The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 23, 1906, Image 7

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GqaD$ Japanese goods are deservedly popular. The artistic excellence of Japanese productions is <n*- cepted and easily observed. Coupled with beauty ot’design is the interesting fact of low price, as no other goods of equal art istic merit! sell at such low figures. This combination of beauty and price makes Jap goods popular, makes them ideal for gift pur poses. Our stock of Japanese wares shows a splendid as- sortment for Christmas giving and for wedding presents. We know the goods are well bought and that we make prices lower than most dealers can name. Direct import ation from Japan is responsible for this saving and yon get the benefit. Salad Bowls. Handsomely hand-decorated salad bowls, in elaliorate de signs and a wealth ol' gold and colors, 2.00 to 5.00. Chocolate sets, 8.50 to 15.00. Chocolate pots, 2.50 to 5.00. Fruit Sets. Consisting of bowl with six saucers, all in handsome ease. Fine china, beautifully hand decorated, 5.00 and (1.00. These sets can also be sup plied without eases if desired. Cups and Saucers. Ware of the finest transpar ent porcelain, hand-painted, with characteristic designs ami rich Cohn's. Six cups ami sau cers in satin lined case, 5.00. Numerous cups and saucers, in odd pieces or in sets without eases, at 25c to 50e each. Fickle dishes, card receivers, pepper and salt shakers, and other articles of useful ami decorative china. . Vases. We are showing a number of large and showy vases in Ja panese Owari ware. These vases are good values ami make a line appearance, although tin ware and decoration is not of the iinost quality. 14 inches high, decorated all over with characteristic Japanese designs, they fill a needed place for a showy yet not too expensive gift. 1.50, 1.76 ami 2.00. Japanese Tea Trays. These handsome trays make specially attractive ami useful gifts. The material is wood and papier mache. All are hand somely painted ami coated with that durable laqucr for which Japanese are famous. t2 inch round shape, 1.25. 12 x 14, round shape, 1.50. ]<rx 17, with handles, 1.60. 12 x 20, 4.60. Many others shown. Japanese China Teapots Teapots with bamboo handles, fitted with inside strainer and daintily decorated with sprays of mistletoe on delicate yellow ground, 8tt<*. Teapot, Sugar and Cream. Same material and decoration as above. A dainty individual set for 76c. Japanese Baskets. Our stock of these is practi cally complete, showing baskets of every conceivable shape and lor every purpose. Most of the showing is in small baskets for dresser ami toilet table, hand kerchiefs, gloves, work baskets, party favors, candy, etc. All are made with Unit care for de tail that characterizes Jap work men. Glove baskets, 20c to 76c. Handkerchief baskets, 20c to 76c. Work baskets, J5e to t .00. Waste baskets, 40c, 50c, 75c. Small bundled baskets, 5c to 50c. Pictures. We have a good lot of Japan ese hand painted framed pic tures, 18x15, which were bought at bargain prices, which wo could not duplicate today ami which could not he produced by American artists at anything near the prices we are aking. The subjects arc all floral de signs; Flags, Apple blossoms, Cherry Hlooins, Chrysanthe mums, Hoses, etc., done in water colors with infinite grace and skill. Framed in native Japanese woods and covered with glass. The lot is limited, and we have only about fifty in all. Price only #1.00 each. Japanese Lanterns. Jap lanterns, in three sizes, for decorating for parties and festivals. Pretty effects not obtainable in any other way can Ik; had from the use of these or naments. Holt & Cates Uuderwear time is here. Most I complete stock in Xewnan at P. F. i Cuttino iN Co's. \ Mrs. T. (1. Shannon, of Chatta nooga. is visiting Mrs. J. A. Shan non in this city. Messrs. W. A. Potts and F. H. j ltedwine are in St. Louis this week, on a business trip. Overcoats of only the best sorts. Largest and most complete line at! P. F. Cuttino Co’s. Mrs. Willie McJenkins, of At lanta, visited Mr. ('. P. Stephens and family this week. Mrs. Carl Fischer and little son, of Atlanta, are visiting relatives and friends in Newnan. Mr. L. W. Powers, from near Moreland, was among the visitors in Newnan last Tuesday. Mr. Abe L. Kronfeldt, of New York City, was the guest of M r. T. M. Good rum this week. Mr. O. P. Waltom, of Atlanta, visited Coweta county relatives last Saturday and Sunday. Preakfust bacon and hams, j Beechnut bacon, Frankfurter San-! sage. ’Phone 1. Adams. Picture frames at Seroggin Fur niture Co.’s give satisfaction. We make a specialty of frames. tf New line of ladies’ and misses’I tourist coats just received by ex-1 press. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Mr. ami Mrs. Howard Askew and children, of Atlanta, arc the! guests of Mr. John Askew and! family. Mr. J. It. Burks and family, of Atlanta, came down Saturday night and spent Sunday with rela- ! lives here. FOlt HALL—Registered Jersey; (sailed a four gallon cow; has calf two months old. Apply to Dr. <1. A. Nunnally. 84 Mis. It. W. Hamrick and child ren have returned from a two week’s visit to relativesaud friends at Carrollton. , Tins little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William Pyrum, who were ill several weeks with scarlet fever, have recovered. » Goin’ Then see our GINS Hammerless Repeater Automatic Double Single Rifles For Cartridges Air, too Pistols and is the WORST CRANK until he tf e t s a PIEPER SHOT GUN the Gun that kills Cranks by makintf them happy and satisfied Shoot the " PIEPER." Coats Canvas and Corduroy Leggins Canvas and Leather Shell Ve&s Game Bags Gun Covers and Cases Shells: All Powders and Loads Cartridges===all Calibers Newnan Hardware Company II Greenville st. Phone 148. morning at eleven ducted by Rev. \V. Atlanta. o’clock, con- ,1. Moody, of FOR HALF—Good, safe family horse ami now rubber tiro phaeton. For particulars call on or address Lynch Turner, City. 84 Little Miss Sara Scott While, of brst of the week to attend Lula,* Gu., is visiting her grand- Htephens-Holmes wedding mother, Mrs. Addie Varner, ami other Newnan relatives. Franc Gampbell, Edgar Steph ens, Mauride Spender and Hunter Hardaway were in Carrollton the the The Pible Circle of the First baptist Church will meet with Mrs, T. P. Davis next Tuesday af ternoon at 8 o’clock. Lesson will J Local News of Newnan ♦ Puffed rice just received. ’Phone Adams. L. tf Thursday. Adams. Dr. Anderson, Dentist; gas ad ministered; Sal bide Bldg. tf Buckwheat, graham and whole wheat Hour. ’Phone I. Adams. New line of men’s neckwear just opened at P. F. Cuttino it Co’s. Durand’s bread received fresh R. Powell pays the highest each day. ’Phone 1. Adams. Hall racks at Seroggin Furniture Co.’s are beauties, and prices low. The “Hawes” hat for men. None better made. Agents, P. F. Cuttino & ('o. Lot of 2x4, 10 and 12 feet scantling, 50c per 100. 88 Orr & Powell. Col. Sydney Hoiderness, of Car rollton, was in Newnan last Mon day. T. M. Word, Esq., of Atlanta, was iii Newnan last Monday ami Tuesday. Mr. A. II. Freeman and Miss Virginia Jones went up to Atlanta last Saturday to witness the Tech.- *J ,t! ^h, 7th and Hth chapters ol Vanderbilt football game. Numbers. Miss Bettie Cooper, of Grant- Watch the News next week for j villa, is visiting her niece, Mrs. l,i K advertisement of the HHison W. IT.Burks,enroute toThoniaslon Phonograph Parlors. It will in to spend a month with relatives. ! terest everybody. Give us a call at 21 Greenville Street, the old Mrs. Guy Cole will be hostess to ))ailk | m iiding. the Salmagundi Club on the after noon of next Wednesday, Nov. Mrs. L. A. Mathewson has re- 2Kfcb. The Club meets at 2:80 Hn'iied to Macon, after a visit to o’clock. Prof, and Mrs. J. W. Gaines. Mrs. Clifford Walker, of Monroe, Who is the guest of Prof, and Mrs. Gaines,will return home this week. IX OUR ANNEX Tailor-made suits for women. Tim newest stylo garments, perfect fitting, lmml-tailorod. Tourist coats for women in bhe_ fashionable plaid or plain clot lis. Ruin coats for women, exceptional values. ('leaks of nil kinds for children,. attractively priced. of high grade skirts ever shown in Tl f e this s largest eet iori. Rugs Curtains ('a rpets I Ira peril- Mat-tings Blankets IN Ol 'lx* ANNEX Holy Communion at St. Paul’s Episcopal church next Sunday prices for hides. Fresh oysters every ’Phone 1. , Home-raised seed wheat. 88 Orr & Powell. Marvelli macaroni is l>est. We have the agency. Adams. Rev. E. A. Ware was up from Turin last Tuesday. I), T. Manget is in New Orleans on a business trip. Mrs. I. T. Stanley is the guest of relatives in West Point. Miss Emmie Terry Snead has returned from Glenn, Ga. ‘ Mr. John Orr lias returned from a stay of ten days in Florida. We have nice stuffed pepper and mangoes. "Phone 1. Adams. Gloves of all kinds for women. Kid and calf ‘•kin gloves, woolen golf gloves. P. F. Cuttino & < o. I )ouglus,< ,'lapp and Ziegler shoes. We sell them. P. F. Cuttino ^ ('o. Some handsome styles in brown panama skirts just opened at P. F. Cuttino it Go’s. Sideboards! Yes, we have them. Gall and see some beauties, tf Seroggin Furniture Co. Timely Suggestions. If you have a cold you want some medicine fo oure it; and if you haven't one you want some to keep you from taking one. We can supply your needs in either or both of these cusi-s. f Colds, la grippe, bronchitis and pneumonia are going to abonnd and you are going to need medicine. We have most all of the drugs and remedies used for these throat and lung affections, and we otter them to you. Among the lot are: Pine Tar and Honey. Lemon Hot Drops. Laxative Promo Quinine. Cheney’s Expectorant. King's New Discovery. One minute Cough Cure. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy Weuk’s cold cure. Only make known yonr wants to us and we will do the rest. Peniston&Lee Removal Notice Druggists. I have removed from Greenville Street to No. 1 East Broad Street, next door to the new bank. Have a new and nicely appointed store and an absolutely new stock of Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, etc. All goods, the latest and most beautiful in the various lines carried in a store of this kind. Their freshness and loveli ness delight every beholder. May we have the pleasure of showing you the new store and the new stock? Frank J. Flannery Watchmaker and Jeweler. Mrs. J. W. Dukes, of Cedar Crook district, is in Atlanta for medical treatment and her friends will be pleased to hear that she is improving. She had a surgical operation performed last week by Dr. Willis lb Jones and since that time has been steadily growing better. Dr. G. A. Nunnally, Dr. J. H. Hardaway, Judge A. I). Freeman and Mr. J. L. Jones, of Newnan, and lion. H. L. Whatley, of White Oak, are in Cartersville attending tin- State Convention of Baptists. Judge Freeman was honored with re-election as one of the Coven- tion’s Vice Presidents. Mr. I.T. Mattox lias returned from a trip to Florida and is so well pleased with the country that he will remove to that State about at Hot Springs, Ya. She is the the lirst of next year. lie will set- wife of Prof. George Clinton, editor tie in the tobacco growing belt, at of Gunton's Magazine. Mrs. Gun- or near Quincy, lie is now offer- ton is a sister-in-law of Miss Juliaiing for sale liis line farm in this Lowe, of Newnan, and is well county. See advertisement in this known in this city. j paper. WANTED—A n um bur one Imsi ness man with 81 (Id or 8500 to take full charge of large established business in Newnan Address No. 50, Peachtree St., Atlanta, Gu., or W. A. IL, Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. N. lb Hudson are in Atlanta, where the former had a surgical operation performed by Dr. Willis Jones a few days ago. Mr. Hudson is doing well and will soon he able to return home. Givens your orders for ribbon cane syrup, made by Mr. J. Pope Jones. This syrup has a great reputation and is the best ribbon cane syrup on this market. 2t Win. Byram & <'o. M i- of t he liebeeca Lowe < 1 union, one South’s most distinguished i, is seriously ill at her home