The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, January 18, 1907, Image 6

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Officers of Newnan Lodges. Officers have been elected and installed in Newnan lodges this year as follows,in addition to those who have been previously men tioned in the News: NfWnun Lod$«, No. 102. I. 0. 0. F. O. L. Byram, N. G.; *1. W. Ker sey, V. G.; W. Y. Scroggin, R. S.; C J. Barron, K. S.; T. M. Good- (listributor of coal in the tenement districts during ‘‘hard times ' in winter, and, best of all, he is the man who provides sterilized milk to Hast Hide starvelings at a price which the Milk Trust doesn’t like. For this the HER PET AVERSION. gives him the credit of having saved many thousands ol infant lives. Oscar Straus is a member of the Per m a n e n t „ {' r !>;♦»„ w^r I Court of Arbitration at The lfague, rum, Treasurer; C. C. Pitts, War , -r- . .. ,i u r\ n r ! was formerly minister to luraej, den; T. I McCullough, O. G ; C The Rcmm Omi Woimi Afraie ef j Her Batklak. “I know a good many people are : afraid of a bathtub,” anld a woman, j "but not in the wny that I am. 1 am not nfrald of the water after I am In ' Health Department i tj,c tub. It's getting In and out I am afraid of, though water In a bathtub ' has been deadly, too, to some. I knew , of a man once who waa drowned In bin bathtub. Mnny a man has drowned In his bathtub, but I know the widow of | this one, and that was what brought It home to me. Whenever they Intro duced her they whispered, ‘Her hua- mwl ill i’ll 111 111 fill f )wi f 1 I '*«* t I I f>hr<‘ \\ 1. ..-.a - . .1 I .. M Um Htiaib * Wc Handle Edison Goods Exclusively The New E,dison Phonograph Store :2i Greenville Street: J(nines, R. S. S ; John Kite, L. S S.; J. W. Alien, Chaplain. (.owrli F.nrampmfnl, No. 44, I. 0. 0. F. C. A. Merck, C. F.;CC Fitts, S W.; J W Kersey, j W; C F Stephens, II F; J T Williams, Treasurer; C J Barron, Scribe. The sentinels, watches and guides will be appointed at the next meeting ol the encampment, Thursday, Jan. 24 slightly past fifty, Nathan Straus being the elder. The family is an old and honored Bavarian one, and the three sons who have since lie- come so prominent in New York and the United States, were liorn in Rhenish Bavaria. —January Broadway. Chamberlain’s Cough Romedy Safe Medicine for Children. In buying a cough modiolnc for child ren, never bu afraid to buy Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. There is no dan ger from il, and relief in always sure to follow. It is intended especially for McCul- 1 coughs, colds, croup and whooping eougli chen VC Robert Lovejoy, P; B mid there is uo better medicine in the Blackburn, M A; J S Cole, K R w,rld f " r tl,e8 ° dis0ttBe ''‘ 11 ,H not ,,,,ly Oakland Lodjt*. No. ft<>, K. ol P. I, Jones, C C; FT my notion. "I knew another man who was sort onsly Injured by u bathtub. He wus a grent friend of mine. He had prom- Iscd to help me In a lot of ways, with my work and one thing und another. Then be was taken very III. He wus upon the verge of recovery and bad written me lie wns coming to call in n day or two, when I got word that be ; had fallen In the bathtub or on It—I have forgotten which, or maybe It fell j on him nud hud broken three ribs. “I never get In or out of ray bathtub without thinking of him and bis three ribs or Without being nfrald I'll fall on the edge of It and knock out ull my front teeth.”—New York Press. Now have a full stock of all the new and choice music, and machines of all sizes. Your repair work will receive prompt and careful attention cf skilled workmen. We extend a cordial in vitation to the ladies to call and see us, and we will be glad to play over all the latest music for you. Gem Outfit, complete $12.10 Gem Outfit, larger $14.20 Standard Outfit, complete $27.10 Standard (futfit, larger $29.20 Home Outfit, complete $45.00 M ! a curtain cure for croup, but, when giv- 1 on as soon ns M10 oroapy cough appears, Nimmons, M \\ ; w q| prevent the attack. Whooping S; John Hardaway, M F\ Fred Me Swain, M K;W K Nimmons, M \V, wm M C Robison, I G; Frank Wilkin- cough Is not dangerous when the n*me- p q dy is given as directed. It contains no . opium or other harmful drugs, ami may h ■ given as confidently to a baby us to an Easy payments can if desired. be arranged son, Wahon Tribe, No. 4ft. I. 0. K M. B M Blackburn, Sachem; J L Leach, Senior Sagamore; J II Rey nolds, Junior Sagamore, M FI Spraggtns, Frophet; (' < Fitts, Chief of Records; J S Cole, Col lector ol Wampum; JC Hughes, adult. For sale h\ Poliisloli it This and That. What is described as the largest pipe in the world is valued at £40,- 000, and is counted as one of the This outfit $32.00, payable $5.00 down and $1.00 per week We can fit you up with an outfit at most any price you desire from $ 1 2.1 O to $ 100, and you can arrange easy payments it you wish. Keeper of Wampum; B F' Hughes, mus t remarkable pieces of carving h irst Sannap; J W Askew, Second i m existence. The pipe is made of S.mnap; Faul Wortham, First one solid piece of meerschaum,and Warrioi.G I, Cagle, Second War- represents the landing of Colum- rior; J II Yearta, Third Warrior;! bu8i There are twenty-four tig- G W Little, Fourth Warrior; Bobjurcs in the scene, each one four Harris, First Brave; Will West, j inches high. The carver who ex Second Brave; C B Ursery, Thitcl ( ecuted this masterpiece is dead, Brave; T W Medaris, Fourth Brave; 'and, as the demand for this sort ol (iebrge Neely, Guard of Wigwam; W ork has nearly died out,it is prac- 1C Wilkins, Guard of F’orcst. Itically impossible to find a man to j duplicate it. NfWnun Council, No. 7.SS, Royal Arcanum, j A R Burdett, Regent; W VV Spence, Vice Regent; Lynch Tur ner, Orator; T M Thompson, Sec retary; J 1 Scroggin, Collector; J L Brown, Treasurer; J 1J Brew ster, Chaplain, F. 1) F'onse, Guide; E Summers, Warden; L 1C Snead, Sentry. FROM THE ANTILLES, cnamberlaln’s Cough Remedy Ben efits City Councilman at Kingston, Jamaica. Mr. W. O’Reilly Fogarty, who is a niombur of the City Council at Kings ton, Jamaica, West Indies, writes as fol lows: "Oim boitIt* of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had good effect on a power from the V ictoria F’alls of oough that was giving me trouble and I the /ambesi r j ver tothe great gold think I should have been more quickly , , relieved if 1 had continued the remedy. of the Transvaal, 750 miles That ii was boueiloial and <|tiiek in re- distant, but they have questioned "One peculiar feature of the shoe trade this season is the de mand for overshoes made to or der," said the manager ol a shoe store. "Many women are wearing shoes with rather narrow, pointed toes and the broad rubbers now on the market are certainly not a very good fit. What our customers want is an overshoe that ooesn’t look like a gunboat, hence the fre quent orders for overshoes with graceful lines."—New York Sun. Engineers have never doubted the possibility of transmitting A BEGGAR OF KHIVA. Il«- \Vn» holny mill n Thlnft of Shred* mid l*nt«'lii-H. In an open aqiiuro, where Hie dust pull forbade night or breath, 1 directed my stops toward the source of a throbbing roll that ceaselessly wove IlHelf In with the noise of voices and the pattering of unshod feet of beasts. As 1 neared It Mil’ noise became detached from the hubbub, a distinct and Individual tiling, j which Insistently claimed attention and , made the very motes In the air dunce to time. Fudor a willow tree by the water ditch that defined the square sut n bent old mail, unbelievably ragged. Q ur jvij*. Bailey will be glad to demonstrate So torn were Ills many Ulinlats that tliev did not seem like constructed gar , i,a ins at aii. but strings of tatters and one of these phonographs at your home it tags collected and bung on Ids fat, ; weak body. Mis head was bent on bis , . > . breast, and his eyes were half closed. OGSITCU. da his stomach was a wooden bowl, | with a skin drum head stretched across It, and on this drum head lie heat in cessantly with Ids knuckles and his list. The motion was ho'automatic and deadly regular In Its recurrent changes that It seemed almost as If he were a clockwork figure set. al the edge of the ] busy market to record the passage of time. 1 Hung some coppers on the brass begging tray by his side and went off, unconsciously adjusting my steps to Ills boating. He made the trivial barter and the driving of laden animals seem vapid and futile, and my bit of clmrlty sickened me. It wus ns If I j hail happened along and patted Socra tes on the buck.—Lnngdon Warner In Century. The New Edison Phonograph Store, lieviug me there is no doubt nud it is my intention to obtain another bottle." For sole by Ponistou A Lee. 'Tale of Two Brothers. Among the intuit interesting sur prises which were Brought out fij the Hughes-11 curst contest for gov- the complete split the economic soundness of such an undertaking, on a commercial scale. Nevertheless contracts have been let which show that the work svill be undertaken. It is the most extraordinary electric power scheme ever attempted. Old Bank Building L. W. BAILEY, Mgr. Newnan, Georgia An Observer From Africa. South At*oaiittr» und <oo*hIn*. Coughing Is one of the nuisances that no one has been able to abolish iu churches or in theaters. A physician, however, claims that the coughing nui sance Is a mere question of acoustics. "There Is ii subtle eounoctlou be tween the ear and the throat," he said. "When the ear Is strnlued the throut Is affected, and a cough Is the result, over the race question When we can hear perfectly iu church or theater It never occurs to us to cough. But when we bend forward, straining every nerve to catch the ac- tor’H or preacher's muffled syllables, then we Hud ourselves coughing every little while, ltulld auditoriums with perfect acoustic properties and I war rant that the thunderous choruses of coughs so common now ninoug us will be no more heard." We Guarantee ’Em! Old maids are dying out. In a old ernor, mils me complete split m f ew years' time the typica the well known Straus lamily ol ma id of our youth will rarely be New \ork. Nathan Straus openly seen, and a hundred years hence she will probably be dead alto -upportod I{cnrsl while his broth or, Oscar, now in Roosevelt's cabi net, naturally took the side of Hughes, the president's candidate. Both brothers are men of tie cidedly interesting personal traits, each being a type of a certain kind today, with their of American today. Nathan Straus, their little homes philanthropist, humanitarian and well-arranged lover of his followmeu, is undoubt- Queen edly the one more loved in return _____ by the "under dogs” of New York < 'ity; (>scar represents the best type of the successful Republican of to gether. The term "old maid" is now seldom or never heard; the J expression "bachelor girl" has taken its place, and many and hap py are the bachelor girls in Britain independence, and their own ives. — 1. o n don Mr. Fickstoue, an Englishman from Gapetown, South Africa, is visiting the Southern States and has been interviewed in Atlanta in regard to his mission to this section to study the negro question and the relations of the two races. He states that the white people of South Africa are much disturbed there, and that he is in the South to find out how it is that the two races have got along so well and so prosper onsly. From what he has already learn ed and observed of American ne groes, Mr. Fickstoue is convinced, he says, that there is no material ditVerence between them and the barbarous natives of South Africa. Having lived as a farmer for fif teen years in Cape Colony, he should be well informed, but he doubtless means that our negroes have the same instincts rather than that they, as a whole, occupy the same low level of civilization as the Kaffirs. He would surely ad mit that the industrial school of j American slavery lifted the Afri- i bo hunted and go to ground.” This | can savage to a higher plane. The la one way In which hounds train them- j g outhern ne groes of 1860, to say I nothing of the Southern negroes of i\o comparison. j 1007, were farther along iu the Mrs. Upmore was recalling her early , ., ... .. ,, married life 1 S( ‘ ale ol evolutlcm than the sava- "Ah, yea," she sighed, "we wore hap- ges which the slave traders of New py then—foolishly happy la our little England landed naked on our, l.lfe In llif Kennel. The following story from a well known Devonshire clergyman shows how the life in the kennel is brightened by play: "Some lifty years ago l was visiting Mr. Garth’s kennels when the tlrst whip showed me a tunnel in the airing ground about six feet long which the hounds had dug themselves and utilized ns follows: They used to choose one of themselves and start him to run round the yard, they being In full pursuit, till lie bad euough. Then he went to ground In the tunnel, Will lie another hound took his turn to Winter time will soon be here with its rain and sleet, and traveling iu an open buggy will be very disagreeable. Why not call on us and get a comfortable, light-running top buggy? MADE IN NEWNAN We put on rubber tires. MERCK & DENT Buggy Builders. Utopia!” ‘T’ve seen the place once or twice,” said Mrs. Gaswell, "ami I don’t blame you for moving away from It. New port Is ever so much finer, isn’t it?"— Chicago Tribune. Pointed Paragraphs. Heated arguments are apt day, excepting honors with digni- 00me b° uu ‘ to roost tv, cleaving to his party, execut ing his work thoroughly, dealing in organized charity, and bearing a rather ealm and official attitude toward the world around him. Nathan is joint proprietor with his brother, lsador, of the gigantic business known as “R. H. Macy \ Co.,” which alleviate the suffer- but that need not ing of New York’s poor iu summer mark. said to There is something wrong with the woman who can’t blush. lt a woman’s "N’o”means “Yes.” what does her "I don't know” mean? It doesn’t pay to hurry. Take your time—but don’t take other people’s. Death may love a shining mark. worry the easy Into the !t«t D«f. "When I leave you tonight,” Mr. Staylate, "1 hope you”— “Gracious! Are you coming again to night?" exclaimed Miss Patience Gonue. Then for the first time the proximity of the dawn dawned on him and be lit out.—Exchange. Too rut. "What’s become of that brother-in- law of yours?" asked the old friend. "He had a bright future before him." "Yes, he had," sighed the other old friend, "but he outran It.” A small cloud may hide both sun and moon.—Danish Proverb. shores. From what we have read of the natives in the British colonies of j South Africa, it would appear that the condition of Southern ne gro farmers and tenant farmers is vastly better. The latter have freer and superior opportunities | for bettering their condition. Mr. I Piekstone will probably find that this, and a tolerant kindliness to ward uegroes who work on the ; pan of the better element of the Southern whites, accounts for the , fact that the two races on the, whole “get along so well." in spite , of the inevitable difficulties of an abnormal situation.—Macon Tele- j graph. GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY f S better equipped and organized in all departments than ever be fore, and prepared to do the beet work in its history. In order to afford the young men of Georgia high-class technical educa tion, the legislature assigned fifteen free scholarships to each eoanty in the State, many of which are still available. Take immediate advantage of this opportunity and write for latest catalog of inform ation illustrating advantages of Georgia Tech for prospective students. Advanced courses in Mechanical, Electrical, Textile, Mining and Civil Et^ineering, Engineering Chemietry and Chemistry. Extensive and new equipment of Shop, Mill, Laboratories, etc. New Library, New Chemical Laboratory. The forty members of the Class of 1906 were placed in desirable and lucrative positions BEFORE GRADUATION. The namt term tseewe Jw. t, HOT WriU For Fmrtkor Informalmm K. Q. MATHB50N, A. ft., LL. D„ President, Atlanta, da. For Job Printing, Try The News.