The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, March 19, 1915, Image 8

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Sill In The Newnan Herald's Great Automobile Contest A Week of Unusual Interest For Every Contestant in the Race—Booster Period Now Over. WK TOLD VOL* SO. Now that “Booster Period” is history—passed and gone there are a few amongour con testants that did not make the best use of this wonderful period, and could Hey live those “Booster”’ days over again would accomplish a great deal more than they did during the days of “Booster Period.” Prom the very beginning the Contest Manager has tried hard to impress every contestant that, as manager of this campaign, he will do everything Within his power to make the work profitable and pleasant to all; and now, realizing that there are a few who, if they had the oppor tunity, would make better use of Booster Period than they did, 1 am going to make you a very special offer, and if you will take advantage of this you will regain much, if not all, that you lost during Booster l’oriod. This offer is not go ing to be altogether as liberal ns was Booster Period, but if you will "GO TO IT” it will amount to about as much, and will give you a chance to regain some of your lost op portune ies. NOW, BE SURE YOU GET ME!—FIVE DAYS ONTO , beginning Saturday, March 20, and continuing un til 9 p. m. March 25, the following Thursday. Regular scale of votes. Eitra votes. Total votes. l-year subscription 5,000 5,000 10,000 2-year subscription 12,000 12,000 24,000 3-ycar subscription .. . 18,000 18,000 36,000 4-ycar subscription 25,000 25,000 50,000 5-ycar subscription _ 30,000 30,000 60,000 This scale good only for the five days mentioned above. You will see that is far under what we were offering during Booster Period, but in order to make it possible for you to earn as many votes, we are making you a still more liberal offer. READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY—IT’S WORTH WHILE. For every $5 that you remit for subscriptions during the above-named days you will be given FREE a coupon good for 50,000 votes. Be sure you get that. And now just to see how much you are in earnest about this, we arc going to put you to the test and see how much you value this chance to pick up some extra votes. To every contestant who will remit in person or by mail EACH DAY on the following dates: March 20, 22, 23, 24 and 25, NOT LESS THAN $5 EACH DAY, at the end of this period, (9 p. m. Thursday, March 25,) we will award such contestant a PRIZE VOTE COUPON good for 150,000 votes. But, remember, this is a reward for daily remittances of not less than $5, and in the event that you fail to secure and remit this amount for subscriptions each day you will in noway be entitled to this PRIZE COUPON. NOW IS THE TIME TO DO SOME FIGURING. Five days is a mighty short time. It will pass away like a Hash, and just as soon as your eye gets on this re markable offer you should jump into the field and get to work, and get everyone else to working for you. Here’s some opportunity, and it will tell in the closing hours of this contest. No telling just what you could do. F'igure on paper or anything you have within reach and see what it will mean if you can make good now. OPEN HOUSE EACH DAY WITH THE CAMPAIGN MANAGER. Come now and talk this over with him. Be sure that you understand just what this offer is. Don’t be afraid of imposing on him or of taking up his time—that’s just what he is here for. His time is yours, whenever you want it, and he has the same help ready for every contestant in this race. TAKEN AS A WHOLE, THE CONTEST THUS FAR HAS BEEN A WONDERFUL SUCCESS. Just what we predicted, and this is due mostly to the good contestants that we have been fortunate enough to secure. However, in the midst of all these live wires who are doing things and getting results the Campaign Manager can lay his hands on certain contestants who are not doing their best, and he regrets to see this, when he knows that they CAN do l>etter—that they have plenty of friends that will help them in every way, and all they need is a little more “ginger"—a little more confidence in themselves. PRIZES ARE WORTH WHILE—THE PUBLIC WILL CO-OPERATE NOW. No contestant need be at the bottom for lack of sup port. The prizes are enough to make it easy for'you to go into the field and secure subscriptions, because the general public now see what a wonderful offer this paper is making, and, having watched the contestants work, they are get ting enthused themselves and will not refuse their assis tance. NO LOSERS—AGAIN WE REMIND YOU OF THIS. You may not win the automobile. You may not win the S100 in gold. You may not win the $30 in gold. You may not win the $20 in silver. But. if you are a bona fide contestant, you will not have worked for nothing, as this paper will pay you 10 per cent, of every dollar that you turn in during the contest for subscriptions. NEWNAN. FIRDAY, MAR 19 WELCOME. The attendance at Sunday-school here on Sunday afternoon last wan unusually large. After the regular exercises we had some fine singing, conducted by Mr. J. B. Hutchens, of Newnan. Mr. George Morrow and Mrs. C. E. Chandler, of Corner Branch, viuitgd at the home of Mr. Pete Morrow Sunday. The singing: given by Miss Lillie May Millians Sunday evening was much en joyed by those present tf Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hutchens and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ragland, of New nan, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hutch ens Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. Pete Mor row, who has been quite ill for some time, will be glad to know she is some what better. Mrs. C. I. Wallace and daughters, Misses Ruth and Manelle, attended Sunday-school here Sunday afternoon. Mr. Carl Witcher was in Welcome again Sunday. The Welcome Dramatic Club will present two plays on Friday night, 26th inst. Everybody come out and help a good cause. Admission. 15 cents. Messrs. Dutch Shu<?art, Ed Cope land, Bud Allen and John Garden, of Sargent, were visitors here Sunday. Mr. ¥\ B. Dial made a business trip to Atlanta last week. Messrs. Hamp Dial and Charlie Witcher and Misses Macie Carmichael, Mattie Pearl Dial and Rebecca Dick son spent Sunday near Moreland, the guests of MiB8 Carmichael’s homefolks. Mr. Alton Dyer, of Riverside, spent Sunday with Mr. J. D. Dukes. Mrs. J. L. Moore has returned to her home at Newnan, after spending sever al days with her daughter, Mrs. Pete Morrow. Born, on the 13th in9t., to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McKoy—a son. Messrs. John Meriwether and Em mett Brown, of Dresden, attended the singing given by Miss Lillie Maie Mil lians Sunday evening. Messrs. Tom Dickson and Hewlette Grimes visited at Handy Sunday after noon. A g«od many in this community have the “blues.” There are various rea sons, but all will admit they are “dull company” in their present frame of mind. Next Saturday and Sunday are regu lar preaching days at Providence church. March 17th. Ah! the Invigorating Whiff of the Pine Forests! How it clears the throat and head of its mucous ailments. It is this spirit of newness and vigor from health-giving Diney forests brought back Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey. Antiseptic and heal ing. Buy a bottle to-day. All druggists, 25c. Electric Bitters a Spring Tonic. M'COLLUM. Misses Ethyl and Essie Banks were hostesses at a delightful party on Wed nesday evening last, celebrating their sixteenth birthday. Enjoyable games were played until a late hour, supper being served in the dining-room at 11 o’clock. About thirty-five guests en joyed their hospitality. Mrs. A. F. West returned home Wed nesday, after a pleasant visit to rela tives and friends in Texas and New Mexico. Miss Belle Attaway, of Carrollton, was the guest a few dajs last week of Mrs. W. J. Coggin. Misses Kate West and Essie Phillips attended services at Ebenezer Sunday. Messrs. Walter Phillips and Wellburn Carmichael, of Sharpshurg, were our community Sunday afternoon. The singing given by the Misses Hines Sunday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. Messrs. Bill and Burr West spent Monday at Union City. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jake Brimer, from near Roscoe, spent Sunday vfrith friends here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coggin wefre in Newnan Monday. Mr. Minor Hines, of Palmetto, ’ the guest Sunday of Mr. W. A. Hines and family. Several from McCollum attended services at Ebenezer Sunday. Messrs. Paul Brown, Albert Ferrell, Luther Brown, Marion Herring and Hewlette Ferrell, of Madras, were Sunday visitors here. Mr. W. J. Coggin made a business trip to Atlanta Saturday. Mrs. J. K. Beavers spent Monday in Palmetto. Mr. Frank Brooks went down to Grantville Sunday. There will be a singing at McCollum school-house on Sunday afternoon next. Prof. B. D. Lee. of Sharosburg, will be here, and we expect some fine sing ing. Everybody invited to come and bring their friends. March 17th. If You Are Losing Weight and your nerves are in bad condition; we recommend SSSS& EmiJbJon' fitmknntna #ipopJkxpAUo* * a food and nerve tonic prescription* John R. Cates Drug Co. SchoolTablets Extra good school tablets, large size, wide or narrow. Tab let and pencil for 5c. M. B. MOONEY Newnan agency for NEW IDEA PATTERNS All one price—10c. Seams allowed. PEROXIDE Imperial pe roxide of hydro gen; 8-oz. bot tle; usually sold at 25c. Special, 10c. CO a T SUITS We are receiving by express twenty of the latest spring suits in sand, putty, Belgian blue and navy. These are new spring weight poplins, gabardines, silk poplins and French serges. Sizes up to 42. The prices are most reasonable: $12 to $18.50 Skirts Many new flared and circular Skirts in shepherd checks, French serges and poplins in this week; price, S3 to *5. Shirtwaists Pretty waists of voile, crepe and wash silks, all sizes, $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Rompers Extra good rompers long short sleeves, light or dark colors, 50c. Boys’ Wash Suits Oliver twist suits for boys 2 to 7 years, $1. Middies The new spring middies in all white, aiso with col ored trimmings, 50c and $1. Val Laces We always lead in val lace bargains, but this sea son we have outdone-our selves. See the special ta bles at 5c and 6c. Brussels Net Large assortment of these popular nets in white, cream and black, 25c, 39c and 50c. Pearl Buttons The best quality buttons that Newnan ever sold at the price. See them, 5c. Talcum Powder Air Float talcum i n pound cans, 25c size at 19c. Middy> Laces Silk middy laces that will wash, 5c. Extra wide silk middy laces, 10c. Shoe Polish Gilt Edge shoe polish is said to be the best for la dies’ shoes. 25c size at 19c. Sea Island Extra fine 40-inch sea is land on special sale, 25 yards for$l. Crochet Thread All kinds, all sizes, all colors, all prices. DRESS GOODS New printed lace cloth 10c Fancy crepe, 36 inches wide 15c Fine printed batiste, fast colors 11c Yard-wide crepe cholet 15c Extra sheer printed organdies 25c Silk stripe crepe, 36 inches 39c Extra grade silk poplin, yard-wide $1 White Jap wash silk, 20 inches wide 25c Colored wash silks, 32 inches wide 50c White china wash silk, yard-wide 50c Printed crepe de chine, yard-wide 50c Embroidered crepe de chine $1 Plain colors, crepe de chine 85c The best yard-wide messaline yet, at Soft-finish taffeta silk White Goods Yard-wide middy twill 15c Bappa cloth for middies,, 15c White percale, yard-wide 10c Crepe plisse, 30 inches 15c Rice cloth, yard-wide 25c Yard-wide madras _10c Best pajama checks 10c Longcloth, extra grade, 12 l-2c Plain nainsook- . - 12 l-2c and . . 15c Fine cambric, 10c and 12 1- 2c Wash Goods Two thousand yards of best grade spring gingham in beautiful styles, all warranted colors, 10c. New percales in both light and dark colors; new spring patterns, 10c. Kimona Crepe A splendid grade of kimo na crepe in pretty colors; special, 10c. Towels Special lot of Turkish tow els at bargain prices. Extra large unbleached,. 10c Extra large bleached 10c Heavy-weight Turkish 12 l-2c Special bath towels 25c White Flannel An unusual assortment of fine white flannel for infants' wear, 25c, 35c and 50c. Spring Slippers Styles never prettier than this season. tt e show all of the new ones, and our prices are always right. See us for your spring footwear. Children’s Dresses The newest ideas in children’s wash dresses are here—gingham, percale and madras. We do not see how cheap we can sell dresses; but how good, workmanship the best, fadeless colors only, to be found here, 50c to $1. Umbrellas Special purchase of large lot ladies' umbrellas, values $1.50 to $2. See these quick at $1. M. B. MOONEY