The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 28, 1906, Image 7

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I Legal Advertisements I GEORGIA—Coweta Comity. G. W. Byram, admr. of Tlios, G.Dick son, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for letters of dismission from his said trust, nil persons concerned are required to sliow enuse in said Court by the first Monday in January next, if any they can, why said application should not he . E. Linoh having applied to granted. This Dec 11,1900. 1, A. PERDUE, Ordinary. We Don’t Lose Any Time when called on to do plumbing, 11' yon discover a leak Prompt Plumbing Action is what you want. Always get us ^ for plumbing if you want it well done. We don’t charge high and are always ready to come. Ordinary’s Notices GEOlftrlA—Coweta County. Mrs.*M the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters of administration on estate of W. D. Linoh, deceased, nil iiersons con cerned are required to show cause in said Court hy the first Monday in Jan uary next, if any they can, why said ap plication should not be granted. This Dec. Did, 1900. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coweta Conntv. T. F. Rawls, ndmr. of estate of Mrs. Gussiu Weaver, deceased, having ap What Will the Governor Do? j Governor Teirell will retire from the Gubernatorial chair on or about the fourth Saturday in June next, after a si rvice of four years and eight months. "What will the Governor do on his retirement trom the Governorship?'’ is a ques- 1 tion often asked. Will he remain in Atlanta and practice law, ot will be return to his home in THE BIG FURNITURE STORE’S NEW YEAR GREETING. plied to Hie Connor ciMio,,,-, or »i« Greenville, Meriwether county,ami W. L. SEXTON. The Newnau Plumber. GEORGIA—Coweta County. E. E. Jackson having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for the guardianship of Willie Jackson, minor, all persons concerned are required to show cause in said court by the first Monday ill January next, if any they j can, why said application should not lie , granted. This Dec. Hrd, 1900. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. County for letters of dismission from his said trust, ail persons concerned are re quired to show cause in said Court hy the first Monday in January next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Deo. 7th, iltOtt. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Application for Bank Charter. New Arnall Building. BBBaBBasaBssasasHsasesasasaessasss r T. M. MARTIN I GEORGIA—Coweta County. T. J. Windham having applied to the I Court of Ordinary of said county for Plume 151); letters of guardianship of Callie D.Sliaw, Annie May Shaw, Bessie Shaw. John Heury Shaw and Willie T. Shaw, min ors, all fiersons concerned are required to show cause in said court by the first Montlay in January next, if any they Does all kinds of Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. Expert work and low prices win. Shop op posite Pinson Hotel. ItagaiiasagsaBsssae asssssasssas To tiie Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary of State, Atlanta. Ga.: We, C. F. Hollberg, W. J. Estes, W. F. Sibley, L, P. Uraudenberg, J. T. Ar nall, H. L. Ware, Vindox Hand, T, W, Cook, E. H Estes and Lee Hand, all of Senoin, Coweta County, Georgia, ap plicants, ns iiiooi'|xinitorH under An Aot I in 19°^- It > s gcnertlly believed of the General Assembly of Georgia, ap-1 that Clay will be a candidate to proved Deoember 70th, l8i»:t, entitled succeed himself. Governor Ter- "An Act- to carry into effeot. paragraph eighteen of Section seven of Article three there pursue his profession? Tne public is not informed as to the Governor's future plans. One re port is the Governor will endeavor to in political office, either as Steve Clay’s successor in the United States Senate or as Charlie Adamson's successor in Congress from the Fourth district. The elections for these cilices occur in 1908. Senator Clay’s term expires March 3, 1909, and it is presumed that a Senatorial primary for the choice of his successor will be held With hearty thanks to all who have helped by their patronage during 1 906, we wish our customers and friends prosperity for the year 1907. us all happiness and OEPOT 8T. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, BA. of the Constitution of 18*7, as amended, in relation to chartering of blinks, to provide for the ineoi'imrAtion of hanking oan, why said application should not be oom panies by the Secretary of Shito.nnd granted. This Deo. Hrd, 1000 L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coweta County. The estate of Willie and Joseph J. Morgan, of said comity, being unrepre sented and not likely to be represented, all persons concerned are required to show cause i-t the Court of Ordinary of saitkCounty, oil tile first Monday in Jan- for other purposes," make this our declaration, praying that we be inenr- pointed ns a hotly cor|>orate mid politic for thu pui'isise of doing u general hank ing business, with nil the rights, |hiw- ers, privileges and restrictions of snitl Aot, under and hy the inline mid style of Bank of Senoin, and that the princi pal office of said company shall be bloat ed in the city of Sonotn, county of Cow- nary next, why sucli guardianship of j etn, Hnd State of Georgia, with a onpitiil said minors should not be vested in the of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars (25,- rell has been residing in Atlanta since 1892, when he was first elected State Attorney General, a period of fourteen years. He was Attorney General until he resign ed the office to enter the race for Governor, in 1902 —John T. Hoi- feuillet in Macon Telegraph. J Z. Greene, D. D. Office on Second Floor of Black Bros. Co.’s Building L. M. Farmer, LAWYER Office on Second Floor of the A mull Merchandise Co.’s Building County Guardian. This Deo. Hrd, 11)00. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coweta County. Mrs. M. S. Moore, Adinx. of estate of Robert C. Moore, deceased, having up plied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lauds of snitl deceased, hII persons concerned lire re*, quirnd to show cause in said Court by the first Moudny in January next, if any they 01111,'why said application should nor be granted. This Dec. 5th, Mtito. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Dr. C. A. Smith, VETERINARIAN. GEORGIA—Coweta County. In the Court of Ordinary. H. A. Boyd vs T. F. Rawls, Adtur. of Martha Bal lard, deceased. Application to have titles executed under bond for titles. To tiie heirs at law of Martha Ballard, deceased: Take notice Clint application }s nindo lo compel the administrator of the estate . of Martha Bnlhird, deceased, to make titles to lmnl under a bond for titles ex- 000.00), divided into shares of Fifty Dol lars ($50.00), each, and that- the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) of the cnpitnl subscribed lots actually been paid by the subscribers 11 ml that, the same is in fuot held, tiiul is to lie used solely for the business mid pur|Kisc* of the corporation. The fee of Fifty (50.00) Dollars is herewith unclosed as fee for charter or certificate of iuccr|x>nitioii as required hy said Aot. .Senoin, Georgia. 6th day of Dec, IIK)0. Rcspeotfully suhmitttd, C. F. Hoilliarg, W. J. Estes. W. F. Sibley, I,. P. Brandenburg, J. T. Arunll, H. L. Wore, Vindox Hand, T. W. Cook, E. II. Estes, Leo Hand. Incorporators. STATE OF GEORGIA, County of Coweta. Before me personally appeared O. F. Hollberg, W. J. Estes, W F. Sibley, L. Whan to Oo Home. From tiie Hluffton. Ind., Banner: “When tired out, go home. When yon want consolation, go home. When you want fun, go home. When you want to show others that you have reformed, go home mid let your family get acquainted with the tact. When you want to show yourselt at your best go homo and do tiie not there. When you feel like being extra liberal go home ami practice on | your wife mid ohitdrcii first. When yon want to shine with extra brilliancy go home mill light up the whole house hold." To wliioli wo would add, when you have a bad eold go home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and a quiek cure is certain. For Mile by Penis- ton & Lee, Nowiimi, Ga. NEWNAN MARBLE WORKS J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of marble and granite. GEORGIA MARBLE A SPECIALTY All work guaranteed to be first class in every particular. Parties needing anythin ; in our line are requested to call, examine work and get prices. IRON FENCE OF ALL KIN08 FOR 8ALE OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR THE RAILROAD JUNCTION NEWNAN, GEORGIA James Jenkins, Practical Painter: It’s sound sense that we tell you. Your work costs less dollars and is best every time you use the L. A M. Paint. You do more punning with one gallon of L. & M. thim witli (wo gallons of Other paints mid the L. & M. Zinc bur dens tlieL. iV. M. White Lead and makes e all diseases of domestic aiiiinnls <,cut< ‘d bv said Martha Ballard baton. Souoia, county of Coweta, and State of alii Office bar .lentil, and that I will pass upon tile wlln „„ Treats 1 Calls answered day or night. Office at Gearreld's Livery Stable. I HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE Wo oornostly request nil yourtir persons, no matter l;ow limited their means or education, who wish to • btnin a thorough business training and Kind posi tion, to write by Hrst mail ior our (treat half-rate offer. Success, independence-mid probable fortune are guaranteed. Don’t delay. Write today. Tbo Ga.-Ala. Business Colter*. Macon, Ga. “Red Star Jellico” This is the name of a do mestic coal that will give ev ery user perfect satisfaction. It burns readily, leaves no .linkers and but few ashes, ami affords the maximum amount of heat. It i's an ideal coal for family use, oi* for heating, purposes when used in any grate or coal stove. We supply “Red Star Jelli- co” in any quantity and till or ders promptly. Prices are reasonable. Will appreciate your coal orders, and believe >1 our stock will give perfect |V satisfaction. NEWNAN ICE & COAL COMPANY Paul Smith, Manager Office at g. R. Junction. Phone No. 218 saint! ut flic Jmiuuvy term, 1IK)7, of this court. This Dec. Hrd, 1900. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coweta County, r ! Mansfield Par- ’ i Libel for Divorce ■ bain 1 In Coweta Su va ( perior Court, March I Alice Parham i Term, 1907. ■ To Alice Parham .defendant in the above 1 stated oase: You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the next term of said court to be held on the first'Monday in Maroh, i 1907, tlieu and there to answer the plain tiff's libel for divorce. In default there of tiie Court will proceed as to justice may appertain. Witness the Hon. R. W. Freeman, Jadge of said court, this the 29th day of Oct. 11)00. L. TURNER. P. Bi'itiidenberg,*,!. T. Arnall, H. L. ; ***« L- & M. Paint wear like iron. Warn, Vindex Hand, T. W. Cook, E. H. 4 K'dlons L. & M. mixed with H gul- Estes and Lee Hand, the incorporators lollH Linseed Oil will paint a moderate of Bank of Senoin, located in tile city of ; 8 >* B d house. Actual coat L. & M. about $1.20 put gallon. A. T. Terrell, ltiverhnud, N; Y., Writes: "10 years ago painted witli I,. & M. Only now requires repainting." Sold by ALEXANDER POPE. Newmin, Ga. Georgia, who on oath deposeth mid with that Fifteen Thousand Dollars (15,000. - 00) of the capital subscribed Ims been actually paid hy the subscribers, mid that the same is in fact hold, and is to lie used solely for the business mid pur poses of the corporation. O. F. Hollberg, W. J. Estes, W. F. Sibley, L. P. Brandenburg, J. T. Arnall, H. L. Ware, Lee Hand, Vindex Hand, T. W. Cook, E. 11. Estes, Incorporators. Sworn to and subscribed before me tliis 5th day of Dec., 1900. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary of Coweta County. STA'TK OF GEORGIA. Office of Secretary of Suite. I, Philip Cook, Secretary of State of the State of Georgin, do hereby certify ; That the attached three pages of typo- Glk. Superior Court Coweta County. 1 wr *et®*i ft, id printed matter contain a true and correct copy of the application of Bank of Sennia for a Churter, the Notice. I have disposed of my drug store and will retire from business on Jan, 15, .11X17. It is necessary that all notes and accounts tine me should lie stilt led lie fore Unit dale, so all persons indebted to me are requested to make settlement as soon as possible. (1. R. Bradley, ;{K Newnau, (Ja. Good Things to Eat at Stephens’ We have an unusually large stock of good thing'- for you to eat, and offer the best and freshest of everything in the grocery line. From our store ami bakery we can supply everything desired for the table ut any time. The fact we wish mosl lo impress is that no matter what the hoiittekccp er's wants or needs may lie, it is our business to supply thorn. Dive or send us your orders. We make prompt deliveries, and lill all orders with the very tiest in the store and bakery. I'special attention is directed to our stock of fruits, nuts and candies. We can supply every need in this line with fresh, line stock. C. P. STEPHENS & CO. Telephone No. 31. Have your mules and horses in sured in the Mutual Life Stock in- lamia. Sale of Realty. GEORGIA—Coweta County. By virtue of nu agreement by and be tween the hoirs et law of Mrs. Mnrtlm L. Carter, late of said county, deceased, (shid heirs nt law being all of tin- age of twenty-one years) will be sold before the coart'house door in the city of Newoan, Georgia, on the first Tuesday m Jan uary, 1907, between the legal hours of sale, to die highest and best Iqpder for cash, the following lands belonging to the estate of Mrs. Murtbu L. Carter, to- wit: The soutli half of lot of laud, No. 72, in tiie original -4th district of said coun ty, now Panther Creek district, contain ing one hundred, one and one quarter (101 1-4) acres of land, more or less;and nineteen and one-half (19'- 2 ) acres of laud, more or less, off of lot of land No. 75, in said district of said county, and being the south half of a tract of land containing :)9 acres, more or less, am. ad joining suitl lot of land No. 72 aforesaid. This land is bounded as follows: West by Chattahoochee River, north by E. A. Carter, east and south hy Hutcheson Hold for distribution amongst How Diphtheria is Contracted. One often bears the expression, "My original of which is now of file in this j child caught a severe cold which do- Department. ill Testimony Whereof, I have hole- unto set my hand and affixed the seal of > voloped into diphtheria," when the truth i was that the cold had simply left tin- little one particularly susceptible to tho rny office, nt the Capitol, in thu City of | wandering diphtheria germ. When i Atlanta, this 0th day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Six and of tile Independ ence of the United States of America the One Hundred and Thirty first. PHILIP COOK, 41 Secretary of State. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given ! ir quickly cures the edld and les- 1 sens tiie danger of diphtheria or any i other germ disease being contracted. For sale by Peniston & Lee. Stock of Groceries for Sale. FARMERS HIGH SCHOOL Al Sargent, Georgia, J have good stock of groceries | for sale at No. 15, Hast - Broad Street. Want to dose out as a whole at once. This is a gqqd . j term stand and opportunity for building J. K. Gaklk, 38 Newnan, Ga. [ durance Company of Georgia. Full : the hei,1 < al law of Mrs ' Mar,ha L ! vL . r n , Carter, deceased. This Deo. 3rd, 1D0B. ► OTace value of all policies will be c w CARTEB )aid. For information and terms, i jj e j r ft t | a w, and representing the re- ’ call on or write to J. W. Will Will open for the winter November 26, 190(1, and continue !"up nice trade, live consecutive months, except one week for the Christmas holi-1 ' days. Competent teachers will be I Mr. I. N. Orr, Jr's., horse, 111 charge ol each department of. “Dan,” was insured on May IK, the school. Thorough and system- j lilOO, in the Atlanta Mutual Live atic work will lie required of all! Htock Insurance Go. The animal pupils, are ean their children in the first day. Hpecial attention given to hoarding j 1°*’ #^7-50 was paid in full by the Sewing Machines at Slaughtered Prices. 100 machines, guaranteed to do good work, going at $5 each. 25 machines, good as new but slightly defaced, going from $10 to $25 each. All drop head ma chines. Reduced prices for cash or on easy terms. Singer Sewing Machine Company M. L. DUKE, Man. West Side Square Newnan, Georgia Magnetic Hair Tonic The most effective hair restorer All patrons of the school j wa8 killod on August Hi, 100«,and i «» Lbe market. Prevents baldness Si™,, T’Sr'JS. r„ d :« J -'*K UK t Iflth Mr. Orr'H .-lain. % _vi|tor u, l»« «™H>- j coxon, agent for Coweta and Car- roll counties, Newnan, tf maining heirs of said Mrs. Martha L. Carter, deceased. Read the News for the news. pupils. Rates of tuition and cost of board very reasonable. For further information apply to or write F. ROY ALMON, Principal. above named company, tf J. W. Willcoxon, Agent. Money to loan on real estate f>t cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. 7 per cleanses it and eradicates dandruff. Restores life and lieauty to the hair. Every bottle guaranteed. Frit* 50c* per IwttJe, at the J. T. Reese Drug Btore, Newnan, Da. About Digestion. It is not the quantity of fond,taken but the amount digested an.I ansi mi lit 0-1! that gives strength and vitality to il - system. Chamberlain's Stomach mi.l Liver Tablets invigorate the sfomac and liver and enable them to perform their functions. The!t is a reli-i- for your food, increased strength mil weiaiit, greater endurance and a clear head. Prioe 25 cents. Samples f:-- For sale by Peniston & Lee,Newnan,Da.