The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 21, 1906, Image 8
Keep Your Your Credit food Credit is a High Compliment and the best of Capital Tfca feualnMa arvl pt-nfaaalnnal p»npl« of thla rlty liav» mi I tod thalr o»«41t lnt»r»«t« u< nauaad a (Vnlnil 0.41! Offl<<>. luiown a* Tha Bualneaa Man'. Mutual l*rotactlT# U—wolailon. to ha ••tabloliod In thla olty. wharaln the cradlt atandln* of ararybodr and all aoneariia U reoordod for i aady rafaranea, and from now on a dally raoord wfl ko hap" of all arodlt atandlnya and hwaaftw no oradlt will ba axtamlad unlaaa raoowMaaiadad by tka CHniral Oradlt Offlra, banoa It bahoovaa all aradlt ouatonaara to pay aa Byroad Tba honaat will ba rawardrd by a good oradlt atandlng, whdah will ba road* known ka tba bodatnawa puhllr Wilful dabtora will hara no cradlt atandlng and will not ba vaaoananandad for oradlt 1 'allnnuant dabtoia will ba aftordad an opportunity to oattla thalr dabtn. and pay- mama Will ba Iliad to roitu within thalr titatm, ratiolng no hardahlp or burdan. T>.a Parra tat y ,-rf lha Aaaodailon will mall a aattlamant ratjuoat to all dallnquant dahtora. afTordlng lham a way to aattlo thalr Juat dahta and plana thamaalvaa In ■ nod madlt atandlng All who ara hon»at ahntild work In harmony with tha Amo- ala loti and rompol tha partlaa thay patronlaa to mabo a raport rommmandlng thalr oradlt. aa good radii la a high cnmpllmant and lha boat of capital Th* b'lsin^iia nr id pr nf ^■■lonaJ ptopl* compelled to <’0-oper»ite la order to maka It pttaalhla r,. aoronimoda:. ttia worthy nadlt applicant and not ba Impoaod Wynn by Wilful dabtora . ... .. Tha Aagorlatlnn ha a no rollartor. and all lattara having any connaotion with It will ba aim ad by tha Aaaualailon. »- " . tbe nnd prt>f1 people who have the AMOoItt.ln eign, hey twward you with a good -radlt Handing Nona othara ran Pawara of partlaa who ma> aondaron thla conearn--look up thalr oradlt ata*id- ftvtg llkaly It la bad. Thla A«m>-intioii is nrgnn l/.i'il ttinl will lie cnnrlnotnd by the buninem» nnd pro- itnt In Memoriam. Mrs. Mary Emily Meriwether' died Aug. 6, 1906, in her fiftieth year. She was the daughter of I William and Mary Goodson. Her father, who was a brave Confed-j erate soldier, gave his life for the cause he loved, was taken from her in her childhood. I She was first married to Mr. ! j Edwin Lazenby in January, 1887. Miss Vandella Lazenby and Mrs. H. L. Rowden are children ot this union. Mr. Lazenby died in Dec. 1880, and in July. 1899, after a widowhood of nine years, she was happily married to Mr. Edgar Meriwether. Three manly boys J came to bless their happy home. | She was a woman of great energy, which was mainly directed to mak ing those around her happy; how well she succeeded is shown in the iove of her many friends and the devotion of her children. Her h-me was the home for the preach- Wc Handle Edison Goods Exclusively The New JLdison Phonograph Store <1 21 Greenville Street; Business Men's Mutual Protective Ass’n., Telephone No. 249. Newnan, Ga. to toft ii* 'tofofa', KitiAliiiAWiAiAiAiiiiAin* iV.S'filf.n 1 "•.lintinl inmi of Cowotn county, with a oentrnl oftbwi located at Newnan, Ga., vi nioh is now oj:m ii and doing hinducM at Knnui t, Atkinson Building. All parties doing n ori'dif IiuhIiium* or wb(> inay liuvn alow or douiittul accounts , , . ...... m notes, an* ri>(|Ufstcd to investigate nnd join tills Association at once nnd help ®rs, whom She always ciellgllted to 1 be good work nlong Ask tbe inerebants and doctors of Newnan. wbo am now ; entertain. Under the preaching getting good money on tlicir old claims. Address , ’ ... , of Rev. J. W. Ouillian, she was converted, and joined Emory Chapel in 1883. Of this church she remained a consistent mem ber until her removal to the First Methodist church of Newnan, in 1904. Why she was taken from her mother, children and husband who feel the need of her so much, we do not know. “Not now, bur in tin* coining years, It may be, in tbe ‘better land,’ We’ll know the meaning of our tears; And then—and then, we'll understand.” Loved ones, accept with faith what God does for you, and stiive to meet her in “the land where cometh no night.’’ A Friend, Now have a full stock of all the new and choice music, and machines of all sizes. Your repair work will receive prompt and careful attention cf skilled workmen. We extend a cordial in vitation to the ladies to call and see us, and we will be glad to play over all the latest music for you. Gem Outfit, complete S12.10 Gem Outfit, larger SI4.20 Standard Outfit, complete $27.10 Standard Outfit, larger $29.20 Home Outfit, complete S45.00 Easy payments can In* arranged ( if desired. FARMERS’ WAREHOUSE COMPANY NEWNAN, GA. Beg to announce to the farmers of Coweta and surrounding counties that they are now prepared to weigh and store cotton. Owing to the fact that we have equipped the warehouse with Improved Automatic Sprinklers, have made the walls fire-proof, and the building modern in every respect, we are able to .secure the lowest possible rates of in surance, and are therefore prepared to offer Free Insurance 1 on all cotton from the time it is taken from * the wagon, and Extra Storage Charge of IS cents Per Bale. Mr. J. A. Stephens will be in charge of the weighing and is prepared to give, you prompt and efficient service. We shall be pleased to have your patronage. Farmers’ Warehouse Co., Newnan, Ca. This outfit $32.00. payable $5.00 down and $1.00 per week We can fit you up with an outfit at most any price you desire from $ 1 2.10 to $ 100, and you can arrange easy payments if you wish. Whitesburg. Our Mr. Bailey will be glad to demonstrate one of these phonographs at your home if desired. We Guarantee ’Em! Winter time will soon be hero with its rain ami sleet, and traveling in 1111 open buggy will 1h> very disagreeable. Why not call on us and get a comfortable, light running top buggy! MADE IN NEWNAN We put on rubber tires. MERCK & DENT Buggy Builders. I, nst Sunday wan preaching day at the Baptist oliuroli and tlfo pastor, Kev. J. W. McLeod, delivered a splendid dis course to ti4(ood congregation. The niau.v friends of Miss Mary Lon Goodman will be glad to know she is rapidly recovering from her recent ill ness. She returned home last week from Atlanta, where site had gone for an operation for appendicitis. Misses Lizzie and Mary Watkins left last week for Houston, Texas, where they have gone to spend some time with their brother, Col. Edgar Watkins. Tha new Methodist preacher, Rev. W. H. Kennedy, together with his family have moved to Whitesburg. We wel come them among us nnd sincerely hope their stay here will be most pleasant. J. F. Shell, who has been associated with bis brother-in-law,J. H. Lipscomb, in the mercantile business, has returned to lits home in Culpepper, Va. His mauy friends here regret very much to give him up Allen Crain and Oliver Davis,of New- nan, were visitors iu Whitesburg Suu- day. T. E. McWhorter is now clerking for J. H. Lipscomb. J. L. Alntou, who is tebchiug near Carrollton, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Mrs. W. F. Edgeworth, who lias beon quite sick for some time, is improving some we understand. School will close Friday for the Christ mas holidays. Mrs. Mark Houston, of Alabama, lias been visiting the family of J. W. Hous ton several days. Otto Brantley, who lias been in the school of telegraphy at Senoia for the past three mouths,came home Saturday, having completed the course nt that college. Ho made a good record while at school and finished rite course in re markably good time for a boy of his age. Mrs. W. T. Housewortli will leave Thursday for Meigs, Ga., where she goes to visit her sister, Mrs. J F. Cro well. She will be accowpauied by little Mabel Crowell. John Treadwell hns bought of J. H Lipscomb residence receutly 1 built by him on Main street, and will j move with his family to town iu a short time. Master Edgar Watkins, Jr., of Hous ton, Texas, is spending several days with his grand-parents, Mr. aud Mrs M. D. Watkius. Tom .Toues. of Montgomery, Ala., came in Monday evening to spend n week witli Ins parents near the city. We are sorry to chronicle the death of Mr. Phillips, which occurred last Satur day at his home near town. We extend to his bereaved family our heart-felt sympathy in this sad hour. Christmas is coming again. Thp brightest nnd happiest season of all the year will be with us next week. This joyful season always brings a certn“- amount of happiness and cheer into the lifeot most every one. It is the time of year when cares and worries cease for a few days, and all people enjoy the oc casion ill the good, old fashioned way. We hope that- this Christmas will be es pecially bright and joyous to those wiio Only 35c each. The New Edison Phonograph Store, L. W. BAILEY, Mgr. Old Bank Building - - Newnan, Georgia are burdened witli any of the trials and j disappointments of life. Let ns all strive to make somebody happy aud glnd on ‘ this Christmas festival. A Home Made Happy by Chamber- laln’a Cough Remedy. About two months ago our tmby girl had measles which settled on tier lungs aud at last resulted in a severe attack of brouoliitis. We had two doctors but no relief was obtained. Everyliody thought she would die. I went to eight different stores to And a certain remedy which had been recommended to me aud failed to get it, when one of the storekeepers insisted that I try Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy. 1 did so and our baby is alive and well today.—Geo. W. Spence, Holly Springs, N. 0. For sale by Pcnistou & Lee, Newnan, Oa. Get it at THE NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE First Baptist Church. Dr. Nunnally will discuss next Sunday, themes appropriate to the, season. It is Christmas, and the | occasion suggests the coming of Christ. In the morning his sub ject will be, “Why Christ Came;” at night, “What if He had Not Come.” The event changed the current of all history and filled the world with new expectations and new aspirations. How Diphtheria la Contracted, j One often bears the expression, "My j child oauglit a severe oold which de veloped into diphtheria," when tire truth j was that the cold Imd simply left the little one particularly susceptible to the j wandering diphtheria germ When . Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy is given | it- quickly cures the cold aud les- sens the danger of diphtheria or any other germ disease being contracted. 1 For sale by Peniston & Lee. Holmes-Broom. Mrs. Geo. A. Rroom, of College Park, announces the engagement of her daughter, Pinkie, to Mr Thomas C irroll Holmes, the wed-j ding to take place early in Janu ary.—Sunday Journal. Miss Broom formerly resided in Newnan and has many friends here who are interested in her ap- preaching marriage. If you want a Christ mas grift that will be both appropriate and useful. We have in stock hundreds of ar ticles suitable for Chr istmas presents, and every article has the merit of being useful as well as appropriate or ornamental. Come and see, and you’ll buy your Christmas goods at our store. Have you voted? THE NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE