The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 21, 1906, Image 2

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<1 Is your baby thin, weak, fretful ? FOOLS AND CRANKS. NUMBER SIX. The prohibition cranks Make baby. him a Scott's Emulsion “I dinks aboud you fader." "Dot vos a gout poy, dot dinks so mooch of der old fader," I mav be slightly cranky and empty about the cranium, but I “tries to dink about sumdings” some times. I may not be done with this subject, but I want to a gang ot fakers Observer. Scott*s Emulsion is Cod Liver OO and Hypophosphites prepared so that it is easily digested by little folks. Consequently the baby that is fed on Scott*s Emulsion is a sturdy, rosy- cheeked little fellow full of health and vigor. ALL DRUOGI8TS; BOc. AND SI.OO. The Newnan News (■•uad (very Friday. J. T. FAIN, Cdlter and Publlahor SUBSCRIPTION RATE.IS1.00 PER YEAR. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COWETA COUNTY. ’Phone No. 20. OFFICE UP STAIRS IN THE W1LC0X0N BLDG Same old Christmas jokes are being warmed over by the alleged funny men of the newspapers. are the right kind, but they get in a hurry to twist things They want to yank the saloon and its victims apart, but don’t seem to know how 1 take a shot at to do it. Let me say just here: next week. ' they never will accomplish a great . deal so long as the whiskey trust : The Poet’s Christmas Dream, is backed and protected by the —— Federal government. The United 1 The poet sat by dying embers I c . . . , _ , j And list'ned to the sobbing winds. States internal revenue laws are The days of yonth lie well remembers the good fathers of the whiskey When fate to him was far more kind, /v- . | c The days when plenty smil'd around him traffic. I know of more than one And many precious presents found him. protected distillery located in pro- j He drPam . d of wearT vpars of ^ hibition territory. Have the States With scant reward for all his pains; and law-abiding communities no Hl * ^ r rk 10 please and cheer his neigh- i rights the Federal government With sonnet, ditty and refrain, abnnld mQnnnt ? Have left him poor and old and seedy, should respect. And nanK , Jt to ^ ive the siok or ueed ^ Some years ago in Alabama, a [ He 4^ of Mag ootnplimented man was arrested for selling liqu- By rich and frrt»at lor clever rhymes, Jor»to violation of the St... law, and when his premises were search-1 And empty is his purse and larder, ed, an internal revenue license j Aud fnel hi * h aud weRtl,er liarder - . was found. Thus the United Statse-The embers on the hearth are dyinR, Before the News is issued again, .. , , The wind is rising colder still; December 2Cth 1006 will have WaS encoura g in 8 him to viio1lttte the 1 He dreams collectors near him crying: . laws of his State. The Federal; "Oome in and pay that little bill; passed to record with the vast ma- 1 , ^ I We waut to get our presents ready jority of other,lay. of thin goo,I *o».rn,nent u not on y a prot.c | Fo, Lnlub.,,. ..a Huh, Fr.dd,. year which is so near its end.i t0r ’ . Ut , ' n 6 !' n ’; 'Tis time to dream when days are sunny, spired traffic—holding and caring , And write for compliments or fun, for the devil’s goods. Millions of | ? 8 ,10W ’ we waut our m0liey CHRISTMAS. o HLillinorc wants a new county, and there are still more Georgia towns having a similar desire. High class burglars always go into the best homes. In that re spect they resemble millionaires. The postman and the express man have troubles all their own during the joyous weeks just be fore Christmas. There will lien rush of voting in the piano contest from now until four o’clock next Monday after noon. Vote curly and often. Have you voted in the piano con test! Don’t forget It. Home young lady will appreciate your votes, and it costs you nothing to vote. Some young woman will be made happy at four o'clock on next Mon day afternoon. Wedding? No; the News’ piano contest closes at that hour. good which is Therefore, the News lakes ad van t age of this last opportunity to ex- ,, .. , , , . . , .. . r .. gallons are stored in bonded ware- ‘ For we must have our Christmas dinner, end the greeting, of the ,ea»,.n » iMured an<1 guaranlted by ^ »P oU.dr~n.tntt .inner," to each one of it. reader, and • nmcn , ‘ ! Th. poet ...nted from l.u dnainlng friends. h i With wakeful eyns now gaz'd about, Thn Mmu/« that nn nntn 1 The people in this case are the The winds without were roaring,scream- discord or” inplea.,m inciden! tool., because they submit without ' shall disturb the harmony or mar I a murmur to this most glaring out- the happiness of the people ot this I ra K e - If the control of the manu- city and county during the Christ. I facture and sale of whiskey was mas season. May we, as a people,! * e ^t w 'th the people where of enjoy a sane, sober and happy : r 'ght it should be—then probition Christmas week; and we may rest j would be comparatively easy. Fro- assured that if the season is ob- hibition can never fully succeed until the government and the whiskey trust are divorced, the control of the beast is relegat ed to the individual States. When that is done his forces will be hopelessly scattered, and the peo ple may rise up and make an end ing. The embers, too, wore all gone out; He sadly eyed his last lone quarter, Then went bis way and dined on water. Newnan, Os., Dec. 15. E. J. S. Judges of Court of Appeals Drew for Terms. season is served by all with sobriety and in a sound and cheerful spirit, noth ing will occur to disturb the peace or destroy the good cheer of Christmas festivities. Before closing this brief Christ mas greeting, the writer of these of the whole business. lines desires to plead, as he has so often done before, for a sober j ^ he commander ot an army in Christmas for that class of people j battle, would be a fool to sit down who seem to believe that the only and cr V over the dead and wound- proper way to observe the season I ed ' while the enemy is steadily ad- is by drinking liquor and carous-1 van cing, or was strongly entrench ing These people have peculiar j ed and supplied with ammunition, views of the the Christmas season would be both fool and crank and its observance. The most j should he issue blank cartridges to i his soldiers, and expect silence the enemies’ guns POTTS AND PARKS WE SELL LADIES’ GOODS. We are the only exclusive dealers in Newnan, in dress goods, silks, trimmings, notions, lad ies and children’s shoes. Our special atten tion to this line enables us to procure the best materials at the lowest prices. FALL DRESS GOODS. Broad cloths in black, white and cold’s, priced #1.50, #1.25 and #1.00 per yard. Wool Batistes These are very popular and were bought at low figures; shown in black, white and many shades. Grey Suitings. London smoke, hair-line checks and shadow plaids, Chester field and mohairs. Scotch Plaids For ladies’ waists and children’s dresses. SILKS. Plaids, plain and fancy waist silks, novelty and plain yard wide dress silks. Yard-wide black peau de soie silks at #1.25 and #1 per yard. Black taffeta silks, yard wide, at #1.25, #1.00, 90 cents and SO cents per yard. SATIN. Fight shades yard wide satins for only #1.00 per yard. TRIMMINGS. One hundred styles of braids and appliques, many rich ef fects in embroidered all-overs and Baby-Irish laces. I senseless and useless action any . man can be guilty of is to make a “A nation's greatness," exclaims Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, “is made by its greatest men." From the depths of his personal experience let President Roosevelt dig up con firmation of the Englishman's statement. beast of himself by filling up on liquor. T his is true at all times and under all conditions; but the man who “celebrates" (as it is usually termed) Christmas by get ting drunk is guilty of the basest and most despicable conduct. Christmas commemorates the is what most prohibitionists are doing. Brother, train your guns on the entrenchments, and be sure they are shotted with hard shot; aim low, and dismount the heavy or dinance of the enemy—the United States internal revenue laws. You j greatest and most wonderful event may whine over the evils of strong in the world’s history—the birth j drink, and the heilish work of the of Him who came to lift men out . jug trade till dooms day, but you j of their sinful and debased state ! will never accomplish much until | and to transform them into crea- j you send the right kind of men to tures having high aspirations and Congress. See that your Senators noble ideals. The awful incon- Read the advertisements in this j gruity of attempting to comme- week s News, and finish your morate this event by debasing and Christmas shopping quick. I here's degrading oneself is apparent to going to be a great mix-up in the any thoughtful individual. Then stores next Monday and it will be | ct the drunkard put away his bot- difiicult to trade in a satisfactory j tie and for once pass through the Buy now! Christmas season in a temperate manner. One trial of this kind Richard B. °»ght to convince any man that because he a sober Christmas is infinitely bet- ! ter than one of debauchery and ; degredation. manner on that day. and Representatives are men who will demand the withdrawal of government protection from thej whiskey trust. Rally your forces) and make an organized attack on j this central strong hold and when ; you have it in your power, the victory will be more than half won. 1 To fight the saloon and jug trade 1 Doubtless Judge Russell is delighted drew the short term in the draw ing tqr positions on the Court of Appeals:hench. It will afford him 1 *7 tb «i sober Christmas, you {{the -opportunity' to maintain his lovers of liquor, and note the re- {•record of running for some kind of sobs! .an office every two years. Again, and in conclusion, the The judges-elect of the court of a ” d appeals met at the governor’s of fice Saturday afternoon and drew 9 for teims in accordance with the ) act creating the court. The gov ernor wrote upon three plain white j cards the words, “Two years," j “Four years," “Six years.” The three judges retired from the room and the governor placed the cards tace downward upon his table. The judges came into the room singly, and each chose a card. Judge Powell, being the youngest, was directed to choose first, and he drew the four-year , iterm. Judge Russell next came them to , , , , . Tlrit and first placed his hand upon one of the cards and then, without rais ing that one, changed his mind and took up the other, thereby drawing the two-year term. Judge Hill then took the only remaining card, which carried the six-year I term. Judge Powell, who was recently appointed by the jndges elect of the court of appeals as a committee to prepare rules for the new court, submitted his report, and the rules which will be adopted upon the i organization of the court on Jan. i, were agreed upon. Any mem ber of the bar can obtain a printed copy of these rules upon applica tion to the clerk on or after Jan. i. The rules themselves are not yet made public, but the statement is authorized that there will be no radical departure from the present practice prevailing in the supreme court. Indeed, the judges have WE SELL American Lady corsets, Ladies’ Shoes, um and grades children’s and ihfants’ Butterick Patterns. medi- shoes, POTTS 6 PARKS Phone|109 Bay Street Newnan, Ga. Some Suggestions for Christmas Gifts ■ ■ Neckwear—We have a choice selection of the big shapes in Fonr-in-llands, in new and nobby patterns. SUk Mufflers and Reefers in some very pretty and attractive designs. Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs—a big assort ment of kinds and patterns. is well enough, but these are only d that the first hearj of || the out-ports, and when you cap- j rflspa shall hp h , n . < j V! Full Dress Suit Protectors- thing that every well wants in his wardrobe. -'Phis is some- dressed man lure one, two more are posted near; the spot. You have a shrewd,rich and powerfully enemy to contend with, and he is versed in the tac tics ot political warfare; therefore, 1 you cannot safely relax your vigi- and the Christmas sesaon! News’ Christmas greetings go out lance for a single moment. Safely ; Congressman Champ Clark, of lo every man, woman and child in ensconced in his stronghold, he •the State of Missouri, says it will Coweta col,nt >’’ Ma y every one laughs you to scorn when you at- take four hundred years to reform gather only the truits of unalloyed Hack the out-ports, he knows that the English language along the happiness, peace and joy during j he has the men and money to defy lines mapped out by President Roosevelt. Perhaps so; but it will take longer than that to reform some folks who speak English. —_ ■ —, want consolation, po home. When you Baldwin county is going to fight Wftnt fuu ’ w,u>1 ‘ want to .. ut-.- » ..i show others that-you have reformed,ko the liquor vs. prohibition battle , . , . cases shall be had under the rules I now of force in the supreme court. J v* The judges will meet on Janu- p* ary I and formally organize the'r» court and elect a clerk and a; si sheriff, but the first session of the ft court for the purpose of hearing |p cases will not be held until Janu- 1 arv 8.—Atlanta Constitution. Fancy Silk Suspenders- tractive individual In -Put up in at- your languid efforts. These he now uses in a gentle but persistent manner, but send one shot against his stronghold and you will arouse FARMERS HIGH SCHOOL At Sargent, Georgia, 8 V? When to Co Home. From the Bluffton, Ind., Banner: his stronghold and you will arouse " 511 opeu tor the winter term j § When tired out. go home. When you in him the rage 0 f the lion and ) ^vember 26, 190 6, and continue || cunning ot the fox. I have wanted for years for some man with brains and learning to say what I have said in this article, but they would not, and I have said it in my own little cranky way five consecutive months, except g one week for the Christmas lioli- •days. Competent teachers will lx* ig in charge of each department of j the school. Thorough and system atic work will be required of all . pupils. All patrons of the school There are a number of good | are earnestly requested to send Men’s Fine Felt Bed-room Slippers. Ladies’ Fancy Fur Top Bed-room Slippers —from 1.00 to 2.00 per pair. Come in and let us show you what we have and let us help you make a se lection of fashionable gifts. home and let your family get acquainted over again on Jail. 9th. Evidently, with the foot. When you want to show Baldwin county has not given pro- yourselt at your best go homo and do hibition a fair trial. In any county the act there. When you feet like being that has enjoyed the benefits of t>s,ni go home and practice on 1 i vour wife and ohildreu first. When you real prohibition for a reasonable 1 • J length of time, Uon y of"Ekin l d. bnng “" !* ,0ld l ’’ To which we would add when : the reci l compliments of lit- P upils ' you have a tied oold go home aud take . T , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and a e * C0 ' quick cure is oertaiu. For sale by Peuis- "Veil Shakup vat you dinks ven ton ft Lee. Newnan, O*. I you dinks aboud nodding*?" it will be found I WRUt 8,, in‘ > with extra brilliancy go people to whom old Hockelspeiler’s j their children in the first day. srine on an elec- ,10nu> a “' 1 light u,> t,ie whole house- compliments might be applied,with Special attention given to boarding ® 1 hold ’* Tn which WO wnnhf add u*han . • • . .. ... nnm’lo Dnfno rtf’ Have you voted? Rates of tuition and cost of board very reasonable. For further information apply to or write F. ROY ATvMON, Principal. Come in and say "Show me.” f 5 a W. M. ASKEW, I I Successor to Askew Bros, p ^sUeSis<sw86Wt?!<?!i!wwsgtctiscwww>ii>c}q>rit<’>qwwac><yagtag | .effiff<sgi8WH!!y»g»g<y*qK*v l