The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 28, 1906, Image 3

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GREAT CLEARANCE SALE AT H. T. DANIEL’S I Palmetto, Qa. FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY This clearance sale starts Dec. 24, and v ends Jan. 7, 1907, and the goods mu^t move to make room for Spring Stock. Sale Lasts Two Weeks And I offer you during that time the beSt goods at the lowest price possi ble. For instance, a $1.75 extra heavy brogan shoe for $1.40. A good ser viceable brogan for only $1.00. For Two WccKs Only Regardless of cost to me. My fall and winter stock must go. On my large assortment of clothing, I give 50 per cent. off. All of my underwear must go at cost. I need the room, you need the goods, and now is the time. A CLEARANCE SALE Is what I am going to have for the next two weeks, beginning Dec. 24th and lasting until Jan. 7, 1907. I positively cannot sell you these goods after my two weeks’ sale for what I ask for them during this sale. H. T. DANIEL PALMETTO, CA. FOOLS AND CRANKS. MM HUH HKVKN. Happy New Year, everybody 1 (•lad you are alive! that is, it you don't deserve banging. Well, I only get up to remark that Christ mas and New Year usually come around in the winter in this lati tude, on this side of the equator, but some people contrive to have a warm time during the holidays. Some get warmed up with fun, some got warm hearted, and then rememl>er their friends, and alas! some cranks get tricky, and <> my! some fools get drunk.’ Kight thinking people are al ways sorry for the last two darned; Out fools and cranks have existed ever since they built Rnbel v tower. While I have the tloor, 1 would like to call your attention to the fakir nuisance, if it isn’t too much trouble. There hus been an ep idemic of fakirs in our city this fall; 1 do not know just how many, they come with horns and diums, clowns, acrobats, jumping jacks, etc., el cetera and also H als, and <>, horrors! a great big squawking graphophone! They want to sell everything, everything, from slue- strings to whet stones, but most particularly, they want to cure your real, or imaginary, aches and pains, and in every instance they liuve the only medicine that will do it. Ladies and gentlemen, I have listened to these glib fakirs, and l)cen tilled with wonder. I have looked over the crowds around, and seen people apparently enjoy ing reasonable health, and yet these people Imd never had a previous opportunity to try those wonderful remedies. How in all wonder could they have lived, and eat three meals a day, before these medicines were discovered! 'Phis is a puzzler to me. 1 may be wrong, but I can’t get itystruight, how men land women ever lived without those all healing drugs. Drugs did I say ! Kxcuse mu, Mr. Druggist, I meant no offense. 1 know I should have used the word “deception,” but the public would have objected, for, you know, the public bought u lot of the stuff. I hope, Mr. Druggist, you will not mention this to the public. Very well, the fakirs came uud sold their wares, and the f—, no, the great and wise public is now supremely happy, and sever al hundred dollars of Coweta’s money is gone. I am no chemist, and therefore cannot analyse the stuff sold, but I would Is’t a but ton, there is not five cents worth of real medicine in a quart of it. If any of thosi take the last, and prove me wrong, then I’ll just pay like a little man. it less the dear people! they sure | do love to Is* fooled, and they are j willing to pay a good price for the To Heat Cold Rooms Quickly Every house lias Us cold room. Abnormal weather conditions, inadequate stove or furnace heat otten result in some particular part ot the house being cold and cheerless. You can make home warm and cheerful with the PERFECTION OttJBwtro. (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Carry It about from room to room. Turn wick high or low—there's no danger. Smokeles device prevents smoke and smell. Easy to operate as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Brass oil fount beautifully em bossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and bums q hours. Gives Intense heat. Two finishes—nickel ami Japan. I lamlsome, useful, reliable. Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer’s write our nearest agency tor descriptive circular. The RW/O Lamp yrtu can boy. latest Improved 1 »’* the bent lamp for a II r on nJ household use Equipped with latest Improved burner. Clives bright, steady light at lowest cost. Made of brass throughout and nickel plated. Suitable for any room whether library, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. Safe and satisfactory. Every lamp warranted. Write to^ nearest agency If not at your dealer's. Standard Oil Company Incorporated. ilS ; Train 35, which lias loft Atlanta at, to a. hereafter leave at r»:*J() Montgomery at 10:55. A new train, to lie known No. will leave Atlanta at 0 a. in. reaching Montgomery at 4 p.m. No. .»» will leave Atlanta at ‘2:15 p.m, reaching Montgomery at 7:50 p. in. No’s. :t:t and .‘til will both carry dav coaches and make all local stops. No. :t7 will leave Atlanta at 0:40 p. m., reaching Montgomery at 11:45 p. in., and New Orleans at 0:45 a. m., and will be a solid Pull- man train. No. 41, the Ltdirange accommo dation, will leave Atlanta at 5:25 instead of 5:.‘K). Northbound No. ,‘t.S, leaving Montgomery at 0:55 a. in., will rcuch Atlanta at 11:55 a. m. No. 40 will leave Montgomery at S a. m., reaching Atlanta at 2:20 |>. in. No. 34 will leave'Montgomory at I p. in., reaching Atlunta at 7:00 p. m. No. MO will leave Montgomery at 0:45 p. m., reaching Atlanta at 11:55 p. in. 'Hie LaGrangc accommodation will reach Atlanta at H:.‘I0 a. ni. Traifi No. 07. which has left At- formally ! man equipment will be secured for m., will i these trains, which will lie electric reaching I lighted throughout with light** in ! all the berths. The Poor Man’s Friend. lanta at 11:45, will lie taken off, who Imiight will 1 0W, "K to the lengthening of t he schedule, of this train on the .South ern . One result of the changes will lx* the inauguration of the first solid Pullman train over run from New York to New Orleans. At fooling. A gentleman whispered to me that the fakirs paid a ( . 01l . the present time trains 57 and 3K, siderable portion of the city’s tax -I on the Southern and Pennsylvania, es, and I ought to be ashamed to j between New York and AtlanUt, raise any objections. j h,lv, ‘ ,w *" H0 0 I M,,ttt « d > ,mb 0,1 tluj West Point and Louisville and A few Ht'tmi favorites of fate, While thmixuitris Hulfer hero, Anil nail the story to relate, Have Iloilo to bless and cheer Tlie humble |x>or in life we have, God-given men of worth, As trim mi life, with hearts ns brave, As those of royal birth. Wo see them in life’s dreary way, All weary, weak and worn; Still toiling on, day after day, Their faithful lives have shown. And thus they struggle on through life, Its heavy burdens beur, ’Til kindly nature ends the strife, To save them from despair. The better day shall surely come. When Death, the |>oor man’s friend. Will give to them a brighter home, • Where roHt shiill never end. Then welcome be the hour of death, That brings but sweet relief; No more of toil with wasted breath. Nor bitter woe and grief. Then let the good and true of earth Keinomber well thopoor; Appreuiute their real worth, Their triaU help endure; And give the meud of praise when due, No matter where we find The honest man, though poor, but true, The noblest of his kind; And like the mui of God, our Lord, Deal kindly with the poor, And give to them their Just reward. His blessings to secure. And some sweet day,the time shall conte, When all our cares shall end; Haved, in God's eternal home, With Christ, tiie |xmr man's friend. A sad, yet pleasing theme is done, The si unde truth we’ve told; And if a Christian spirit shown, Shall prize it more than gold. College 1’ui'k, (in. G. D. Smith. Yes; a barroom would pay a large portion of the city ’s Dixie*; does the city want a barroom! The barroom would lessen the earning capacity of the working class, and handicap our shops and factories, fill our jail, and drive away capi- jtal, therefore we do not want It. | The fakirs fool the public, collect ! the money, to which our own Ims- | iness men are entitled, and leave us NOTHING, Mokax,: barrooms and fakirs ] arc each an unprofitable nuisance “Let us have peace,” Put the medicine fakir and the blind tiger on the same footing. O Itri Kit V Kit. Nashville between Atlanta and New Orleans, day coaches have formed a part of the equipment of the train. After January 7 it will require Pullman transportation to board this train anywhere fietween New York anti New Orleans. It is announced that the finest Pull- Public Sale. Will he sold before the cowrt house door in Newnan on the first Tuesday in January, 139 3-8 acres, more or less, same lying in the and district. The land is in a high state ot cultivation and is well im proved. 11. J, FRY, 38 Newnan, Ga., R. F. D. No. 7. The West Point’s New Sched ule. The first of the new train soiled j ules to Is* given 011^ arc those of j the Atlanta and West Point, which were announced yesterday, says! Saturday's Atlanta Constitution.! They are to go into effect January 7, and show radical changes. The full new schedule of the West Point Route as announced by the local passenger officials, is as follows: Where you find Shield Brand Shoes it is a safe place to trade, because they are sold by reliable merchants everywhere. Be sure to ask for Kiser’s King $3.50 Shoe for men, and you will get your money’s worth. Made in 37 styles and all the popular Leathers, Patent Colt, Vici, Gun Metal, Box Calf, etc. M. C. Kiser Company Manufacturert ATLANTA. GEORGIA StfI«37S. Pat. Colt Bluctu-r.