The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, August 27, 1915, Image 7

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M. B. Mooney Local Happenings Told in Unbleached Counterpanes The very thing for boys’ beds, made of seer sucker or a light weight, to insure good launder ing, at $1.00; extra size $1.25. Sea Island Another lot of that same good sea island, 40 inches wide, 20 yards for $1. Bleaching Ferguson-McKinney’s Paris muslin, a fabric as pretty as nainsook, with out any starch, 12 yards for $1. Undermuslins The largest stock of undermuslins carried in Newnan, including corset covers, shirts, princess slips, gowns and combi nation suits, all at a big reduction. Ask to see our line. Children’s Dresses A good line of child ren’s school dresses made of ginghams, fadeless colors, $1 grade at 75c. NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST 1 oo) TO OUR LOCAL READERS. Jgj Blest be the showers! Good coal, good prices. A. B. Cates. Mr. Alton Arnall is in New York this | week. Bicycle repairs of all kinds at R. L. | Askew’s. Money to loon. Apply to A. H. | Freeman. Sweet potatoes are becoming plenti- 1 ful in market. . Mr. John H. Power is at Wrights- ville Beach, N. C. Several good milch cows for sale. Ap- | ply to I. N. Orr Co. . Red Ash coal is a fine burner, and A. B. Cates sells it right. . New fall ginghams and percales, fast | colors, 10c. at Boone's. Apply to Mrs. R. H. Hardaway for rooms for housekeeping. Advance shipment of the new fall I suits at Parks Arnold’s. . Pope and Dayton bicycles are sold in [Newnan by R. L. Askew. R. L. Askew is Newnan agent for Firestone automobile tires. , Regular monthly meeting of County Commissioners next Wednesday. . R. L. Askew sells 60 per cent, gravi ty gasoline at 16c. per gallon. . Coweta Superior Court will convene one week from next Monday. , Cotton is opening rapidly, and in a | few days the fields will be white. School handkerchiefs with neat bor- |der at 39c. dozen. Parks & Arnold Big assortment of new fall ginghams | at 10c. a yard. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Complete stock of new fall footwear for ladies and gentlemen. Boone’s. . Call White Star Market, ’phone 62, for your breakfast lunch or dinner meats. , Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson Lyn don, of Macon, announce the birth of a I son.' New lot silks in plaids and fancy I stripes just received at P. F. Cuttino & I Co.’s. , The low-vamp military lace boot is ready for your inspection at Parks & Arnold’s. Broadwater Bros., 17 E. Broad street, pay more for hides than anybody. ’Phone 62. Mrs. Otho Bledsoe, of Sargent, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Gaston.—Carrollton Free Press.; Harbecue.— Barbecued mutton, pork and beef freshly cooked every day (ex cept Saturday) at Camp’s Cash Market. Messrs. Roy and Lynn Astin, of At lanta, are spending a few days with tin ir parents, Prof, and Mrs. Chas Astin. Congressman Adamson came over from Carrollton Wednesday afiernoon to attend the funerul of Mr. R. E. Simms. Our first shipment of new fall coat suits are here-about fifty in the lot We would be pleased to show them. Boone’s. Pigs For Sale. —Registered Duroc Jersey pigs, now ready for delivery. Apply to T. B. Jones, R. F. D. 5, New nan, Ga. For Sale. — Five-room house on E. Broad street. Lot 75x150. Well of excellent water. Apply to Geo. H Carmical. Mrs. Lela Adams left Wednesday for New York on a ten-days’ trip, for the purpose of purchasing a fall stock of millinery. Little Misses Lounette and D’Mayes Holmes, of Newnan, spent Friday with Miss Charlie May Holmes.-Carrollton Free Press. chaffeur, for either short or long trips. Careful driving. References. Carl Boon \ ’phone 142. The Sunday-school convention of the Western Baptist Association will be held with the First Baptist church next Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 1 and 2. The public cordially invited. ■ - - — ■ — Mr. and Mrs. Loy Williams, of New- nan, have moved to Hogansville and will make their home here. They have many friends here, who welcome them to our city. —Hogansville News. A Real Estate Bargain.—Up-to-date cottage, six large rooms, across the street from Atkinson Grammar School. Choice neighborhood. See me at once for a bargain. C. B. Whitmire. — The Candler cotton warehouse scheme looks good on paper, but those who had experience with it last season will be a bit shy about falling for it this year. It is a’ good thing for your Uncle Asa, though. Mrs. L. A. Perdue was advised yes terday morning of the death of her brother, Mr. John L. Edwards, of Hampton, which occurred Wednesday afternoon at a private sanatorium in Atlanta. For Rent.—Two or five-horse farm— one or both-‘2J to 3J miles from New- nan, for rent or lease. Good buildings and tenant houses, and on the best road in the county. Apply to W. A. Turner, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Ramey, of At lanta, announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Dent, to Mr. Edward Burns Irwin, of Birmingham, Ala., the date of the wedding to be an nounced later. Personal Service. —You get our per sonal service when buying of us, und we take special pride in giving you the best of attention. ’Phone 62. Broadwater Bros., 17 E. Broad street. Boys’ Waists A few more of those Ferguson - McKinney school waists for boys. A bargain at threefor$l. If you wish to secure a loan on your farm lands at 6 per cent, see T. G. Farmer, jr. Wanted. — Ten good cows wanted. Write price, etc., to J. E. Gilbert, Raymond, Ga. New shipment of long-sleeve middy blouses, sizes 8 to 20, at 98c. Parks & Arnold. Slippers Last call on low-quar ters, in patent leather, dull kid and gun metal, $2.50 and $3 values at $1.50 and $1.95. Also a great reduction on child ren’s pumps. Miss Kate Lane, of Newnan, is the guest of Mrs. Hugh Hill this week.- West Point News. Ford factory mechanic for Ford work exclusively. Walter Hopkins, 25 Perry street. The new plaids in Toile du Nord ging hams for school dresses, 124c. yard at Parks & Arnold’s. Best quality light outing in pajama and nightgown patterns, 10c. yard. Parks & Arnold. Ask to see our dollar crepe de chine. These we show in all colors. P. F. Cuttino & Co. The new models in the famous W. B. corsets. Prices §1 to $3. P. F. Cuttino & Co. , Mr F. S. Cureton, of Moreland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. | plus. - West Point News. When you want a buggy come to see I us. We will save you money. M. G. & J. J- Keith. I Tom Swint announces the opening of the mullet season this week, and is ex- ] pecting a big rush to-morrow. Loans.—Farm loans at 6 per cent, in- I terest. Commission extra. Hall & Jones, Attorneys. For Sale.-Shetland pony, 6 years old. Also, buggy harness and saddle. Gentle; no bad qualities. T. B. Parks If the late rains had come about four weeks earlier the farmers of Coweta would now be better off by many thou sands of dollars. Auto Repairs. - All repair work guaranteed. Work done by Ford fac tory mechanic. Walter Hopkins, 25 Perry street. The new fall percaleB are here in quite an assortment of colors, priced at 10c. and 124c. the yard. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Mrs. J. H. Jones and her charming daughter, Miss Grace, of Senoia, are the guests of Mrs. W. R. Jones.—Meri wether Vindicator. — For Sales. —White Wyandotte hens, cocks, pullets and cockerels, $1.50 to $5. (Fishel strain.) W. O. Cox. 65 Spring street. For Rent. -Seven-horse farm in Cow eta county. Will rent cheap for stand ing rent. Apply to Miss Mattie l bur mond, Palmetto, Ga. Full line of Ford parts and acces sories. Get my prices. Walter Hopkins, 25 Perry street. Messrs. F. W. and J. C. Stripling have been in New York for the paBt ten duys buying new fall goods for Stripling Dry Goods Co. Just received a nice assortment of new wool dress goods in the season s leading weaves and shades. P. I 1 ’. Cuttino & Co For Sale.—Several thousand feet of dry pine lumber. If I haven t what you want will saw to order. See me at my mill 8 mileB west of Newnan, or write me at R. F. L). 1, Newnan. W. H. Meriwether. Dress Goods All voiles, crepes, chiffons in floral designs and stripes, 36 and 40 inches wide, 25c grade at 15c yard. i For Rent.— Upstairs rooms, conven iently arranged for light housekeeping, I close in. Apply to I. N. Orr. I Miss Marian Bryant, of Newnan, is the guest of Misses Mary and Duella | Oslin.—Washington Reporter. i Cotton is coming in every day, and from now on Newnan s three steam ginneries will have a busy time. Snecial value in pillow-cases, size U2x36 priced at $1.50 the dozen or 15 1 cents'eachf P. F. Cuttino & Co. I To Automobile Oumers.-We sell and truarantee Pyro spark plugs, 50 cents | ac h, Johnson Hardware Co. Miss Georgians White left this morn ing for Newnan, where she will be the guest of Mrs. Geo. Brown for some time.—Griffin News and Sun. For Rent. - My Stacy-Jones residence. 23 Madison street; one block from square. Possession given by Sept. 1, if desired. Apply to Thos. J. Jones. At $10 aDd $12 we are showing the prettiest young men's all-wool suits we have ever shown. See them before you buy. Boone’s. Auto Livery Service.—Calls answered day or night, ’phone 456 J- New car and prompt service. Long or short trips solicited. Geo. W. Pitts Have you seen the new silk sweaters we are showing? These are in all the prevailing colors, very reasonably priced. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Notice. — Another ten-days’ singing school at Mt. Carmel church, beginning Aug. 30, (next Monday.) Tuition $1 each. Thos. R. Sweatmon, Teacher. Mrs. A. L. Scarbrough and Pope Jones and Lee Scarbrough have re turned from a visit to her father near Newnan, Ga.—Anniston (Ala.) Star. To the young man and young lady going away to school we want to say that we have the suits, shoeB and other goods you will need. Boone’s. ♦ — ■ Mr. Cliff Kersey, buyer for II. C Glover Co., has been in New York for several days selecting new stocks of dry goods, clothing and shoes for his firm. The now samples and styles for la dies’ suits and dresses have just reached us. Come in, look them over, and let us take your measure for one. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. P. F. Cuttino & Co Friends of Pope Jones Scarbrough will learn with regret of his accident this morning. The physician said no hones were injured. Apparently he had only been stunned by the accident.— Anniston (Ala.) Star, 25th inst. i —• Arrange your parties and come early Tuesday to The Halcyon and see Ella Hall, the “cameo of the films.” This is a great play; in fact, the biggest pic ture ever played by this little artist, and she will appreciate your visit. • — — Mrs. H. C. Fisher and three grand daughters, little MisHes Isnra, Sarah Miller and Louise Fisher, of Newnan, who came last Friday to Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sims’ harbecue, left Tuesday morning for Atlanta. — Washington Re porter. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lancelot McKee announce the engagement of their daughter, Jessie Moore, to Mr. Winship Nunnally, the marriage to take place in the ‘North Avenue Preshyterian church, Atlunta, Oct. 14. — Atlanta Constitution. For Sale or Rent.— Desirable two- story house, four rooms above and five below, 1(10 yards from Lutherville bank. F ine well of water, good burn and other conveniences. Write or come. John H. Miller, Lutherville, Ga. Floyd Beeman, colored, who stole a pocketbook containing $40 and some valuable papers from a guest of the Virginia House during the recent ses sion of the State Council Jr. O. U. A., deeded guilty before Judge W. A. ?ost in the City Court last week and was given n straight, chaingang sen tence of twelve months. Rupture. — Let us send you our rup ture appliance on one week's trial be fore puying anything. It’s a “pain killer.” HoIdH rupture. Instant re lief. Perfect comfort. Cures large per cent, of cases. Price 75c. If not satisfactory return and you owe noth ing. Don’t miss it. Order to-day. Jos. Tidnall, Macon, Ga. Mr. Jos. H. Lane, well-known in Newnan, died Saturday night in Atlan ta, and his remains were brought to this city for interment Monday. Mr. Lane formerly resided here, being at that time one of the leading merchants of the town, hut moved to Atlanta about 1885, and resided there up to the time of his death. He leaves a wife and several children. The old John W. Powell home, out on Jackson street, was discovered on fire about 12 o’clock Wednesday night, and the building suffered serious dam age before the Hames were extinguish ed. The house is owned by Mrs. J. D. Odum, of Grantville, and had been oc cupied up to Wednesday afternoon by a Mr. Spivey and his family, who moved out only a few hours before the fire. Miss F’lorence Askew has returned to her home at Newnan, after spending several days with Miss F’lorence Trim ble. While here several delightful social afffti>-s were given in her honor—among them a delightful rook party at the home of Misses Sarah and Julia Mob ley, and a basket lunch party in Mrs. Word's beautiful grove, given by Miss F’lorence Trimble.—Hogansville News. Many persons seem to have the im pression that the new law increasing the pensions of old soldiers and soldiers’ widows will go into effect next year. This is a mistake. The law will not be come operative until 1917. In that year pensioners on the roll will receive $70 instead of $60; in 1918 they will get $H0; in 1919 they will receive $90; in 1920, and every year thereafter, the pension payments will be $100. IIGGETT'S [HOMES The highest ideal of fastidious lovers of rich, satisfying confec tions is realized in &fl£ifcQiQCO&iie& The craving for more lingers —because their irresistable charm of flavor is not easily forgotten. That’s why they are “the sweetest story ever told.’’ Regular assortment, in halves, ones and twos, ponml .. -- 80c Fruit Cordials, in halves, ones and twos, pound Si Assorted Nuts, in halves and pounds $1 Ask for a Souvenir Menu, giving you the contents of all the I.iggett candy assort ments. We are e.xclusiuelagents for Liggett's Chocolates. ’Phone 151 John R, Cates [Drug Co, Miss Olivia Young, who has been spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. S. L. Autry, in Athens, returned home yesterday, accompanied by Mth. Autry and family, who came over in their car and will visit relatives in Newnan and vicinity. Dr. Bradley Davis, of New Orleans, iB here on a visit to his parents, Dr. and Mrs. T. B. Davis. For the past year he has been serving as ship’s surgeon on one of the steamerB of the United Fruit Co. plying between New Orleans and Central American ports. Friends in Newnan have received in vitations to the approaching marriage of Miss Myrtle Merritt and Mr. John Milton, jr., both of Marianna, Fla., the ceremony to occur on Thursday even ing next. Mr. Milton is a brother of Mrs. W. Y. Atkinson, and has visited Newnan frequently. Congressman AdamHon requests The Herald to announce that there is a vacan cy at the West Point Military Acade my, and he wishes to get in communi cation with any young man of the F’ourth district who is able and willing to stand the physical examination re quired of appficants. Newnan received her first bale of cotton of the new crop Tuesday. It was brought in by Mr. T. A. Hutchens, weighed 490 lbs., and was bought by A. R. Burdett & Go. at 94 cents. Shortly afterwards another bale was brought in by Mr. H. H. Lancaster. This bnle weighed 420 lbs., and was bought by the H. G. Arnall Mdso Co. at 9 cents. Both bales were ginned at the Southern Cotton Oil Co.’s ginnery. A beautiful reception of F'ridny af ternoon, and one or the largest of the season, was that at which Mrs. F’ranlc Patterson and Mrs. Thos. E. Patterson entertained at the home of the former i-i compliment to their guests, Mrs. Robert Mattox, of Jacksonville, Fla , Mrs. Thos. Jones, of Riverside, Mrs. R. J. Barnett, of Newnan, and Mrs. A. M. Proctor, of Mount Olive, N. C.—Griffin News and Sun. Visit The Halcyon, and save your coupons for the handsome china set given away every Monday evening at 8 o’clock. We have a most stupendous programme for the coming week. Mon day: “The Gophers,” with Herbert Rawlinson and Anna Little, and a Joker comedy. Tuesday: “Jewel, ” a master piece, with the “cameo of the films,” Ella Hall, und Rupert Julian. Wednes day: “Extravagance,” a society drama in three reels, and a Nestor comedy with little Billie Rhodes. Thursday: “The Broken Coin;” everyone wants to see this, so “come earlv and avoid the rush. Friday: “Who Pays?” is the headliner for to-day, while the vaude ville act poHed by Madam DeBerge is a hit for the children. Saturday is des tined to ho the most interesting of them all, with a Bison drama and Nestor comedies. The Store Friendship Bracelets AT BANTA’S JZ7 People from these towns have ordered by mail: Grantville, F'ranklin, Cooksville. Alvaton, Hogansville, Bowdon, LaGrange. Moreland, Sharpsburg, Raymond, Palmetto, Carrollton and Stovall, Hamilton, Dadeville. Ala., Chipley, Tallapoosa, Carrollton, Senoia, Haralson, Turin, Madras, Whitesburg, all rural routes. Order friendship links from Bantu—only 25 cents, with engrav ing free. Where you buy your links, 1 complete the bracelet free of charge. H. S. BANTA “Tlic Newnan Jeweler." Warning!—This iB to lie not to harbor or ment to my son, Jim penalty of prosecution, ing a minor and having out my knowledge or Aug. 16th, 1915. Fannie Brooks, (col.) warn the pub- give employ- Brooks, under said youth be- left home with- consent. This M. B. Mooney For Rent.—A furnished apartment of - rooms at 25 W. Washington three rooms street. Special for Next Week.—Thirty-four summer dresses, awning stripes, printed lawnB, white voiles, etc., regular price $2 to $5; choice next week half-price. Boone’s. Mrs. Beulah Summers and son, Calla way, have returned to their home in Newnan, after spending several weeks with Mrs. Rebecca Prather,—Hogans ville News. Over one hundred new fall suits tar men and young men just received. The Big Four line—$10, $12. $15 and $18. None better made at the price. Boone’s. SIS’ 1 r. ™ omi» S Co. Punjab percales in the new (allI pat terns/ They will stand the tub,-36 inches wide; 121c. yard.^ & Found.— On public road between Grantville and Lutherville a gentle man's blue serge coal. Owner can get same by calling at The Herald office and paying for this notice. • Automobile Driving. — I will be glad to drive cars for anyone desiring a ’ Col. W. H. Taylor, one of Griffin’s best-known and most popular attorneys, was elected Justice of the Peace of the 1001st district, G. M., in an election held Saturday, having no opposition. He succeeds Col. E. P. Patterson, re signed, and will fill out his unexpin-d term. —Griffin News and Sun. Automobile Service.—When you need a hack call Marbury’s furniture store, ’phone 213. I have just put into the public hack service a first-class 5 pas senger auto, comfortable and roomy, and respectfully solicit your patronage, assuring you tne best of service and reasonable prices. Out-of-town trips solicited. Ralph Marbury, driver. Marbury’s Furniture Store, 'Phone 213. John R. Cates Drug Co. guarantees Parisian Sage to stop dandruff, falling hair, itching scalp, and to put life and beauty into the hair. It’s inexpensive, | and money back if not satisfied. The Strand, Newnan’s most popular theatre, hus booked an unusually fine programme for next week. We are go ing to give our friends a real treat Monday, when we will present Ameri ca’s foremost dramatic star, Henrv B. Walthall, in “Temper,” a 3-act Essa- nay, which gives the great star splen did opportunities. “The Goddess,” with Earle Williams and Anita Stewart, will be shown also. On Wednesday, Maurice Costello and Leah Baird will appear in a splendid society drama, "The Dawn of Understanding.” Thurs day will bring the famous legitimate actress, Mary Nash, in “Tides of Time,” a Knickerbocker star feature in three acts. You remember “The Cup of Chance?” This is just as good. Friday, Edison will present Miss Gladys Heu- lette, the beautiful actress, and Pat O’Malley in “The King of the Wire,” a sensational 3-act drama. Watch The Strand. The Moreland-St. Charles public| school will open at 8 a. rn. next Monday, with the following programme— Doxology. Invocation—Rev. W. E. Fuller. Address on school work—Mr. H. M. Camp, chairman board of trustees. “The School and the Town”—Hon. I. B. Murphy, Mayor. “The School and the Church’ —Dr. J. W. Perry. . Instrumental music, (selected)- Miss | Lois Young. “Value of Education” —Hon. W. A. Brannon. Closing; remarks—Prof. S. R. Bratch er, principal. Song, ‘'America.’’ Benediction—Rev. Firley Baum. Both the faculty and board of eduea- tion advise that every patron be pres-1 ent, if convenient; also urge that every child from 6 to 18 be prepared to enter school upon the above date. County Superintendent Pendergrast has been invited to be present at the opening exercises. Corn Season! Stop the growth of your corns be fore they become like mountains and give you excruciating pain. Use Hyal's Com Core A simple, easy-to-use corn remedy that works like a charm. No soil ing of linen—no bandages —no plaster. Per bottle — . Low Excursion Fares to Chattanoo- ] na, Tenn., Aug. 30, 1915. On Monday, Aug. 30, the Central of | Georgia will operate a low fare excur sion to Chattanooga, tickets good until Sept. 4. The fare from Newnun will be $3.25, Tickets will be sold for regular trains Aug. 80, good returning on regu lar trains. F’or full information ask the] ticket agent. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY, “The Right Way.” Other Helps Blue Jay Corn Plaster, 15c, 25c. Kohler's One Night Corn Salve, 25c. Hanson’s Acorn Corn Salve, 10c. Georges’ Corn Pads, 10c, 25c. Murray Drug and Bool Co. Sporting Goods Stationery Good Soda Fine Cigars Huyler’s Candy ’PHONE US—