The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, September 10, 1915, Image 8

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K THE QUEEN IS HERE The Famous Queen Quality Shoes For Women Are Here in The New Fall Styles There is a Queen Quality shoe for every woman, and every woman can afford a pair. For the elderly lady there are fine soft kid shoes with flexible soles, made on comfort-giving lasts. For the “everyday woman” there are styles and shapes, leathers and lasts to suit every need. For the fashion-loving woman there are the very latest models, approved by the STYLE EXPERTS of the world, Far, the school girl, the young woman, there are shoes,especially designed. If you want shoes of beauty and comfort wear Queen Quality. A shoe for every foot and a price for every purse. Price $3.50 to $5 15 Greenville Street. St. John Co. NEWNAN, GEORGIA. Efl NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN. FRIDAY, SEPT. 10 - LONE OAK. (Ilrought over from luHt week.) The funeral of Mrs. J. R. Sewell, (nee Caroline Albright,) whose death was mentioned in laat week’B news let ter from' this place, was" held at 10 o’clock Wednesday morning, at Pros pect, the b loved church of her many years of Christian experience. In the absence of the paBtor Rev. Carl Hender son, of Hogansville, officiated. For a number of years Mrs. Sewell had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. J. N. Nall, in liogansville, where her sud den death took place, but previous to this change of residence Ixme Oak had been her home during her entire mar ried life, and here she had reared her family. Throughout our community she was esteemed and beloved as an example of all domestic and Christian virtues, which affectionate, regard was shared by an extensive relationship in Grantville, Lutherville and other places, so that the funeral overflowed the limits of old Prospect church, while numbers of the family servants, with their de scendants, thronged the rear doors and were admitted to look on the beloved face. To all who had ever known this dear woman her death brought a sense of personal bereavement, deeply ac centuated by sympathy with the im mediate family in their irreparable loss, while as “a mother in Israel” her church mourns her removal from the ative work as a member of the mission ary society, a helper of the orphans, for, like Dorcas of old, "she wus full of good works and alms deeds which Bhe did.” Although in her R.U year, God had granted her desire to be useful to the last, and her industry and skill wrought exquisite specimens of handi work to be treasured by her descen dants. Mrs. Glenn Arnold, of Grant ville, presided at the organ for the funeral, and most comforting were the songs selected. The Moral offerings were numerous and elegant. But all cannot be said. We know that our friend "is not dead, but sleepeth." Mrs. Sewell is survived by live children — Mrs. l.eila ThomaB of this community, Mrs. ,1. N. Nall of liogansville, Mrs. J. O. Sewell of Grpqtville, Mr. W. R. Sewell of Done Oak, and Mr. Marvin Sewell of Newnirt; with seventeen grandchildren and eleven great grand children, all of whom are comforted and blessed by the memory of ber life and the force of her-exmnple, - Miss Mary Clyatl returned to Atlanta Sunday afternoon, after a short visit to her Ixme Oak home. Mr. a»d Mrs. G. G..Cupepper and Mrs. H. L. Culpepper attended ihe ded ication services at the Aletho^ist church m Lutherville last Sunday: ' Little Misses Margaret. ELaanyr and Florence Culpepper spent several days of last week with Greenville relatives, HMr. and Mrs. Edgar Freeman, of Lithonia, with their two children, motored from their home Saturday to visit relatives in this and Coweta coun ties. Mrs. F. is kindly remembered as Miss Ida Rosser, of Lone Oak. Sept. 1st. Tick Eradication Campaign in Geor gia. Atlanta Journal. Highly satisfactory results are being obtained from the cattle tick eradica tion campaign conducted in Georgia jointly by the State and Federal agents. Dr. Peter F. Bahnsen, State Veter inarian, announced Monday that on Sept. 15 ten more Georgia counties would be released from the cattle tick quarantine, and that these would then be enabled to ship cattle to nDinfected areas without the quarantine restric tions which have prevailed for some time. The counties in which the quarantine is to be raised are Chattooga, Gordon, Cherokee, Fulton, DeKalb, Jasper, Baldwin, Greene, Elbert and Richmond. Including these, the number of coun ties in which the tick eradication work has been completed is thirty-nine, and Dr. Bahnsen Bays that eight more counties will be released in the early spring. During the past year, says Dr. Bahn sen, hog and cattle raising in Georgia haa increased surprisingly. He says that while in many North Georgia counties the average Dumber of cattle is 5,000 head, there are many counties in South Georgia which have from 25,- 000 to 30,000 head. Health and Happiness Depend Upon Your Liver. A sluggish liver with its sluggish How of bile is what makes the world look so dark at times. Dr. King’s New Life Pills go straight to the root of the difficulty by waking up the action of the liver and increasing the bile. Dr. King’s New Life Pills cause the bowels to act more freely and drive away those "moody days." 26c. a bottle. "You are evidently very fond of books, sir, ’ ’ said an old gentjeman to a younger man in a car. "May 1 ask you whom you consider the best novelist of the day!” "Jenkins, young man the can cir- his . infection and gives' nature assistance and were accompanied home by- Missea by ..overcoming congestion and gives a- Caaa ettil Plan i'll , > VVA m . L . .. ,.. it. J . — _ .1 . _ __ « 1 Sara and Clay Culpeper, who returned- to Greenville yesterday afternoon. Recent showers have come in time to benefit tall vegetation, and have left in tbeir'wwfrs lie breath that heralds SeRiomber'a cvBuo*. undoubtedly," said "There’s nobody write like Jenkins. Why, sir, the dilating libraries can’t supply novels fast enough.” 1 . At this moment another man entered the car and addressed the young man: ’.‘Halloa, Jenkins!” he "said. “How kre you to-day?” A Wonderful Antiseptic. Germs and infections aggravate ments nnd retard healing. Stop infection at once. Kill the germs get rid of the poisons. For this pose a single application 'of Sloan’s Liniment not only kills the pain but destroys the germs. This neutralizer Unclaimed Letters. The following list of unclaimed let ters will be sent to the Division of Dead Letters, if not called for within two weeks: Gussie M Anthony, Sarah Armstrong, Rose Belmont, W P Brooks, W R Blackwell, Myrtice Blackwell, Mary Byown, Addis Cetes, Frankie Duncan, Yourrtans, Floy Ethridge, J M Henslee, Dr. A Hawkins, Jullie Herrin, T J Hollaman, Kate Hunter, Jimmie Lee Jackson, Julia Johnson, J B Jones Katie Manning E M Moore Lottie May Moore, Walter ParriBh, John Roberts, Rachel Sims, Barrett. Sims, EM Stinson, R. ,F. Smith, Charley Wellborn, Son Burpee, Geo. Carlisle, Donie Estes, Lue Glass, Clara Hill, Heryette Jones, Texana Kight, Ge. L McCollum, Frank- 4ia North, S L. Pulling, Mary J Rogers, J A Smith. To avoid delay in delivery have your mail addressed to street and number; box number, R. K. D. number or gen eral delivery. In calling for the above, please say “advertised," and pay one penny for ame'. Susie M. Atkinson, P. M, Every Home Heeds a Faithful Cough and Cold Remedy. When seasons change and colds ap pear—whbn you firBt detect a cold after sitting next ono who has sneezed, then it is that a tried and tested remedy should be faithfully used. "I never wrote a testimonial before, but I know positively that for myself and family Dr. King’s New Discovery is the best cough remedy we ever used, and we have tried them all.” 50c. and $1.00. An old subscriber to a paper in Texarkana. Ark., writes the following to that paper: "What kind of dern news do you print anyhow? One day 1 notice the Governor of Georgia is hung in Effigy. The next day, I seen he was still alive. Will you just please tell me where Effigy is at? I lived in Georgia for twenty years and I never heard of no such town, and I don’t be lieve there is any. If you can’t print the truth, please stop my paper.”— North Georgia Citizen. Daily Thought. The hiiml that is cheerful in Its present state ‘will be adverse to all solicitudes to. Die future, and will meet die' bitter’ occurrences of Ufa with a placid smile.—Horace. Your Body Protests Against Calomel You have noticed the disagreeable effects of calomel, that sickening nau sea that is characteristic. There is no reason for tearing up. your system in such a drastic manner. Liv-Ver-Lax, that wonderful vege table compound, is just as useful as cal omel for toning up your liver and rid ding your system of stagnating pois ons, and it does not make you feel bad ly like calomel. It is pleasant to take, with no unpleasant after effects. Keep it in your home for health's sake. . If Liv-Vkr-Lax is not entirely satis factory, your money will be returned without question. The original bears the likeness of L. K. Grigsby. For sale at 60c and $1 by John R. Cates Dnig. Co . : Executor’s Sale. ’•>- GEORGIA—Coweta Countv : By virtue of an onljer arranted by the Court of Ordinary of Charlton county. Ga.. at the May term. 1912. of said court, will by sold at public outcry on the firat Tuerday in October, 1916, at the court-house in Coweta county. Ga.. between the legal hours of aale. the following described property, to-wit; One hundred (100) shares of the capital stock of Newnan Cotton Mills, in said county, of the par value of One Hundred (S100) Dollars each, the same to be sold as a whole. Terms of Bale— This Sept. 1.1916. Pre. fee. $3.72. S, R. I)EJ ARNNETTE. Executor of John M. White, deceased. ail- that and pur- chance for Ihc free and normal flow of the blood. Sloan’s Liniment is an emergency doctor and should be kept constantly on. band. 25c.. 60c, The $1.08 size cootAin* six tiroes" as teach • as the Sc, •' 1 " WHAT CATARRH IS Jt has been said that every third person has catanh in some form. Science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the body; and local treatments in the form of snuffs and vapors-dc* little, if any good.’ ’ ‘ To correct catarrh you should' trelit its cause by enriching your blood tSitlf the oil-food in Scott’s BmuJsion which- ■* • medicinal food and a building-tonic, free ftomaJcohol oc any harmful drugs. Tryit. ■rstt • Sown, •loeaddd.n. J. COUNTY TAX LEVY FOR 1915. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Court of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue of said county, Sept 1. 1915. Ordkred. That there be collected by the Tax Collector of said county for the year 191G, the fol lowing amounts, to-wit- 1. To repair court-house and jail, build and re pair bridges, and other public improvements, ac cording to contract, 20 centa on the one hundred dollars. 2. To pay Sheriff ’r and Jailer’s fees, salaries of Judge of the City Court of Newnan, and of the County Treasurer, commissions of the Tax Collec tor and of the Tax. Receiver. Coroner’s fees, and other officers* lee* that they may be legally enti tled to out of the cou nty, 8 cento on the one hun dred dollar*. а. To pay expenses of the county for bailiffs at court, non-resident witnesses in criminal cases, fuel, servants’ hire, stationery, and the like, 8 cents on the one hundred dollars. 4. To pay jurors* fees in the Superior Court and .City Court of Newnan, 3 cents on the one hundred dollars. 5. To pay expenses incurred in supporting the poor of the county. 4 cento on the one hundred dollars. б. For the public road fund, to be used in work ing. improving and repairing the public roads of the county. 40 cents on the one hundred dollars ?. To pay all other lawful charges against the j county. 2 centa on t)u? one hundred dollars. Making in the aggregate SC centa on the one I hundred dollars, which-ia hereby levied upon all the taxable property of the county for the pur- poses aforesaid. It in further ojtnnu.i>. That the Tax Coffee* I tor collect the following special taxes for the year 1915” 1. Grantville school district,.59 centa on the one .hundred dol ars. 2. Moreland-St. Charles school district. 4T» centa I on the one hundred dollars. I 3. Raymond school district, 40 cents on the one hundred dollars. 4* Rock-Spring .school district, 30 centa on tb«* one hundred dollars. 5. Sharpeburg school district. 50 Cents on the' one hundred dollars. 9. Turin school district. 40 centa on the one hun dred dollars. v 7. Union-Bethlehem school district..50 cents on , ihc one hundred deffara. 9. Welcome school district, 60 cents on tbs one hundred dollars. , 9 White Oak school dfstritt, 59 cents on the one hundred dollar*.' 10. Lutbeujrville school district. 40 eente on the one hundred dollar*. I By a«fcer of the Board, thia ftept. 1. mfi. • * X- a.ffkBKEJR, i|L. Clerk, k - HAVE YOU Tried That Delicious Home-Baked Ham THAT Broadwater Bros. Are Selling? I Well, they will certainly please your palate. Cooked daily. AG " ways fresh. The choicest .tof beef, pork and ' ■ mutton. ' CurqjJ rpeats of all kinds, < at all times. ... ... Give us a trial and be convinced. Polite service, courteous treatment, prompt delivery, and satisfaction guaranteed. •• V White Star Market *1 tk&V 7 Broadwater Bros., Proprietors ’PHONE 62 / e "\l FORD RUNABOUT $390.00 Cia I Walter Hopkins ‘ Perry,Street. 'Phone. }i6- 'Tl%L STOCK OF FORD PARTS . w. ■■ A* ' - ' ' ' —■