The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, March 05, 1915, Image 4

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NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN, Finn AY, M AR. 5. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCK. Newnan Branch W. C. T. U. HOW PROHIBITION HAS WORKED IN KAN SAS. I Prom report of Attorney-tiencr.l of .State for 1111 ft I Five hundred and sixteen thousand of the public school children of Kansas never saw an open saloon in the State. More than one-half the county jails are empty. Seventy-live of the 105 counties of the State have no inmates in the State penal institutions. Many of the counties have had no jury to try criminal cases in ten years. Eighty-seven counties have no in sane. Fifty-four counties hBve no feeble minded. Ninety-Bix counties have no inebri ates. Twenty-nine counties have not a sin gle inmate on their poor farms. Kansas is the second richest State in the Union, its average wealth per cap ita being $1,700. Kansas has a death rate of 7J per thousand, the lowest in the world. Less than ten of the 7W> newspapers of the Statu accept liipior advertise menta. The Annual Hold-Up. STOP THE SOURCE OP MISERY, SAYS SEC RETARY BRYAN. "You are doing a great work,” ex claimed Hon. William J. Bryan, in his address before the i’resbytcrians of Chicago recently, “with your rescue missions and your relief stations, but much as my heart has been moved by what 1 have Been, 1 want to suy that we must stop the sources of trouble and misery. It is not enough to cure the consequences; we nviBt put uwiiy the causes. There used to be an old-fash ioned lest in doubtful enses of insanity. The patient was put in a tank of water which hud an open faucet and a pump. If the man tried to pump the tank empty without closing the faucet, he was called cruzy. If he shtiL oir the water and then worked the pump he was pronounced mentally sound. What shall wo suy of the people of Chicago if they leave more than 7,(Kill saloons open and then try to pump out the mis ery which these saloons are pouring into the city? Turn oil' the faucet or, in the language of the street, pul on the lid. 1 have been called names for my tem perance position. I have been laughed at, denounced as a weakling for turn ing down my glass; hut 1 have tried the temperance habit for llfty-four years and am getting along all right. Even if I knew that J could sip wine along with the rest of them without any danger of acquiring the liquor hab it, 1 would not dare do it for fear of the effect of my exumple upon the young men of the land. Paul said that he would not eat meat while the world stood If it t-ndungored the welfare of a fellow-man. So 1 feel about drinking. "The saloon keepers are organized,” continued Mr. Bryan; "the brewers are organized; the distillers are organized. Organization must be met by organiza tion. Let the Presbyterians and all oth er Christians be organized into a com pact body—a solid front against the li quor power. In Nebraska the saloon forces organized and defeated woman suffrage lor feur that the women would vote them out of business. We must be equally alert, equally determined. "Last night ut Ann Arbor 1 spoke to 5,000 young people, mostly young men. They had sent me an invitation signed with thousands of names, and they had said, 'We, the undersigned.’ It made me feel that we were in u kind ot mu tual covenant; and so in the midst of my speech 1 did an unusual thing. 1 made a digression and asked all those who wanted to take a stand with me against the liquor evil to rise. In an in stant nearly every young man in that great throng of students was on his feet. ” Cuthlwrt Leader. Elsewhere in this paper fs published the special tax ordinance for the city, which is adopted each year with little change. It appears to be one of the necessary evils of our civic life to call on every line of business for the pay ment of a fee to permit business to be done. We hope to see the day when special license taxes will not be required excepting from outside interests who come here in competition with the resi dent business men, who proportionately support the city government through taxation. In other words, we hope to Bee the day when the expenses of the city government will not exceed the ordin- nary revenues. It is not consistent, neither is it right, to require a bank to pay a special license fee, when without banks we could not do business. It iu not right to tax the newspapers, when without newspapers we would indeed be in a sorry plight. It is wrong to re quire grocers and other merchants to pay for the privilege of selling what the people must have to live. How ever, it appears to be necessary, and we ure not kicking. The city fathers should see to it, however, that every requirement of the city shall be filled or supplied by the business houses of Americus, so far aB it is possible to supply them. The home business men who are taxed special license should be given an opportunity to supply the mu nicipal needs every time and all the time. South Georgia Progress. The Leader heartily indorses the above. For years we have protested that the theory of forcing every legit imate business in a town to pay a spe cial tax is eminently unfair. The only excuse is that which could be advanced with equal propriety by a burglar—the need of money. In order to obtain new industries fre quently cities will exempt them from taxation for a certain number of years. That is offering business an inducement to locate. To make enterprises that help to build up a town pay for doing ho a sum of money, in addition to muni cipal tax, looks like holding out induce ments for them to move. This tax is said to give protection by keeping down competition, but in the majority of cases it does not work that way. « It is not the amount collected by special taxes The Leader objects to, but the principle. Why not levy a sufficient ail valorem city tax to cover all necs- sary city expenses? That would be y fair, and bear proportionately on all property owners. When the Mother Instinct Fails. France* Frear*. In Leslie's. A mother who doesn’t love her chil dren is an unnatural woman. A lot of people don't care for children in gen eral, hut when a woman declares that she doesn't love her own children we need to prepare for the worst. In this particular instance, (that of a divorce proceeding in which the mother was de nied the possession of her children,) the worst was that, there was no room in the mother’s heart for her own off spring, because ail her affection was lavished on horses and dogs. True, she saw that her children were well cared for by servants, but while the children were left to sleep in an adjoining room in charge of a nurse, she kept two pup pies cuddled in the cozy corner of her own room, subject to her personal care. This is an extreme case. It is not of ten that a woman is so untrue to the maternal inBtinct as to love a dog or a horse, however intelligent or faithful either may be, more than her own child. Such a woman should be out lawed from society and allowed to live with her dogs and horses. There are women by the hundreds who show more enthusiasm and inter est over horses and dogs and automo biles and cards and social functions than they do over children. There are a lot of women whose husbands have become suddenly rich, or who have been caught in the mad whirl of extrav agant living that characterizes our day, who turn their children over to servants altogether. There are moth ers who never had the joy of nursing their babies, who never bathe nor dress them, who never play with them, who utterly fail as the children grow older to enter into their lives, or to have any sympathetic relations with them. If there is anyone who needs to hear the call to simple living it is such mothers. A DEEP SEATED GOUGH Public Demonstration! And Sore Lungs Were Over come by Vinol—Mr. Hill man’s Statement of Facts Follows: Boys’ Club Meets at Home. The best type of boys’ club in the world meets in the home kitchen or in the living-room. The evening lam]) is the home’s light-house, and the hour lifter sunset is the Sabbath of the day. The evening hour and the home ought to be made so that the children will love it. The parents should provide bookB and papurB and magazines and games for school day evenings. On Friday ami Saturday evenings extra social af fairs may be held, an occasional party and a meeting of the crowd (or the •gang”) in some home under CBreful supervision. The boys and girls ought to meet together on these evenings, and there should be an understanding and a neighborhood standard for going homo in time, so every mother would know Just when the children would be at home. Do you know your boy’s friend? Do you ever take time to bake an extra loaf of raisin bread, or an extra pan of ginger bread, so your boy can share with his friends, who will by that to ken know that mother ia also their friend? Two negro men were employed in tearing down a two-story brick building. One negro was on top of the building taking olf the bricks and sliding them down a narrow wooden chute to the ground, thirty feet below, where the other was picking them up and piling them. When the latter was stooping over to pick up a brick the former acci dentally let one.fall, striking him direct ly on the head. Instead of falling dead he merely looked up, without rising, and said, "What you doin’thar, nigger? You made me bite my tongue." Boarder —"Here’s a nickel I found in the hash." Landlady — "Yes, 1 put it there. You’ve been complaining, I under stand, about lack of change in your meals.” Camden, N. J. — "I had a deep seated cough, a run-down system and my lungs were awfully weak and sore. I am an electrician by occupation and my cough kept me awake nights so I thought at times I would have to give up. I tried everything everybody suggested and had taken so much medicine I was dis gusted. “One evening I read about Vinol and decided to give it a trial. Soon I noticed an improvement. I kept on taking it and today I am a well man. The sore ness is all gone from my lungs, I do no have any cough and have gained fifteer pounds in weight and I am telling un friends that Vinol did it.” — Fran- : Hillman, Camden, N. J. It is the curative, tissue-building i fluence of cods’ livers aided by the blow making, strength creating properties i tome iron, contained in Vinol, that mad it so successful in Mr. Hillman’s case. We ask every person in this vicirdf- suffenng from weak lungs, chronic coughs, or a run-down condition of the system to try a bottle of Vinol on our guarantee to return your money if fails to help you. JOHN R. CATES DRUG CO., Newnan Got Their Dues. Macon County Citizen. Do you know what we think is the best story in the bible? It may sur prise you, but it is the one about Noah and the flood. We say this in the face of educated folks who turn up their noses and declare this flood story a fake. You remember Noah had to work a long time on the ark. It was up-hill business, too, to go on sweating and toiling day after day, building a boat away out on dry land, where the local Hammer and Anvil Club sat around spitting tobacco juice, whittling up his soft pine with old jack knives, and tell ing him what a big fool he was to ex pect rain in a country that was too dry to raise alfalfa. But he kept at it; and every mother’s son of the croak ers was drowned. This is the only in stance that we know of, either in sacred or profane history, where a bunch of knockers got exactly what was coming to them. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won’t Curs The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, arc cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and llcale ut the same time. 26c, 50c, $L00. CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? HO! STOP! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES Best Treatment for Constipation. "My daughter used Chamberlain’s Tablets for constipation with good re sults, and I can recommend them high ly,’’ writes I’aul B. Babin, Brushly, La. For sale by ull deulers. To the Housewife. Madam, if your husband is like most men he expects you to look after the health of yourself and children. Coughs and colds are the most common of the minor ailments most likely to lead to serious diseases. A child is much more likely to contract diphtheria or scarlet fever when it has a cold. If you will inquire into the merits of the va rious remedies that are recommended for coughs and colds, you will find th it Chamberlain's Cough Remedy stands high in the estimation of the people who use it. It is prompt and effectual, pleasant and safe to take, which are qualities especially to be desired when a medicine is intended for children. For sale by all dealers. Love is often blotted out by a tiard answer. What a dream of happiness our home lives would be if every angry retort could give place to a soft an swer! The divorce problem would not be agitated us it is to-day, if a soft an swer had prevailed. The angry spirits of children are not curbed in their in fancy, but are allowed growth. With out doubt it is a difficult problem, and therefore requires great strength of endeavor to solve the best mode of managing the individuality of each child. Let us all strive to Bttain that control over our spirits which will en able us to give a soft answer in return for an angry taunt. Then when this goal of perfection is reached, how peaceful and happy will be our influ ence in our journey through life! ''Dodson's Uwr Tone" Is Harmless To Glean Your Sluggish Liver and Bowels. Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. Tt’s horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day’s work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it, breaking i’ up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are slug gish and “nil knocked out,” if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is laid or stomach sour, just try a s|»>onful of harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone tonight on my guarantee. Here’B my guarantee—Oo to any drug store and get, a 50 cent bottle of Dod son’s Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel tine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson’s Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vege table, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. 1 guarantee that one spoonful of Dod- >n’s Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your boweis of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clbpging your system and mak ing you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Slumlord irenernl .tretifitheulns: tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TON IC. d:ive» out Molnrio.emiche*. I he blood, and builds up the sys tem. A true tome, h'or ndutls oud children. 50c Good for 75 Votes IN THe Newnan Herald’s Great Automobile Circulation Campaign NAME OF CONTESTANT.. ADDRESS, This Coupon when neatly trimmed and filled out with name stf.d address of Contestant and brought or mailed to the Contest Manager, will count for 100 votes. Not Good After March 15. To the Farmers of Coweta and Adjoining Counties: I will have in front of my place of business, 14 Jefferson street, Newnan, on Friday and Saturday, March 5 and 6, a public demonstration of my I. H. C. OIL ENGINE and MEADOW MILL. On the dates named I will be glad to grind one bushel of corn FREE for any farmer. Will have on exhibition also all kinds of farm implements. Have just ordered a car-load of Binders and Hay Presses. Will be glad to take your order for anything in my lien on above stated demonstration days, either cash or credit. Let This I H C Engine Do Your Work N INE years ago I H C engines first appeared on the market. Men who bought them at that time report them still doing an honest day’s work. They are always ready to run, they have more power than you pay for, and they develop that power on very little fuel. When you buy an I H C engine, it is set up and tested on your farm by experts. If anything hap pens to it any time, we have repair parts right here. The longer life and lesser up-keep expense of I H C engines makes them cost far less per year of service than inferior engines. That’s why we sell I H C engines. Sizes X to 60-H. P., in stationary, portable, and tractor styles. Fuel — kerosene or gasoline. Come in and see our samples and list of references, or, write for catalogue and prices. L. R. POWELL The above picture represents a PROSPERITY COLLAR MOULDER, which uses an entirely new principle in collar-finishing. When finished on this machine those popular turn-down collars can have no rough edges, and they also have extra tie space. The collars last much longer, too. Let us show you. NEWNAN STEAM LAUNDRY It was ash day. 1’ut and Mike were obliged to halt their heavily loaded curt to make way for a funeral. Gazing at the procession. Fat suddenly remarked: ‘‘Mike, 1 wish 1 knew where 1 was going to die. I’d give a thousand dol lars to know where I’m going to die.” "What good would it do if yea knew?" growled Mike. "Lots,” said Pat "Shure I’d never go near that place ’’ Growing Children frequently need nfood tonic and tissue builder lor their good health. Olive Oil Emulsion conutmtip iivpupAotpJUftt i* Uie prescription for this. John R. Cates Drug Co. WHITE TAN