Newspaper Page Text
Every-Day Topics
With the Exchanges
The season is approaching when Miss Mattie Sue Allen, of near
the whitewash brush will be called 1 New nan, and Mr. tins Kmjlar. of!
into service. Fences, out build- this place were happily married at
ings, tenant houses, barn and pig the home of the bride's parents,:
pens all are due a coat of white-i Mr. and Mrs. Will Allen, last Wed- !
wash, whether they get it or not. nesday. The young couple arrived
Whitewash conceals and pre- here last night euroute to their
vents decay, gives a cleanly, new home. We .join their many
wholesome appearance, and is in friends in wishing them much hap-
some measure a disinfectant ward- j pincss.—Last week's Carroll Free
ing diseases from man and beast. Press.
If you want to *eo dollars jrrow, food
your tleldfl with Virainis-Curolina fer
tilizer*. They will “ increase your
’ields per acre,"and thus bringdown
he cost of production, even if you use
fewer teams and less lubor.
We have thousands of strong testi
monial* from farmers who have tried
other makes of fertilizers and assert
Yirgiiia-Cirolina Fertilizers
are by far the best. They will irlvo
you crops that will mnko more money
lor you. Buy no other, even if some
coaler endeavors to get you to buy
some “cheap" brand Just because he
ttiHy make a little more profit on that.
Of course, that would be tohis interest
—not yours.
K.chraoud, Vi. Norfolk, V». Durhim, N, 0.
Cfcirltiton, 9 0. Baltimore, hd. G*.
Sarasnah, Ga. Vontromarr. ila. hwuphin. Tarn,
Sirareparl, la.
A Modern Heroine.
It is also claimed that it is de
structive to insect pests, that con
ceal themselves in the cracks and
crevices of wood and masonry.
People who own fences or houses
they do not consider worth paint
ing, should give them a coat of
white wash, it improves their ap
pearance and preserves them from
: the effects of the weather. A farm
with all buildings and fences
white washed is a thing of beauty
and a joy to look upon. Nearly
all shade-trees are benefitted by
having all the rough parts white
The interior of stables, fowl
houses and even rough ceiled or
plastered dwellings should get a
clean coat of white-wash.
Misses Nona Cotter and Marie
Long, two very popular Newnan
ladies, are the guests of Mrs. It.
L. Ware.—Senoia F.nterpriso < ia
zette. '
Managers of tele])hone compa
nies say that so many “centrals”
marry that the service is crippled.
It is not strange to ns that they
should want to make permanent
connections.—(>glethorpe Echo.
The Columbia State is surprised
to hear that bridge whist in Geor
gia is rated as bad as craps, says
the Savannah Press. If that is
true, either bridge or craps is rated
high in many of our best regulated
Poe's, idealists and toadyists
are fond of extolling the praise of Iui wuiwwum.. Mrs. Lucy Davis, of Newnai
warriors and masculine heroes, but | A little practice will enable any- am | j> oss \\'are, of Corinth,
this one is a frailgtrl of seventeen. | une to apply white-wash, as it is | 1!lve the guests of Mr. and
Five years ago Mrs. N. died, 1 »o very complicated art. The cost Mnj> ,, ,, W arc this week.—
leaving a family of seven children, ot material is no excuse, even at a pfogansville News,
two of them being one year old , dollar a barrel for lime, for one I ' „
twins. The husband and father barrel is as much as most farmers! 0,1 lu ''™ ,a * v ,as | Nannl «
would need. Young, ot Moreland, daughter ot
I have been writing of real, not Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. T outig. was
gj M( | united in marriage to Mr. Ernest
Do you want relief—in
just a few moments and
no bad after-effects.
If so, you have only to
take, l)r. Miles’ Anti-Pain
If subject to headache,
have them with you al
ways. No harm enu come
from their use, if taken as
directed, as they contain
no opium, chloral, mor
phine, cocaine, chloro
form, heroin, alpha and
beta cueaine, cannabis in-
dica or chloral hydrate, or
their derivatives.
Ask your druggist about
"It kIvop m<> urrnt plonsuro to bo
ftblo to lofor to tin' Or Milos Antt-
I’aln I ‘tit-< ns tli" host romoily wo hiivo
ovor h.i.l In our liouso for tho nrovon-
tlon nml onro of lionilurlio. XIy wlfo
who Inis Ins n m oonstnnt siifforor for
yours wltli tin uluo o complaint, joins
ino In i i ‘ omnionilliiR Or. Milos' Anti
ruin I’llls lioplnit tiioy inuv full Into
the Immls of nil who snlTor."
J. I. HUSH. Wutorvlolt, N. Y.
Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills are sold by
your drunnist. who will guarantee that
the first package will benefit. If It
fails, he will return your money.
STORE Wants Your
Trade for the Year 1907
We sell everything in furniture and house
furnishing lines. Goods always new and reli
able. Prices as low as any dealer can Iname
for first class goods.
25 dosvs. 25 cents. Never sold In bulk.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
was a drunkard. The fourth child
was Nannie, who was twelve years
years old when her mother died, figurative white-wash, the
that is good and useful for its Jackson, ot Luthersvdle. Ihey
and on her devolved the care of
beauty and
healthful- art ‘ !l popular young couple, and
have the congratulations and Imst
wishes of many friends in their
the twins and the household. The j economy,
brothers, older than she, contrib- »ess. The figurative white wash is
uted to the support of the little! P ll t on to conceal corruption or
ones for a year or two, but married wickedness, and is appled to imh- mw oum lappintss. ais mi s
and left her alone. The father | viduals or corporations to conceal j Meriwether > indicator,
seldom brought anything home I something rotten. The priests and The weekly papers of the state
for his family. Nannie cooked the rabbis probably applied it to Pilate,! were the first to eliminate liquor
food at night and worked at the Barabbas and Judas Iscariot, and and vulgar medicine advertise-
Carrollton cotton mill in daytime, 1 80 effectually misguided the popu- j incuts, the Atlanta Georgian fob
and by her heroic self-sacrifice lace at the trial and death ol the lows. That's it. the country week-
Savior. Fanatics used it on old lies set the pace in all good works.
The Confidence That Wins.
k«pt the little ones in meagre
comfort. She has no time to read ! Jobe Drown with such skill and
and improve her mind; no finery!craftiness that the country was
to wear in company; but she has a i plunged into civil war.
noble, heroic heart, above the he- j The figurative white-wash is
roes of romance or heraldry, Given j used to hide defects in men who
an opportunity it is impossible to! occupy high places ot trust and
conjecture what great heights to power in all lands, be they mon-
which she might attain. ; a 'chs, warriors or statesmen.
This heroine lives now at the! Trust promoters and thieving
Newnan cotton mills, and can be corporations wear out innumera-
found on enquiry. She is worthy hie coats of white-wash every sea-
An oil tank or water plug is
But strange to say that some amen
corner brethren continue to take
papers that carry these liquor
“ads” ami refuse their home pa
per. They want their home paper
to light such things, but are not
willing to aid it with their adver
tising and subscriptions.—Senoia
Enterprise Gazette.
A quiet home wedding of inter-
of a better fate, because she is one 8011 - »—-o -- |
of nature’s gifts to a selfish world; | V0l '.V destructive to whitewash, j
a true, devoted woman. I write it giving unsightly streaks and blot- jest to many friends about here was
woman, because the hardship and ches, and causing it to scale and ( that of Miss Grace Pitman to Mr.
privation, the struggle and sacri- j lull of
fice,have given her premature age.
A Friend.
Information Wanted.
Information is wanted as to the
whereabouts of J. P. Daniel, a ne-
The latest application of white
wash, was an address of Ghancel-
L. G. Morgan, Sunday. The wed
ding occurred at the home of the
bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. II.
lor Day, of the Syracuse Universi- J. Pitman, of Corinth. Bev. V. A.
ty. This great Day says the trusts
are a Godsend to the country and
the low herd who oppose them are
most unspeakably wicked. Does
Ham pronounced the binding words
before a few friends and relatives
at 3 o’clock. The bride was at
tired in a gown of Changeable silk,
gro boy about sixteen years old, i bliafc .j«ii' you? According to his prettily trimmed, ami carried a
left home on Jan. 27th in views, there are none righteous
company with John H. Bishop, a
young negro al>out 20 years old.
Information is wanted by his fath
er, Nautus Daniel, Turin, Ga.
butAhe rich saints who gobble up
the wealth of the country, tho
wreath of white hyacinths. He
fresh ments were served after the
marriage and the couple left for
paragons of righteousness who I their future home in Newnan.
squeeze the laboring class, drivel The bride is an attractive young
out competition, ami draw big div- \ lady with many endearing quali
A woman seems to be afraid that I idends on watered stock ' To im ‘ | ties, and the groom is a substantial
she wears anything on her feet j P each the ^hteousness of these i and respected citizen of Newnan.
spotless characters is very wicked j Friends here wish them God speed
butto hale them before the courts through married life.—Last week’s
Hogansville News.
and chest she might catch cold.
The man who is on pleasure bent
is apt to find himself broke in due
We have thousands of bushels
in stock, selected from the best
crops grown in this country; all
the best and most productive
Burt, or 90-Day,
Black Tartarian,
Swedish Select,
Red Rust Proof,
White and Black Spring, Vir
ginia Gray Winter, etc. Write
for prices.
tells all about Seed Oats and all
Farm and Garden Seeds. Mailed
free on request.
to account for their actions in
manner, is a most heinous sin.
Great is the Day! but his liberal
coat of white-wash won’t stick on
the oil tank or water plugs very
long. When I read his address,
Neglected Colds Threaten Life.
(From the Chicago Tribune.)
‘Don’t trifle-! with a cold,’ is good j
. j advice for prudent men and women. It’]
1 I ... . ■i . r _
felt I had never before known how
very wicked I was or how many
million dollars I lacked of attain
ing righteousness.
Had Chancellor Day confined his
eulogies to honest business corpo
rations, that do business on the
square, J might have felt some
hope, but he applied his brush to
all trusts. All corporations are
greedy and soulless, but the great
er the corporation the more greed
There are forces within us,
which, when realized and used,
can conquer till that opposes us
without. God made man to have
dominion over crealion, hut there
is a citadel within which must he
conquered first. Fear is the dead
ly foe that overcomes courage, am
bltion. energy, health and hope,
not in open conflict, but by trench-
cry, discouragement and surren
der. When this insidious enemy
is conquered by the invincible will
of god-like man, all thingsure pos
sible. We see a vast difference in
the achievements of men and wo
men. and try to account for it by
the inequalities of environment,
but the instances of forceful peo
ple who have overcome poverty,
ignorance, physical weakness, even
blindness, and accomplished what
they desired, refutes all such argu
ments. Circumstances should not
make men hut men should make
Not only do the makers of his
tory and the forgers of destiny
need the conquering power of con
fidence, but the homemaker and
the tiller of the soil as well. The
woman who has no confidence in
her ability to master the problems
of cooking, cleanliness, system,
child training and self-control,will
never succeed, hut baffled and dis
couraged at every turn, she will
become a scold, a slattern, a fail
ure. The pity of it is, there is
never u necessity for such condi
tions, only a knowledge of the for
ces within, and tht wisdom to use
them, together with a determina
tion never to be discouraged.
Emerson’s advice is, always to
do the thing that one is afraid to
do. There is profound philosophy
in the counsel, for in overcoming
a foolish reluctance is an element
of strength. It is only the person
who lacks confidence that is afraid
of people, of circumstances, of re
sults. of failure. The confident
soul i*the conquering soul. God
will not, and man cannot hinder
those who are determined to suc
ceed along right lines. The
wrecks along the pathway of life
are due largely to a lack of
faith in the unseen, which are the
real things.
If the kingdom oi God, which
has its foundations within us, is
J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor.
Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds
of marble and granite.
All work guaranteed to be first class
in every particular. I’arties needing
anythin ; in our line arc requested to
call, examine work and get prices.
J. R. Hodge’s
Coweta Shops
Back of Hardaway & Hunter store house.
We do all work in good style.
Horse shoeing a specialty. Prices
right, either for spot cash or on
time. It will be to your interest
to see me before you commence
your shop business for 1907. I
have two of the best all-around
smiths in middle Georgia.
Proprietor and Manager Coweta Shops.
may be vital in tiie cast! of a child.
Proper food, good ventilation, and dry,
worm clothing are the proper safeguards
against colds. If they are maintained
through the changeable weather of au
tumn, winter and spring, the chances of
a surprise from ordinary colds will he
slight. But the ordinary light cold will
become severe if neglected, and a well sought and developed first, then
established ripe cold is to tlie germs of that which the world cal s success
Taylor & Mitcham
Grocers and BaKers
Wo hiivo purchased the grocery stock and bakery form
erly owned and operated by O. I*. Stephens cfc Co.,
and solicit orders for everything sold in a first-class
family grocery store and for the products of our
bakery. We sell only the best of everything in
our line at very low prices and guarantee prompt
and reliable service. Will appreciate the patronage
of the people of Nownan and surrounding county
and believe we can please all who give us the
opportunity to serve them Try our
Home Made Mince Meat.
Taylor & Mitcham
Phone No. 31.
diphtheria what honey is to the bee.
The greatest luenance to child life at
this season of the year is the neglected
cold.” Whether it is a child or adult,
the cold slight or sevue, the very best
i T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen,
and less soul, therefore corpora- | taeatmeut that can be adopted is to giv<
tions can't sill, lor only souls are I Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. It is
. safe and sure. The great popularity
and immense sale of this preparation
people, merchants, doc- j | I£1S been attained by its remarkable
tors, preachers and lawyers are j cures of this ailment. A cold never re
wicked, because they are supposed i suits in pneumonia when it
to have souls. Bran new idea: j For sale by Peniston & Lee.
join a big corporation and lose; _______________
your soul and then you won’t be. The reason a girl can fool
wicked. Nevermore! ; mother so easy is her mother
Ohskhvkk. | to do the same thing herself.
will be added by a natura: proves-.
Every virtue ot the soul which is
exercised in the promotion of
Christ's kingdom, is needed in
moral and intellectual develop
mer.t, and they have their money
values in the business world. We
will do well to appreciate the wise
words oLthe prophet Isaiah: “In
quietness and in confidence shall
be your strength.”—Cotton Jour
] lower
her It takes a hair tonic mannfactnr-
used er to pull the wool over tht; eyes
of a bald-headed man
News has for sale a three horse
International gasoline engine.
It is in perfect working* order and as
good as new. It is offered for sale be
cause the News wishes to install an
electric motor, and will he sold cheap.
Newnan, Ga.