The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, January 18, 1907, Image 5

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A New Standard FOR 1907 We are setting out to nmk» 1007 a record year, and if good stocks, prompt and courteous treatment of customers and ac curate prescription work count for anything, we shall succeed. This store starts the new year with the best equipment for business which it has ever en joyed. THE STOCK. Our stock is in better condition than ever before and after the shortages caused by Christmas selling have been replaced will be com plete to the smallest detail. Drugs, chemicals and spices are of the finest quality and fully meet our high require ment as to quality. STORE SERVICE. Intelli gent, accurate store service de pends entirely on t he grade of men employed. We start this year with the most capable force ever employed in a New- nan drug store. There are no careless boys just learning the business, to vex you by their ignorance and perhaps make serious mistakes. Each of our four men is a druggist of long experience, well posted, careful and mature. Every purchase made at this store will be han dled by men who know their business, and for this reason you are fully warranted in giv ing us your absolute confidence and your entire drug trade. Every convenience is otiered our customers, comfortable airy store room, quick tele phone service, prompt delivery, complete stock, and intelligent courteous treatment. We be lieve we deserve your increased patronage. Help us make record year by giving us your trade. HOLT & CATES Fine stationery, all styles, at Reese Drug Co. Mr. Norman Miller was in the city several days this week. Widetier sells Nathan's bread. It is always fresh. 2t. Rev. R. F. Hodnett, of Franklin, was in Newnan last Monday. Mr. Frank Cole has returned from Schenectady, New York. Col. R. O. Jones made a busi ness trip to Atlanta Tuesday. Alabastine sanitary wall coat ing, all shades, at Reese Drug Co. Prof. B. F. Picket, of Barnes- ville, was in the city Saturday. Buy Nathan’s bread at Widener’s store. It is the best. 2t. Mrs. Eugene Grace, from Cali fornia, is the charming guest of Mrs. Sam Hill. Mrs. Sanders Gibson and little daughter. Elizabeth, spent Tues day in Atlanta. Mrs. T. P. Bullard, of Palmetto, is the guest of Miss Emmie Young Conyers this week. Miss Roxie Cauley has returned from a stay of several weeks with relatives in Columbus. John Morris and James Askew, of St. Charles, were greeting friends in Newnan last Tuesday. Mrs. Patterson has returned to Griffin after a delightful visit to her sister, Mrs. Barnett. A large 50-gallon oil tank for Mrs. Benjamin Kite,whose home sale cheap, at Reese Drug Co. is in East Newnan, is critically ill. Choice Linoleums at (52 1-2 cents square yard, at Marbury’s. Mr. Frank Wilkinson spent several days in Hogansville last week. , Special values iu wide, showy embroideries, 10, 15 and 19c yard. Boone’s. Mrs. T. W. Powel returned Mon day from a visit to relatives in At lanta. Miss Minnie Greene, of Atlanta, is on a visit to Dr. and Mrs. Z. Greene. Miss Emma Belle Zellars, of Misses Vandella Lazenby and 1 Othello Carmieal have returned j from a visit to Hogansville. Miss Mary Good rum returned Monday from a short visit to Mrs. 1. C. MeCrory at College Park. Rev. W. H. Meachan and family, former residents of Newnan, have removed from Hogansville to At lanta. Call and examine our line of princess dressers; new and stylish patterns. Marbury’s Furniture Store. For the next JO days a decided • cut in prices on all stock, to make Grantville, spent Tuesday in the '^.u for new goods, at Marbury’s city. Stair carpet at Marbury’s. 25- inch nice quality, 30c yard. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Sieb, last Wednesday, a daughter. FOR RENT—Extra two horse j Furniture Store. “Gold Medal” springs, 99 coils, absolutely noiseless. The most luxurious springs on the market. Guaranteed. Marbury’s Furniture Store. Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Farr re- farm. Apply to M. G. Keith, tf turned home to Senoia yesterday, Hugh Hackney and Mr. Keene, after a few days visit to Col. II. O. the Farr and family in this Griffin News and Sun. I of Atlanta, spent Sunday in city. Mr. I*. B. Murphey returned Wednesday from a business trip to New York. Big line of cheap, medium and niture Co.’s give satisfaction, high grade Rockers, at Marbury’s make a specialty of frames. Furniture Store. city.- Now lot weather thermometers, kinds, at Reese Drug Co. Picture frames at Seroggin Fur- We tf We are Jvst Beginning Our Third Year in Business and expect to make 1907 the best of the three. Prices and Push are what we are depending on. The price of hardware never advanced so rap idly as within the last 90 days. Our customers will get the benefit of a large stock bought before these ad vances. We are making very close prices on Poultry Wire, Hog Wire, Cattle Fence, Bellows, Anvils, Axes. Our one and two horse Plow Stocks are the heaviest we have ever had. A big line of thick-nut Heel Bolts. Plenty of “Hutcheson Rope,” the best in the world for plow lines and well ropes. Newnan Hardware Company Arnold Stubbs, Manager. II Greenville st. Phone 148. John B. Cox. a former mail car Mr. and Mrs. Do Witte Poole re- 1 rier of Newnan, now in the rail Miss Gertie Post, of Grantville, turned Tuesday from a short visit way mail service, is spending sev- is the guest of Hon. and Mrs. W. G. Post. Miss Nolic Lou Walton Local News of Newnan* to Douglasville. Dr. Anderson, Dentist; gas ad ministered; Sal I lido Bldg. tf For Rent—Three-room’ cottage, partly furnished. Apply to Mis. F. Campbell, <52 Jackson Street. oral days iu NcWnan. The friends of Mrs. .1. E. Smith ‘‘"tertained at an elegant tea party will regret to learn that she iserit- cally ill at her home on Greenville Street. i Sideboards! Yes, we have them. FOR SALE. Mr. E. O. Reese was in Atlanta Tuesday. George Wynn spent Sunday in Palmetto. Mrs. B. W. Steed, ofSenoia,has ( ’ a " a '" 1 8ul! 80mu beauti « 8 - tr o » i/...... :c... been visiting relatives and friends | in the city.—LaGrange Graphic. Seroggin Furniture Co. Mrs. Hugh Hill and little son, We carry all the late magazines Hu S h . will return the latter part L, W 1 njiinuiu nn mu- iiowciuf-and of the week to West Point after a prettiest trunks m town at dn< ‘ pmodicals on oui newsstan I. tf Peniston & Lee. Miss Pearl Zachery, of Carroll ton, is the attractive guest of Miss Cora Stephens. L. It. Powell pays the highest prices for hides. tf The Marbury’s. Mr. C. C. Parrott returned Sun day from Philadelphia. Will Prather spent several days in Hogansville last week. Mr. R. D. Cole, Jr., is in Ala bama on a business trip. Mr. John Faver, of LaGrange, spent Sunday in the city. Receiving new goods daily at Marbury’s Furniture Store. pleasant visit to relatives. T. B. Barron, of Senoia, after spending a few pays here, will go to Tifton today to spend several months.—Griffin News and Sun. Prof, and Mrs. J. W. Gaines re turned Monday from Monroe, Mrs. J. W. Quillian is on a vis- where they were fiH i] e ,i |, y the ill- Th© power It is in good sis new. ness and ther. death of the latter’s mo- Successful Planting Requires good seed first of all. We have them,—the kind that will grow. A large assortment of garden and flower Seed,in package and in bulk. Peniston & Lee ► jr jr 4? 4P 4P 4? 4t - Druggists. it to her daughter, Mrs. Harry Cleveland, at Elberton, Ga. We have a few good 8-day clocks j For pmM . ripttoil8 G1 , Ilu , ( | i( .j m! and regulators U) close out cheap. after , () p m ( . al , phono . Reese Drug Co.. The Woman’s Bible Circle of the First Baptist Church will meet with Mrs. Ida Milner, on next Wednesday afternoon at half past two o’clock. Miss Jennie Lee Wednesday evening, compliment ary to M iss Post: 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Mangel, of] Atlanta, are with Mr. and Mrs. V. IS. Mangel on Temple Ave. They have come to make Newnan their home, Mr. Mangel being engaged j with the Mangel-Brannon Co. Fresh garden, field and llower j seed, bulk and packages, at Reese I >rug Co. Mr. W. H. Grilfin, Superintend ent of Agencies for the Atlanta office of Aetna Life Insurance Co., is spending the week in Newnan with F. M. Bryant, Esq., local l so, b Calloway, have recurned from representative of this company. Hogansville, where they went to , . ,, , | he present at the marriage of Miss Seroggin furniture Co. can save i ,, . .. ., . . ... 'Frances Prather and Mr. I'. (. News has tor sal© a three horse International gasoline engine, perfect working* order and as It is offered for sale be cause the News wishes to install an electric motor, and will be sold cheap. THE NE WS, Newnan, Ga. Mrs. I). S. Summers and little Marbury’s Furniture Store A. B. Hyde, of Newnan, was in the city yesterday.—Griffin News and Sun. Barker mills and Lonsdale bleached domestics, yard wide,10c yard. Boone’s 1 . W. Ben Borders, of Banning, is o( - < 'owe la's holding a clerkship in Howard Hughs’ grocery store. 100 pieces English Ion 12-yard bolts, at 98c each. Boone’s you 20 to 30 per cent, on furni ture on special orders. Our mail order department i.s complete. Try i us on a line piece. tf Wheels and Repairs Houston, one most accomplished school, teachers, lias an excellent I school at Corner Branch in the cloth, in Third District. ! ’ ! i School supplies—pencil and -ink tablets, composition books and ex- Muslin underwear in great va- 1 animation paper, at Reese Drug riety; prices correct. are right; quality Co. Boone’s. Prof, and Mrs. J. W. Caines re- Mr. Colquitt Carter, of Atlanta, turned from Monroe last Monday. spent Sunday the guest and Mrs. Calhoun Hill. Our first shipment of spring , ginghams is here. The colors are guaranteed fast. Boone's. ] Found—Sandy colored sho&l, ' weight about forty pounds. Owner of Mr. They were called to that place by the death of Mrs. Caines’ mother, Mrs. Matthewson. Garden, field and llower seed, new crop just arrived, at Reese Drug (Jo. Mr’. J. '1'. Nolan has begun the can get same by calling on Hilliaij work of erecting a nice six-room Brown, colored, Johnson Aventie,: C0 £tage on First Street, ft will be Newnan Read the advertisement of J. R. Hodge in this week’s News. known as No. 10 First Street and will be occupier! by Mr. Nolan and family. I carry m spa k all kyidH of bi cycle purls and do all kinds of repairing. You get work done quickly and at reasonable prices lu re. Just think of Flannery’s when your wheel goes wrong. This is where to got a new part on any kind of repairs. If you wish to buy any kind of first class wheel, for lady, gentle man, boy or girl, I can fill .vour order. When you want to pur chase a bicycle, drop in and talk it over. The chances are »e can save yon money while snpplying just the wheel you want Frank J. Flannery Burgdorf, which occurred there lust Wednesday. Mr. Pierce DcPass had the mis fortune Saturday while helping to unload some freight, at the West Point depot, ol injuring his knee, a sudden jerk ol the. car causing some heavy boxes to fall against | him. He is now on crutches but his friends wish for him u speedy recovery, HAW MILL Wanted a sawyer with portable mill. Timber near Newnan. Apply to A. B. Cates. Dr. R. E. Foster, of Sharps - burg, has returned from Arkan sas, where he was called by the illness and death of his father. “For Rent”—Houses for rent are scarce in Newnan, but “things good to eat” are plentiful at Ad arns’. Phone I. Frank.!. Flannery made a trip to Atlanta last Wednesday on his motorcycle, lie was on the road for the round trip only 5 hours iu covering 80 miles, which is almost as fast, time as most passenger trains make nowadays. “Found”- The g r o e e r who makes prom pi del i \ er,\ --it's Ad ams. one “Help Wanted”—Is a phrase often used. We have plenty of help to get your groceries out promptly. Phone 1. Attorney >Syd Holder ness, of Carrollton, Attorneys Moon and Thompson, of LaGrange, and Soli eitor General Terrell, of Green ville, were visitors to Newnan last Wednesday. “Matrimonial”—-Young couples should start house-keeping right by trading with Adams. Some men advocate reform and secretly see. to prevent it. \V. J. Sims, one of Coweta’s most popular and successful young men, has accepted a position to travel in Arkansas and other wes tern States for a Memphis machin ery manufactory. His headquar ters are at Pine Bluff, Arkansas. His many Georgia friends wish him the best of luck in his new i field. “Lost”—The place to buy gro ceries and get satisfaction; then phone 1. We can please you. Kate Reed, one of the most re spected colored women of Newnan, died at her home in this city yes terday morning. She was the wife of “Uncle” Jim Reed, the restau rant keeper, who is one of New • nan’s liest known colored citizens. She had many friends among the liest white people of the city and was always worthy of their confi dence and friendship.