The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 07, 1906, Image 6

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L Keep Fools and Cranks. -On Your Your ' Credit Good Credit is a high Compliment and the best of Capital TIi* buclni x* .1 nil prof.-DHlmml pr-r.plr- nf Oils i'll- l:ai'» m.lloii tliHr orr-rllt IntnrasU »»,t raup.rl n Ontral I't.rlll Offli-r kiinwn in Til* Bu.Iiichh Men a Mutual 1 rotnctlv. .AaMK-lallnn, Id hi .fttHbrixhi'fl In Ilia ,-lty. whnrr-l,, the rtr-rllt alumllri* of avaryliody auri all conirniB I. rr-oorrlr-rl fur tParly rnf.u-nor- ;.n-l from now un a dally ranora will bp ki'p nf nil r-rprill .landing* and l,r*iruift«*t no ci'dli will l>« »xtend«d imlaM rwrnmmpndpd tiy Hip ontral frpdlt Ofl»< p. I,pnr-a It liehoovna all or.dlt cMtomani to ^’k^honaa^wlll Iip rpwrird.d by .1 (rood • null: standing. wl.l.-h will b« raadp k"J»W« to tbp hudaltipaa public Wilful dPtnora will liavp no credit .landing and will not »• r*c<»mmtnc1*rt for credit . l)*ltn«<ii*ni debtero. will hr afforded nn opportunity lo eettl»» n . ,Hr "* M K manta will I.p Hard to • mnc within thplr m.ana, causing no Hardship or burdot,. Tt,» Bpcrptary .,f Hip Association will mall a a-ttlpm-nt requaat to all dalln.iuwnl d.ldora. "ITutdIl.t tl,pfn rr way to a«tll» Ihnlr Juat d.d.ta and placoAm» good .Tidlt standing All wi n arp hotipai al.oul.l work In hartnonv with tha Atwo- Ola ion and comps! Hip paiil** Hi»y patronlir- to make a roport raootnmandln* thalr credit, mm unnd « tfdll I* »» hlfh compliment and the of ra P ,,nl The hiiMln-«m mill pi nfendonHl pooplc * nmp meke It poMMlhle I. ;u < ornmoda *• the worthy ”Tb. b A.^H«n.m‘Ta""no onllactoi. and a havlna any non nation with It will b« s,gn.d by th< Aparrclallotl, I'ay tha buslnas- anil profoaalnnnl |,p'i|dp who ha* rwward yon with 1, fond nndll standing Nona other* Bowara of fiartlpa Who may tng llkaly It la had. do-nparata In order to iprlU applicant and not ha Imposed any t’oimantlOh tha Assort. I In lign. they ,•11111 tId * concern-—look up thalr oradit *t^|»d- Tliitt AxHiMtirttion in nrgnni/.rul nnrl will In* r onduotod by tlio business ntwl pro f • '*- riioiinl ittdti nf < ’owrifn coitnly, with n central onion I non tod nf Nnwimn, (ia. vi 'licit Ik now op, n un,I rlning buKini'HK ul Room I. Atkiimnn Huilrliiig All ],itrlir>a doing n credit business or who may bavcalow or doubtful accounts or notes, are rc(|ui-Kted to investigate and Join this Association at oiicn and lielj t !• good work along. Ask the inou-hants anil doctorH of Ncwnati, who are bow getting good money oil their old clairna. Address Business Men's Mutual Protective Ass’n., Telephone No. 249. Newnan, (ia NUMBER FOUR. Boor, weak human nature has but one standard of judgment to weigh or measure others by— money. Money is all. Truth, jus tice, kindness, philanthropy, none < are of value, or have any weight, unless gilded with gold, decked with silver and wrapped in negoti able paper. A railroad brakeman gets jummed between two cars and ground to pulp, and leaves an in valid wife and six orphans, with no visible means of support. Who cares? Who sends this family telegrams of condolence? A few people remember his genial un selfishness, his kindly efforts to make others comfortable, but he was only of the common herd—a poor devil—that’s all. A railroad president, who has grown rich by means of the toil ami courage of such as the poor brakeman, gets smashed, and the land rings with lamentations. Wc handle nothing but Edison’s The New E*dison Phonograph Parlors 21 Greenville Street: Now have a full stock of all the new and choice music, and machines of all sizes. Your repair work will receive prompt and careful attention cf skilled workmen. We extend a cordial in vitation to the ladies to call and see us, and we will be glad to play over all the latest music for you. FARMERS' WAREHOUSE COMPANY NEWNAN, GA. Ileg to announce to the farmers of Coweta and surrounding counties that they are now prepared to weigh and store cotton. Owing to the fact that we have equipped the warehouse with Improved Automatic Sprinklers, have made the walls fire-proof, and the building modern in every respect, we are able to secure the lowest possible rates of in surance, and are therefore prepared to offer Free Insurance on all cotton from the time the wagon, and it is taken from Extra Storage Charge ol IS cents Per Bale. Mr. J. A. Stephens will be in charge of the weighing and is prepared to give you prompt and efficient service. We shall be pleased to have your patronage. Farmers’ Warehouse Co.* Newnan, Ca. Yes, we are sorry: sorry for the friends, relatives and dependants, of the great man; sorry that such a horror should be his fate; blit our sorrow is in a measure commuted by the knowledge that his family i is not left in poverty. Condolence is all we dare offer them; but not so with the brakeman’s family—to them we can give something more substantial, and thereby enrich our better nature. Sympathy is the cheapest gift we can bestow on unfortunate humanity. We do not see these things front the other side; we do not know how the Supreme Being looks up on it. An employe, by neglect or carelessness, may have caused the horror, anti the president by his carelessness, may have caused the brakeman’s death. The president may have been careless about us ing safety appliances, or keeping the road in good condition, and this carelessness may have cost the brakeman his life. If these things are true, which is the greater criminal? If by his desire to increase the earnings of the road, he fails to use needed safeguards for the employes, is he less criminal than the over-worked employe, who goes to sleeu, and (Sent Outfit, complete $12.19 (Setn Outfit, larger $14.20 Gem Outfit, larger $16.70 Standard Outfit, complete $27.10 Standard Outfit, larger. . . . $29.20 Easy payments can be arranged. We can fit you up with an outfit at most any price you desire from $ 1 2.1 0 to $ 100, and you can arrange easy payments if you wish. W e now have our Con cert machine at the store and would lit* glad for all to call and hear this famous machine play. EDISON I60L0 MOULDED * RtCQROS feikiiirii The New Edison Phonograph Parlors, Old Bank Building - - Newnan, Georgia Lieutenant, serving in this posi-1 tion very successfully tor some time, when he was promoted to , . Captain He was three times' permits one train to crash into an-1 . . , . . . 1 . . wounded and carried one of the. bullets to the gtave with him. Hej was a brave soldier and was ever , ready to go where duty called him. As soon as possible after each of! his wounds he returned to the! other? There is always two sides to any question; but we do not care to, look at but one, and that one the side that has the money on it. The poetess may sing of “The . c . „ , , . _ . „ ; , army to fight for his country Two Pi grtms and awaken a little, ' " . , . , r • . . „ He was married to Miss Martha sympathy, “fleeting as the dew, , 3 , , . , , , J Tench soon after the war, from in the hearts of her hearers, but . , c .. , . , . , , which happy union five children that is all. If she was rich enough _ i r ; , , ... , „ , , were born, four of whom still sur- to establish a bank, or to lend . . , ... . . | vtve him. money on usury, the public would i ,, , . ... , } 3 , * , . He engaged in the mercantile hang on her words. If her words; . KT . 6 , ,, ,, business at Newnan after he re- were the cold metallic expressions! , . . . , „ . , . turned from the war, later return-, of financta terms, she would be . . , , . . _ . , , , , , , tng to his farming interests at i i>etted, caressed and endeared by , , . , . I ’ , , ,, - , which he made a great success and those who scarce, it at all, hear the . . i, .... j i accumulated a very large amount , .heart throbs in those soft cadences. , . . . , . . , , ! of land. At his death he was one I Neatly two thousand years ago, . ... • ... ! 3 . , of the wealthiest men in this sec- in a certain country, there came a poor reformer. He taught the peo ple of love, of justice and of judg Get it at THE NEW YORK STORE Because He called them “fools and cranks," and told them that some other things were more valuable than money He did not condemn money, tion. The funeral service was con- . . , ducted at the home Sunday after- ment. At first the people ot means . . , . 0 U .... , , , , noon at 3 0 clock by Rev. Everett disdained Him, then they abused . .... ^ , xr . .. . , . ,/ , D. Ellen wood, a noted Umveralist ; and misrepresented Him, and ; finally condemned Him. Why? If it’s anything in our line, we’ve got it and at prices our competitors can’t meet , preacher of Atlanta, after which the remains were followed to the city cemetery by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends. —Senoia Knterpriz^-Gazette. We Guarantee ’Em! nor yet the possessor of __ ... _. _ . but He condemned lhc | Hogansvrlle Dispensary Quire i money pride and selfishness that the pos sessors of money permitted to lead them into all manner of evil. Business. We sell Dry Goods, Notions Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Etc., Etc. Winter time will soon In* here with its rain and sleet, and traveling in an open buggy will la* very disagreeable. Why not call on ns and get a comfortable, light-running top buggyt The last day for legal selling of | . , , • c- , liquor in Hogansville has come Money is good, but truth, justice, “ ... .. ... _i u J i and to the great satisfaction of the large majority of the better class of citizens the dispensary must go out of business. It is now to be Captain Ltnch ead. | expected that blind tigers will try and charity are better. OBSF.RVER. MADE IN NEWNAN We put on rubber tires. MERCK & DENT Buggy Builders. Last Saturday morning about 16 o’clock, Capt. W. D. Linch, who had been in declining health foi several months, passed quietly into the great beyond. He had been sutTering with dropsy, but was not thought to he in a serious condi- j tion. Capt. Linch was born at the old David Linch home place, near Turin, in 1840. where he lived un to sell whiskc), and also that a lot of people will fold their hands and cheerfully, yes hopefully, declare that illegal selling cannot be stop ped. But there is a strong deter mination on the part of temper ance and law and order workers that the tigers shall at least have to fight for their lives.—Hogans ville News. Give us a call. There’s money in it for you. You seldom have any trouble in til the war broke out in e86i, when ma king yourself at home in a house he volunteered and went out with 1 that is heated by an old-fashioned the Seventh Georgia Infantry as i fireplace. THE NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE