The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 07, 1906, Image 8

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HUTCHENS’ 10 CENT CASH STORE is crowded with bargains, and cus tomers looking for holiday goods. We have them and have them cheap. Grantville. Rev. Alex Beater, of Tliomasville, will pn>nch of thp Baptist cliurcli Sunday morning.tilling the appointment of Rev. W. R. Lambert, wtio with his wife is in Florida. One of the enjoyable Thanksgiving Jessie Lnmbert "P*«t Thursday in .More- dinners was given by Mrs. Colley Leigl Boozer Payne spent Sanday with hits paients in Hogansville. Miss Snllie Bohannon, of LaOrange Female College, spent Sunday and Mon day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W Bohannon Misses Willie Mav, Nellie Kate and land. Dorothy Jones, of Newnan, spent the first of the week in Grantville. Miss Gertie Post visited her brother, Col. W. G. Post, in Newnan, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Camp, of More- at her palatial home bust Thursday. The handsome ninhogany table had a center piece of finely embroidered linen, on which stood a beautiful fruit dish, con taining many kinds nf delicious fruit, | with drapings of nsparagus feriiB, while j ' nnd ‘ were in Grantville Sunday, the menu served in courses was all that P r °C S. P. McElroy and family spent could be desired in the way of soups, j th,! da - v Tl *ursday with relatives in New- turkey,cranberries, salads, pickles,olives, croquets, cake, sillabub, fruits, cheese, coffee, etc. The guests who enjoyed Mrs. Leigh's hospitality were: Mrs. A. H. 8. Hugg. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Glower,Misses Emma Belle Cellars, Lilia Cato, Oer Mrs. James Gilbert spent several days last week with her husbnnd's sister,Mrs. Mayfield, who was quite ill in Newnan. Misses Maude McCoy, of Welcome, and Clara Hood, of Newnan, are guests Your pa rlo ■ may need tini ig up in town. They arc first- class w it li now In rnit ire. Wo h ive it goods; clear as cr vstal, and lower nf tbo old price. prices than ever la •fore. Wo can sol y* m a suit foi *1 1, *2.6() fancy water 1.35 Mill III *1 •< suit at #117), su it at fancy water set 2.00 *10. Out! •r t il>D ■h, noc. Mf><*, *1.60 (Hass pitchers 15c and *2. 1 >111 UK oliairs, 7be . and Glass pitchers 24c K5o; plain • lia i rs, 60c; ro •king Glass pitchers 39c chairs, *1 ID to 8M. Matir Glass t very fancy warej . . 75c *1.7* r > !<> #r > Wo ask for a (Mill- Water buttles 15c pa risen ol of mr goods and | ririM. Large glass bowls 20c Just ro v»i\ oil ng line of men's 'I'lliti blown tumhl ■rs, per set 40c pan!h, 8 1 | mil up to 8 1. •J 1 1 inoli vases fo 25c On our "1 )|M*| Moor wo tarrv Large bowl and p teller 1.00 1)110011 of lb 3 1 entry Hour Dm' M quart dishpan 10c price PI. for bo pound sack, Large size washpaii . . . 5c gimruidooi 1. (la motto is cash Bowl and pitcher 50c down, ii11• 1 >r i >rio • Therefor .. by (lood Jack plane 85c t railing wi Hi IIH, you don’t have III foot clot lies \\ i re 10c In pay for bai •I* Ids t hat hoc 11 111 II- Window similes 10c Into w d h •Vo ry house that sells t hit ton but ting 10c on credit. Ladies’ work bask it 10c Wo him 111 >rn glassware n )\\ in Bachelor’s night lump 25c duck for \ nil to select your In >1 i - All collors crepe paper, per day proud tH 1 r< tn t linn any si ore roll 9c truth) and Maude Bugg. In ttie after- MMhe* Tommie Louand Annie Lester. noon fruits on sliver fruit plates were Mr - RMrt M,H ' nlifford ,)rnkR "P*" 1 rh " Kervi , ( l \ week end with relatives in Moreland. Mrs Win. O’Brien and daughters. Misses Annie Lou Parks and Mattie Misses Alva. Annie, Bottie and Fannie. ;Su, ‘ R'>l>ertso.i went to Moreland Thnrs- also entertained in a delightful manner '* HV - Thursday. The dining table was filled Miss Annie Lester has returned home with its lond of good things-turkey » fror "Pending several weeks in Wei- with its accessories, boiled ham, salads, oouie, Shorpsburg and Newnan. . cukes anil piukles were served. The Miss Esther Arnold, of Hogansville, Carloads of the very Highest Grade Coal are being received by CATES COAL COMPANY and wagon loads are daily going out to our customers. Phone 117 wawt guests were: Mrs. Nina Couch, More land, Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Glower,Misses Mary Lizzie Parks, Bessie Humphries, Neelie Shaddix and Bossie Holloway. Mrs. Bmuiett Sewell, proprietress of the Nall House, complimented her boarders with n fine Thanksgiving din ner; the only guests beside the large niitiihor of hoarders were Mrs. Snllie Sewell and Lowndes Sadler. Mrs. Harold Baxter, of New York, is at the home of her parents,Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Arnold. is tile guest of Miss Ella Dt-au. Mrs. T. A. Audrews was in LaGrame Friday. Misses Bessie Humphries and Bessie Holloway were in Newnan Saturday. Mrs. M. N. Moody, of Hogansville, is the guest of Mrs. J. E. Dean. Col. R. O. Jones, of Newnan, wns in Grantville Friday. Miss Bessie Camp went to tlognns- villo Thursday. Miss Lilia Cato wns in LaGraugc Sat urday. Miss Johnnie Lester is home from Miss Tommie White is ex|iected homo tonight, ufter spending several weeks in ; * fiV " r, d days spent with her sister in Cuthhort, Macon ami Atlanta, Mcsdniuos J. D Moreland and W. G. Sadler are guests toduy of Mrs. R. (). Jones in Newnan. Newnan. Miss Lilly May Hood is visiting Mrs. Homer Hood. Charlie Martin, of Atlanta, spent Suu- MIssLuoile Banks is expected home with his father. F. N, Martin, who tonight from a week's visit to relatives [ ' ,,r .V ill. in Atlanta Gliver Murphoy visited his parents in Mrs. J. E. Dean and Miss Ella Denn ' ^Grange Sunday. Come and see the articles suitable for Xmas gifts. Hvtchens’ 10c Store t West Side Square. were in Hogansville Saturday. Miss Annie Belle O’Brien has return ed homo from a visit to Litliia Springs. Mrs. G. B. Cotton, Mrs. L. P. Bryant and Mrs Snllie Sewell spent the latter part of last week in Atlanta. Misses Edna White. Mattie Luck ami Lilia Onto were in LnGriutge Thursday. Jnek Camp, of Atlanta, is spending a ew days with his parents, Mr. mid Mrs. H. Aimer Camp. A. W. Hopkins and Ben Hopkins were in Greenville Tuesday, attending the sale of the : r father’s land Mr. Ah Collins has moved his family from Lone Oak to Grantville. We ex tend them a welcome. Palmetto. and Prof. Mouorief, pnstor of the Second Baptist church, filled his pulpit night W. G AriiohUmd family.^ ot^Nownmi, J and morning mid preached to large con gregations. Rev. Mr. Barrett, pastor of the first Methodist chinch, goes to the first cliurcli, Dnngliisville, for the present spent the day Sunday witli Hon Mrs. W. A. Post. FURNITURE! Never before have furniture factories turned out such an array of good styles as they are now doing, and we have an attractive gath ering of the season’s newest goods for your approval. One special feature is our show ing of moderately priced articles. We have anticipated your needs, and have provided accordingly, endeavoring ever to bring be fore our customers the very best at the low est possible prices. We feel it safe to say that all the following are special values that will appeal to all prospective purchasers. Odd Dressers. Chairs. At lO.fiO, square mirror. At lb.00, oval mirror (princess). At 21.00, oval mirror (princess). At 28.00, oval mirror (princess). At 25.00, oval mirror, swell front. Stylish dining chairs, leather seats, at at tractive prices. Rugs and Art Squares. Hugs and art squares in Smyrna, Velvet, Axminster and Brussels These are ex tremely low in price, but high in quality. Sideboards At prices ranging from 16.00 to 16.00. Beds, etc. Folding Beds. Folding bed lounges, from 10.50 to 18.00. Our spring bed and mattress stock is “up to snutT,” and we invite your especial atten tion to our line. Buy a “Gold Medal” Hall Racks spring and a “National Sanitary Felt” mat tress and good rest is yours, At price- ranging from 10.50 to 80.00. All wool blankets at 95, #0 and #7. These are beauties, in white and colors. Comforts in beautiful colors at 2.00. 8.75 and 4 00. Tables. Lindeman's oil shades, 50c to 91. Kxtonsi'in dining tables at from 9.00 to Best grade fioor linoleums at 76c a square 10.00. yard. Choice patterns. Parlor tables it> <>:ik and mahogany at Pictures to suit everybody at low prices. 7. IS to 9.98. Bee me for trunks; 1 have them. conference yenr. Rev. J. O. Brand, the new minister assigned, will fill his ap pointment Deo. Dtli. Mr. Claude Gulbreath, the talented young son of Mr. mill Mrs. T. E. Cut breath, bus been awarded the scholar ship given tlie Georgia Federation of ! Woman's Clubs at Emory College. The i scholarship is worthily bestowed, as - vouug Culbreath is one of the brightest I young men of the present student body. Mrs. John Smith, of Atlanta, former- ! ly Miss Nell Johnson, is the guest this j week of her jmreuts at the St. Elmo ! Hotel. Mrs. Belle Crawford is visiting her father, Mr. Joe Givens. Mrs. T. P. Zellers is home again, af ter an extended visit to Newunu. Mrs. Clius. Mosely mid her daughter. Mrs. Ben Roan,was in Atlanta Tuesday. Col. Gluud Smith, of Atlanta, is with his brother, Mr, Fred Smith, for several (lays. Mrs. James Stub is quite sick at her - home on Toombs Street. Mr. Walter Herrington is in Birming ham on n business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Morris unuouuce 1 the birth of a daughter. Col. Eugene Johnson, of Augusta, was the guest of relatives last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bachelor spent Thuuksgiviiig with friends in Atlanta. Mrs. M. A. Wiley has returned from i Newnan. Rock Spring. : J. N. MARBURY : Successor to Newnan Furniture Co. Rev. C. F. Short filled his regular ap pointment here last Saturday and Sun day. Ernest Gilef, of Winston, visited friends here last Sunday. Misses Georgia and Nora Harper spent Sunday last with friends at McCollum. Misses Mattie and Zenobia Thurmond, of Palmetto, were the guests of relatives here last week. Miss Eloia May Parrott returned home last Tlmrsday, after a two weeks visit to her grandparents in Fayetteville. Dr. Giddeus and son and A. J. and I. 8. Shropshire, of Atlanta, spent Thurs day with friends here. G. W. Haines and W. M. Jackson mad»- a business trip to Newnan last Wednesday. Mrs. M. D Thurmond and Mrs. S. A. Brown have been quite sick Cite past week. P. C. Smith. R. B. Thompson and Mr. Ellis, of McCollum, attended, services here last Sunday. Miss Miuuie Let* Thurmond spent Inst week with relatives in Palmetto. L. L. Todd and W. N. Hammett at tended services here lust Suudav. S O. Houston spent Sunday at Stop. When the Trees Begin To Leave & 0 & It’s time to turn your thoughts to suit able clothes for Autumn and Winter. With these thoughts you will naturally turn your steps to 4\ ORR Cs POWELL * Flour That is Pure and Reliable ’ We have recently equipped our flour mills with the latest and Lest machinery and are now making the highest grades of Hour on the market. We will at all times use the best wheat obtainable, and having the best machinery and an expert mil ler to operate, we are assured of a good uniform flour. Some of the so-called highest patent flour is made by bleach ing and in some cases, it is said, by adulterants. Our flour is absolutely PUKE and no artificial means ure used in its manu facture. Try it and you will be pleased. You run no risk, every bag is GUARANTEED. We do not sell at retail. You will find our flour with most of the merchants. Ask your grocer for “Askew’s Bjcst" und “Imperial" (our highest patents), “Snow Flake” and “Coweta” (our three-quarters patent). Our pure wheat bran and shorts mixed is the richest food on the market. Try it und you will use no other. W. S. ASKEW COMPANY Miss Lizzie McElvany, of Hopewell, ; was the guest of her siBter last Sunday, ! Mrs. Leverette Jenkins. Alberr Houston, who has been indis posed for several weeks, is no better. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Harper and son visited the latter’s parents near Goodes, ' last Tuesday. Mrs. T. N. Knowles, of Fayetteville, spent last week with tier daughter, Mrs. 1 A. F. Parrott. Cicero and Tommie Parrott, of Flat Creek, were tiie guests of their grand parents last Sunday. Will Hammett and Misses Minnie Lee and Lucy Thurmond attended the sing ing at Line Creek last Sunday. Mrs. C C. G.trnel. whose critical ill ness was mentioned some time ago, ru mains quite ill, much to the regret of her many frieuds. M. D. Thurmond made a business trip , to Palmetto last Tuesday. The patrons of Rock Spring school are anticipating a new aeademy in the near future. The foundation lias already been laid, and the building is progress ing nicely. The funds that have been subscribed will be gladly received now by the building committee. J. W. Sprayberry and family and . Miss Lizzie Hines attended services at 1 ‘Unde” Ike Smith’s last Sanday. All memliers of the Newnan Presbyterian church are requested to meet at the church next Sunday morning, Dec. 9th, at eleven I o’clock, for the consideration of important business. The meeting i- called by order of the Session and all members of this church are earnestly requested to Ik* present.