The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, January 18, 1907, Image 4

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j / r IIUMMMMIMMW SOCIETY NEWS AND NOTES Rumm»u« Party. Mr. and Mrs. <Cleveland Kin- nummijii raiiy. *»» » • ~ Mrs. Gordon I*e entertained I n » rd entertained three tables of Saturday evening at a nnnUiage Hridge most delightfully ruesdav party. complimentary to the North evening, at their home on .Jefferson side llridge Clul.. A iter many interesting games of | After many interesting games, a S»win4 Cluh. J Allt'l llirxil y iiiivu .miii^ I A. number of the younger set ] <r idge, Miss' Annie Howell, scor- j delightful salad course was served met with Misses Frances and May ing the largest number of points, Herring Friday arternoon and or- had first seleetion of twelve some Several of the Greenville Street ganixed a Sewing <Mull, which will' n irs that were given. Mrs. Clove- l^ies h » ve formed * Sei * hl * r - mcet every Friday. This will lie land Kinnard scoring second high- hood Bridge Club of two tables a delightful club and bring to- ( . s t had next choice, gether a congenial crowd ol young delightful salad course and ladies. fruits were served. The next mee'ing will be with - Miss V salad Sal bide. j ,,, , . . Wfdnt»d«v Afternoon Cluh I hose composing the cm It uie. Misses Sarah Buchanan, Martha Miss bida Brown was the charm- Wright. Evelyn Martin, Vsalad ing hostess of the Wednesday Al- Salbide, Frances Herring, May ternoon Bridge (Hub at her home Herring. Christine Arnold, Marie on Greenville St. l/ong. Kddie North. Nell Bussell, This dub has recently licen 01 that w ill meet every Friday after noon. This informal gathering will afford much pleasure. The first meeting will la* with Mrs. T. S. Bailey. The "Twelve.” The “Twelve” was delightfully entertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. Lewis Hill. ifl.nn, . „ , After several games of dominos Lida Brown and Mrs. Haul Smith, gani/vd by ten young ladies and a delicious luncheon was served,in ... the hostess is allowed to invite two the dining room. \«im«*undi. guests at every meeting making the The next meeting will 'be with Mis \lton A mail's Salmagundi'even niimlier for three tables of j Mrs. Harvey North, Friday after meeting Thursday afternoon at her j Bridge. | noon, home on Weslev St. was one of At the close of several interest the most pleasant social affairs of ing games the guests were served j Mrs. Mamie Johnson entertained t he week. The house was simply decorated with pretty ferns and blooming narcissus. Dominoes were played at small tables placed in the parlor, recep tion hall and (lining room. The lucky winner of the first prize received a lovely drawn work centerpiece. The consolation, a IK'Hiitiful lace collar,and the booby a hearth broom decorated with green riblnm. with delicious refreshments. several last Thursday at a spend Those composing this club arc thc-day party for Mrs. Gordon Misses Lida Brown, Nell Bussell, bee, who left Tuesday for Wash- Kvelyn Martin, Martha Wright, Sarah Buchanan, May Herring, Frances Herring, Kddie North, Vsaliel Hal bide and Mrs. Paul Smith. ington City. Mrs. P. B. Miirphcy entertained very informally last Thursday eve- ningata neighborhood party. De lightful refreshments were served. j Miss Julia May Hackney was Bridge Club. hostess Saturday evening of an in 1 The Bridge Club met Tuesday I formal tmt pleasant Bridge game, with Miss Nettie Drr at the home Delightful refreshments were A delicious luncheon of sand- I of Mrs. II. II. Hopple. I here' served, widles and ices was served bullet i were six tables and many interest- Mrs. D. L. Adams, of West after the game. j ing games were enjoyed. Point, is visiting her sisters, Mrs. : Mrs. T. P. Bullard, of Palmetto, j Rt ephen and Mrs. Cuttino. Mrs. Bolwi t Mattox, of Atlanta, | making the highest numlier of , . . ..... , . . i i, . i.i.4. .„.i.i Mrs. Frank Askew and little is visiting her mother, Mrs. K. J. points, received two dainty gold * , daughter, ot Boanoke, Ala., have Orr lace pins. * , „ . , , .. , ,41,.... i,.,i come to make Newnan their home, i The consolation, a leather bound Male .. ., . ,, . ...,/-They are with Mr. and Mrs. 1. B. icopyot Evangeline, loll to Mrs. , , MeBitdiie on W ashington Ht. KUison itieliards. 1 Mrs. Alton Arnall received the The friends of Mrs. Annie Free- booby. man Orr will regret to learn that Tin* next meeting will be with her little daughter, Mary Clinton, Mrs. /,. Greene Tuesday afternoon is ill with a slight ease of scarlet at two o’clock. I fever. The Mi Inu Ipleam. Almost any dish which had to rec ommend It rarity, costliness, indlgestl- blllty and. to our wny of thinking, nas tiness was sure to take with the Ho man epicure. And if he were unable to made It costly any other way he would add powdered precious stoues or gold dust. Nero dinod on one occasion from a peacock which was sprinkled with diamond dust, and specimens of that bird dressed with gold or with crushed pearls were by uo means n rarity at the triclinia of the moneyed Romans. A dish of parrots’ tongues wns a great delicacy. But a dish of parrots’ tongues which had been capa ble, when In their proper place, of framing words was of almost Incal culable value, which Increased In a di rect ratio with the vocabularies of the defunct parrots. Another bird for which the Komnn epicure was in the habit of paying fabulous prices was the phenecoptrlx, which is believed to have been the ptarmlgnn. It had its home in the most northerly parts of Scotland and Norway! and ns this made it hard to get at the Romans ap preciated It nil the more and put it In the same rank with ostriches, buz zards and peacocks. The tongues of these birds were specially prepared, to gether with the brains, and took the place which a hors d’oeuvre would now take. Garrick nr Author. Writ lug of Garrick's literary efforts. I suppose not every one knows that he was tlie author of such well known lines as: Their cause I plead, plead It In heart and mind; A fellow feellns makes one wondrous kind. Or this again: Let others hall the rising sun; I bow to that whose course has run. Or again: Hearts of oak are our ships, Hearts of oak are our men. But I suppose every one knows his epigram on Goldsmith, "who wrote like an angel and talk'd like poor roll.” au epigram that conveyed only half the truth, as Garrick would have been one of the first to admit—London Sphere. Standing Rock. Habit. Habit is one of the world's control ling influences. More men are swayed by force of habit, unconsciously per haps. than any other motive. The hab it of doing certain things in a certain way grows from beginnings so small as to be scarcely noticeable until It forms a cliuin that cau scarcely be broken. The habit of right or wrong doing becomes a master, and a more exacting muster could not be found.— Brockton Times. Rev. Ware, of Turin, filled bis regnli- appointment here last Sunday eveniy and preached a good sermon. The first quarterly conference of tb Turin circuit will meet with ^the Turn m. E. ohoren on Saturday before tb fourth Sunday In this month. J B. Henslee is very ill with conges tion of the brain Our literary school opened last weel with DO on the roll. Some of our farmers have commenced plowing. Judge L. A. Perdue, of Newiiau, was down this Vrav last Monday looking af ter the pensioners. The building of an annex to the school house is an assured fact. Othel Mo, gau has donated the framing. It will he 10x80 and f-10 is already iu hand ami the balance is subscribed. Wilbur E. Morgan, who clerked for ,1. B. Hutchens in Newnan last year, is at home again and will farm this year. The farmers are selling the balance of their cotton at 10'., and II cents |K-r pound. 1 Love keeps the family jars einp- Th* Word* on t Clear Box. Whnt mean the various words which are stamped on the lid and sides of a cigar box? These are not mere fancy names, but terms actually descriptive of the cigar. On the lid Is the name of the cigar. The front of the box de scribes the shape and size, as “con chas, " "relna.” “regalias." which stnte the shape, and "pe.-fecto Infantes," ’’princesses," which signify the size These may be combined, as “conchas speclHles,” "conchas Anus,” to stute both shupe and size. At the Imck of the Ikix. where the lid turns over, Is stamped ttie quality of the cigar—"su- pertina," "finn,” "flor," "superior" and "bueno," being the terms In the de scending scale. The color of the cigar Is declared on the right hand side or end of the box. "Claro" signifies the lightest eolored, "Colorado claro" rath er dark, “Colorado" dark, "Colorado ma- duro" darker, "mnduro" very dark, “oscuro" extremely dark, "negro" dark est. Hla Sorrow. Maud (newly inarrledi—You look very melancholy, George. Are you sorry you married me? George—No. dear, of course not. I was only thinking of all the nice girls I can't marry. Maud— Oh, George, how horrid of you! I (bought you cared for nobody but me? George—Neither do I. I wasn't think ing of myself, but of the disappoint ment for them. ty. The sun never sets on the Brit ish Kmpire but onion sets at Ad ams J are of the finest variety. Phone 1. 1 Hn|>pln«*NN. Things are so arranged In this world that happiness ns n profession must ever be a failure. It cannot be found by seeking It. It is n reflex action. It Is Incidental, a product which comes from doing noble things. It Is impos sible for a person to he really happy by making pleasure a profession.—Suc- cess Magazine. Mrs. ('ampin'll and Miss Campbell spent lust week us the guests of Mrs. I\ 1$. Murphey. Miss Mollie Bowel, of Bogers- \ ilie, ufler nn extended vis it to Mrs. T. \V. Bowel and family left W'edncsdnv for I hilton, (in. 6] Honrs of Strep. The belief that the hours of sleep should be artificially restricted is con trary to ordinary good sense. If the human body does not need sleep for the upbuilding of Its tissues it will not call for it. A rule of tioalth which can not be wrong Is to sleep if possible ns long us any inclination for it exists. The erroneous view on this subject is undoubtedly due to the fact that when the mind and body are thoroughly rest ed it Is often ditllcult to arouse the mind from its comfortable lethargy. On the other hand, the man who Is under a mental strain and sleeps only five or six hours al night Is keen and alert soon after awakening. But It Is an unhealthy activity. His nerves are at a high tension. He is on edge, so to speak. Such a strain long continued results inevitably In a nervous lireak- Snmr ,if Them Do. The master had been giving n class of youngsters some ideas of adages and how to innke them. Presently he said: “Birds of a feather—do whnt?" “Lay eggs," piped a small boy before anybody else laid a chance to speak. The man who never has any thing to do is not a good man to apply to when you want something ' important done. Adams has just opened up two | barrels of red and white onion sets. They are fine, mild onions, but J strong growers. ! You can do so many favors for a man that he will come to the point when he look3 upon them as his just due. I 1 Mrs. Stanford, of Franklin, Ky., is visiting her son and daughter, Mr. It. L. Stanford and Mrs. W. (i. Arnold, in Newnan. The 1 ,(*it<1 Ink I'nrt. Twynn—I hear that Skidmore lias led the Widow Weeds to the altar. Trip let—That Is what it Is called for polite ness' snke, but from my post of ob servation it looked us though tlie wid ow were a neck ahead of him all the way up the aisle. Adams has just received two barrels of onion sets. They are ten cents per quart. HELP IS OFFERED Men are born to succeed, not to fall. -Thoreau. TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE Wo earnestly request nil yountr persons, nomntter how limited their means or education, who wish in obtain a thorough business training and good posi tion, to write by first mail for our great half-rate offer. Success, independence and prohnble fortune are guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. The Ga.>Ala. Business College, Macon, Ga. If* Looking* for Bargains in down.—Cleveland Leader. ADAMS The City Grocer I.IkIiIuIuu'n Conrse. “On the water.” said u grizzled old bnymnn who stood smoking his corn cob nnd surveying the liny the other day, “when you see a thunder storm rising you want to keep an eye on the lightning. If you see It ill the distance striking down farther and farther to the right from where you first saw It or further nnd farther to the left, this in dicates that the storm is working to the right or to the left, nnd it may puss around you. But If you see it nil the time coming down in the same place and at the same time getting brighter and brighter, why, that Indi cates that It's coming straight toward you, nnd this is the time, son, when you want to make for home or get In your sail and make everything snug till the storm passes over.”—Exchange. CLOTHING ..Use.. Common Sense Why pay 80c per pound for y pay Candy? We sell Lowneys at 60c. Its as good as they make. We have the exclusive agency for Lowneys Chocolates in packages and bulk. Ttie Hnninn Head. An Irishman once defined the human head as "a bulbous excrescence, of spe cial use to many ns a peg for hanging a lint on. as a barber's block for sup porting wigs, as n target for shooting at when rendered conspicuous by a shining helmet, as a snuffbox or a chat terbox, as a machine for fitting into a halter or guillotine, as a receptacle for freaks, fancies, follies, passions, preju dices, predilections—for anything, in short, but brains.” ADAMS The City Grocer Things Good to Eat. Amenities of ihe Table. “1 waited ten minutes for a car to day." the landlady wns saying, “and then it passed me without stopping." It was afterward recalled that the habitually silent man had been having unusual difficulty with his chops. 'Terhiips," lie remarked, “the con ductor didn't care to have you board his car.”—Exchange. The Brute. “What,” asked the sweet girl gradu ate. "was the happiest moment of your life?" “The happiest moment of my Jife,” answered the old bachelor, “was when the jeweler took back the engagement ring aud gave me collar studs in ex change."—London Tribune. «•** NIOMT 1.0. NY TMI H,MM Of] 'MICHAELS-STERPr FINE CLOTHING- f 0 ♦ i • 0 0 0 0 * 0 | 0 fl 0 0 0 0 0 YOU will find the clothes here that will suit your idea ot' bargains. Every garment is of this season’s style, made of thoroughly dependable material and custom-tailored throughout in the highest class. Choose what you may at any price you can be absolutely ,-ure of getting an overcoat or suit that will give you satisfaction. We guarantee it or Vour money back. b Special Delivery. Mrs. L’ptowne — I purchased some socks and a drum for uiy boy. How does it happen that you have brought only the drum? Driver — You see. ma'am, I'm the driver of the band wag on; the socks will cute !~ the hose cart.—Woman’s Home Companion. 4S pair of Men’s Shoes that were *2.00 and *8.00, to g<> at *1.50, sizes from 6 to fl 1-2. Now is your opportunity to get some goods cheap. VYq have gut too many. BEE THEM. COME IN NOW. The br&in of an idiot contains much less phosphorus than that of a person of average mental power. i Greenville Street.