The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, April 16, 1915, Image 8

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County News Items Interesting Facts Gathered During tlu' Week by Our Uetfulnr Correspondents. \ GRANTVILLE. At last wt* arc having spring weather, and vegetation is growing hy leaps and bounds, although a little rain would he of advantage especially to gardens. We are already short more than four inches in rainfall since the first of January. The Stevens Pottery Co., near Mil- ledgevillc, has kindly offered to donate enough 24-inch curbing to curb the well at the superanuate home occupied by ltov. L. P. Winter. This will be put in as soon as arrangements can be made for its shipment to (irantville. Dr. F. H. Letson was in Atlunta Tuesday on business. The numerous friends of Miss Mary Denvers and Mr. II. L. Green were not a little surprised on Friday morning of last week to learn that they had gone cjuictly the night before to the parson age and bad Jiev. C. 11. branch pro nounce them husband and wife. Only a few of the closest friends and relatives of the two young people witnessed the ceremony, and the matter had been kept a profound secret up to the last moment. Mr Green came to (irantville about the close of last year, and for some time has filled most acceptably the office of night marshal, making many friend the while. Miss Heavers was reared here, and no young lady in the town has more friends. The young people at present have rooms at the home of Mr. 1). V. Bryant, where they will gladly welcome their friends. They go forth on their life journey with many good wishes, and sincere hopes that their united lives may be all that married life run be in the way of happiness and helpfulness. It is presumed that everybody with any sense understands the meaning of the war that is being made on Chief Beavers in Atlanta. MissJMargaret Herring made a busi- n 'ss trip to Hogansville Tuesday. Mrs. Slaughter Humbert returned Tuesday from Canton, where she went to meet her husbad, who is now on the road in the capacity of a traveling salesman. Mrs. Z. T. Elliott nnd children, of Barnesville, accompanied by Mr. S. J. Lavender, motored over and spent tho week-end with relatives here. lion. K. E. Leigh made a business (rip to several points in South Georgia Just week, returning somewhut indis posed. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Zellurs, Mrs. J. A. l.atimer and Miss Mazie Gantt motored to LuUrange Tuesday afternoon. Miss*Janie Null spent Monday in At lanta. Mr. Albert Meachnm, of Geodwater, Ala., visited relatives here last week. Rev. L. I’. Winter returned Tuesduy from a [preaching and lecturing trip over in Northeast Georgia. Mth. L. 1’. Bryant and Mrs. R. L. Hopson visited the latter’s mother at Lutherville Tuesday. Tho Parsonage Aid Society met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. 1). V. Bryant, and was most hos pitably entertained. Miss Uutli Nall spent Sunday with ho mefolks, Rev. W. W. Keep filled his regular appomtim nt at the Huntist church Sun day, preaching to good congregations. Jus. Colley, Lee Ponder and Sam Cotton went in Mr. Colley's cur to Newnan Tuesday afternoon. April Mth. MT. CARMEL. Saturday and Sunday were regular mooting days at Mt. Carmel, and splen did sermons were preaeheil both days by our pastor, ltcv. S. D. Cremean. We are glad to report that Mrs. Sarah Currans is able to be out again, after her late illness. Mrs. W. W. Robison nnd Mrs. .1, B. Beavers were in Newnan Saturday shopping. Mr. Charlie Heaver?, of Madras, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beavers. Miss Athagene Wortham is uuito sick this week with lagrippe. Mrs. J. M. Burks and son, Robert, from near Newnan, spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Tennv Caven- der. Miss Fannie Pearson is sulToring this week with a hone felon on her hand. Mrs. Mollie Pearson and daughter, Mrs. Rose Martin, of Buckeye, spent Sunday with Miss Fannie Pearson. Mr. M. E. Moore made a business trip to Newnan Saturday. The singing at Mr. J. M. Beavers' last week was attendid by a large number of young people, nnd some ex cellent music was rendered. Mrs. W. W. Robison and Miss Maude Cavender attended services at Mt. Carmel Sunday, und dined with Mrs. J. M. Beavers. Mr. Bob Ingram and little Misses Cora Mae and Alice Ingram, of River- aide. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Hutchens Saturday night and Sunday. April 14th. TURIN. Mr. John Carmical had the misfor tune to lose his fine buggy animal one day hist week. To lose a horse at this season is a loss indeed, and we sympa thize with Mr. Carmical. For the good of work animals we suggest that their feed he moistened in mild salt water before putting it in the trough. This will soften the feed and render it more easily digested. At this season of the year work sleek eat hurriedly, and, if the feed be corn, sometimes results in colic. If the above suggestion is car ried out it will not only he best for the animal, hut amount to a saving of about one-third in tho quantity of feed required. Stock thus fed, and not allowed to drink too much cold water at a time, will fatten and preserve their teeth down to old uge. Another sug gestion in this connection: During hot weather work stock that become over heated should he given a short rest be fore being fed, in order that the nerv ous system may be soothed and quieted before taking food into the stomach. Guano dealers at this place Bay that fertilizer sales up to date have been about one-fourth the quantity sold as compared with sales to the same date last year. If this decrease in the use of fertilizers prevails throughout the cotton belt, it is inevitable that there will he a material reduction in the quantity of cotton produced this year. We were talking with one of our good farmers a few days since, and he stated that he would not plant one seed of cotton this year, but would devote his acreage to other crops. And that farmer will probably he better off next fall than the farmer who puts his usual acreage in cotton. Cotton as a money crop has its allurements, but the farmer who raises cotton to pay for supplies with which to make cotton cannot, prosper. The farmer who raises food crops and meat at home is the one who succeeds. April 16th. SARGENT. Mrs. G. L. Warren visited relatives in Newnan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bledsoe and daughter, Laura, were guests of rela tives iu Whitesburg Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. J. A. Carter, of Heard county, who lias been visiting her mother, Mrs. J. S. Bridges, has returned homo. Mr. W. 11. Bridges and grandson, Hugh Bridges, spent Saturday and Sun- dny with relatives in Whitesburg. Mr. K, T. Copeland was the guest of his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. R. Copeland, in Newnan, Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. R. P. Carmical and J. S. Carmical went over to Palmetto Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Stroud and son, of Roscoe, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Will Allen. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Newton and children spent Saturday und Sunday in Newnan, guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Newton. Misses Delia and Hattie Bridges visited their cousin, Mrs. Ethel Cope land Wood, in Newnan, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Carmical were guests Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. K. W. Starr, in Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Newton, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. B. Gurley, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Carmical and Mr. L. 11. Warren attended the Sacred Harp singing in Newnan Sunday. Miss Alma Simmons, of Newnan, re turned home Saturday, after spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Bridges. Mr. R. L. Austin, of Newnan. visited ho nefolks hero Sunday. The attendance was small at Sunday- school here Sunday; but we hope the older people will come out next Sunday and help us in this work. Mr. and Mrs. G 1. Warren attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Eliza Bevia, at Eluti church, Tuesday morn ing. Remember the singing here next Sunday afternoon. Come out and bring your new book. April 14th. MADRAS. Our farmers are quite busy this week planting cotton, encouraged hy the recent rise in price. They feel more like going to work now in earnest. Miss Laura Arnold spent Sunday in Newnan, the guest of Miss Mattie Bowen. Miss Blanche Lendormnn, of Now-| nan, was the guest uf her sister, Mrs. J. R. Cavender, Sunday. Messrs. G. W. Coggin nnd H. B. Arnold made a business trip to Atlanta last Wednesday. Mrs. Witt Moseley Ferguson, of Rockmart, was the week-end guest of Mrs. J. C Herring. Mrs. J. F. Cook has as her guests this week her two sisters, Misses Em ma Kate and Ella Hayes, and Miss Eunice Lambert, of Dodson. It goes without saying they are being delight fully entertained, as Mrs. Cook is an ideal hostess. Mrs. A. J. Vineyard, of Sharpsburg, was the guest of Misses La-’ra Arnold and Hyacinth Cook on Friday last. Miss Felicia Cremean, of Newnan, was the week-end guest of Miss Eliza beth Wise. Mr. B. L. Red wine had the misfor tune to lose about fifty hogs recently with cholera. Miss Fannie Wise and Master James Wise spent the latter part of the past week with Mrs. Harvey Grimes, near Handy. Mrs. J. R. Cavender visited relatives in Palmetto the past week. We regret to report Mrs. Sallie Fer rell quite sick, and wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wise and little son, Joseph, with Rev. and Mrs. Cre mean, of Newnan, motored over to Athens last Wednesday, returning Thursday. They report a very pleas ant trip. Rev. J. R. Robertson, of College Park, spent Sunday with Mrs. Lula Cutes und family. Mr. and Mtb. Will Ferrell came up from Grantville and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ferrell. Mr. Virgil Estes, of Kansas City, Mo., will make his home with Mr. N. M. Morris for the present. Mr. Frank Welch, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with Messrs. Floyd and Albert Ferrell. quite a number of Madrasites at tended the Sacred Harp singing in Newnan Sunday. Mr. Frank Eberhart, of Palmetto, visited at Mr. H. B. Arnold’s on Thurs day last. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jones attended services at the First Methodist church in Newnan on Thursday last. Mrs. Sallie McGee went to R'ewnan Thursday and attended the revival meetings in progresa there. April 14th. TO ENJOY WINTER Pro/. FranKland demon- strata that COD LT\ER OIL generates more body-heat than anything else. In SCOTT’S EMULSION the pure oil is so prepared that the blood profits from every drop, while it fortifies throat and lungs. V yw m whjact to cold henda or h«l| tf rou iWtw cod catch cold odyt t»V. SCO ITS EMULSION for oar Month ud crotch it* rood O0WM. NO ALCOHOL. 14-40 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. LONE OAK. Rev. C. li. Branch filled his regular appointment at Prospect church Sun day. He was accompanied from Grant ville hy his son, Mr. Branch, of Macon. Mr. J. O. Sewell, of Grantville, spent Sunday in Lone Oak and attend ed services at Prospect. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walthall, of More land, also attended services here, and, with their children, were week-end guests in the family of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Clyatt. Mr. Lee Ponder, of Grantville, with his cousin, Mr. Pierce Sewell, of Dub lin, were warmly greeted by many friends after services on Sunday last, and were guests for the day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Culpepper are spending some days with the family of Mr. S. F. Culpepper, in Greenville. Mrs. W. R. Sewell and daughter. Miss Marguerite, were week-end guests of their relative, Mrs.' J. T. Nall, in Newnan. Miss Margaret Herring, of Grant ville, spent Sunday last with Lone Oak relatives. Mrs. B. T. Sims, of Grantville, is on an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Prickett. Mrs. Tom Henry Spence was the hostess last Wednesday for a company of lady relatives and friends, assem bled for a quilting bee. Being nine in number, led by those veteran quiiters, Mesdames J. T. Latimer and Milton Johnson, the handsome job was com pleted before 3 o’clock. A most wel come interruption in the shape ot an elegant dinner was enjoyed by all, and many compliments on her taste and skill were accorded the accomplished j young housekeeper. The County Commissioners, in the interest of road improvement, visited Lone Oak on Monday afternoon last. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wise, with their daughter, Miss Annie Ruth, and Miss Lillian Bond, visited Newnan yester day afternoon to do some spring shop- pmg. It was announced Sunday that the next quarterly meeting for the Grant ville and Line Oak charge will be held at Prospect church on the second Sun day in next month. The interest of faculty and pupils of Lone Oak High School is centered on preparations for commencement exer cises at the close of tho spring term. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sewell went to LaGrange yesterday to do some spring ' shopping. | April 14th. QUEEN SKIRTS Now for it tailored skirt, for Fashion has again approved shirt-waists and skirts. The Queen Skirts, )>y their popularity, have proven that they possess the throe essentials of a skirt — Material, Workmanship and Fit They aie to be had in navy and black French serges, covert cloths, silk poplins, tussahs, and the much in de mand black and white checks. They are priced at— $5, $5.98 Skirts for stout, women in black and navy French serges at— Parks & Arnold ’PHONE, 109 The Ladies’ Store, ’Phono Us Your Wants % the destruction of a building adjoining the one in flames. So you see you might lose your house if a fire started next door. One of our fire insurance policies would protect you against loss in such an event. Why not have one when all your extremist care can not free you from the danger of loss? All kinds of insurance—fire, life, casualty, tornado—in the oldest and strongest companies in the United States. We negotiate loans on farm property. Q. L. Parks Insurance &■ Realty Co. Phone 325 11 1-2 Greenville St.* Newnan, Georgia A woman never fools anybody about her age, but she gets a world of sat isfaction out of thinking that she does. TEN WEEKS IN BED-EMINENT , PHYSICIANS FAILED—WON DERFUL RECOVERY. I wish to inform you of the great benefit I have deiived from the use of Swamp-Root. I had been a sufferer for more than twenty years from kid ney and liver trouble and was almost constantly treated by the most emi nent physicians, who could only give me temporary relief. 1 had been in bed ten weeks when I began the me of Swamp-Root. Inside of twenty-four hours I could see that 1 had been great ly benefited. I continued to use Swamp- Root until 1 had used several bottles, when l really felt that my old trouble was completely cured, and I am posi tive that any person suffering with kid ney or liver trouble can be cured by the use of this preparation. I am now in the best of health, bet ter than I have been for ten years or more. I do not know how to express myself as strongly as 1 desire, in favor of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, as I am sure that it saved my life and that my good health is due entirely to this great remedy. 1 heartily recommend it to every sufferer and am confident | they can be benefited as 1 have been, it is a pleasure for me. gentlemen, to hand you this recommendation. MRS. H. J. PRICE, 1406 Center st., Portsmouth, Ohio. Personally appeared tiefore me this, 13th of September, 1909, Mrs. H. J. Price, who subscribed the above state ment and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. R. A. CALVERT. Notary Public. Rheumatic Pains Relieved. Why suffer from rheumatism when relief may he had at so small a cost? Mrs. Elmer Hatch, Peru, Ind., writes: “I have beeh subject to attacks of rheumatism for years. Chamberlain’s Liniment always relieves me immedi ately, and 1 take pleasure in recom mending it to others.” 25c. and 50c. bottles. For sale by all dealers. A leader of men—a pretty woman. CITY TAX NOTICE. The tax books will open April 1 for receiving all tax returns for the year 1915. The Tax Assessors request that all parties returning real estate be asked to give the dimensions of their property, as well as location. Books will close June 1. J. P. SHACKELFORD, City Clerk. Latest Song Hits 10c Letter to Or. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. V. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., fora sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing be sure to mention The Newnan Herald. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar .size bottles for sale at all drug stores. All the popular pieces while they are new. New York is ringing with these; "When the Cotton Blossoms, Meet Me, Mary Dear;” "Have a Heart, Have Mine;” “Alsace-Lorraine,” (war song hit;) "China town, My Chinatown;” “Down at the Bar becue;” "Laddie,” (big sensation.) Hun dreds of other favorites, old and new. II Trovatore, Flower Song, Cavalleria Rus- ticana, 10 cents, postage lc per copy ex tra. Our monthly bulletin keeps you posted. Write for it. It's Free. HOUSE OF HARMONY 607-608 Silvey bldg. ATLANTA. GA. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Netice is hereby Riven to all creditors of the es tate of P. S. Summers, late of said county, de ceased, to render in an account of their demands to the undersigned, properly made out. within the time prescribed by law: and ail persons in debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment. This April 2. 1915. Prs, fee, 13.75. MRS. BEULAH PRATHER SUMMERS. Executrix. Petition for Charter. GEORGIA—Coweta County; To tho Superior Court of said county: The peti tion of C. D. Manley, Garland M. Jones and M. Y. Manley respectfully shows— 1. That they desire for themselves, their asso ciates and assigns to be incorporated and made a body politic under the laws of the State of Geor gia for the full term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of said term, under the name and style of COWETA MANUFACTURING COMPANY. *2. The object of the proposed corporation is pe cuniary gain and profit to itself and stockholders. 3. The principal ofiice and place of business of said corporation shall be in the city of Newnan, said county and State, but petitioners desire the right to establish branch offices and agents in this State and elsewhere, as may be determined by a majority of the stockholders. ■1. The business to be carried on by said corpo ration and the purpose for which it is organized shall be as follows: To manufacture, buy and sell farm implements and farm tools; to purchase, manufacture and sell, exchange or barter any and all kinds of farm tools, implements and patents, either by manufacturing, selling or buying; to sell upon commission or royalties, and to buy. sell and own real estate or personal property, incident nnd necessary to the business of said corporation, 5. Your petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, plead and be impleaded, have and use a common seal; to make by-laws binding: on the members of the proposed corporation and its government. not in consistent with law; to execute and receive con veyances; to hold such evidences of debt; to en cumber its real and personal property, borrow money and pledge its assets; and to do any and all necessary things not inconsistent with law, and to have all of the powers, rights and privileges in cident to corporations of like nature. i>. The capital stock of said corporation shall lie TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, di vided into shares of One Hundred Dollars each, Ten Thousand Dollars of which has lx;en sub scribed and will be paid in before said corporation commences business. 7. The affairs of said corporation shall be msn- aged by a Hoard of Directors of said members, as may be fixed by the action of said corporation, to be elected by the stockholders, each of whom shall have as many votes as he owns shares appearing in his name on t he hooks of said corporation. 8. Tho stockholders of said corporation shall he individually liable for its debts and contracts only to the amount of stock subscribed for by them nnd not paid in. 9. Your petitioners desire at any time during th»* life oi said corporation the privilege of liqui dating tho affairs of said corporation and diBSoiu- tion of the some by a two-thirds vote of the stockholders of said corporation at any annual meeting, or at a regular meeting duly called in accordance with the by-laws of said corporation. Wherefore, Your petitioners pray that after this petition has been filed and published in ac cordance with law that the Court grant the prop er order of incorporation granting and allowing said corporation under the name aud style afore said all the powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, and as are now or may hereafter be allowed a corporation of similar character un der the laws of the State of Georgia, and that thiB petition, together with said order, be re corded according to law. GARLAND M. JONES. Petitioners’ Attorney. Filed in office this April 1.1915. L. Turner, Clerk Superior Court. Coweta county, Ui GEORGIA—Coweta County: I. L Turner. Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original petition for charter of Coweta Manufacturing Compa ny. as appears of record in this office. Witness my hand and seal of said Court, this. 1st day of April. 1915. L. TURNER. Clerk Superior Court, Gowets county. Ga-