The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 14, 1906, Image 6

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Supplement to THE NEWNAN NEWS, Dec. 14, 1906. Figures of the Local Cotton Market. Tin' figures printed below, furnished the Nows by Mr .1. H Mummers, show ! Newnan's monthly coiroii receipts for the st um,ns of I'KHl, I (KM, 1906 mid 1006, tip to dute Receipts Inst yeur to Deo. 1st amounted to III,(170 bales. ilie stock 3,507 Im'es; (Ins year the receipts illtinutiled to II 721 lull's mid the stock to 8,557 Iiiile.s. The sharing'' on receipts on Dee 1st, its compered with last year, wiis 1.11(11 hiiles mid on stis'U 10 bales. Henders of the News should preserve these figures tor IUture r'-fereiice. 1<K)3 1004 1005 1006 Sept BID 1,414 5 011 1,137 ()et. 5,658 rt,8.V> 5 723 6,348 NnV. 2.848 3.615 2.93ft If,241 Deo. 1,784 1 872 1,181 Jan. 487 nn» 281 Feb. M8 352 198 Mil roll 107 584 202 April 27 281 157 Mav 5 I5H 145 June i 83 26 July i 148 40 Aug. i 58 65 Totals 11, HM 15,737 15,965 Bridges-lngram. Wednesday evening at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. I,ilia Bridges, Miss Vela Bridges mid Mr. .1 olill Kinli aril Ingram were married, Hev, ,1. W It. Jenkins officiating. The bridal couple entered the parlor, which was iMiautifully decorated in white and green, to the strains of Men- delsshon's wedding march, rendered by Mrs, K. L. Merrill. The hri'le's wed ding gown whs of white silk, mid she was a picture of girlish lovliness. A course supisir was served in the dining room, which was elaborately decorated, the color scheme being pink and green Mr. and Mrs. Ingram wilt lie at. homo to their friends at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bridges Rock Spring. A. F. Parrott made u business trip to Newnan last. (Saturday. Will McGee nnd wife and Miss Lizzie Parrott attended services at Rbetiezor last Sunday. Alton Koyeton and family visited ,1. II. Wynn's family at Kedron last Sun day. W. M. Jackson and wife and little son were thu guests of J. L Hammock's family at .McCollum, lost Sunday. "Uncle" Ike Smith and wife silent Sunday last with relatives here. Wilhnr Houston and Miss Carrie Belle Pollard were quietly married last Sunday afternoon by Will Coggin, Esq M. D. Thurmond and daughters, Misses Minnie and Luoile, attended di vine services at Kbenezer last Sunday. Luther Todd nnd Horner Hammett, of Lougstreot, wore here last Tuesday on business. M. D. Thurmond made a business j * trip to Palmetto last Tuesday. While assisting in hog killing last Friday, F. M. Parrott was badly hurt, | but is slowly rooovoriug. Atlanta Conference M. E. Church, Colored. Tho Atlanta Conference of the Meth odist Episcopal Church closed its sea- i sions at the Newnan church of thisde-; nomination last Monday morning, i Bishop Cranston, of Washington. D. C , j a white bishop of the deuoiniu&tiou,pre sided over the Conference. The ri'isirts to Conference showed gieat- increase in benevolent collections, j in membership, in church building and I ill every department of church work. I)r. G A Nuiiiinlly of the First Baptist (church addressed the Conference in the I Interest of the prohibition movement in this State. Bishop Cranston pleached at the First M. K church. South last Sunday even- : ing He delivered a splendid sermon and made an excellent impression on i lie large audience assembled to hear him. Monday morning the Bishop read Ids appo iitiueuts for the Atlanta, Grif- tln, Gainesville nnd Home Diafiibts of the Cnnfeience. Appointments for At- lanin DistDet are as follows: C L Johnson, Presiding Elder Atlmi- tn--(’eiitriil avenue, .1 A Rush; Olinpel street, E il Oliver; Ariel Bowen, David Gray; Frost aliapel (supply), ,1 M Dan iel; North Atlanta (supply), N Bridges; University, (supply), J W E Bowen; Battle Hill. J M Spencer; College Park, N J Orally; Oak City, H M White;Fair born, William MeWillie; Palmetto, A J Wilson; Newnan, M ,M Alston; New- i nan circuit, J J Jones; Grantville and 1 Lutherville E R Miller; Grnntvillo oir-1 ■ cuit, 11 E Burns; St. Charles iniTl Mount I Zion, H K Thomas; Enon Grove, (sup ply); R B Leslot; Wlnti sburg (supply), E II Leo; Hogansvillc, E W Cox; Ho- 1 gansville circuit. J W Tlmrpe; G W Arnold, agent stewards’ foundation fund, nielli her university quarterly con ference; J P Wrngg, agent of the Ameri can Bible Society. How Diphtheria la Contracted. One often hears the expression, "My i child caught a severe cold which de- I veloped into diphtheria," when the truth was that the cold had simply left the little one partiou'nrly susceptible to the wandering diphtheria germ When Clinmlierlniii's Cough Remedy is given it quickly cures the Chid and les sens the danger of diphtheria or nuy other germ disease lining contracted. For sale by Peniston & Lee. George W. Gable Dead. | Senoia, Deo. II.—Mr. George W. I Gable died Monday afternoon from oau- ■ cor. His remains were buried at Hiiral- ' son Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Cable was i oouuty treasurer of Coweta. He was 58 years of ago and leavos a wife and nine children. He was n Confederate veteran. Notice. Ou account of increased ex|>euse and work, I find it unprofitable to longer continue delivering messigos to any l»rt of the city for 5c., ami after this date will oeaso doing so. Ou and after December 1st a note or package deliver ed will cost 10c. H. S. BANTA. GrantviUe. Rev John B Robins, Presiding Elder of the LaGrangn District, will preooli at the Methodist church Sunday morniug and cvcuiug. Owing to tlfe lateness of the train Sun day morning. Rev. Alex Bcaler did not fill his appointment at the Baptist oimroh Sunday morning. A good ser mon was hoard, I owever, from Rev. J. B. S. Davis, of Newnan, who was the guest of Hon. S. E. Leigh and wife. The Ladies Parsonage Society was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. N. O. Banks Wednesday afternoon. A lovely pin cushion presented by Mrs. O. P. Glower, was sobl for ft; a sofa cushion, made by Mrs. R. I. Sewell, bronght Olio. Other articles were also given, running the total amount of snles to $2 35. Three now names were added to tho member ship—Mrs. McElroy and Mrs. J. T. White and Mrs. Bobo. Tho invited guests were Mrs. Harold Baxter, New York ; Misses Gortio Post, Lucile Banks, Tommie White and Mrs. T. B. Banks. A delicious salad course was served by j Misses Maud Bugg and Ethel Hanks, ( followetWy rosette wafers and chocolate A most delightful evening was enjoyed by those present. Mrs. Colley Leigh is in Newnan to- ! day. Mrs. J D Moreland. Mrs. N. O. | Banks anil Ethel Banks spent Saturday in Newnan. M't'H. II. Abner Camp and Mrs. R. F. Brannon, of Moreland, were guests Fri day of Miss Emma Belltf Zellars. F. T. Meaohum was in St. Marks Thursday on business. Miss Minnie White, of Lone Oak, is visiting Miss Willie May Lambert. Rev. A. II. S. Bugg lias returned from a visit to relatives in Milledgeville and Augusta. Miss Tommie Lou Lester is visiting relatives in Newnan. Misses Plant and Gill, of Rocky Mount, were recent guests of MIbs Jeu- nie Lou Gill Mrs. Hugh Brooks, of Hognusville, was the guest of Mrs. J. T.' White Fri day. Miss Mary Glower spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glower in New- nail. Miss Gertie Post spent the first few days of this week with Miss Delia Wis dom in IgiGrnnge. Miss Estelle Zellars, one of Agues Scott’s bright pupils, is at home. John Sims, of Paluiotto, was a guest at the home of N. O. Banks Sunday. W. A. Bolmnnon visited his sister, MissSailie Beliannon at LaGrange Fe male College Sunday. Mrs. Mary Owonsbv was in Newnan Saturday. Miss Willie Jeter is spending tho week with relatives in Moreland. Mrs. E. O. Smith has returned home from a visit to her mother, Mrs. Clias. Haynes, of St. Charles. Boozer Payne spent a few days last week in Atlanta. Mrs. T. M. Zellars visited her mother, Mrs. Fuller, at St. Charles, Tuesday. Glenn and Dan Post, of Newnan, spent last week with their grandparents, Hon. and Mrs. W. A. Post. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lester, of Newnan, spent Saturday and Sunday with Judge T. M. Lester and family Mrs Stevie Robertson, of Moreland, visited her sister, Mrs. F. A. Jeter, Thursday. Sim Zellars, of Palmetto, is at the home of his brother, Capt. T. E. Zellars. J. D. Cole, of Louise, was the guest of D. Y. Bryant Sunday. Prof. Clms. Astin and son,of Newnan, were iu GrantviUe Sunday. . Hon. W..A. Post and N. O. Banks made a business trip to LnGrnnge today. E. B. Cotton was in Atlanta Sunday. Miss Myrtis O’Neal and J. H. Walker went to Nownan Sunday. Col. W O. Post visited his parents here Sunday. J. H. Mcaoham, of Hogansville, spent Tuesday with his son, F. T. Meaolmm. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Gilbert visited relatives in Senoia Saturday and Sunday. Ben Kirby, of Newnan, was iu Grant- ville Tuesday. T. M. Lester made a business trip to Atlanta Wednesday. T. E. Siuis had a painful aooldont Fri day wliilo sawing lumber at thn saw mill of T. M. Zellers. A scantling 8 or 10 feet flew back and struck him ou the shoulder, knocking him down, and a largo splinter penetrated the flesh for 4 or 5 inches, oansiug much suffering (or a time. The Homo Mission Society will meet ntthcM.E. church Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock The Hosiery Mill has purchased ti e Hungerforth plaoe and will erect a com modious warehouse thereon in the near future. Mrs Dollle Arnold, of Newnan, was the guost Tuesday of Mrs W. G. Sadler. Miss Bessie Gamp, of the 3rd district, spent Saturday with Mrs J. E. Doan. At Central Baptist Church. At this church next Sunday morniug at 11 o'olook Dr. J. S. Hardaway will deliver a sormon on the subject of "Obe dience to Law.” At night at the usual hoar Rev. A. J. Mouorief, President of Cox College will deliver an address oil the subject of general eduoatiou. The public will be welcomed to both services. The man with principle should take some interest in politics. Thorough humility is tho best preparation for true greatness. A story unfit for ladies to hear is unfit for a gentleman to tell. A gift that depends upon its cost for favor is seldom remem bered. When a man starts out Jo look for trouble he doesn’t get enough walking to start his blood to going good. Now that the frost is thick upon his windows the average man is yearning for an opportunity to make garden. A man who will listen to the troubles of others is seldom idle; the man who wants to tell his troubles has a busy time finding a listener. When doubt enters hope shivers. Christianity consists of doing, not saying.