The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, January 11, 1907, Image 5

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New Lamps. We sire showing this week in pur windows si brand new as sortment of handsome lamps, with decorated howls and shades. Those are just the tiling for parlor use, at once ornamental and useful. The showing consists of some six patterns, strictly new, up- to-date lamps purchased direct from the factory that makes them in order to secure the best prices, and lamps and prices are certain to be satisfactory to you, if you are needing goods of this kind. Few articles of ornament equal the decorative value ot a handsome lamp. It your par lor lacks this ornament, get one from this lot and you will be gratified at the result in your home, Hut don’t wait too long, get it- now Prices, -tl.26, #8.50, $5. Lamps at all prices, I’arlor, Kitchen, Hall, Library. Lamps of glass and metal, plain and decorated. In addition to the above we have in our windows this week some of the most handsome pressed glass bowls ever shown in Newnnn. The pattern is such as to show up with the brilliancy of cut glass. The bowls are of good weight, and perfectiy clear. Look at them. Prices, 26c, 40c, 76c, ♦1.00. HOLT & CATES The Secret ot <h« Maple. No thoughtful person who has ever visited a maple grove in * the earfv spring while snow banks are yet lin gering in sheltered hollows and lias seen pailful lifter pailful of sweet sap drawn from the auger holes In the shapely trunks can have fatted to won der what forces govern the flow of the sap. When the warm sun touches the treetops the flow Increases. A rise of a few degrees in temperature often causes a great increase of flow, if the rise passes the zero point on the cen tigrade scale—that ts, the freezing point of water. Hut a considerable change of temperature in which the fluctuations do not cross the zero lino causes no marked change in the flow of sap. L>r. K. M. Wlegand, discussing those and other related facts in the American Naturalist, reaches the conclusion ttiat neither expansion of gas In the wood nor expansion of water nor expansion of wood itself is the underlying cause of the pressure which produces the flow, tint Unit this pressure arises from the effects of temperature in altering the osmotic permeability of the pith ray relit*. Whitesburg. \ of It I it k l’tiller the Sun. I remember the surprise with which I hoard a cornet solo tirst recorded and then reproduced by a Scott grapho- phoue, the construction of which, if 1 am not mistaken, antedated the birth I. Kdlson. The record was made upon a sheet of tin foil wrapped around u brass cylinder which was actuated by means of a weight, a train of wheels anil a butterfly regulator. In tills con nection to show the antiquity of the germs of another modern Invention one day when looking through the tiles of the Journal des Havana I came across tlie account of a machine which was presented to the Academy of Sci ences of Paris somewhere around the early years of the eighteenth century. This machine was nothing else but a typewriter; the description was very summary, but 1 remember that It bad Individual type bars, the keys of which were made of Ivory, it was the work of M. Leroy of Versailles, who was styled Ilorlogeur du Hoy, the reigning king being Louis XIV.—Alfred Sang In Engineering Magazine. Local News of Newnan I Fitu* stationery, all styles, at Loose Drug Co. Mrs. E. It. Barrett lias boon quite ill for several days. .Miss Mary Goodrnin is visiting relatives in College Park. New lot weather thermometers, all kinds, at Iteese Drug Co. ‘‘The Old, Old Story”—trade with Adams, the city grocer. Mrs. Lewis Hill will entertain “TheTwelve” this afternoon; A large 50-gallon oil tank for sale cheap, at Reese Drug Co. L. R. Powell pays the highest prices for hides. tt Dr. Anderson, Dentist; gas ad- blistered; Sal bide Bldg. tt FOR RENT—Extra two horse farm. Apply to M. G. Keith, tf Walter I. Holmes was in Au gusta several days this week. Don’t fail to examine Marbnry’s line of furniture before buying. Alabastine sanitary wall coat ing, all shades, at Reese Drug Co. “To Have and to Hold”—to do this buy your groceries from Ad ams. Wlilown. Widows exist In ull countries, thus counterbalancing the matrimonial de cadence which might otherwise result from timid men. Widows arc clinging by temperament and attach themselves readily to any object Unit can't help Itself. It Is generally considered mi- lucky to meet a widow on a dark piaz za by the light of the moon. In many countries to ho kissed by a widow means endless trouble. Widows are frequently accompanied by children, whose number Is constantly liable to Increase. They roam at large over tin* priHcipal sections, and no man is safe when they are near. All the per fect men now dead have married wid ows, thus forming n continuous con trast to the miserable specimens who still live. It has been said "Heware of widows,” hut lids is unnecessary, for no man can really help himself.—Life. Flexible Slone. The stone looked like a piece of dark gray granite. It was a foot long and several Inches thick. Lifted, 1( betii lids way and that, like rubber. “II is ttacolumite or flexible sandstone," said the owner. "It is found 111 California, Georgia and several other states. Re sides heading, it will stretch. Look at It: closely and you will see that It Is formed of a number of small pieces of stone of various tints all dovetailed to gether loosely, so as to allow of u slight movement. This movement Is what: causes the stone to bend. See how it At the annual election for mayor and council last Saturday, the following were elected: Mayor, Dr. G, W. Bur nett: Couneilmen, J. M. Stevens, T. W. Camp, 'J'. E. McWhorter and W. B. Kelley. These men are all closely and prominently identified with the interests of the town. A good and wise adminis tration is expected at the hands of these gentlemen. Hutcheson College opened last week with a fairly good attendance. Rev. F. (4. Golden being sick, Prof. F. O. Wat kins, of Turin,taught for him last week. Mr. Golden is better this week and has charge of the school himself. A large number of new pupils entered this week Rev. .T. W. MoLeod and family left Monday for Carrollton, Bremen and other points to visit relatives for a cou ple of weeks. Rev. K. M. Stevens left Wednesday for Slmrpsburg, where he will reside in the future. He preaches at Slmrpsburg, Turin and White Oak this year. Miss Eugenia Watkins, of Turin .spent last week visiting her sister and brother here. She left Monday for LaGrange, where she goes to resume her studies in College. M Oneta and Dixie Askew, of Dn- cula, Ga.,spent the past week with their sisters here., They [loft, Monday for T-n- Grange, where they are attending the LaGrange Female College. Rev. F. G. Golden, who has been quite sick for several days, is now much improved and able to be out ngnin. Dr. G. W. Burnett went over to New- nan Saturday on business. Miss Hattie Walker, of Bremen, visit- I ed relatives in the city last week. Mack Culpepper, of Ensley, Ala., spent n few days with relatives near town, tlie past week. Wo regret to lose the family of C. E. Stallings, who left last week for {Ban ning, Jwliere they will reside in tlie.fu- tnre. Mrs. E. A. Richardson and children have returned home, after an extended visit to relatives in Hanoeville, Ala. " We welcome the family of 11. li. Wat kins to Whiteshurg. Mrs. W. T. Houseworth returned home Monday, after ail extended visit to her sister at Meigs, Ga. J. S. Merit, who has been quite siek,|is able to he out again,we are glad to know. Jim’ Bnxley, who has Imd 1 ehnrgejjoT the Hutcheson Mtg. Co’s, store at Ban ning for some time, 1ms severed his con lieotion with this company, and has gone to Newnnn, where he will be em ployed by the Newnnn Hardware Co. MissJ Maude /Taylor, of, Clem, visited friends in the city this week. (>wcn {Goodman left;Monday for At lanta, where lie goes to study book-keep ing and shorthand in one of the business colleges of that city. M. A. Golden, oE Temple, visited Ins brother here Inst week. Mr. and Mrs. Munro Strickland return ed home Sunday, alter an extended visit to the latter’s mother in South Georgia. The \ l.tli-riiry l*rlre. largest amount ever offered as a prize for a literary contribution Is 1,500,000 rubles, which Is still open for competition and will he awarded at St. Petersburg on Dec. 1, 1025, to the writer of the best history of Alex ander I. of Russia. Araktelielef, found or of the military colonies of Nov- lf I bend it too far it will break.’ gorod, left a fortune of 50,000 gold ru- nl i ! 1 '. .f h ,! Kut bios to provide for lids unique prize. The prize giving day Is the centenary of the Czar Alexander’s death, by which time the money will, it is esti mated, have increased to 2,000.000 ru bles. One-fourth of It will be used to defray the cost of publishing the work which wins the prize. Ilia Specialties. Captain Spencer of the Church army once asked a convict what he did for a living when he left prison. “Well, in spring I does a bit o’ pea picking and in summer I does a bit o’ fruit picking and In the uutuuiu I does a bit o’ ’op picking.’’ "yes,” said the captain, “and what do you do in the winter?” "Well, mister, I may as well be honest with yer. In the winter 1 does n bit o’ pocket picking!” Cap tain Spencer next asked, “And what happens then?” The convict replied, “Why, I comes ’ere and does a bit o’ oakum picking!"—London News. BEGIN The New Year right by trading with us. We keep always on hand a fresh supply of high grade drugs. We can also supply your wants in toilet goods, stationery, pipes, cigars, tobacco, line candies, books and all the latest periodicals. Peniston&Lee Druggists. Homesick Silencer. When Herbert Spencer was a boy his father sent him away from home to school. The youngster became home sick and. with 2 shillings in his pocket, made his way home, over 120 miles, in three days, walking most of the way. lie did forty-eight miles the.first day and forty-seven on the second. On the third day a friendly coach driver took him most of the way for nothing. Af Which Aire t An amusing discussion recently took place between an artist and an author as to which period of her life a woman was the most fascinating. Ac cording to the artist a woman should not be painted between the ages of twenty five and forty, as she was In the greatest transition period of her life. The author, on the other hand, deelnrps that she is at the height of her fascination and beauty between the ages of thirty and forty. The ques tion is still unsettled. Bremen Zeitung. We are Jvst Beginning Our Third Year in Business and expect to of the three. 1907 the best and Push are make Prices what we are depending on. The price of hardware never advanced so rap idly as within the last 90 days. Our customers will get the benefit of a large stock bought before these ad vances. We are making very close prices on Poultry Wire, Hog Wire, Cattle Fence, Bellows, Anvils, Axes. Our one and two horse Plow Stocks are the heaviest we have ever had. A big line of thick-nut Heel Bolts. Plenty of “Hutcheson Rope,” the best in the world for plow lines and well ropes. Newnan Hardware Company Arnold Stubbs, Manager. II Greenville st. Phone 148. “Only n < Inverness,” but ^lit* Mr. and Mrs. Frank I lurks spent phones AdamsJ her orders tbr°gro- last Sunday in Grantville, visiting “Wooed and Won:” so keep her j iiT a goodj humor l>yj(railing -with phones Adams. the hitter’s parents. “The One Woman” always Picture frames at Soroggin Fin nitnre < b.’s give satlsfae.lion. \\ c make a specialty of frames. tf -Sideboards? Yes, we haVethein. A line a recent'addition to the family of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Duke, Garden, field and (lower seed, new crop|,jlist.’arrived, at Reese Drug Go. Mrs. Hugh Hill and little daugh ter, of West Point, are visiting Mrs. •J. L. Brown. New goods, clean goods, prices right. Marbnry’s Furniture Store, Greenville St. Attorney M. .IJ Mooty was up from LaGrange on legal business last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. .1. Torres have: returned from Florida and will make Newnan their home in the future. \dams when she wants | O: “Things good to eat.” For prescriptions or medicine alter 10 p. m., call phone 11. Reese Drug Co.. Mrs. A. W. A mail will lie hos tess to the Salmagundi (dub next Thursday afternoon at 2:.’10 o’clock. School supplies pencil and ink tablets, composition books and ex amination paper, at Reuse Drug Co. and sec some beauties. If Scroggin Furniture Co. Mrs. M. E. Liucli and Mis. Grace L. Rowe, of Senoia, were in Newnan last Wednesday. Dr. J. W. Taylor, of Luthers- viile, was in in the city Wednes day, enroute to Gave Spring to at • load a semi annual meeting of the Hoard of Trustees of the Deaf and IMiinb Institute. Clam his retirement from the “Aunt Dianna,” the old time ] |,0Hiti< ’" ol < ! hief of Police to a. darkey, knows “things good to ; ‘‘‘I 1 *** lt ’ ol Sherilf,Uic Mayoi gives Adams her or Mifttook Him DcmI Inn t Inti. An editor of a western exchange re cently began worrying about how he would get his shirt on over his wings after reaching paradise. An envious contemporary sarcastically observed that his difficulty would likely be in finding out how he could get hi* hat on over his horns.—Cayman (Kan.) Herald. Son SnnkoN. Sea snakes are very plentiful in the south Pacific. They are widely distrib uted, stray Individuals having been se cured on the coast of New Zealand. When swimming close to the surface they exactly resemble an ordinary •snake, except that the head is always below water. At night they come ashore and lie among the rocks. They feed on fish and, although their small double fangs appear harmless, they are reported to he very venomous. Wheels and Repairs Relief st Usl. Housekeeper—I hear your brother, who died In California, left you $1,000, Dinah. That will be a great help to you. Washlady—'Deedy It will, missis! Ah's been needin’ a planner an’ a pho- nograft an’ a oil paintin' ob mahsaif In a gilt frame fo’ yeahs, an’ now, bress de good Ig>rd, Ah kin hah ’em!—Puck. Clean YniuiK Men. There are plenty of bright young men in the country whose hands have not been soiled by the dirt of latler day polities. It will be a good thing for the state and for the nation to have them come forwurd and take an active part in public affairs. It will be a good thing for any party that recog nizes them and gives them proper en couragement.—Knoxville Journal and Tribune. | Every man will find his own private : affairs more difficult to manage and control than any public affairs in which he may be engaged.—Lord Mel bourne. Knd of tbe Honeymoon. "Finished your honeymoon yet?” “I don't know. 1 have never been able to determine the exact meaning of the word honeymoon.” "Well, then, has your wife commenc ed to do the cooking yet?”—Houston Post [parry in stoi k all kinds of bi- cycle parts and do nli kinds of repairing. You get work done quickly and at reasonable prices here. Tost think of Flannery’s when your wheel goes wrong. This is where to get a new part on nny kind of repairs. If you wish to buy any kind of first class wheel, for lady, gentle man, boy or girl, I can fill your order. When you want to pur chase a bicycle, drop in and talk it over. Ti e chances are e can save you money while supplying just the wheel you want Frank J. Flannery cat,” so she (lets. Mrs. W. I>. Oit’s friends regret to know that her condition does not improve. She remains criti cally ill. WANTED—To rent or Buy a resilience in Newnan. <';d| on or address A. Dry, 27 Wesley-Street., Newnan. Keep your eyes on Marbnry’s It'llrnit m e Store. You might save yourself some money to start, with on the new year. “Ten Nights in a Barroom” is bad, but you will feel better “The Morning After,” ifyou phone Ad ams for “things good to eat.” There will be services at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church next Sun day afternoon at three o’clock, con ducted by Rev. W. .1. Moody. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stephens have commenced housekeeping in a portion of the residence occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown. ! Mrs. Matthewson, mother of Mrs. J. W. Gaines of Newnan, is critically, ill at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C. M. Walker, in Monroe, Ga. Misses Bessie Powell and Katie Arnail have returned from Jack- son, where they received many lovely attentions as the guests of Miss Mary Newton. and Council and other city officials J. D. watch. presenting Mi an elegant gold appropriately in is a very liandsoirM united in Brewster The watch scribed and time piece. H. W. Orr, of Atlanta, spent several days this week with N»-v, nan relatives. Mr. Orr has re signed a position in Uie govern ment service in Washington Citv. aller residing there several veins, and will engage in business in At, lanla, to which city he has just moved his family. _Major Fred Bracket t. an official, ol the I nited -States postollicc de partment, was in Newnan this week and inspected the sites offc-i ed the government for Newnan’s j posfolfiec building. Major Brack- jell went over the ground carefully and examined all the proposed sites. It. is supposed that a de vision in reference to this matter will lie reached at an early date. FROM THE ANTILLES. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Ben efits City Councilman at Kingston, Jamaica. .Mr. W O’Reilly Fogarty, who is a, member of the City Council at Kings ton, Jamaica, West Indies, writes ns fo! lows: "One bottle of Chamberlain A Gough Remedy hud good effect on a cough that was giving me trouble and £ think I should have* been more relieved if I had continued the reined,. That it was beneficial and quick in i... lieving uie there is no doubt and it, is my intention to obtain another bottle ” l- ,,c sale by Peuistou & Lee.