The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, January 29, 1915, Image 8

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Are You Suffering From Auto-Intoxication ■ S iK * "Intoxication ®**®“* ) ‘ I * “poisoning, or the state of being poisoned, from toxic, substances produced within the body" This is a condition due to the stomach, bowels, kidneys, liver, or pores of the body falling to throw off the poisons. More than 50* of adults are suffering from this trouble. Tills is probably why you are suffering from nervousness headache.;, loss of appetite, lack of ambition, and many other symptom;, produced by Auto-Intoxication. Your whole system needs stirring up. DR. PIERCE’S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY (In Tablol or Liquid Form) will remedy the trouble. It first aids the system to expel accumulated poisons. It acts as a tonic and finally enables the body to eliminate its own poisons without any outside aid. Obey Nature’s warnings. Your dealer in medicine* will supply you, or you may wnd 50c for a * a ™Pl c package of tablets by mail. AdJreai Dr.V^PIcrco, Buffalo,N.Y. Tho In tout edition of T>r. rlnrrrt'a Common BoniW Mtrdirnl AdviM-r nhuuld 1»« In ovr*ry fnmtly. No reunn why you nhould bo without It when it will be nmt free ft you if you will rout of wrap ping nnd mulling—81 nne* c<-nt ntampn topry.M. Piorco, Buffalo, N. Y. NEWNAN HERALD N BW NAN, FIRDAY, JAN. 29. Tried As By Fire. The Farm nnd Rnnrh, Dalian, Tex. The whole Southwest him had a year in school. Ah in a great laboratory we have spent twelve months analyzing the customary order of things—our one- crop credit nystem, our methods (or Isck of them,) of marketing and linane ing crops, our extravagant spending of natural resources. As a people we have tested the social-economic fabric of our own making; as individuals we have tried our own part in it, and we have found it wanting when it should have shown its greatest strength. We have been wrong in our farming. Year after your wo have grown the same two crops of corn and cotton, de nuding the earth and robbing the soil. Year after year we have bared our lands to tho ravages of winter rains that bore the precious wealth of fertil ity away to tho river valleys or on to tho ocean. Year after year we have planted and cultivated with little origi nal thought hh to why anil how, follow ing rather the worn path of our fathers. And we have found ourselves unable to live by it. We have been wrong in business methods. Depending on one crop only, we have bought our feed and food in stead of growing it. Marketing our one crop within the space of a few short weeks, we have annually gorged the market and placed ourselves in the hands of the buyers. Somewhere in the past we “got behind” and made a crop "on-a-emlit," and have been behind and in debt ever since. I’erenninliy in debt for our daily food, the bulk of our people have had no liimticm! standing or credit except as secured by chattel mortgages. Dependent, pitiably de pendent, we have tottered when called on to stand alone. Farmers and busi ness men have tottered together. We have been wrong socially. Wo have bad two classes of people those 1 in the town nnd city and those on the farm and each lias sought proliL out of Die other. Hut we have learned that when one class suiters the other is pinched also. V\ e have lived each to himself, planting and marketing with out regard to each other, and in a laby rinth of inefficient distribution every one of any number of producers of a given crop tins I mind be had the same number of competitors (less one) in the market. Unwilling that others should enjoy some of the fruits of our labors, we have refused to co-operate in build ing and maintaining roads, schools, churches and helpful social life. In the crucible of experience, tried by the tires of adversity, our order of life has failed. We must begin again — we must build anew. Hut we are not without light. Within the limits of our observation are vast farming sections; within our very midst is a growing | number of individual farmers, that tho • trying times have but strengthened. Diversifying, without debt, co-opera ting, the uncertainties and cries of IS'l-l have only the mere (irmly established them in prosperity. And, at last, the Southwest generally ia ready to follow their lead. The year’s schooling has been severe. We have suffer'd, we still suffer, we* shall continue to suffer, but we have learned. A than who works at the gas plant is not necessarily light-headed. IT IS SERIOUS. Some Newuan Feople Fail to Realize the Seriousness of a Bad Back. The constant aching of a bad back, The weariness, the tired feeling. The pains and aches of kidney ills. May result seriously if neglected. Dangerous urinary .troubles often follow. A Newnnn citizen shows you what to do. C. N. Baki r, 1-1 Carmichael St.. Newuan, Da., says: “Riding over rough roads brought a severe strain on my kidneys and off and on for four years I suffered from a dull, weary ache across my back. The kidney secretions became highly colored and 1 realized that my kidneys needed treatment. A short time ago I heard about Doan's Kidney Fills and procured a box from the I.oe Drug Co. They quickly re lieved me and acted beneficially in every way. 1 shall always be grate ful for what this remedy lias done for me. ” Pric- 1 fOc. st all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask fora kidney remedy—get Dean's Kidney Lillis the same that Mr. Baker bad. Foster-Milburn Co , Props., Buf falo, N. Y. Adjusting the Loss. Albany Herald. The people of the South are going to have to sustain a loss of millions of dol lars—we will not undertake to figure out how many millions —on laBt year’s cotton crop, and the sooner we accept the situation and apply ourselves in a good-natured, co-operative, business like way to adjust the big loss so as to distribute it as equally as possible, the better for nil. And it is time we were all getting busy with our respective adjustments. It will not do to sit down and wait, Mi- cawber-like, for something to turn up. The longer we defer the adjustment of ourselves to the conditions that con front us—nay, that have been thrust upon us- the worse it will be for us, not only as individnals, but as a sec tion. In the general adjustment the far mer’s loss comes first—or, rather, the process of adjustment starts with him. He should not be expected to sustain it all, but the bnlance of the business community has the right to expect him to show a willing disposition to meet his obligations. And then his creditor HhouUl meet him in a liberal spirit, and grant him such concessions as he may he able to make in the process of dis charging obligations on up the line. In this way only can cridits be protected and tho spirit of business confidence pre served for future activities. Those who are in position to hold cot ton, whether they be the producers or those who have taken it in payment of debts, are the ones to do it. Nobody will suffer by such holdfngs unless it be the holders themselves, and if they nro able to carry the load without withhold ing that which is duo to others, no-ody has any right to complain. But the time for the adjustment of our business allairs, which bang so dependontly upon the cotton crop, is at hand, and those who are in a position to pay their debts, even though it be at some sacrilice, should do so. Whenever a farmer or any other bus iness man can make deflnite and satis factory arrangements for carrying over ins indebtedness it is, of course, his right to do so; but tile indefiniteness and uncertainty of settlements is be coming rather monotonous, and tends to prolong the general depression un- reasona lily. What She Wanted. “1 want to stop my baby's cough,” said a young mother the other day, "but I won’t give him any harmful drugs.” She bought Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It loosens the cough quick ly, stimulates the mucous membranes and helps throw off the choking secre tions, eases pain and gives the child normal rest. Sold by all dealers. Printing the News. When a newspaper publisher prints the kind of news the people want to read they will become subscribers to his paper. There isn't the slightest doubt about it. The country newspa per, the weekly, is no less popular among those who take it and read it , , ,. _ „ . , .. than is the big citv daily, the metropol- Told ill tll6 Fol10WIflQ Letter by a Jackson Man Who A New Year Proposition f. X . :: Tr rrrrm —.—Hr'h i nl The “Educated” Man. To be educated, in the best sense of the word, a man must be able to truth fully answer in the affirmative all these questions: Mas education made you public-spir it eu? Has it made you a brother to the weak? Have you learned how to make friends and keep them? Do you know what it is to be a J friend to yourself? Can you look an honest man or a pure woman in the eye? Do you see anything to love in a lit- ; tie child? Will a lonely dog follow you in the | street? Can you be high-minded and happy in 1 the meanest drudgeries of life? Do you think washing dishes and hoe ing corn just as compatible with high- thinking as piano playing and golf? Are you good for anything yourself? Can you tie happy alone? Can you look out on the world and see anything except dollars and cents? Can you look into a mud puddle by itun sheet, among those who read it. These reflections are induced by read ing the following in the column in the Philadelphia Public Ledger presided over by "Girnrd:" To a day whereof the memory of mun runneth not to the contrary, ex change editors on big newspapers have printed with glee such items as these from the Hill-hilly correspondent in the Jonesville “Luminary:” “Sallie Smith is a visitor in our midst. Jake Fogel bought a new cow. Cy CorntaHsel was seen driving toward Job Bowers’ place last Sunday evening. Look out for wedding bells. Ezra Lime- burner brought a Hack of new potatoes to our Banctum. Come again, Ez.” Great fun to show up these country journalists for a lot of Rubes who don’t know what real reporting is, eh? Just compare the lack of news sense in the rural correspondent’s budget with the literary flowers culled from the bouquet in any metropolitan daily’s society col umn: “The Joy Climbers Gotawads gave a dinner for Miss Swabbie, who is a pop ular debutante. "Mrs. Never-at-Home Gadleigh en tertained the Easy L6se Bridge Club. "The beautif -1 Misses Stuckups gave a dansant at their fine country place, the Mortgage. “The engagement is announced of Miss Gladys Ethel Cheesemaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Cheesemaker and cousin of the aristocratic Cheesemakers of Cincinnati, to Mr. Seedy Neverpays, scion of one of the oldest families on the Branch Line.” Any reader can see at a glance the great superiority of metropolitan socie ty gossip compared with the Hill-billy variety. It is newsy, so original, so dif ferent! And there you are. But the man who reads the country newspaper is just as greatly interested in the visit of Sallie Smith as is the city daily in Mrs. Never-at-Home Gad- leigh’s bridge party. Possibly he is more so. The man who resides in the country is personally acquainted with nine-tenths of the persons who are mentioned'in the local paper. And if Jim Smith whitewashes his barnyard fence, it is a matter of interest to Jack Jones. And if old Mrs. Jackson spends the day with li r friend, old Mrs. John son, the readers of the weekly paper, practically all of whom know both of these good old souls, are not only inter ested, but they are pleased to know that the one is able to visit and that the oth er is able to receive a visitor. For they are growing older with the passing years, and it will not be long before they will be summoned home. And thus it Is with every item that iscontained in the weekly newspaper. But is the average reader of the city daily half as much interested in the do ings of the city’s social world? We doubt it. In fact, we are morally certain that he is not. Those who know the society people are interested in their movements, but inasmuch as they num ber only ”100” it is not like interesting an entire community or county, as is the case with the country weekly. Each of these newspapers has its place in the newspaper world, and the people are not going to do without them. Excellent for Stomach Trouble. “Chamberlain’s Tablets are just fine for stomach trouble,” writes Mrs. G. C. Dunn, Arnold, Pa. “1 was bothered with this complaint for some timp and frequently had bilious attacks. Cham berlain’s Tablets uffo-ded me great relief from the first, and since taking one bottle of them I feel like a differ ent person.” For sale by all dealers. a Knows from Experience. His Word Is Good. Jackson, Miss.—“I am a carpenter, and the grippe left me not only with a chronic cough, but I was run-down, worn out and weak. I took all kinds of cough syrups but they did me no good. I finally got so weak I was not able to do a day's work, and coughed so much I was alarmed about my condition. One evening I read about Vinol and decided to try it. Before I had taken a quarter of a bottle 1 felt better; and after taking two bottles my cough is entirely cured, al! the bad symptoms have disappeared and I have gained newvimand energy. ” —John L. Dennis, 711 Lynch Street, Jackson, Miss. The reason Vinol is so successful in such cases is because the acUve medic inal principles of cod liver oil contained in Vinol rebuilds wasting tissues and supplies strength and vigor to the nerves and muscles while the tonic iron and wine assist the red corpuscles of the blood to absorb oxygen and distribute it through the system, thus restoring health and strength to the weakened, diseased organa of the body. If Vinol fails to help you, we return your money. JOHN R. CATES DRUG CO., Newnan « 1. r 1 ’ll. L-.S—-.1—11——;—B—li-.yjsx- C : ■ ■ E . : . ffi; . .‘.-i -“J** We have heard “hard times” until ( we are tired. We arc very grateful to our friends and pations for their patronage in the past, and hope we have mer ited your confidence to an extent that will induce you to give us more of your trade in 1915. W e have the money to do business on, and can meet you with a smile, and the right prices. W e have never had such a demand for 1 ittsburgh wire. VVe have these goods in all heights, and want to sell vou. It is the best wire on the market. In fact, there is no other wire that we could sell so much of as the Pittsburg wire. JOHNSON HARDWARE CO. TELEPHONE 81, NEWNAN, GA. Wanted to Go “Somewhars.” Theodore Rousseau, secretary to Mayor Mitchel of New Y-rk, says that when he was a small boy in Nashville the negro cook of the family developed a desire to travel. She pe-itered her husband to give her an outing, until finally in desperation he bought tickets for a round trip to Lebanon, where there was to be a celebration of the ne gro population on Sunday. But the train halted so often and lost so many minutes between stations that when it reached its destination it was time to turn round and come back, which it ac cordingly did, without giving the pas sengers an opportunity to leave the cars. All during the return journey the old cook sat in gloomy silence, star ing out of the window into nigh'* As they rolled into the Nashville sta tion the husband mustered up courage to speak. ”1 hopes you’s satisfied now?” he said. She turned on him in a fury. "Nigger,” she shrieked, ”de next time l asks you to take me somewhars don’t you take me nowhars!” Demand lor the Efficient. Alert, keen, clear-headed, healthy men and women are in demand al ways. Modern business cannot u.=e in office, factory or on the road persons who are dull, lifeless, inert, hilf-sick or tired. Keep in trim. Be in a condition that wards off disease. Foley’s Cathar tic Tablets clean the system, keep the stomach sweet, liver active and the bowels regular. For sale by all dealers. Murphy, the. foreman, was sent to the railroad i dice to report a slight acci dent to a man in the gang repairing the track. He was handed a blank and toid to give details of the mishap. He got along al 1 ight until he came to the space headed ' Remarks.” After staring at it awhile I beckoned to the clerk. "Wha' s the matter, Pat?” asked that odi “W- was Bill mer, an write Taking Off the Chill. Saturduy Evening Post, The story is probably exaggerated, but it has the merit of being suitible midwinter reading. Maclyn Arbuckle says a darkey in Galveston got an offer of a job in Min neapolis, and, having a desire to visit the North, started for his new place in the middle of January. Texas was balmy when he left, hut he stepped off the steam-heated train at his destina tion into the middle of the worst bbz- zard m fifteen years. In his cotton shirt and ragged overalls the new arrival staggered along for perhaps a hundred yards, then stiffened like a board and rolled over into a snowdrift. There, according to Arbuckle, a po liceman found him some time later and, with the aid of two hardy citizens, car ried him to the morgue, where the cor oner diagnosed the case as one of death by exposure; and, since the earth was frozen so hard that burials were itnpos- the wayside and see a clear sky. I,an ( s ible. the unknown was sent to the ere you see anything in the mud puddle out ! ma t orv mud? Can you look into the sky at night and see beyond the stars? Whoever replies "ves” to every que ry in the list, without doing violence to las conscience, is really “educated," whether he has seen ttie inside of a col lege or not. How To Give Quinine To Children. FEBK11.INK is the trade-mnrlc nnme given to an improved Quinine. It in h TastelessSyrup, plea*- ftut to take ami doe* not disturb the stomach. Children lake it and never know it i*» Quinine. A no especially adapted to adults who cannot take ordinary Quiuiue. Doe* not nauseate nor cause nervousness nor ringing in the head. Try it the next time you need Quinine for any pur pose. A>k for : ounce original package. The name F.^BKILINR m blown in botUc. ^5 ceuu. On arrival there an attendant slid the body into the white-hot interior of the receptacle and went to bed. Next morning another body was brought to him. As he opened the door of the ere. matory and drew back from the gush of terrific heat that shot out into his face, a complaining voice came fo; ta from me inside, saving: "Who dat ipe in' dat do’ and let- tin’ all dat cold air in heah un rm? ’ Tbs Qutnkis That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic nnd laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO Ql’I NIN li i - better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head Remein' er the full name and look Ur the signaling c. . . .. Farmers’ Supply Store We have now entered fully into the new year, and, as usual, are well prepared to take care of the trade of the friends and customers who have taken care of us. Those who did not sow oats in the fall should do so now, using an early variety of seed, because all feedstuffs will be high. We have for sale the famous 90-DAY BURT OATS—a variety that we can recommend highly. GEORGIA CANE SYRUP in 5-galJcn and 10-gallon kegs, half barrels and barrels. The PEACOCK BRAND is the best syrup made, and we can sell it at jobbers’ prices. A full line of PLOW TOOLS, STOCKS, TRACES, HAMES, BACKHANDS, and BRI DLES. Cm dress up your mule with a com plete outfit for the plow. HUTCHESON POPE for plow-lines. Will say, in a general way, that we carry in our store everything needed on a well- regulatsd farm. Vve buy for cash, in car load lots, and you will find our prices as low proportionately as cash discounts in buying can make them. Come to see us. You are always welcome. Fire Association, of Philadelphia Fidelity and Casualty Co., of New York American Surety Co., of New York Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., of Newark, N. J. 14 1-2 Greenuille st., Ouer H. C. Glouer Co. T. S. PARROTT Insurance—All Branches Yes—Many People have told us the same story—distress after eating, gases, heartburn. A Dyspepsia Tablet before and after each meal will relieve you. Sold only by us—25c. John R. Cates Drug Co. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. CURRENT SCHEDULES. ARRIVE from ttr.ffln 11:10a.m. 7:17 p.m. Chattanooga 1:40 p. m. Cedartown 6:39a.m. % OlMiuWfU 9:05a M. 6:35p.m. DEPART FOR Griffin 1:40 p. m. Griffin 6:39 a. M. Chattanooga 11 :i0 a. m . Cedartown 7:17 p. a. Columbus 7 :40 a. H. 5 :15 P “