legal hours of of going to the wet machine, will sale, on the first Tuesdny in November, be pumped into a refining engine 190(5, the following described property, , ()r washing engine. This is a big to-wit: An undivided one-fifth (1-5) in- ,, terestin fractional lot of land, number | ob,on S tub, in which the fibres are lfil, in the Sixth District of Cowetn paddled and thrashed about and in county, Ga., containing 1(5(5aores, more which a small portion of sulphite or less, and being that part of said lot; fibre and also a small portion of owned and possessed by Obedinh Wynn , a | C( or some othcr|| lnR sub . nt the time of his death. Levied on ns ^ , . , ... u stance, is mixed. Then the mix- the property of Glenn B. Wynn, to . satisfy a fi, fa. issued from thooity court ture is half stock, so called. It is of Newnan in favor of Davis & Turner pumped along through various vs. said Glenn B. Wynn. Tenant in pos- pipes and vats and presently upon session notified in terms of the law. This Oot. 1, 19IH5. J L BROWN, Sheriff. Quinsy,Sprains and Swellings Cured "In November, 1901, I caught cold nud had the quinsy. My throat was swollen sol could hardly breathe. 1 ap piece of thechatiism as the modern another screen, in order that any odds and ends which should not get into the paper may he removed. Then it is ready for the foundrimer machine. This is about as interesting a plied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it gave uie relief in a short time. In two days 1 was all right," says Mrs. L.Cous ins, Otterburn, Mich. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is a liniment and is especial ly valuable for sprains and swellings. For sale by Peniston & Lee, Druggists. James Jenkins, Prnotioal Painter: It's sound sense that we tell you. Your work costs less dollars and is best, every time you use tho L. & M. Paiut. You do more painting with one gallon of L. & M. than with two gallons of other paints and the L. i*t M. Zinc har dens the L. & M. White Lead and makes the L. <Si M. Paint wear like iron. 4 gallons L. & M. mixed with H gal lons Linseed Oil will paint a moderate sized house. Actual cost L. & M. about #1.20 pel gallon. A. T. Terrell, Uiverheud, N. Y., Writes: "1(5 years ago painted with L. <!t M. Only now requires repainting.” Sold by ALEXANDER POPE. Newnan, Ga. Turning Wood Into Paper. It is a simple but interesting operation, this making of paper out of a spruce tree. First the tree is cut in the forests of North ern New York, New Hampshire or Maine, It will be seven inches in diameter at least and as much more as may be. It will be hauled to the river—for a river is almost indispensable, therefore it should be taken for granted that there is a river—and will be rafted with others down the stream to a point near the mill, where there is a boom to hold the accumulation of logs. Then it will be hauied out of the water by means of hooks at tached to an endless chain and de livered to the saw-mili, where it will be cut into lengths of from sixteen to forty inches, according to convenience. These sticks of wood are next lightning press. The most im portant feature of it is the four driner wire, which is an endless wire cloth, perhaps ten or eleven feet wide and forty or fifty feet in length, Upon one end of this wire cloth the pulp is pumped,and, as it is c.irried along, the water is drawn from it beneath by means ol a su :tion apparatus, and by a vibrntii g motion the little line fibres are evenly cistrihuted in such a manner (h at some of them lie lengthwise and some of them crosswise on the cloth In this manner, as the water is withdrawn, the pulp becomes ‘‘felted” into a semblance of a sheet of paper. As it leaves the fourdrinier wire it passes between various pairs of rollers, which complete the drying, regulate the thickness and give a finished surface to the paper, and presently it issues from the other end of the machine an endless strip of newspaper; then it is slit to its proper width, wound upon reels and is ready for shipment to the printing office. This sheet of paper in various mills will be from loo to 130 in ches wide, and in some of our big gest mills it will issue from the fourdrinier machine at the rate of 300 feet a minute. This is making paper pretty fast.—The Home Ad vocate. Have You Noticed That I have built a large addition to my house? Well, T have; and that means I am here to stay, and in order to carry the stock necessary to do a prosperous business I had to have room. 1 am receiving new goods every day and can supply your wants. See some of the line 1 carry— Parlor Furniture, Bed-Room Furniture, Din ing Room Furniture, Kitchen Furniture, Pic ture Frames, Mirrors, Window Shades, Mat tings, Wall Paper. 1 also do up-to-date undertaking, and my fine Funeral Car is at the disposal of mv customers. Our prices art' right. DEPOT ST. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, 6A. NEWNAN MARBLE WORKS J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of marble and granite. GEORGIA MARBLE A SPECIALTY All -work guaranteed to be first class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work and get prices. IRON FENCE OF ALL KINDS FOR 8ALE OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR THE RAILROAD JUNCTION NEWNAN, CEORCIA TO SUBSCRIBERS. The News receives complaints each week from subscribers who fail to get this paper. Some of the complaints come from citizens ol Newnan and others come trom elsewhere. Sometimes a subscrib er seems to think his name has been dropped from our subscrip- x “'-ov. “I,” "TT j tion Psts, or that the paper is not conveyed to tne “barker, which , ,. ..... , . . , mailed to him regularly. I his is is a revolving dish of iron, covered with sharp, cutting edges, the mis sion of which is to shave off the bark. Then the block of wood is ready for the grinder. This is a grindstone ot first-rate quality, some times two feet in thickness and several feet in diameter, which is made to revolve witn very high speed. Surrounding the stone is a cast-iron hood, into the circum ference of which are fitted two, three and perhaps four cast-iron boxes, into which the sticks of wood are placed. The wood is regularly not the case. The News’ list of subscribers is in type in this of fice and the system of mailing used makes it next lo impossible to omit mailing the paper to every name on the lists each week. . uhscribers who fail to get The News regularly should inquire of their carrier or postmaster and en deavor to locate the trouble. The publisher of this paper wants every subscriber to get The News tegularly and promptly; and we believe the postmasters and car riers desire to handle The News How to Cure a Cold. ie question of how to cure a cold lout unnecessary loss of time is one Inch we are all more or less inter- 1, for flie quicker a cold is gotten >f, the less the danger of pueumouia other serious diseases. B. W. L. , of Waverly, Va., has used Cham- iin’s Cough Remedy for years and : "I firmly believe Chamberlain’s gh Remedy to be absolutely the best oration on the market for colds. 11 , recommended it to my friends and J - all agree with me,” For sale by: Is ton & Lee, Druggists. EXECUTOR'S SALE. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Coweta coanty, will be sold at auction at. the court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in No vember, next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: 140 Eicres of land, more or less, off of the west side of lot of laud No. 272, in the Third Laud District, but now in the Grautville Militia District of said coun ty, it being all of said Lot No. 272, ex cept 100 acres owned by T. M. Zellars off the east half or side of said lot and forced against the grindstone by a . , , „ , ., ” , , v , with accuracy and dispatch; so if piston, worked by hydrauuc pres . .. „ _, ‘ , , J J ‘ : you fail to get The News, mention and as the stone revolves Hr, the matter to carrier or postmas- sure, is ground into exceedingly fine fibres, like infinitesimal bits of. hair. A stream of water plays upon j the stone constantly and washes ter and an effort will be locate the cause. made to 28 Mr. B. H. Tompkins, one of this "fibre or "ground wood" down I Htard ' s bi ^ est Pinters, sold for- upon a screen, which is placed be ' t y fcur bl!es of cotlon in Newnan low. This screen has a vibrating motion, by virtue of which and of the stream of water and of a bel- lows-bottom, the fine fibres are forced through fine holes in a brass plate. The result is a liquid, sub last Thursday for ten cents per pound, netting him twenty-two hundred dollars.—Last week’s Franklin News and Banner. The wise man wil) not put his trust in the labels on the can. Canned Fruits and Vegetables On our hIh'Ivds lire hundreds of eiius of moice, fresh (‘aimed fruits and vegetal ilex. Careful housekeepers will find this store of canned goods very us Till to draw supplies from, as they can al ways give orders with the certainty of getting what they desire and getting it promptly. We especially recommend the following from our can lied goods stock: ('ora, (Succotash, Hominy, Beans, Tumutns, Vegetable Soup, Okra, Corn and Tomatoes, Kraut, Lima Keans, Fork and Keans. C. P. STEPHENS S CO., Proprietors of the New BaKery. Telephone No. 31. ••♦se&eeaees < Sewing Machines at Slaughtered Prices. 100 machines, guaranteed to do good work, going at $5 each. 25 machines, good as new but slightly defaced, going from $10 to $25 each. All drop head ma chines. Reduced prices for cash or on easy terms. Singer Sewing Machine Company M. L. DUKE, Man. West Side Square Newnan, Georgia Tax Notice. The tax lxioks are open at the Council Chamber for the payment of real and personal taxes due the city for the year 1906. 29 E. D. FOUSE, Clerk. The man who boasts of his par tisanship exposes his narrowness. REGISTRATION NOTICE. The city registration books are now open in the clerk’s office at the city hall and citizens who wish to qualify for the city election, to lie held Saturday, Dec. 1st, 1906, are required to register. Please register early and avoid the rush. 31 B. D. FOUSE,City Clerk.