The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, February 19, 1915, Image 7

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NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN, FRIDAY. FEB. 19. MADRAS. (Brought over from last week.) Rev. S. D. Cretnean preached a fine sermon to a targe and appreciative con gregation at Jones Chapel on Sunday last. He was the guest for the day of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Arnold. Miss Essie Hyde, of Liberty com munity, spent Sunday with Mias Liura Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hyde, of New- nan, were Sunday guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Terrell. Messrs. Lewie Houston, of Corner Branch, and Leo Houston, of Hogans- ville, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wood. Messrs. Arthur Story and Hewlette Beavers, two of Me. Carmel’s gallant beaux, were the guests of Mr. C. T. Beavers for the week-end. It is ru mored that Mr. Story came up on a business trip—presumably to look after a “Cook.” Messrs. J. T. Jones, J. T. Brown, J. F. Cook, C. H. Brown, Hubert Cates and Miss M. A. Cates went up to At lanta on Thursday last. Miss Alline Glass has returned home, ‘'After a visit to Miss Virginia Edge, at Palmetto. Master J. C. Lewis visited relatives at Palmetto Sunday. Mrs. Penelope Houston and little grandson, Thomas, of Corner Branch, spent several days last week with her daughter, Mrs. C. F. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Herring and children worshiped at Macedonia Sun day. Mr. Curtis Hayes, of Liberty, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. F. Cook, for the week-end. Mr. Pinson Smith, of Liberty, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Herring. We regret to report Mrs. J. M. Fer rell quite ill at this writing, and trust she may soon be restored to health. Our Sunday evening prayer services have taken on new life since the weath er has moderated. Somehow the fifth grade honor roll was omitted in last week'3 issue. The following pupils of that grade made the required average and deserve to be placed on the honor roll for January, viz: Nancie Arnold, LaTrelle Cook, Lena Ferrell and Elizabeth Wise. Mrs. Nannie Goin.=, (formerly Miss Smith, of this county,) died at her home in Columbus on the 2d inst., and her body was brought to Madras and laid to rest beside her sainted mother on the following day. This good wo man ha3 many relatives and friends in the county, who will learn of her death with much regret. Rev. S. D. Cremean conducted the funeral services. Our school will have a short pro gramme of appropriate exercises in memory of Washington on Friday af ternoon, Feb. 19. Everybody cordially invited to come out and thus do honor to him who was “First in war, first Jin peace, and first in the hearts of his country men. ” Mrs. J. C. Herring and Mrs. Fannie Hyde were in Newnan Monday. Prof. J. E. Pendergra'st, County Superintendent of Schools, paid our school a visit Monday afternoon and made an interesting talk on “What it takes to make a boy or a girl who will amount to something." His talk was greatly appreciated bv both pupils and teacher. The entertainment given by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wood Saturday evening was much enjoyed by the large crowd of people present. 10th. WELL, THEY’RE OFF! The Newnan Herald’s Big Automobile Con test Will Be a Tremendous Success —Al ready the Entire Country is Talk- About This Great Circu lation Campaign. tng First Grand Prize, Five-Passenger Ford Touring Car; Second Prize, $100 in Gold; Third Prize, $10 in Gold; Fourth Prize. $20 in Silver; no Con testant Can Possibly Lose, as 10 Per Cent, of All Money Turned in Will Be Paid to Bona Fide Contes tants Who Do Not Win a Prize. young p McCOLLUM. (Brought over from last week.) Mrs. A. F. West left last Wednesday for Clyde, Texas, where she will visit relatives for some time. Mrs. Chas. Park and son, Leon, spent Saturday in Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brimer, from near Roscoe, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Bradley Sunday. Miss Naomi Coggin spent Monday with friends in Newnan. Mrs. Earl Wingo and Miss Elma Wingo, of Palmetto, were with friends in our community Friday afternoon. Messrs. Paul and Luther Brown, of Madras, were Sunday visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Coggin attended services at Madras Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hembree, from near Roscoe, spent several days the past week with relatives here. Mr. Clint Lee, of Sharpsburg, visited friends here Sunday. The singing given Sunday night by Miss Naomi Coggin was much enjoyed by the young people. Mr. Tom Smith, of Palmetto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Smith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Atchison, of Newnan, attended Sunday-school here Sunday. Several of our people attended ser vices at Madras Sunday morning. We regret to note that Mrs. Reuben Keith is quite ill with pleurisy. Messrs. Bill and Burr West spent Monday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Coggin, of Madras, were among those attending Sunday-school here Sunday. Master Harry Smith spent Saturday with relatives in Palmetto. Mr. Frank Bradley spent Sunday with friends in Newnan. Miss Gladys Lee, of Palmetto, is con ducting a fine music claas here. Mr. Earnest Hembree is visiting relatives near Fairburn this week. Mrs. L. J. Grady is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. J. G. Vineyard, near Sharpsburg. Messrs. W. J. Coggin and Grady Coggin spent Monday in Newnan oh business. Mr. Walter Phillip*, of Sharpsburg, were in our community Sunday after noon . Mrs. J. E. Banks, of Fairburn, is visiting relatives here this week. p-k in*-u Well, they’re off! The first list of candidates in The Newnan Herald’s Great. Automobile Contest is published to-day. Everybody has been anxious to know who the contestants will be. The list below is not complete, but shows the names of those entered up to the time of going to press. Now, it behooves the candidates to make the best of the few short weeks they will have in which to win one of the valuable prizes. This is the right time to get in the race—the earlier the better, Send in your nomination to day. NAMES OF CONTESTANTS. Miss Mary Fry, Newnan. Miss Suedelle Wortham, Newnan. Miss Winnette Hollis, Newnan. Miss Clessie Cranford, Newnan. Miss Gertrude Reynolds, Newnan. Miss Georgia Atkinson, Newnan. Master Tommie Harper, Newnan. Mr. Cecil Donegan, Newnan. Miss Margaret McKnight, Senoia. Miss Mary Lee Hogg, Senoia. J. T. Morris, Newnan, R. F. D. I. Miss Ruby Wynn, Newnan, R. F. D. 2. Miss Hattie Bridges, Sargent, R. F. D. 1. Miss Lizzie May Sewell, Roscoe. Miss Marguerite Herring, Grantville. Miss Ethel Hines, Moreland. Miss Irene Mattox, Moreland, R. F. D. I. Mr. W. A. Nipper, Alvaton. Miss Pollve Bridges, Sharpsburg. Mrs. R. M. Stevens, Sharpsburg. SCALE OF VOTES. One year 5,000 Two years 12,000 Three years 18,000 Four years 25,000 Five years: 30,000 NOW IS YOUR TIME. It will require a little time and energy to win one of the prizes, but think of the fine reward if you are a winner! It is not hard at all to carry away one of these prizes;— simply get out in the field and ask your friends for sub scriptions to The Herald, or collect the Free Voting Cou pons which will appear in this paper weekly until further notice. If you are wide awake and do not neglect any of your opportunities, the votes that you will receive through your friends for their own subscriptions and the subscrip tions they can throw your way, will soon put you in the lead. Make a personal appeal to each one, and get them interested in the contest and in your success. Many are ready to renew their subscriptions, and would gladly give you the benefit of the votes by merely asking for them. ENTER THE CONTEST TO-DAY. The Contest Manager could not give you better advice. He knows what an early start means. You’ve read the list of prizes. You are, of course, interested, and you can fig ure a hundred ways right now how you could use either one of the prizes. Enter the contest;—that’s the starting-point —and be determined to win. While the contest is yet young is the best time to send in your nomination blank, or that of a friend. We want your name or your friend’s name in our next published list of candidates. For your own sake it is best that from the very start you should be known as being in the race. Those who would rather help you than anyone else might promise their support to the first candidate who approached them if they did not know that you were interested in winning a prize. You want everyone to know right now that you mean to win a prize, and that you are counting on their help to win it. WHO MAY ENTER. Any white man, woman, boy or girl, married or single, and of good repute, is eligible to enter this contest. Can didates may nominate themselves. It costs nothing to en roll—it costs nothing to win. There are no strings at tached to this offer made by The Herald. It is not neces sary that contestants be subscribers to the paper them selves. Rules of the contest are simple;—work of securing subscriptions is not hard, for everyone wants the home paper, and everyone has a kindly feeling for The Herald. Those who have been nominated by their friends and have not received a receipt book may get one by writing or calling for same at the con test office of The Newnan Herald. FAIR DEAL TO ALL. This contest will be conducted from start to finish in an absolutely fair and impartial manner. The votes are kept in a locked box, and cannot be handled by anyone except the Contest Manager. A double check system is used, which prevents any mistakes being after he or she has given a receipt to the subscriber with one coupon, a second coupon is turned over to the Contest Manager with the subscription money, and the second cou pon has the same serial number as the coupon receipt given the subscriber. ( CONTESTANTS, READ THIS. This also applies to friends of contestants. You should never miss a word of the news stories that will appear from week to week in The Herald. These stories will be both interesting and profitable, and you will get many valuable pointers It will also help you to keep in good spirits if you should happen to have had a bad week. Always be cheerful—get that smile that “won’t come off” Look happy; be happy; approach people with that “sure I’m go ing to win” spirit. It will help you wonderfully, for every one likes to see a person bubbling over with their work. Talk subscriptions, and dream subscriptions, until the closing hour. Remember, you can get subscriptions any where on earth, and they may be new subscrip tions, renewals, or old subscriptions. SEE THE CONTEST MANAGER OFTEN. He’s here to help every contestant in this race—to talk with them—to plan with them, and do everything in his power to help their campaign. Hfc will willingly make ap pointments at any time, day or night. Ask him any ques tion in the world, except as to the standing of contestants. He won’t answer this. Look for the nomination coupon. Use it to day; and, remember, every contestant who quali fies is a winner. You can’t fill out that blank any too quickly for yourself or a friend, and get going. Think of the wonderful things you are working for, and the pleasant character of the work. The five-passenger Ford touring car—the $100 in gold —the $30 in gold the $20 in silver. Which for yours? You are to decide. Stop That Cough—Now. When you catch cold, or begin to cough, the first thing to do is to take Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-lIoney. It pene trates the linings of the throat and lungs and fights the gertos of the dis ease, giving qilick relief and natural healing. “Our Whole family depend on Pine-Tar-Honey for coiigha and colds.’’ writes Mr. E. Williams, Hamilton, O. It always helps. 25c. aft your druggist’s. Some family trees need frequent spraying. Many People In Hus Town never really enjoyed a meal until we advised them to take a Dyspepsia Tablet before and after each meal. Sold only by ua—25o a box. John R. Catos Drug Co. Good for 100 Votes IN THe Newnan Herald’s Great Automobile Circulation Campaign NAME OF CONTESTANT. ADDRESS. This Coupon when neatly trimmed and filled out with name and address of Contestant and brought or mailed to the Contest Manager, will count for 100 votes. Not Good After Feb. 27th. Style, Fit Shapeliness are the result of skilled cutting and worthy work manship, coupled with the exact proportions of the individual wearer. Ed. V. Price & Co. make clothes with these virtues and We guarantee complete satisfaction at a price you can afford. Let us take your measure HOLBROOK TAILORING AND CLEANING COMPANY ..oYOURCAI®^! ^FLOWERBEDS fresh&NEW fbom rm ©e$r What a Disappointment To plant seeds and find they do not And then it is too late. ‘come up first have To have hearty vegetables and brilliant flower beds you must reliable seeds. You can rely on our seeds. The times demand that more seeds be planted this year and we are pre pared to meet the demand. A full line of Garden Seeds, Irish Potatoes, Cabbage Plants and Flower Seeds. THE BEST DRUG STORE We Give You What You Ask For J. F. Lee Drug Co. Prompt Delivery TWO ’PHONES G6 ■ / Efficient Service