The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, May 14, 1915, Image 4

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Four-cent Bargains Talcum powder _ Vaseline JH Shaving soap /H M A Shoe paste ^ Gross card rice buttons - Card collar buttons Men’s Work Pants and Overalls. $f.00 to $1.50 work paints 89c $1.00 overalls- 79c Men’s Dress Shirts. Mien's 50c dress shirts 39c Men's 75c dress shirts 48c Men’s $1.00 dress shirts 79c Men’s Summer Underwear Men’s nainsook shirts and drawers 23c Men’s scriven drawers 39c Suspenders, and Oxfords Boy^ Suspenders 2c Men’s ?5t web suspenders 7c Men’s 25c web suspenders 14c Men’s 50c patree brace 23c Men’s Guy’ot suspenders 23c One lot ladies’ oxfords, value up to $3 98c One lot ladies’ and misses’ oxfords, values up to $2_.. 79c Another lot of ladies’ and 1 children’s oxfords up to $1.60 49c Boys’ Short Pants. Boys’ 35c pants, sizes 4 to 10 23c Boys’ 50c pants, sizes 5 to 12 39c Boys’ 75c pants, sizes 10 to 14 48c Boys’ $1.25 pants, sizes 8 to 16 89c Boys’ $1.53 pants, sizes 7 to 18__ ._. 81.19 Boys’ Stylish Suits. Boys’ $2 suits. ill.39 Hoy *.’$.V r >0 buivs 1.98 All customers residing within 50 miles of Newnan will have their railroad fare paid one way if they trade ten dollars or more any day of this Mammoth Sale. To secure this generous refund report to our cashier on entering our store on any day of this great sale. The cashier O. lx.’s your railroad ticket. This, then, entitles you to your refund, which we will gladly pay. V J 200 Men’s Palm Beach Ms Men Folks, Read This That’s Some Suits, and Then Some ' Bargains in Woolen Dress Goods. Elegant line to select from—such as serges, panamas, mohairs, whipcords, etc.; these are worth everywhere 50c to 75c.; your choice 38c Pretty 25c dress goods 13c Beautiful 50c striped voile _ 23c Ladies’ Undermuslins. These are beautifully trimmed in fine laces and embroideries, cut full and shapely. Ladies’ 50c gowns 29c Ladies’ 75c gowns 48c Ladies’ 50c petticoats 29c Ladies’ 75c petticoats 48c Ladies’ 75c princess slips 48c Ladies’50c drawers 23c Children’s drawers 9c Misses’ 25c drawers 14c Housekeepers’ Bargains. Elegant 75c lace curtains, 2J yards long 38c Splendid $1 white spreads 88c $1.50 very large white spreads 81.18 Window' shades, only 9c 35c (6-ft.) linen window shades. 23c 50c (7-ft.) window shades 33c 10-4 unbleached sheeting. 10-4 bleached sheeting. Pillow tubing. Good towels, each 14c Large towels 8c Extra large 15c towels 10c 15c Turkish towels 9c 20c bath towels 11c 35c extra large Turkish towels 23c I5c curtain scrim _ 9c A'losciuito netting, the yard _ -7Ac " • .the roll Sc Nine-cent Bargains 3 calces fine toifel soap I large box talcum powder .._ I box pink talcum powder Black, white or tan shoe polish Giant jar vaseline _ .... I arge bottle machine oil free: We Pay Your Railroad Fare to Newnan for 50 Miles MAMMOTH MILL and FACTORY SALE iMMiWMi——anil him mn ■wimwbmbw——WMfcsgKiirrmi mm m Owing to the demoralized conditions in Eastern factories our buyer waited for the receivers to set their date to sell, which was in April, six weeks later than we go to market. We kept up with failures through the trade journals and in each case asked receivers to advise us time set for disposal. The European war has sent many mills and factories to the wall and we were in touch with them and did not buy a dollar’s worth until these people wired us to come. We knew it was late in the season. We knew there was little money in the country. Other South ern merchanis had their regular stocks at regular prices on their shelves and we realized that our only chance with spring goods was to buy at ridiculously low prices and then let the people know what we had. It’s all here to speak for itself.