The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 09, 1906, Image 7

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A Great Stock Tli’s store carries an im mense stock; larger than can he found in any drug store in the County; in fact, much great er than any city store in the State, except a few of the very largest. During the year tre mendous improvements have been made, the entire stock greatly expanded and many new departments added. To take cure of the increased stock a roomy balcony, easy of ac cess, has been built around the store and this is tilled with China, Glassware and Bric-a Brae. We invito every lady in terested in articles of beauty and utility to visit this balcony department. Such a visit will prove a pleasure and will doubt less reveal many articles you want, at prices you will be glad to pay. No obligation to buy. When in search of gifts for any occasion—wedding, birth day or Christmas—youjvill llnd what is wanted here at prices made possible only by our care ful buying and handling of mnrehaudise in large quanti- tieB. Watch Our Windows. It Will Pay. HOLT & CATES’ ;; Local News of Newnan" Visit the busy store. Boone’s Mrs. Hewlett* Hall spent Friday in Atlauta. Good clothes for all mankind. Boone’s. Dr. W. A. Turner spent Sunday in Opelika. Mrs. J. T. Herring spent Satur day in Atlanta. ..... ,, ... truss i\usu L. It. Powell pays the highest !. , .. prices for hides. tf l tnrned from It. M. Ware, Esq., was in At lanta this week. Main feature of our business: home outfitting up to date. Marluiry’s Furniture Store. Miss Stella Hogg, of Senoia, is the attractive guest of Miss Mittie Robertson.—LaGrange Graphic. Wk SKI.L Stl.KH Plain or fancy silks, large plaids or small checks. Potts & Parks. WANTED—Boys to work in our frame factory. Newnan Picture Frame Works. Dress trimmings in great variety —braids, appliques, laces, silks, velvets at P. F. (’uttino & Go’s. Miss Rosadell Holmes has re- a delightful stay of several weeks in North Carolina. Miss Mary Johnson, of Palmetto, has returned home after a short lark Newton, ot Jackson, spent j visit to her sister, Mrs. Edwin Sunday in Newnan. . I i» Hr k s 1 I , Put your dol’ars on extra duty, j Mr. o. A . Rutledge, of Albany, Spend them at Boone b. has come to make Newman his Dr. Anderson, Dentist; gas ad- i home; being engaged at Holt & ministered; Salhide Bldg. tf j Gates’. Prof. F. O. Watkins whs up John H. McKnight, Esq., of from Turin last Wednesday. | Senoia, passed through Newnan Gapt. Sim Zellars was down yesterday enroute home from La- from Palmetto last Tuesday. ’ Grange. Attorney M. 11. Mooty was up I * OL, * AKH from Hogansville last Tuesday. Lace, embroidery or silk collars, ,,,, , „ ... i fancy stocks or turnovers, at Potts A Is-wool, fine blankets at cost. ^ Parks Marbury’s Furniture Store, Mr. l.J N. gOrr, Jr’s., horse, “Dan,” wasl.insurcd on May 16, 1906, in the Atlanta Mutual Live Stock Insurance Go. The animal was killed on August 12, 1906,and on August 19th Mr. Orr's claim for ♦247.50 was paid in full by the above named company, tf J. W. Willcoxon, Agent. Have your mules and horses in sured in the Mutual Life Stock In surance Company of Georgia. Full face value of all policies will 1h* paid. For information and terms, call on or write to J. W. Will eoxon, agent for Coweta and Gar- roll counties, Newnan, tf Overcoat time is here. You make no mistake when yon buy one of our coats. Largest line ever shown in Newnan. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Picture frames at Scroggin Fur niture Co.’s give satisfaction. We make a specialty of frames. tf I have just received a car load 1 'of Tennessee hogs and cattle. L. It. Powell. Eight button length kid gloves, price ♦S pair, at P. F. Cuttino & Co’s- Sixteen button length silk gloves in black and white, just received I at P. F. Cuttino & Co’s. Sideboards! Yes, we have them. [Call and see some toauties. tf Scroggin Furniture Co. We carry the latest magazines land periodicals.—Peniston & Lee. Hall racks atScroggin Furniture Co.’s are Iteauties, and prices low. The “Hawes” Hat—none totter made. P. F. Cuttino it Co., Agt. “Lenox.” “Lenox” shoes for children. We sell shoes. Potts it Parks. Mrs. W. A. Turner, Jr., has it' turned from a visit to relatives in Opelika. Cloaks. Ladies’, misses’ and children’s ; cloaks at Potts. & Parks. Strayed—Two red Jersey shouts, atout six months old. Finder will please notify G. W. Meyer, New- ' nan, Gu. Mrs. E. 0. Prather has returned i to Hogansville, after a pleasant visit to her daughter, Mrs. D. S. •Summers. Miss Jessie Bohannon left this week to visit her sister, Mrs. Cobb, in Arkansas, who is ill with typhoid fever. Bka i dh and Buttons Braids, appliques, buttons and Miss Nona Cotter has returned novelty dress trimmings at Potts from a short visit to friends at | it Parks. Benoia. i , I e aro showing more wraps and Mr. ,T. S. Ilollinshead, of Atlan- furs than any store in Newnan. ta, spent Sunday in Newnan with I See our lino before buying. relatives. Boone’s. Jack Powell spent last Friday; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adams, of At- night in Carrollton, friends. Goin’ Huntin’? Then see our GUNS Hammerless Repeater Automatic Double Single Rifles For Cartridges Air, too Pistols and is the WORST CRANK until he gets a PIE PER SHOT GUN the Gun that kills Cranks by making them happy and satisfied Shoot the “PIEPER” Clothing Coats Canvas and Corduroy Leggins Canvas and Leather Shell Ve&s GameJ Bags Gun Covers and Cases Shells: All Powders and Loads «h Cartridges===all Calibers Newnan hardware Company II Greenville st. Phone 148. WbHkll Tom and Will Hughes spent Sunday as the guests of their uarents. W. K. Evans, Esq., from near visiting tonta, were the guests of Mr. John ! Dunbar and family tost Saturday Kippenclorf-Dittmann shoes, “gold and Him,lav. medal” black goods, American Lady Corsets and Butteriok pat- George \\ are and his moth-i terns. Potts & Parks. \tluuta, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. |and Sunday. Kir. er, Mrs. Ware, of Scroggin Furniture Co. can save Grautville, was in Newnan last Monday. Velvets Light or dark shades, at Potts & Parks. Lang kid gloves, silk gloves, kid gloves, knit gloves. All good values. Boone’s. Fancy shirt waists, good styles, well made; 50c to $0.50. Boone’s. Buy everything in furniture at Marbury’s Furniture Store and save money. Mrs. W. L. Stallings is the guest of Mrs. Charles S. Northen in Atlanta. «. ! I. E. Walker. | Belts and Buckles. { New tolts of plaid, persiau or Roman stripes; pearl belt buckles at Potts & Parks. ft Mrs. Arnold Broyles, of Atlanta, will arrive Friday, afternoon to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Powell. Mrs. S. C. Weston, of Albany, returned home last week after spending some time with Miss Annie DeG.alienlied. i you 20 to 30 per cent, on furni ture on special orders. Our mail order department is complete. Try us on a line piece. tf Ziegler, Douglas and Clapp shot's.. It is a pleasure to sell them; our customers get their money’s worth. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Mrs. John Q. Lawsl.c and little daughter, Martha, of Atlanta, are expected Friday to spend several days as the guests of Mrs. J. T. Kirby. We Sell Shoes Ladies, misses’ and children’s shoes—shoes that fit and satisfy the wearer. Potts & Parks. Plaid Silks See the pretty Potts & Parks. waist silks at Order Drugs by Phone Most people don’t know any more atout drugs af ter they see them than lie- fore. Call us up by phone and tell us wbat drugs— —or anything else—you want and we will deliver them in half the time you could come to the store for them. Everything will be satisfactory. We will make it so. Peniston & Lee Druggists. Mr. T. B. McRitchic, who re cently returned from a stay at Hot Springs, Ark,, is much improved in health and his numerous friends Have you voted! If not, why j are pleased to note the change for not! The piano contest is warm-J the totter in his condition, ing up and now is an opportune I ■ __ time to pile up the votes. Mrs. I. C. McCrory, of College Miss Mary Milner, who is a stu- Park, spent Sunday as the guest dent at Monroe College, Forsyth, j of her parents. I spent several days recently with j Mr. Will Mattox, of West To- the home folks in Newnan. coi, Fla., spent several days in the city tost week. There will to services at the Episcopal church next Sunday af ternoon at three o’clock, conducted The “W. B.” Corset, America’s favorite corset. Latest models at j by Rev. Robert F. DcBell. P. F. Cuttino & Co’s. | Mesgr8 N< ()< Banks, Glenn At- Mr. and Mrs. H. W. will j nold, M. B. Lambert and T. M. arrive Friday to spend the week-1 Zellbrs, of Grantville, were among j end with relatives. ; the visitors in town tost Tuesday. Mrs. M. A. Glanton is visiting] We are selling ;i quantity, of her daughter, Mrs. A. B. Edwards, | f lirH . They are more popular tjian of Opelika. Miss Gertie Post, of Grantville, i has returned home after a visit to her brother’s family. H. M. Fisher spent Sunday in Montezuma. He was accompanied by his little son, Alexis. Mrs. George Ramey and child ren are expected Friday to spend several days with relatives. Miss Sophie Latimer, of Pal metto, spent several days tost week 1 with her niece, Mrs. Will Murphy. jever. Our prices are, us usual, al ways right. 75c to $<20 each. Boone’s. Mr. J. P. Oswald has returned to the city, to the delight of hik many friends. He is employed in the cigar factory of i). T. Manget & Co. We Sell Dkkhk Goods— And more of them than any other store in this city or section. New goods of new styles and sty- ‘ lish trimmings. Potts & Parks. „ Removal Notice I luivo removed from Greenville Street to No. 1 East Broad Street, next door to the new bank. Have a new and nicely appointed Htoro and an absolutely new stock of Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, etc. All goodH, tlie latest and most beautiful in the various lines carried in a store of this kind. Their freshness and loveli ness delight every beholder. Msy we have the pleasure of showing you tlies new store and the new stock? Frank J. Flannery Watchmaker and Jtwtler. IN OUR ANNEX Tailor-made suits for women. The newest style garments, perfect fitting, hand-tailored. Tourist coats for women in the fashionable plaid or plain cloths. Rain coats for women, exceptional values. Cloaks of all kinds for children, attractively priced. The largest line of high grade skirts ever shown in this section, Rugs Carpets Mattings Curtains Draperies Blankets IN OUR ANNEX The Bible Circle of the First Baptist Church will meet with Mrs. Bob Glower on Spring Street next Tuesday afternoon at three o’clock. Miss Stella Hogg, of Senoia, after a visit to Miss Annie Hogg, left Tuesday for a visit to her unde at Fort Worth, Texas.—West Point News. Hon. L. M. Farmer is recover ing troin an attack of rheumatism, which has confined him to his home during the past two or three weeks. Mr. D.T. Manget returned Hat unlay from New York. lie was accompanied on the t ip by his brother, Mr. John Manget, of A llanta. The new telephone line to Frank lin is nearing completion and will' to in working order soon. It will Is; a great convenience for many people along 'the line and as a means of communication lietweeii this city and Franklin. Trade with the News’ adver tisers. They are live, hustling business men; they want your pa tronage. It will pay you to do business with them. Mrs. Ossian Gorman, Mrs. Jeff Smith and little daughter, Amelia, of Atlanta, are with Mr. and Mrs. B. T Thompson until after the Thompson-Jones nuptials. Senoia was represented in New nan on “Hint Tuesday” by Messrs. J. T. A mail, Lon Gray, J. A. and C. C. MeKnight, J. W, Kirkland, R. L. Hardy, L. L. Hutchinson and others. « Miss Imogeue Simms left this week for Union Springs, Ala. She will be bridesmaid at her cousin’s wedding, Miss Humphries. Be fore returning home she will visit relatives at Anniston. The friends of Mr. C. G. Rarrolt and lainiiy are delighted to know that Miss Mary Parrott is believed to to ont of danger and on the road to recovery. She has been desper ately ill for several weeks.