The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, February 05, 1915, Image 9

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M. B. Mooney W < Hi H 0 X Ifl a « x a> +-> C3 Oh XS +-* 13 •v <0 a> • ^H cs h3 c$ « a o 1/5 a> o x <0 a *T3 CS u <0 a a> u *o ~a <n C0 QJ X "as u QJ T3 C O o IO §• ^ +J C0 QJ o X <0 C a> CQ § S Jj 5 T3 O <S in <N €fc= co a> o ^ £ X « bjD « 2 G ^ a» u X3 U 2 W CJ 2 ^ S ^ C3 • - h-H CO ^ a> cs M. B. Mooney Local Happenings Told in >? SKort Paragraphs >? r NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST | in. TO OUR LOCAL READERS. J COTTON STATEMENT. BY J. H. SUMMERS. Year. Keeoipta to Fob. 1. Stock on hand. Total. Trice. 1904 10,761 910 11,196 151 1905 14,125 5,308 15,788 7 1906 16,137 15,542 5,414 15,965 105 1907 4,172 15,900 un 1908 13,649 2,828 15,700 12 1909 16,730 3,260 17,220 9* 1910 13,377 4,250 13,867 1-4 S 1911 16,150 1,960 16,655 I4j 1912 20,906 5,143 22,171 10} 1913 13,183 3,456 13,791 11} 1914 15,830 3,881 16,230 13} 1915 20,986 6,G51 8} “Valentine sale” to-morrow. Buy for cash, and trade at Boone’s. Drop in at the “valentine sale” to morrow. New spring goods arriving daily at Glover’s. Money to loan. Apply to A. H. Freeman. Best grade table oilcloth, 14}c. at I. N. Orr Co.'s. Gasoline 14c. gallon at R. L. Askew’s, 11 Jackson street. A little money has great purchasing power at Boone’s. Best grade of oils at R. L. Askew’s, 11 Jackson street. New laces and embroideries now on display at Glover's. Choice of any $6 or $7 50 raincoat, $1.95 at 1. N. Orr oo.’s. Cotton is selling in Newnan to-day at 81 cents, for best grades. Good shoes for all kinds of wear. All sizes in stock at Boone’s. Cotton seed are selling in Newnan to day at 42 cents per bushel. Born, on the 3d inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Stamps—a daughter. Billy Askew gives away a pair of $3.50 shoes every Saturday. ■ ■ — ♦ .... Children’s chambray rompers, ages 2 to 6, 26c. at I, N. Orr Co. ’s. Seven-cent apron ginghams in full pieces, 5c. special at Boone's. Best make of automobile tires at R. L. Askew’s, 11 Jackson street. Buy your candies, soft drinks, and smokes from the Coweta Cafe. Special.—A 36-inch madras check for underwear, 10c. and 12}c. Glover’s. “Tuff Nut” work gloves as good as they come at the price. Boone’s. Furnished front room on Greenville street for rent. Close in. ’Phone 47. Children’s chambray dresses, ages 2 to 6, 25c. I. N. Orr Co. New krinkle crepes in colors for lin gerie, 16c. and 25c. yard. Glover's. Bleached sheets, 72x90, at 39c , or three for $1. 1. N. Orr Co. Art Goods.—The new Royal Society art goods now on display. Glover’s. For auto hire see A. H. Boone, or 'phone 348 or 378. Service day or night. For Rent. — Three-room house on Ramey street. Apply to L. R. Powell. Genuine Palm Beach cloths, and many other pretty suitings at Glover’s. “Money saved is money made.” Trade with Billy Askew and get cou pons. Good, new “Arrow Head” hosiery for all the family, two pair for 25c. at Boone’s. New woolens for your sport coat in black and white. Call and see them. Glover's. Mr. Lucius Arnold, of Corinth, was in town Wednesday and gave us a pleasant call. Children’s rompers and play suits, made of Blue Bell cheviot, 47c. I. N. Orr Co. For Rent. —Two furnished rooms, with all conveniences. Apply at 77 Greenville street. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fouche, of Mc Donough, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Brown. Buy clothing, overcoats and boys’ suits now. You can save money, if you buy them at Boone’s. A fresh lot of Lowney’s candies just received at the Coweta Cafe. A ticket given with each pound. When you want a nuggy come to see us. We will save you money. M. G. & J, J. Keith. New Line. -’Phone 81, Johnson Hard ware Co., for your Mazdas lamps. We have them at one price. For Sate.— Black mare mule, 5 years old; weight 1,100 lbs. Apply at once to J. M. Starr, Newnan, Ga. Mr. Walker Camp, of Newnan, will spend the week-end here with Mrs. Camp, —West Point News. John R. Cates Drug Co. guarantees Parisian Sage to remove dandruff, stop falling hair and scalp itch, and to put life and beauty into the hair, making it soft and lunroua. It’s a most invigo rating and helpful tonic, and inexpen- s v«*. Special price on four good sowing ma chines to close out. Half cash and bal ance next fall. Boone's. -♦• -— - For Rent.—Five-room house, close in. ’Phone 325. G. E. Parks Insurance & Realty Co. San silk crochet thread, white and colors. The best 5c. embroidery thread, six spools for 26c. Boone's. For Rent.—Eight-room house, close in. ’Phone 325. G. E. Parks Insurance & Realty Co. New Silks.—All the popular silks for the spring season, taffetas, poplins and crepes. Glover’s. Mr. W. N. Edge, of Palmetto, an nounces the engagement of his daugh ter, Sarah Virginia, to Mr. Alphunso Jones Vineyard, of Sharpsburg, the wedding to take place on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 24, at the home of the bride. Salesmen and Collectors Wanted.— Five o- six good men wanted as sales men and collectors for the Singer Sew ing Machine Co. Experience not nec essary. Applicants required to furnish bond. Write or see R, F. Burford, man ager, Newnan, Ga. Loans.— $25,000 to loan on farm lands. 'Phone 325. G. E. Parks Insurance & Realty Ca. The prettiest line of new ribbons for 25c. to bo found in Newnan, both plain and fancy. Glover’s. Kub cloths, krinkle cloth, and French ginghams, 32 inches wide, priced 15c. yard. Glover’s. Infant’s Embroideries.—A very com plete range of flouncings, yokes and all- over embroidery for infants’ dresses. Glover’s. For Rent. — Four-room house on Fourth street. Large garden. Will rent cheap to good tenant. Apply to J. C. Attaway. Nearly every favorite star of the Universal programme will bo on the curtain at The Halcyon next week. Come out and see them. H. C. Glover Co. announce a com plete showing of new spring merchan dise, consisting of silks, woolens, pop lins, linens, and all sheer goods. Wanted.—Vie wish to buy several hundred bushels of peas, any variety, for which we will pay the highest mar ket price. T. B. McRitchie & Co. Another shipment of those famous North Carolina apples just received. Come and get them at 95 Greenville street, ’phone 346. Geo. Neely. Miss Sallie Hammond had a severe fall at her home Wednesday morning, and was so unfortunate as to fracture her left arm between the shoulder and elbow. Middy Blouses.—Just received a new shipment of the popular "Paul JnneB” middy blouses. All sizes; red, navy and white trimmings; priced $1 each. Glover’s. Buy your candies from the Coweta Cafe and get a free ticket to The Hal cyon. A 10c. ticket given with every 40 cent purchase, and a 5c. ticket with every 20 cent purchase. For Rent. —Three upstairs rooms in Hunter building, on Spring street. Rooms have grates, lights, water and hath. For narticulars apply to J. A. Hunter, 17 Spring street. Lost. — Wednesday, on the plantation road running through the farm of Paul Pitman, a double-barreled hammerless shot gun. Finder will please notify Ben C. Orr, and get reward. Billy Atikew gives with every pur chase of $1 a coupon which is worth five cents in trade. And the holder has a chance to get a pair of shoes ab solutely free every Saturday. With cotton sepd meal selling at $30 per ton, acid at $10 50 per ton, and pot ash to be had at hardly any price, fer tilizers will be high this season —higher than for several years, at any rate. The Sarah Hall Missionary Society of the Central Baptist church will meet in the Sunday-school room next Monday afternoon at half-past 2 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. Married, on the 20th ult., MisH Mattie Lee Shell and Mr. Wayland Foote. The hride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shell, and the groom i9 a valued em ployee of the East Newnan Cotton Mills. For Sale. — Bay mare, 3 years and 9 months old; weight 990 lba.; Carroll county raised. In good condition; gen tle and safe; will work anywhere. Ap ply to E. E. Lovern, ’phone 292 L, Newnan, Ga. Warehouse Notice.—Bring your cot ton to us and we will store it inside the house, protected from the weather. Have plenty of room. Long Place, next door to Bradlev-Banks Co. T. B. McRitchie & Co. Strayed. — From my farm on the Ell Drake home-place Sunday, Jan. 31, a white «hote with blue spots, weight about 60 lbs. Any information will he thankfully received. Geo. Pullin, (col.,) R. F. D. 6, Newnan, Ga. ThomaR, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Watson, who was operated on at the Griffin hospital last Friday for appendicitis, is critically ill, and serious doubtB are entertained regarding his recovery.—Griffin News and Sun. The ground hog came out of his hole Tuesday morning, but, seeing his shadow, scuttled right back into his den. According to old timers thiH is a sign that we will have much more cold weather before the flowers bloom. The March meeting of the County Commissioners will be held on the laHt Wednesday in the present month. This is done in order not to conflict with the spring term of Cow<-ta Superior Court, which convenes the first week in March. For indigestion, sour risings of food, gassy and upset stomae-i, causing head ache and dizziness, try our Mi-o-na Tab lets—perfectly harmless and surely ef fective or nothing to pay. John R Cates Drug Co. Meeting Notice. The Benevolent Union will meet next Monday after noon at 2 o’clock, at the home of the president, Mrs. E. O. Reese, II E. Washington street. All members are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. It. A. Field, Sec'y. — - - Mrs. Clark Bridges gave a delightful bird supper Thursday evening in honor of Miss Athagene Kersey, of Newnan, During the evening several musical numbers were given by Miss Kersey that added much to the pleasure of those present,- Dawson Nows. See the New Spring Fabrics for Men. — Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 10,’11, 12 and 13, we will hold a tailoring opening for men in our store. Come in and see the line and let us take your measure for that new suit. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Enclosing a chock to cover his sub scription, our old friend, G. W. Mc Williams, of Gay, Ga., writes as fol lows; “I did think once of stopping the paper; but I have been taking it since 1881, and it is like getting a letter from homo. Just let it keep coming.” Notice to the Public. — By order of the board, the March meeting of the County Commissioners will be held on the last Wednesday in Febuary, (24th inst.) All bills or claims against the county must be filed by the date last named. Thos. G. Farmer, jr., Clerk. 1 — - Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. North and Dr. T. S. Bailey returned Sunday from New York, where they spent a couple of weeks. They were very pleasantly En tertained by different friends during their stay in that city, and had several rounds of enjoyable sightseeing be sides. On Friday morning lust, while stand ing in front of the fire place at her home in Sargent, the little 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Robin son was so badly burned that she died from her injuries the following after noon. The funeral and interment took pluce Monday at Liberty church. For Sale. — I have Poland China- Berkshire pigs (six weeks old) for de livery Jan. 30at $6 per pair. Also, “Half- and-Half” cotton seed at $1.25 per bush el; "Coweta Prolilic” cotton seed at 90c. per bushel; 10 per cent, discount on 10- bushel lots. Call or send checks to T. H. Herring, R. F. L). 4, Newnan, Ga. Newnan friends have learned with regret of the death of Mr. J. A. Bax ley, which occurred several days ago at the home »f his parents near Bre men, following a long illness. Deceased was for some time a resident of this city, and well liked by everyone. He was a brother-in-law of Mr. Boyd Steph ens. Be sure to get one of The Halcyon’s advance programmes. Read it and you will readily see that next week will be one of the most enjoyable this popular house has had for several days. The music by Harry Bateman and John At taway will be exceptionally interesting. Don’t miss a day. “Come early and avoid the rush.” Let Us Take Your Measure.—Gome in and let us take your measure for that new spring suit. Mr. N. Gpo. Gross, representing Schloss Bros. & Co., of Baltimore, will be glad to show you the new styles and fabrics on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 10, 11, 12 and 13. P. F. Cuttino & Co. For the first time in many yearn no mules have been shipped to the New nan market. Stockmen have thus far confined their traffic to buying from farmers of Coweta and neighboring counties, and reselling them in the same territory. Prices range from $125 to $200, with less demand than in any seuson for many years. “I am glad to note that The Herald has resumed its old name,” said Prof. A. S. Jones, of Turin, who was in town Wednesday. “I have been reading the paper for the past forty years, and en joyed every issue of it. Am pleased also that The Herald and The News have consolidated, and am sure other patrons feel as I do about it.” Daughters of the Confederacy.—Mem bers of Newnan Chapter, U. L). C., are requested to meet at the Library next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Mem bers having in their possession min utes of the State Convention and Miss Rutherford’s address, "Wrongs of His tory Righted,” (concerning the War Between the States,) are requested to bring them. Helen M. Long. - ■ — * Mr. H. G. Wiley, who served Cow eta county so capably last year as farm demonstration agent, left Saturday for his new field of labor in Stephens coun ty, having been transfered to that ter ritory by State Agricultural Agent Campbell. Mr. Wiley not only did splendid work in this county, hut made many friends among our people, whose best wishes follow him to his new field Mules, Mules.—We will have in a car-load of blue grass Kentucky mules about Jan. 23. These mules are di rect from the blue grass section of Kentucky, are all 4 to 0 years old, arid well broken. Ttiey are the kind that will wear a long time and do good ser vice. If you need mules come In and look them over. We can suit you. Hopson & Rank in, Grantville, Ga. Mr J. W. McClure and family have moved to Newnan, where they will reside iri future. The change of the headquarters of the Georgia Railway & Power Co.’s "trouble men” from this place to Newnan, mention of which was made some weeks ago, necessitated this change of residence. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. McClure^ re gret their having to leave us.-Fair- burn Messenger. Mr. J. R. Thurman, Air. C. C. Pitts and Mrs. C. II. Newton went over to Carroll county Sunday to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law, Mr. John W. Stephenson, which occurred Saturday morning at his homo 8 miles from Carrollton aged 75. The funeral was held at Salem ehureh Sunday af ternoon, services being conducted by Rev. ,1. M. D. Stallings, assisted by Rev. T. A. Bonner. ♦ The "valentinesale,” to be conducted at Mrs. Lein Adams’ millinery store to morrow (Saturday) by the young ladies of the First Baptist church, will he an ideal "bargain day” for housekeepers. Numerous dainty edibles, prepared by the best cooks in Newnan, will be put on sale, comprising altogether a menu from which it will be easy to make up a Sunday dinner. Those who attend the sale will not be disappointed. Miss Katherine Powel entered upon her duties as librarian Monday morning, and has taken up the work in earnest. Miss Katharine Wooten, for several years In chargoof the Carnegie Library, Atlanta, is assisting Miss Powel in re arranging and classifying the hooks, and instructing her in general library work. Miss Wooten is an expert in her line, and in the course of training mapped out she will find Miss Powel an apt pupil. The only authentic European war pictures are those taken by the stair photographers of the Chicago Tribune. These pictures were taken on Belgian battlefields by authority of tho Belgian government. The Red Cross organiza tion will receive one-half the proceeds. Come everybody and see the best pic tures of the kind ever shown, and at the same time help a worthy cause. Remember the place, The Halcyon, and the time, next Tuesday, Feb. 9. ♦ — Special Notice.—Beginning Feb. 1 we will give with all cash purchases of one dollar or more a profit-sharing certifi cate amounting to about ID per cent, of your purchase. These certificates will be accepted by the following merchants as so much cash in exchange for mer chandise; Marbury’s Furniture Store, John R. Cates Drug Co., Mrs. Lelu Adams, II. S. Bantu. Besides giving these certificates with your cash pur chases we will allow you the same ad vantage, if you pay your lust month’B bill by the 10th of the month. P. F. Cuttino & Co. At the regular meeting of the County Commissioners on Wednesday lust Mr. R. D. Cole was elected a member of the hoard of tux equalizers, to fill tho unexpired term of the late P. li. Mur- phey, a period of five yeurs. If tho Commissioners had hunted the county over they could not have selected a better man for this difficult and re sponsible position, and the board us well as the public are to be congratu lated. Public-spirited yet conservative, and actuated by a patriotic sense of duty in everything that he undertakes for the welfare of his town and county, there is no question but that he will measure up fully to the demands the office will make upon him. Through the Civic League, President W. L, Strieker has given to the Slate Federation of Women’s Clubs a scholar ship in the Southern School of Teleg raphy, at Newnan. President Striek er informs us that the scholarship is unlimited, allowing the pupil the full course, which usually can be finished in four or five months. This is a great opportunity, as the school is recognized as one of the best in the South, and under the efficient management of President Strieker has fitted numbers of young people for responsible posi tions. The Civic League will award this scholarship to some ambitious young lady. Applications should be made to its president, Mrs. G. W. St. John. When Mr. G. E. Jenkins, Campbell county’s popular sheriff, took his de parture from Palmetto for Fairburn he was presented with a beautiful watch chain and charm by his many friends of that hustling little city. For a num ber of years Mr. Jenkins had been the city marshal of Palmetto, and had en deared himBelf to every one in the town. It was with much regret that they gave him un to assume the duties of his higher office. The presentation of the beautiful gift was made by Mr. Charles Jackson. Everyone acquainted with Ed Jenkins knows that he never gets “full,” but he admits himself that this was one time when he was “too full for utterance.” — Fairburn Mes senger. Mr. J. W. Cole, poatoflice inspector working out of Atlanta, is in Greenville to investigate thoroughly the charges preferred by J. W. Norwood against W. D. Metts, whom Congressman John son has recommended for the Greenville postrnastership. Mr. Cole came here yesterday, and is registered at the Im perial Hotel. Mr. Cole’s plans for this investigation are not definitely known, though it is generally reported that he has been detailed to interview a num ber of representative citizens who are supposed to have no interest in the mat ter one way or the other. Mr. Cole could riot be seen by a reporter to-day, though he was called for several times at the hotel. 11 is unde stood thut he began work on the ease immediately.— Greenville (S. C.) I’iedmont, 4th inst. A deputation of citizens, including Messrs. R. D. Cole, T. M. Goodrum, H. H, North, Geo. I,. Wynn and G. E. Parks, appeared before the County Com missioners Wednesday and made a strong plea for an appropriation to sup plement the sum already raised by pri vate subscription with which to con tinue farm demonstration work in this county. The amount required is $500, and it was shown that $225 of the sum needed had been secured from private sources, leaving $275 to be raised. Af ter hearing from the delegation the Commissioners agreed to make the appropriation requested, thus assuring a continuance of this important and much-needed work. It is not known as yet who will be assigned to this terri tory, but efforts are being made to have Mr. H. G. Wiley returned here for another year. The action of the Com missioners in making an appropriation to aid in carrying on demonstration work in Coweta will be approved by every citizen of the countv-. Do notdo^e the stomach in the hope of eurir g cata-ro or colds. Simply breathe Hyi mei—its medication goes right to the dim ased tissues, soothing and healing. Ask John R. Cates Drug Co. for the Hy- orn> i outfit—nothing to pay uolesB aut- isfit d. IF IT’S RUBBER, WE HAVE IT Constant study of the de mands of our customers ena bles ns to satisfy practically every want in the rubber goods line. We take great pride in this department of our store, believing we have the most dependable assort ment of rubber goods possi ble to secure. These goods are made spe cially for us, in connection with 7,000 other Rexall drug gists in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. We keep posted on modern ideas. Our goods are freshly made in the leading factories, and we know we can serve you best, if quality and price appeal to you, bet us show you the newest ideas in — Wator bottloB, Fountain Hyrinnea. Combination}*, Ico capH, Invalid cuHliionn, Hull) nyrinnoH, Atomiaut’H, Nipplo nhicldH. Breast piimpH, Nipples. Baby paciOcru, Fuoe bottlofl, Bath npraya, Eur HyrirufoH, Hublior Hheetinn. R, Cates Drug Co, NEWNAN, GA. The 'IttoncoJISL Slorc Did You READ CUTTINO'S PAGE ADVERTISEMENT TO-DAY ? ? !)IJ) YOU notico I have unread to accept their eou- ponH «h caidi? I cordially invite you to up end u II you net with me. No matter what you want —u pair of apectacleH. or u watch, ora diamond ring— coupons are n<xxi an nold. H. S. BANTA THU NUWNAN JUWULCR j Catch Up With Your Correspondence You will have the great est pleasure in answer ing all your correspond ence when you have at hand the right station ery. Let us show you some of the extremely fine fabric finish note pa per which we are supply ing to other fastidious people. Keith's Fine Papers, 25c anti 5Qc These fine papers are sure to win your appreciation, for they are truly the highest quality in corresponDence pa pers. Purity Lawn, 50c box Kraften Linen, 25c box Kraften, in pounds, 25c Kraften Tablets, 10c || In addition to these papers we !l show many other good kinds. Initial Stationery Initial Correspondence Cards Murray Drug & Book Co,