The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, January 18, 1907, Image 7

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1 i i £ Legal Advertisements Application for Bank Charter. To the Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary of State, Atlantn. (in.: We, C. F. Hollherg. \V. ,1. Estes. \V. F. Sibley, L, P. Brnndenberg. J. T. Ar- f nnll, H. L. Ware, Vindex llniul, T. W. |wyk,>nj. Cook, E. H Estes and Lee Hand, all of Senoin, Coweta Comity, Georgia. ap plicants, as incorporators under An Act of the General Assembly of Georgia, ap proved December 20th, 189:1, entitled "An Act to carry into effect paragraph eighteen of Section seven of Article three of the Constitution of 1877, as amended, in relation to chartering of banks, to provide for the incorporation of banking companies by the Secretary of State,and for other purposes,” make this onr declaration, praying that we be incor porated ns a body corporate ami politic for the purpose of doing a general bank ing business, with nil the rights, pow ers, privileges and restrictions of said Act, under and by the name and style of Bank of Senoin, and that the princi pal office of said company shall lie locat ed in the city of Senoia, county of Cow Phone lot* pta, and State of Georgia, with n capital ■ ■■ — r- of Twenty-live Thousand Dollars I '25,- 000.00), divided into shares of Fifty Dol- We Don’t Lose Any Time when railed on to do plumbing. If you discover it leak Prompt Plumbing Action is what you want. Always get us lor plumbing il'you want it well done. We don't charge high and are always ready to come. W. Jj. SEXTON, The Newnan Plumber. New Arnall Building. should not be granted. This .Tan Stli, 1007. E. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA -Coweta County T F. Rawls, Temporary Administra tor of Eli/a Crayton, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for Permanent betters of ad ministration on estate of said deceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the tirst Monday in February next, it any they enn, why said application should not be granted. Tills .Ian 8th. 11107. I,. A. PER1H' E, (lrdiimry. any they can. why said application such conveyances ami acquittances, and receive and hold such evidences of debt nnd security, and to do such other acts as may be necessary to carry on the business of said corporation. Also to cmeumber real and personal property, lend and borrow money, purchase stocks and bonds amt sell same, issue and soil bonds, and seeim same, by mortgage or ib'i'd of tru-t, secure any loan it may obtain, by mortgage, deed, transfer or | pledge of any of its assets, both real and personal, and to have all the powers, rights and privileges enumerated in sec tion 1S.V2 of the Code of Georgia, of IStto, as well as such other powers and privileges incident to corporations of like character. it. That the principal office and place of business of said corporation shall hi EVERY-DAY TOPICS. its roots; then you may strip the bark from the body of the tree, by making the dealer a partner in crime when he sells a depraved creature liquor that drives him to deeds of crime and outlawry. In T. M. MARTIN g) tars (fhO.OO), each, and that the sum of vm , tiR( . r nflvprti Si * ifteen Dollars ($17, 000) ot IloM ,„ s c0 „„eete.l wi 111 the capital subscribed Ims actually been paid by the subscribers and that the GE< >R(rl A—Coweta County. T. F. Rawls, Temporary Administra tor of Walter McFarland, deceased,hav ing applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for Permanent betters of administration on estate of said deceas ed, all persons concerned are required to sl ow cause in said Court by the tirst | Monday in February next, if any they j can, why said application should not be granted. This Jan. 8th, 1001. b. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Sheriff’s Notice. GEORGIA, Coweta County. Notice is hereby given flint on Febru ary 1, 11'(>7, 1 will change the advertis ing connected with my ofllce from The Newnan News to the Herald and Ad- advertising nnd all le gal notices connected with the Sheriff’s illlce of said County will thereafter ap pear in said Herald and Advertiser. The Christmas, New Year an 1 the holidays have gone back among the shadows, and the problems of real life confront us. But we some p|ajn words; if A sel ) s r whiskey, times become reminiscent, and and „ Rets drunk and kills his make some compattsons ot pres- wife> hang both A and B , ent with past conditions, events Th is is my solution of the prob- ot times. lem; what's yours? The continued spring-like wea- Ohsfkvf.k ther is one topic on which the idle gossips can meet without set ions clash. Away back in the early fifties of the past century, I heard Growth of the Telephone in Thirty Years. two old met, discussing the wcath- in the city cf Newnan, in said State and or, ami one of them sqid there had County, 1,ut petitioners desire that said I10 ( pecii a January so spring like since T6—the year without a sum- corporation shall have the right to es tablish branch offices nnd places of busi ness at such other places in said State, or elsewhere, as said corporation may desire. 7. That affairs of shall he managed liv "Hello, Central!” was first heard in 1876. Today the exchanges are numbered by the thousand, the ,, - ..telephones by the million. Various mer. Here is my recollec.ion ot 1 what he said : ".January in sixteen i 1816), was warm, the leaves put said corporation and tbe gj- ass was green, fruit a Rnuid of Din t trees bloomed, and the birds built tors and duly eleoted officers. 8. That at the corporate mootings of ’b'-'H nests. Well, the warm shareholders of said corporation, each i weather quit about the loth ot shareholder shall be entitled tons many February, and we had the thickest votes as lie owns shares in said corpora- jce j ever saW( am | t ] le Cu ],l snap tion, appearing in hisname on the books lasted tU] th<J middl(J of y [arch . of said corporation. , . .. 1 t). That subscriptions to the enpitnl '*e had ice plenty tu May, and a Does all kinds of 1 same 18 1,1 U'ct field, nnd is to be used ^ H| , r|l , d AdrertiHI , r will, from Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. Expert work nnd low prices win. Shop op posite Pinson Hotel. 'lj solely for the business and purposes of || the corporation. if] The fee of Fifty (7)0.00) Dollars is ||] herewith enclosed ns fee for charter or [II certificate of incorporation ns required H by snid Act. lj Senoia, Georgia, 6th dny of Dec, 1000, || Respectfully submitted, jj C. F. Hollherg, W. J. Estes. W. F. ji Sibley, b. P. Brandeubcrg, J. T. Arnall, |] H. b. Ware, Viudex Hand, T. W. Cook, |1 E. H. Estes, Lee Hand, Incorporators. the above ilute, be tile official organ of snid county. This January 2, 1007. .1. 1). BREWSTER. Slieriff of Coweta County, Gu. stock in said corporation may be paid in money, property or services, ns limy bo determined by the Directors or share holders of said oorporation. 10. That all of said capital stock of Ten Thousand Dollars will be actually stiff industries, unknown thirty years ago, hut now sources ot employ ment to many thousands of wot le ers, depend entirely on the tele phone for support. Numerous factories making lead sheathing, dynamos, motors, generators, bat tcries, office equipments, cables, and many other appliances, would have to close down and thus throw frost in June. The ’ whole | their °P erativos into idleness and was cold all through, and frost the last week in year there was August.’’ "I r, member," said the other old Manufacturers National Bunk. No. 8477. misery if the telephone bell should cease to ring. The Bell Compa nies employ over 87,000 persons and, it may he added, pay, them well. Many of these employes have families to maintain; others support their parents, or aid younger brothers and sisters. It is safe to say that 200,000 people look to the telephone tor their J Z. Greene, I >. D. to Office on Second Black Bros. < '< . > Floor of Building STATE OF GEORGIA, County of Coweta. Before mo personally appeared C. F. liollbcrg, W. J. Estes, W. F. Sibley, b. F. Brundenberg, J. T. Arnall, 11. b. Ware, Vindex Hntid.T. W. Cook, E. II. Estes and Leo Halid, the incorporators of paid in when the organization of said man, "that was the year the earth corporation is perfected, and before it trembled so much.’’ commences to do business "Yes," said the first, “and the Wherefore, your petitioners prav tlmt . .. ... ,, after .bis petition has been Hied and P eo P le 3,1 ^ ot religion, j published, in uooordanoo with law, tlmt j The weather is a good safety . the Court grant the proper nnd neces- valve for our over-wrought feelings 1 I wiry ordor of incorporation and that this 1 some times, and serves as a topical j *^ J 1 rea< ’ t i 1 i ( " sc . i I '"’ ll,es i ma ^ Treasury Departments Office of Comp- ] petition together with said order of release from embarrassing situa- troller of the Currency. I judgment, be recorded ns ’•equirec! by | . Washington, I). O., December 21, 1906. law. VV. C. WRIGHT, j ’ ,,,,,, Wliorens, by satisfactory ovldoncc j Petitioner's Attorney, j cr of bad news, and the bashful Filed in office this dun. loth. 1007. young man can use the weather as L. TURNER, Clk. 8. C. C.O. a stepping-stone to higher topics. be supplemented by the number of The bill collector, the bear- tele P hones in U8e * < 5.<H>8.000), by the number of miles of wire (6,- presented to the undersigned, it tins been | made to appear tlmt "The Manufactur ers Notional Bunk of Newnan," in the ; city of Newnan, in the County of Cow- GEORGIA—Coweta County. eta, and State of Georgia, has oomplied 1, b. Turner, Clerk of the Superior I , , . . , , ,, • with nil the provisions of the Statutes t of said County, do hereby certify j ccnt trlum l )h ot ‘ hl ^ 1 1,cu,,se 1,1 i of the United States.required to be com tlmt the foregoing application for ohnr- Atlanta, is in any way <o form, rc- There is no proof that the re- 1 Bank ot Senoia, located in the oity ot |,| )( ,,i with licfore an association shall hi L. M. Farmer, LAWYER. Office on Second Floor of the Arnall Merchandise Co.'s Building Dr. C. A. Smith, VETERINARIAN. Senoin, county of Coweta, and State ot (teorgia, who on outli deposed) ami saitli tlmt Fifteen Tboiisaud Dollars (16,000. (Hi) of the enpitnl subscribed Ims been actually paid by the subscribers, and tlmt the same i> in fact held, and is to he used solely for the business and pur poses of the corporation. 0. F. Hollherg, W. d. Estes. W. F. nut hori/.cd to commence tile business of Banking; Now therefore I. Thomas I*. Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Manufacturers National Bank of New- min,” in the city of Newnan, in the (lounty of ('owota.and Stale of (teorgia, is ant hori/.ed to commence t lie business (t|'7( )R( 11A ter in the matter of HutVaker Drug (’oni- patty is n true and correct copy of said application or petition, ns appears of file in this office. Witness my hand and seal of this Court, this dan. tilth, 1907. b. TURNER, Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S SAIL. Sibley, b. F. Brundenberg. d. T. Arnall. of (ls provided in Section Fifty- 11. L. Ware, bee Hand, Vindex llniul, T. W. Cook, E. II.[Estes, Incorporators. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7,th day of Dec., I'.»()(>. I | ‘ b. A, PERDUE, SEA b : I Ordinary. Treats nil disomies of domestic animals Calls answered day or night. Office nt Gearreld’s Livery Stable. one hundred nnd sixty-nine of the Re vised Statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof witness my hand nnd seal of office this Twenty-first day of December, IIHHt. T. F. KANE, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Current’v. -16 (loweta (louiity. By virtue ot 1111 order from the Court of Ordinary ot said County granted at the dannury term, 1907, of said Court, will be Held on the tirst Tuesday in Feb ruary, litl>7, ut the court bouse door in the city of Newnan, in said county, Du- sponsible for the present warm spell; yet, 1 suppose some ot the low tlive keepers have kept the air pietty warm about them. Speaking of high license re minds me that I have always con tended against license of any kind. Give the devil his due always, but do not give him any license t(» keep up his deviltry. High license is only asking the pirate or high wayman to divide ids ill-gotten, blood-stained booty. In this business, the national STATE OF GEORGIA. Office of Secretary of Stnte. I, Philip Cook, Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, do hereby certify That 11 a* attached three tinges of type written and printed matter contain a true and correct copy of the application We earnestly request nil young persons, no matter „f Senoia for a Charter, the how limited their means or education, who wish to 1,hlain a thorough liusincpstruiliinB amt «oo<l posi- original of which IS HOW of llle 111 tills tion, to write by first mail for our great half-rate ,, t offer. Sucoes.s, independenceund probable fortune jjbjjiumii are guaranteed. Don’t delay, writetoday. p, Testimony Wl%reof, I have here unto sot my hand and affixed the seal of Petition for Charter, HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE The Ga.-Ala. Buiiners College, Macon, Ga. “Red Star Jellico” my office, nt the Capitol, in the City of Atlanta, this Rth day of December in tin* year of onr Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Six and of the Independ ence of the United States of America riie One Hundred and Thirty-first. 1 1 PHILIP COOK, SEAL • This is tin* name of a do mestic* coal that will give ev ery user perfect satisfaction. K burns readily, loaves no clinkers and but lew ashes, and affords the maximum amount of heat. It is an ideal coal for family use, or for heating purposes when used in any grate or coal stove. We* supply "Red Star .Iclii- eo” in any quantity and fill or ders promptly. Prices are reasonable. Will appreciate your coal orders, atul believe our stock will give perfect satisfaction. NEWNAN ICE & COAL COMPANY Paul Smith, Manager Office at K. R. Junction. Phone No. 2IS GEORGIA Mansfield Par ham Have your mules and horses in sured in the Mutual Life Stock In surance Company of Georgia. Full face value of all policies will be GEORt 11.\— Coweta County. To tho Superior Court of said County: Thu petition of W. II. Huffaker, Wil liam Hughes and C. It. Glover, nil of said Statu and County, respectfully shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns, to be incorporated for the full term of twenty years, with the privilege of re newal, at the expiration of said time,un der the name anil style of Huffaker Drug Company. •>. The capital stock of said corpora tion shall be Ten Thousand Dollars, di vided into shares of ()no Hundred Dol- Secretary of State, lnrseach; petitioners desire, however, the right, by a vote of the stockholders Coweta County. owning a majority of the stock of said Libel for Divorce corporation, to increase its capital stock In Coweta S11- from time to time to any amount not perior Court,March exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars, and Alice Fnrli am i lirm, 1907. to issue common stock, preferred stock. To Alice Fulham,defendant ill the above a nd bonds as tuny be necessary. stated case: The object of said corporation You are hereby commanded to ho and slinll be pecuniary gain and profit to the appear at the next term of said court to stockholders thereof. be held on the first Monday in March, g. The business to lie conducted by 11107, then nnd there to answer the-plain- said corporation shall be that of 11 g"ii- tilf’s libel for divorce. In default there- 1 drug store, and the purchase and of the Court will proceed as to justice sale, either or both, at retail and whole- may appertain. sale, of any and all kinds of drugs, drug- Witness the Hon. R. W. Freeman, gists -undries, points, oils, hooks, -ni- .Jndge of said court, this the 20th day of tiom-ry, tobacco, cigars, and any and all Oct. 11)06. L. TURNER. kinds of articles and merchandise, to Clk. Superior Court, Coweta County, import and export (ill kinds of goods, and articles or merchandise, to iniiitu- GEORGIA—Coweta County. facture drugs, patent und proprietary N. A. North having applied to the medicines and remedies, perfumery,soda Court of Ordinary of said County for fountain supplies, and other articles, to Letters of Administration on estate of manufacture and bottle carbonated Hugh B. North, deceased, all persons beverages, and operate soda fount, to conce ’led are required to show cause in till prescription, compound drugs, buy -aid Court by the first Monday in Feb- and sell at wholesale and retail any and ruary next, if any they can, why said all kinds of personal property,and maim- application should not be granted. This facture and sell same, buy and sell real Jan. 8th, 1907. estate, act as agents, in sale of any kind L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary, of property. 5. Thar, said corporation have the GEORGIA—Coweta County. right to contract and be coblracted with, tween the legal hours of sale, to tin highest bidder, for cash, ns the property government lms been a very (Its of the estate of I! U. Moore, Into of said reputable partner for a number of comity, deceased, a certain vacant lot years, the internal revenue, and insaidcity of Newnan, the line of said, State of municipa i high license, lot beginning on the east side of Jack- , . . ... • h , . , j,,,,., having placed the liquor traffic in son street at a point foot and h mull 1 1 es north from the corner of .Madison and the hands ot unscrupulous corpora- Jnckson Streets, and running north : l ions, whose greed for gain over- along 'list side Of said Jackson ri des alI other considerations. The lomor ^ w long-distance lines will Street,.! distance of (18 foot and 9 inches, H „ so]d arc adulterated and s ' )an ,he contlnent; and lhe da > r more or less, to Wesley Street, said ^ ^ ^ wjth a j t knows what he is wire 043,000), in the Bell lines, and by tiie number of conversations (4,- 479,500,000 ), electrically conveyed in 1905. The network of wire connects more than 30,000 cities, towns, villages and hamlets. Snell tremennous growth as these statistics show would imply not only a steadily increasing ap preciation of the telephone, but would also suggest improved in- 1 struments, more skillful operators, and better service. There would j he no flattery in such suggestion, fi'.lectrical science has undergone radical reformation since 1 .76. Telephony lias raised the utili/.u- tion of electricity to the height of a profession Of course such ad vances have not been won without cost. Fortunes were spent in ex periment and investigation before a dollar came back. Communica tion by the first telephone was limited to a few thousand feet. Now, conversation can be carried on by persons 1,600 miles apart. lot running back cast from said Jackson j dangerous. Street and along Wesley Street the dis-1 thirst, never tnneo of lot f< ■ f more or lesH, to lino of drinking;he gulps down the chemi- j what is known as Hie Fulmer place, and ' (;a j poison,that robs him of money, 1 so that the cast end of said lot will be L haracter health and reason, at! only 67 feet and 9 inches wide, more or , , , c „,i , once tiie victim and paymaster ol less, uml 11 part ol wlmt is known 1 as the Sims lot.; also a certain vacant tile high license system, lot in said city of Newnan, described as "Well, wiiat are you going to do follows: Oommeneing at, a point on the | abo ut it?' somebody asks. lleie 11(1,1 1' » l(1 ° of Avwiuo ftt the isvvhat J wou ] d do; Take off all smith west corner of lot ot Mary ( Love- . joy, widow Of .1.1”. Love,joy,deceased, license; imprison for a long te.m and runs westerly along the north side any person selling adulterated ot said Temple Avenue, a distance of liquors; imprison every person who 76 teet,thence northerly to Clark Street. | drunk; hunt up and punish tne person who sold or gave him after oceanic telephony will be a commonplace of mercantile rou tine. But science and money had to collaborate tor years before they could work the miracle of en abling Boston and Omaha to talk together.- Scribner's. The Price of Peace. The terrible itching and smarting, incident toeortain skin diseases, is al most instantly allayed by applying Ohamherlaiii'H Halve. Price, '6e. For sale liv Peiiiston it Lee. und llienee easterly along the south side ol -aid (hark Street, a distance of .V-i :, to the northwest corner of said lot o. said Mary U. Lovojoy, and thence southei 1 y along the line between the lot :,, ic describe l and the said 1 *>t ot Mary U. Love,joy to said commencing point, said lot h'-ing irregular in shape, bn) I lie west line thereof so run- that said lot will have a frontage on said Temple A veilin'of 76 feel, and on said Clark street of 6:: feet: also a certain lot in said city of Newnan described as fol lows: Commencing at the southwest corner of tin: said lot just above de scribed and run in a westerly direction along the north side of said Temple Avenue to Hu: junction of said Temple t ra ffj c Avenue and Olark Street, thence in an easterly direction along the south side of said Clark Street to the northwest P 0180n corner of the said lot just above clo the liquor, making him bear equal responsibility with the drunken one in ail charges; anti, finally, make it a penal offense to give a minor any kind of intoxicant, un less prescribed by physician Death of Mrs. L. A. Matthew- son at Monroe. Monroe, Ga, January it rs. L. A, Mitthew-on died at tie reputable home other daughter, Mrs. Clif ford M. Walker, in this city, this I have studied this question a morning at i o'clock. Mrs. Mat- number of years, and i have come thewson was 73 years of age. S e to the conclusion that restrictions, was twice married -first to Col. in shape ot taxes and license, only Jameson, of Tennessee. She was aggravated the evils by driving out later married to K. A. Matthew all scruples of conscience from the son. Mrs. Matthewson is survived If men have no regard for by four children, Dr. S. Y. Jame- human life, but go on to drug and son, president of Mercer Univer- both mind and body, will sity, Macon; Mrs. W. .1. Stribling, they not rob and defraud the gov- Westminster, S. C., M'S. j. YV, scribed, and which feet from the northwest corner of said lot of Mary C. Lovojoy, and thence in a southerly di rection to said beginning point, on the north side of said Temple Avenue. I'Iok lot is improved and lias situat' d thereon a dwelling and servant's house. • eriiment r Certainly; and they will Games, Newnan; and M rs. Clifford The said C. S. Reid and W. J. Murphey, Ex- to sue and be sued, to plead und be im eentors of Margaret Latimer, deceased, pleaded, to have and use a corporate t W( , lots last dosciibed comprise wlmt is having applied to the Court of Ordinary seal, to make by-laws, binding on the known as the Arrington 1)1“"", and area part of lot of land No. 20 in the r lltll . , * w of said County for leave to sell 6 shares members of said corporation not moon- V' 1 "‘ ~ paid. For information and terms, Lowry Natjonal Bank, of At- sistent with law, to buy. hold and sell Ul - 8 , t h > j aliuary ./m, 1907. call on or write to J. 'V. Will i anta , Ga., all persons concerned are re- any and all kinds of real and personal mum.: COXOll, agent for Coweta and Car- quire d to show cause in said Court by property, and manufacture and sell any Administratrix on the estate roll counties, Newnan, tf j the first Monday in February next, if kind of personal property, to execute j voore, decease-. . use any expedient to reimburse themselves, for all tax or license money paid out. Cutting away the branches does not kill a tree; you must get close to the root, or your effort at destruction will be vain. If you want to strike a M. Walker, Monroe. Mrs. Matthewson's death is greatly regretted in Newnan,where she visited recently as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Gaines, wile of the .Superintendent of New- nan’s public schools. The .-ytu nas. M. S. MOOI1K, of II. 0. deadly blow at the liquor evil, you patby ol the people of this entire must take off the soil of license city goes out to Mrs. Games in her and government protection from ■ bereavement.