The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 02, 1906, Image 4

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SOCIETY NEWS AND NOTES D»nt Mtrcki ties and is admired by a large eir ele of friends. Her departure from that city occasioned regret am on ^ the young friends who had grown iip with her. Mr. Dent has a numlier of friends, is pleasantly known social ly and is a man of line business ( ability. Mr. and Mrs. Dent willin' at home to their friends at their cot tage on Temple A venue. One of the prettiest weddings taking place in Gainesville this tall .was that of Miss Marry la— Merck and Mr. hid ward Rawson Dent, of New nan, which was sol emnized at high noon. Thursday, in the presence of a large gather ing of friends. The entire lower lloor of the pretty home on Green Street whs decorated with palms, smilii\ and chrysanthemums. In the drawing room, where the cere mony was performed by Rev. ,1. It. King, was an improvised altar of green, making a picturesque setting for the bridal party, which " ,a,lc attractive wi,h fer,,H ’ V,lM( “ s entered from the rear had. First ‘’hrywnthomnms and salvia, came the little ribbon bearers. Mrs. Johnson received her guests Misses Frances and Sarah Hobbs, in a ,,ah,l >' "rial, over lavender in their airy frocks of chiffon and silk ’ a " d Mi * s ,,an is was v " r >' at ' lace and pink sash,*, followed by traetive in a lovely white embroi- the groom and his best man, Mr. ml, ll. T. .1. Fisher. The bride entered UU ‘ r an Intereating game, a do- with her maid of honor, MiH J HHous salad course was served. Ethel Ashford, and never looked M,s ’ ,,u y ( ’ ole won the ,lrst prettier than on this occasion,with , 1 ,riz ‘‘> a ' ,ai,,t 'V ,K,X ? a,,d her wedding gown of chiffon and ! M, » Julia May Hackney received Euchre Parly. Mrs. Mamie Johnson’s euchre party Monday afternoon was a de lightful affair, complimentary to Mis>- Lucie Harris, of Carrollton. The tables were placed in the par lor and drawing room; which were Miss King greeted her guests in her usual cordial manner, attrac tively dressed in a white wash chif fon. Mrs. Holmes wore a white crepe-de-ohine, made princess, and lace trimmed. Mrs. Poole was handsomely gowned in a light gray voil over silk,with a touch of blue. In coiltesting for the prizes Miss Julia May Hackney won the first prize', a lovely silk scarf. Miss Cozart drew the consolation, a chatelaine mirror; and Mrs. Poole received the guests' prize, a water color painting. After the game the guests were invited in the dining room, where a tempting luncheon wfts served from the buffet. pranks of Hallowe’en. The house was quite attractive with pot plants and vases of cut flowers. A tempting salad course was served buffet style. Those present were: Misses Bes sie Powell, Katie A mail, Belle Vernon King, Virginia Freeman, (’lift Hollinshead and Annie Vic Cozart; Messrs. Frank Hughes, Frank Lee, Pierce DePass, Mr. Simmons, I. N. Orr, Cleveland Orr, Jack Powell, Cliff Glover and Bob ()rr. North-Pinion. lace and long veil caught to her dark hair with a spray of orange blossoms. Her lioipict was a beau tiful one of bride’s roses and show er of null's of the valley. Miss Ashford was gowned in a French toilet of pink silk, carry ing pink roses tied with tulle. Four pretty little girls, Misses Clara Parker, Gertrude Williams, I rstila Christopher and Kuhy Merck served the luncheon. the consolation, a deck of cards. Miss Harris was presented with a special guests’ prize. Those present were: Mesdames Sanders Gibson, P. B. Murphey^ W. A. Turner, F. B. Cole, W. A. Wright, DeWitte Poole, Guy Cole, N. 10. Powel, J. T. Fain, J. T. Kirby; Misses May <'ampin'll,Julia May Hackney, Annie Vie Cozart, Lucie Harris. Annie Powell, Liz zie Arnold, Belle Vernon King, The presents, whieh were mini-! Nol,ie ,,otts ’ 13mraa crons and handsome, were display-! Potta ’ ,ieH8l ° 1, ° w « 11 ’ Virginia •si iu the hack parlor. 1 Fm ‘ man anrt Lou Walton. parlor A I ter showers of enugratu lations, Mr, and Mrs. Dent left on the noon .train for Nownan. The bride’s Euchre P.rty. Miss Belle Vernon King enter traveling suit was a stylish brown tuiued last Friday afternoon at a cloth with a touch of gold. j pretty euchre party that was a Mrs. Dent, us Miss Merck, was charming compliment to Mrs. (.’ul- one of Gainesville’s most popular vin Holmes, of Atlanta, Mrs. De mid accomplished young ladies.: Witte Poole and several of the She possesses many amiable quail- visiting young ladies. The quiet and impressive wed ding of Mrs. Lucy Pinson and Dr. A. C. North took place Wednesday evening at' 4:30 o’clock at the the home of the bride’s cousin, Mrs. Louis Hill, on LaGrange Street. There were present only the im mediate family and intimate friends of the bride and groom. Rev. J. 8. Hardaway performed the ceremony. Mrs. North represents one of the oldest and most prominent families of the city. She fs gentle in her liearing, and loved by all who know her. Dr. North is a well known and prominent physician, having lived in this city for many years, and is a gentleman of exemplary charac ter. Dr. and Mi’s. North will beat home at their residence on Green ville Street. Hallowe'en Party. Miss Julia May Hackney enter tained Wednesday evening iu com pliment to Miss (’lift Hollinshead and Miss Annie Vic Cozart at a delightful party. The nature of the entertainment came as a pleas ant surprise to the guests who made merry the evening trying their fate and future with the G. E.. ADAMS Everything that’s good to eat. The Grocer Mrs. Miller, of Chattanooga, a sister-in-law of Mr. John L. Mil ler, of Newnun, died suddenly on Thursday morning of last week. She was the jnother of Jeannette Miller, the attractive little girl who has been w ith Mr. and Mrs. Miller at the Virginia House for some time. Rev. and Mrs. J. B. S. Davis will have a family reunion on the 11th of November, celebrating their 50th anniversary. There are many who esteem this worthy I couple and wish for them muny more happy years of married life. : Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Richards entertained at tea Thursday eve ning in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rawson I lent. The decorations of the table were lovely. Covers were laid for twelve and a delight ful course supper followed. \ Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Roberts, of Bartlesville, have recently moved to Newnun and are boarding with Mrs. Eugene Kirby. Mr. Roberts is connected with the new cotton mill and is a gentleman of fine business ability. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jack- son entertained most delightfully at tea last Friday in honor of Miss Alina Arnold and Mr. Charles Farmer, whose wedding occurs on the evening of November i4th. The members of the Euchre Club will hold a business meeting at the residence of Mrs. J. T. Fain on Tuesday afternoon at four o’clock. ! All members are urged to be i present. Mrs. J. E. Dent, Mrs. Ellison j Richards, Messrs. Robert Lovejoy, Tom Fisher and Alfred Broom went to Gainesville Wednesday to attend the Merck-Dent wedding. Rev. V. E. Manget, of Marietta, | visited his sons, 1). T. and V, E. j Manget, Jr., on Friday of last j week, leaving Monday to spend | the winter in Florida. Miss Lucie Harris, of Carrollton, returned home Tuesday, after a delightful visit to Miss Nelie Lou Walton and Mi’s. Mamie Johnson.! Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Scroggin, of j Turin, were the guests of Mrs. R., C. Moore several days last week and the first of this week. Miss Leize Holmes, who was the; charming guest of Miss Belle Ver- \ non King, left Friday for her | home in Atlanta. Mr. 1). T. Manget left Monday j on a business trip to New York 1 City and Connecticutt, to be away about ten days. Miss Clara Coggins, of Fldrida, returned Saturday from Atlanta to spend several days with Miss Lu- cile Thompson. Miss Belle Vernon King will leave Saturday to spend the re mainder of the winter with rela tives in Rome. Miss Sarah Elizabeth Vickers, of Washington, Ga., spent several days in the city last week with i friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ramey and | children, of Atlanta, spent the week end with relatives in the | city. The friends of Miss Barto Wynne will regret to learn -that she has been quite sick for several days. Mr. Calvin Holmes spent Sun- ! day in Newnan; Mrs. Holmes re- I turning to Atlanta with him Mon day. Miss Panjine Harris, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Turner left Saturday | for their home in Carrollton. Mr. Frank Wilkinson spent sev-! eral days in Hogausville last week. I Let US Help YOU Clean House We can help von if you are going to redecorate this fall or spring. How? Why, by supplying you with a new and better style of decoration, that can be put on without the fuss and dirt, the boards and trestles and buckets of unsavory paste of the paper hanger. A modern, approv ed method of wall decoration that is so simple in applica tion that von can do it yourself with ease and pleasure. This delightfully simple and satisfactory method is to tint your walls with .ALABASTINE The Sanitary Wall Coating We say “new” style—it must be new to you or it would have been on your walls long ago. We say “ap proved” advisedly, as Alabastine has been on the market for over a quarter of a century, and is the exclusive dec oration today on the walls of thousands of the best homes in America. The beauty of the Alabastine way is that once your dingy old wall paper is removed, you never have to repeat this unpleasant, profitless work of undoing. “Alabastine does not have to be removed.” You can put on a fresh coat whenever you want a new tint to harmonize with new furnishings—put it right over the old coat, and, unlike wall paper with its unwholesome paste, and glue burdened calcimines, you can put on ns many boats us you like and still have a fresh, cleun, sani- itary wall. Alabastine is a thin coating of a natural mineral ce ment. It nat only resists disease germs, but is a germ killer, and it’s healthful in other ways that we can ex plain to you. Alabastine comes in white and fourteen beautiful tints— : a pleasing variety of delicate, yet. rich and artistic shades. Come in and see the Art Portfolio, and ask for free color chart at G. R. BRADLEY’S ATTENTION! Young Men Seeking Fall Clo- J thes of Smartest Fashion j at Moderate Co^t. I i«i]T f f f *' If the question of being well dressed at little cost concerns you, then you will find it decidedly to your interest to come here and see the exceptional values we offer in Fine Clothing. There are certain style features embodied in our new models for young men not usual in ready-to-wear garments. Just come and let us show you the season’s smartest sack suits, both the single and double breasted designs. There is a beautiful selection of plaid, striped and mixed worsteds, good values at *10 to *20. We have a full line of overcoats and rain coats at *10 to *1S. r BARNETT, ST. JOHN & GO. Greenville Street.