The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, June 25, 1915, Image 1

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THE NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN HERALD } Consolidated with Coweta Advertiser September, 1886. ' Established 1866. < Consolidated with Newnan News January, 1915. i NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1915. Vol. 50—No. 39 All 12Jc ginghams and per- Mirl-Qnmmor MorphonHioo I0 yards dress lawns cales in seasonable colors— 10c IVilu olllllliltil mol UldllllloG ATTRACTIVELY PRICED 39c FOR QUICK SELLING Our stocks are complete and attractive. The summer season is not half over, so now is a good time to supply your wants. Your dollars always do their duty at BOONE’S One Let Ratine Dress Goods Regular price 25c yard, at 10c Straw Hats Reduced All stiff straw hats reduced 1-3 off regular price. Skirts The correct things in white wash skirts (just received, SI, An attractive showing of medium- weight wool skirts, $2.50 to $5. Muslin Underwear All muslin underwear, except gowns at 50c and 75c, are priced at 25 per cent, discount, to close out. Headwear For Men and Doys Palm Beach caps, 50c. Wool caps, 25c, 50c and $1. Dargain Counter Oxfords A good selection (small sizes) up to size 4, at i to % off regular price. Palm Reach Suits This will be the greatest season ever fo. Palm Beach clothes. A good selec tion in light and dark colors, $6.50. Summer Underwear Try a union suit. Once worn always worn They solve the summer under wear problem. Ladies’ gauze union suits, 50c. Boys’ madras union suits, 50c. Men’s crepe and pajama doth union suits, $1 and $1.50. Nice Dresses We have had a great dress business. A good selection now. Lawn dresses, $1.25. White dresses, $1.98 to $5. Silk poplin dresses, $5. Sale of Children’s Dresses 150 children’s dresses ranging in price from 65c to $1.50, at 1-4 off regular price. These arc great values and you should see them. Fancy Parasols A greater variety will not be found in Newnan—25c, 35c, 59c, 75c, $1, $1.25. $2.50 parasols, $1.50. All $3 and $3.50 parasols, $1.98. Ladies’ Wash Dresses All percale and gingham dresses, regu lar price 65c to $1.50, now at 50c, 79c, 89c and $1.15, a good selection. Get your dresses now. Good Clothes We specialize on four prices of men’s clothes—$10, $12, $15 and $18. They are all-wool, made of silk thread and will and must give good wear. Don’t buy your suit until you have seen this line. 'Summer coats, all sizes, 34 to 44; new goods, mo hair, serge, etc., $2 to $5. ■Genuine Palm Beach suits, dark and light, $6.50. Summer Dress Goods goods be Your wants in popular-priced dress satisfied here. Good printed lawns, 10 yards, 39c. A beautiful showing of printed dress lawns, 10c. One Counter of 25c ratines at 10c. Voiles, rice cloths, poplins, crepes, etc., in a pretty and varied assortment, at 25c. Silk poplins, the best dress fabric at the price; a good range of colors, yard, 50c. Summer Footwear Reliable footwear is one of our specialties. We sell a quantity of good shoes. It is now about time for your second pair of oxfords. Your size, style and price is here in patent leather, gun metal, kid and white canvas oxfords. Special attention is asked to soft, comfortable out door work shoes for men, scout style, $1.50 to $2.50. Rubber bottom tennis slippers, white or black, 50c. Embroidery Flouncing Just received a pretty assortment of wide flounc ing, 27 to 44 inches, value up to 50c, at 25c and 35c. Special lot 75c and 85c wide voile flouncing, to close out at 50c yard. All-over nets, very pretty for waists and trimming, 36 inches wide, 25c. Special lace counter, 100 styles, £ to 3 inches wide, choice 5c yard. Odd Pants This is a great odd pants season. We are ready with the goods. Men’s work wash pants, $1. Cotton worsted pants, a good imitation of the fine pants, $1.50 and $2. All sizes, 31 to 44, fine worsted pants, no better values, well-made, neat patterns, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4. White Goods This is a great white season—many attractions here. 36-inch 25c crepes, 15c. Pride of West lawns, 10c, 12£c, 15c,.20c and 25c. Special white pique, 15c. Fine linencs, 10c, 12JC and 15c. All linens, a good number, 25c. Middy twills for skirts and waists, 36 inches, 15c. 36-inch pajama checks, 10c and 12£c. Novelty white goods, very pretty, 12^c. Shirts Time to discard that faded . shirt. A beautiful showing of soft or laundered shirts, with or without collars, 50c, $1 and $1.50. They don’t fade. Towels Hot weather necessitates the use of more towels. W 7 e have never had bet ter values. Special bleached huck and Turkish towels, 10c, 15c and 25c. Suit Cases Don’t borrow a suit case. More sat isfaction to own one. Fifty to select from. None better at price—98c to $5. Neckwear Have your neckwear right. Wear Arrow collars, 30 styles, 2 for 25c; soft or laundered collars. Wash ties, 15c and 25c. Silk ties, a great variety, 25c and 50c. Shirt-waists Waists are very popular this season. We have never shown prettier styles or better values. Plain white, with the new collars and stripes; priced, $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Window Supplies Time for new curtains, shades, poles, etc. We are showing some exceptional values, also a good variety of curtain nets, etc., at 10c to 25c. Hosiery We daily solve hosiery problems. A great variety for your choosing—white, black, navy, Palm Beach; 15c to $1. Special attention to fibre silks for ladies and gentlemen, 25c and 50c. Children’s white and fancy sox, 15c and 25c. Our counter of assorted remnants, ac cumulations from all kinds of piece goods, ranging in price from 5c to $1 yard. They are priced at 1-3 off. Wear Warner’s rust-proof cor sets. They will give your figure the desired style. Men’s all-wool blue serge two- piece suit S7.50