The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 28, 1906, Image 4

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r 33&F& m ? i £ The Newnan News Issued Every Friday. J. T. FAIN, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATE, $1.00 PER YEAR. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COWETA COUNTY. ’Phone No. 20. OFFICE UP STAIRS IN THE WILCOXON BLOB her guest a few days this week oiir of Loater. hor school-mates— M is* Thomas—who Marshal Spradlin, of Texas, is the stopped over in Grantville enroute to guest of his sister, Mrs. J. P. O’Neal. Conyers. Gny Stanton, ot Atlanta, was in Misses Bertha and Janie Nail and Grantville Sunday. Gladys White, of the O N. & I. College, Mr. Clark Sims and wife and little Grantville. Millcilgeville, are home for the holidays. Misses Minnie Banks and Lucile Ar nold an; home from Wesleyan College, Macon, for a short vacation. Miss Sarah Barker Clower, of !*»• Grange Female College, is at home and has ns her guest Miss May Smith, of j Christmas gift at the home of C. E.Sew- Ensley, Ala. ell and wife. Robert and Paul Bngg and Lindsey Mrs. T. M. Zellars had a Christmas Whitehead, of Kfuory College, and I tree at her home Tuesday morning. „,l ,|„. Charlie Stewart Colley, of the O. M. A Every ohihl on her side of town was in ■laughter, of Alabama, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cotton. Mrs. Fuller, of St. Charles, and Mrs. Eubanks, of Atlanta, are guests of Mrs. T. M. Zellars. A handsome little boy is a prized Rev. R. B Seals, of Atlanta ... . appointment of W. R Lambert at the 1 College, are spending Christmas at their | vited to attend and presented with some Baptist church Hundny. j homes in Grantville, j toy and confectioneries. Mrs. Jennie HmPli and Mr. and Mrs. i George Pierce Clower, who has been J The handsome brick dwelling of Capt. O. P. Clower entertained at an elegant' attending school iu Newnan, is at home. | T. E. Zellars was discovered to be on Christmas dinner Tuesday. The parlor, Mrs. T. Y. Clower, Jack and Johnnie Are Monday morning. The alarm was hall and dining room ware beautifully Camp, ef Atlanta, are visiting their par-, given and several men with helpful decorated with holly, the delicately cuts. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Camp. | hand arrived on the spot, and by work- tinted walls forming a pretty back-i W B. Smith and wife, of Atlanta, , ing diligently with the aid of water and ground for the green leaves and veil her- were gnests a few dayN this week of ladders, the Are was extinguished, not rise of tile liolly. Crimson Christinas their mother, Mrs. Jennie Smith. i before it had burnt a large hole about bells, that seemed ready to ring a glad Miss Susie Parks, of Atlanta, Is the i 111 feet In the roof. Had it oauglit at welcome, were suspended from appro- guest of Miss Gertie Post. i night, or had tbe flames gained greatet priat* plaoi*. The dinner was served Miss Minnie White,of Lone t)ak,spent) headway before being discovered, it iu courses and was dainty enough for an a few days last week with Miss Willie ; would probably have been destroyed, epicure and plentiful enough to satisfy i May Lambert. Christmas greetings, with wishes for the appetite of a Gourmand It con-1 Miss Addie May Prioe, of Kontuoky I a happy aud prosperous New Year are slated of soup, salads, pickles, turkey, has returned home, after sperdiug a few with if* accessories, liain, ‘'jKmsnin and days with Miss Tommie White. ’taters," loaf bread, crackers, olives, j ( Miss Mattie Luck is visitiug her par- sandwiches. oroquettes, fruit and other entis in Knirburn. kinds of cake, with fruit salad, ooffee Rev. 11. D. Paoe and family are guest* and ohoose, mints and salted peanuts, of C. K. Sewell and wife. The guest* were Mr. and Mrs. W. B. I Roy K. White, of Atlanta, visited his Smith, Roy K. White, Atlanta; Mr. Biid parents here this week. Mrs. Ross Barton, Alexander City, Ala ; j Roy Bohannon, of Newnan, was the Miss Addle May Prioe, Kentucky; Dr. guest Sunday of W. A. Bohannon. G. W. Clower, B. 1. Sewell and wife, J. j Ross Barton and wife, of Alabama, T. White and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. are at the home of R. I Sewell. Y. Bryant, Miss Tommie White and L. Worley Nall, a chemist, of Binning- H. Sewell. The gnests thoroughly ell-1 ham, Ala., spent Tuesday with Ids mo- joyed the good cheer of Christmas, as 1 ther, Mrs. F. T. Moaoliain. well as the luxurious repast and wished Charlie Martin aud family, Mrs. Hat- the kind hostesses many happy returns tie Hurris and children nnd Albert Mar- of tils Christmas day. tin, of Atlanta, weru guests this week Capt. T. K. Zellars also gave a sump- of Mr. nnd Mrs. Emmett Sewell. extended to the editor and readers of Newnan News. Manufacturers National Bulk. No. 8477. tonus Christmas dinner to Ills children. ] W. G. Post nnd little sons, of New- Aii elegnnt menu wiui served Those ! nan, spent one day this week with Hon. present were; Mr. Will Word aud fain-1 W. A. Post. ily, of Atlanta; H. Aimer Camp and Mr. Will Word and family, of At- wife, of Moreland; Misses Kinnm Belle Inula, lire at the homo of Capt. T. E. and Estelle Zellars, T. M. Zellars and I Zellars. family. I Robert Broadwater, of Texas, is viatt- liast Friday afternoon Mrs. T. M. Zel- ing his mother, Mrs J. B. Broadwater, lars and Miss Edna White gave alien- Miss Klin Hmitli, of Alabama, is visit- joyahle nund v pulling to the children , ing her aunt, Mrs. G. W Glower, under Miss White's elutrgo iu the inter- Mr. nnd Mrs James Gilbert lire home mediate department at Urantvillo day from a visit to relatives at Heiioia. school. Many kinds ofenudy was made Miss Willie Jeter Is visiting the Misses nnd the children enjoyed the pulling as , .Simms In liogausvllh Treasury Dejiartnient; Offloe of Comp troller of the Currency. Washington, D. G., December 21, lHOfl Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it lias been made to appear that "The Manufactur ers National Bank of Newnan," in the city of Newnan, in the County of Cow eta, and Htate of Georgia, has ooinplied with all the provisions of the statutes of the United States,required to be com plied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of Banking i Now therefore I, Thomas P. Kane, Doputy nnd Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby oertify that "The Manufacturers National Bank of New nan," in the city of Newnan, in tbe County of Coweta,and State of Georgia, Ih authorized to oomnienoo tin; business of Banking as provided in Section Fifty oue hundred und sixtv-nino of the Be vised Statutes of the United States. In tcntiinouy whereof witness my linud nnd sent of olfloe this Twenty-first day of December, UHXl. T. B. KANE, Aata mm Ginli of Plants. Tbe ant* which are really protective to plants are not those which obtain their food. Indirectly for tbe most part through the aphides, from the vegeta ble kingdom, but those which are real ly carnivorous. These are numerous In temperate climates, nnd their useful ness to agriculture and sylviculture Is j Incontestable. Thus the Held ant is ;i i great Insect destroyer. A nest of this ! species Is capable of destroying as many ns twenty-eight caterpillars and grasshoppers a minute, or 1,000 an hour, nnd such a colony is at work day and night during the pleasant seuson. In tbe arid plains of America the beneAcent work of unts Is revealed In tbe Isles of verdure around their bills. There are plants hospitable to ants, which furnish them sheTOr and often food, within tbe cavities of which tbe Instincts of tbe ants prompt them to take their abode. This Is the case with several ferns, among them the Polypodium nectarlferum, the sterile fronds of which bear neotarle# on their lower face and are. moreover, of a shape favorable to sheltering tbe In sect. ef ■ Tralee* Sant. “I used to wonder why It was that I noticed so many young women lugging suit cases all over town.” said the man on tbe street corner. "At first I thought perhaps they were Independent young persons who were on their way to tbe Grand Central station or to the ferry boats to take trains, but then 1 no- | i(ped them In parts of the town where they couldn't possibly be making for a railroad station, since they were go ing In the wrong directions. Now I have learned who these women are. Moat of them are trained nurses. When they leave tbe hospitals or their homes to attend a ease they pack their uni forms and other necessaries In these suit cases, which they carry with them. 8o when you see a young wom an carrying a suit cane and bound In a direction away from a boat or railroad station It's very likely she’s a trained nurse and Is either starting out to at tend a case or Is returning from one.” —New York Press. muoh iim eating the delicious blooks. ; Mr. and Mr*. James Lester, of New- Miss Sal I in Bohannon is home troin | nan, anil Ira lister of Mhariwburg, are I Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the I.nGraiige Female College, mid had ns at the home of their father, Capt. T. M. | Currency. 45 ADAMS THE CITY GROCER Here’s hoping you will live one thou sand years and trade nine hundred a n d ninety-nine with me. Things GOOD TO EAT Colors of thr Blsrblrf. Of the male bluebird Thoreau said, "He carries the sky on his hack.” To this John Burroughs added, "and the earth on his breast.” The bird’s back, wings and tall, chin and throat are a vivid blue, while his breast and Aanks are a chestnut brown uqd bis ulidomen a dirty white. The female is very much duller in coloring, often having a red dish tone thnt extends from the middle of the back over the shoulder. The Seminole Indians say tlmt the male bluehird once Aew so high that his back rubbed against the sky, which Imparted to him Its own azure tint. Returning to earth, his wife so admired his new coat that she determined to have a like one for herself nnd the next morning Aew away to get it, but the day proving somewhat cloudy the col or given to her dress was not so bril liant ns was tlint received by her mute. CLOSING OUT SALE OF DRUG SUNDRIES Having decided to go out of business on Jan. 15, 1907, and having already contracted for the sale of my store, am going to close out all holiday goods, sundries and, in fadfc, everything in the &ore except drugs and medicines, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES This is a genuine closing-out sale of all fancy goods, leather goods, lamps, china and cut glass and everything in the line of druggi&’s sundries. Everything mu& go as soon as possi ble, and to make the &ock go all prices have been cut deeply. This sale affords the people of Newnan and Coweta county an unprecedented opportunity for the purchase of Holiday Goods at cut prices. Our holiday line is unsurpassed. Any person can seledt desirable holiday gifts here, and the prices are the lowest ever made in Newnan. COME AT ONCE and make your purchases of sundries from this great &ock. Much money will be saved by buying here now. G. R. BRADLEY’S The Down-to-date Drug Store The World an It I*. A world without mistakes und with out suffering would he a world without real men and women, without litera ture, without music, without painting or sculpture nnd without love, and even without history, for history Is a record of struggles toward better and higher things. Without obstacles to overcome nnd errors to correct men nnd women would lapse to a level with | beasts In mentality. Intellectual and spiritual development would cease and souIh not reAned by the Are of ordeals would die of something akin to fatty degeneration. The races would perish of ennui or Inunlty. After all. It’s n pretty fair sort of world ns It stands. —Louisville Courier-Journal. The Aleutian Island*. Until the time of Beter the Great tbe Aleutian Islands were unknown. The famous Russian monarch, consumed with curiosity as to the distance be tween Asia and America, started. In 1725, the first of the expeditions that at Inst revealed those haunts of the bear, the beaver, tbe ermine and tbe senl. But Captain Cook told more about tbe Islands than did all the Rus sian explorers before him. The Price. If one sets one's heart on the ex ceptional, the far off—on riches, on fame, on power—the chances are he will Ik; disappointed. He will waste his time seeking a short cut to these things. There is no short cut. For anythiug worth having one must pay the price, aud the price is always work, patience, love, self sacrlAce—no prom ise to pny, but the gold of real service. HI* Kline. An unpopular man who was reftised membership In a certain urlstoeratic club had the audacity to write to the club secretary demanding tbe name of the man who blackballed him. The sec retary could not resist the chance of sending the following reply: “Sir, I have received your letter demanding the name of the man who blackballed you. His name Is Legion.” All Around (he Clock. “Grandpa says his stay In the moun- | talus last summer did him no good. | His room was right off the piazza, and people made love under his window until all hours.” “But couldn’t he sleep after the lov ers went to bed?” “No; us soon ns the lovers went to bed the children got up.” — Harper’s Weekly. Two Ever Thu*. “I suppose you have found,” said the I plain citizen, “that every man has his price.” “Yes." replied the lobbyist, “except the man who la worth baying.”—Phila delphia Brass. We wish all our customers aud friends mighty well during the year 1007; hope all our old friends will continue to trade with us, and that we.shall be able to serve many new patrons during the next 12 months. BARNETT, ST. JOHN & t'O.