The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, September 17, 1915, Image 7

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« viiu* -O F T H K First National Bank At Newnan, in the State of Georgia, at the close of business Sept. 2, 1916. 100,000 00 1,000 00 1.123 22 RESOURCES. Loan* and diacounta 1409.886 42 Overdrafts. secured 4.1/76 7# U. S. Bonds deposited to secure circula tion (par value.' Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Bank $12 000 00 ' Lees nmount unpaid OQ > Furniture and fixtures •Other real estate owned. . . Net amount due from Foderai Reserve bank- 3.660 00 Net amount due from ap- R roved reserve agents in few York. Chicago and St. Loais. 112.176 50 1 'JJet amount due from ap- l 0 , . proved reserve a Kent* m ; ^L 75 * *•> other reserve citiea 16,618 66 J 'Net amount due from banka and bank ers (other than included in above twe items) 2,404 70 ■Exchanges for clearing house 687 30 Outside cheeks and other cash items 12.823 47 ) •Fractional currency, nickels ■ 2.888 34 and cents ... 64 87 1 ;Notes of other National Banks 3,885 00 Lawful money reeerve in hank. vir.: Total coin and certificates 8.034 00 Legal-tender notes 8,500 00 ^Redemption fund with If. S. Treasur er (not more than 5 per cont, on circu lation) 2.300 00 Customers’ liability account of "Ac ceptances” 14,814 IS LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $140,000 00 * Surplus fund 70,000 00 » Total capital ami surplus 1210 0CQ 00 Undivided profits $ 36.446 83) Loss current expenses, in- [ 84,128 76 threat and taxes paid 1.320 08) Circulating notes 100.000 00 Demand depnaita; Individual deposits subject to check $143,388 38 J Certificates of deposit duo » in I'M than .10 .lay, 19.269 07 1 Total, aS,ve two Item. ..... 102.657 45 Bills payable. including obligation, rep resenting money borrowed. ...... .-.5,000 00 Ttyrai. 1351.794 20 Totai, 1651,794 20 STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Cowi-ta. sh ; •• N.E. Powel. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement la of J my kn '* w <« | K* “ n 'l belief. N. E. POWEL. Cashier. Subscribed and awoni to before me this Uth day of September. 1915. Correct-Atteet^^ X. K. Goodrum, Notary Pablic. W. C. Wricht. ’ r Directors. Job O. Arnali,. i reel Conserve Water, Aid Peroolation and Retard Evaporation. Trues ilrink lit niul transpire mt enor mous n«AniU.v of water. Title kIyIiik off tempera the tlryness of the nearby atmosphere. Moisture liearlug currents of dir ore cini^jlil lay forest turns ns they lire not l*y ibe Urnietl plnlns. I.n- rnl showers tuny thus I ecoine more frcipictit where Irin-s nliouml, or ut least the nvnllnhltlty of whatever rnln tuny full Is Itti-rensutl for the locality by forest ifrturths. Foliage. t wilts niul brum-hns him It ihe fall of the raltulropa. So tloes the litter on the forest floor. Hence the soil umler this cover Is not compacted iis In the op. il Belli, hut Is kept loose mul granular. so water run readily penetrate and laorolate. The water reaches the grcnmtl more slowly, drip plttK grmlanlly from the leaves, branch es and trunks, and thus more time Is allowed for ii to sink Into the soil and appear a pi In in springs or suhsoll moisture lower down. In forests there is mheh less evapo- ratlou of molstu v than In the open country heenuse sun and wind do not hare stteh free piny. It Is estimated that forests have front fit! lo (10 par cent of water supply more tliua the open tlelils heenuse of Increased |ier- eolation and decreased evattoratluii.— Counlrr (ientlemnn. ITALY’S CRACK MARKSMEN. REPORT OF (BOAT) THE CONDITION O F V H E Coweta National Bank At Newnan, in the State of Georgia, at tbe close of business Sept. 2, 1915. RESOURCES. .Loans and discounts $194,088 13 • Overdrafts, unsecured 97 15 )U. 8. Bonds deposited to secure circula tion (par value) 81.000 00 ; Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Bank $ 6.000 00 » o rto Lees amount unpaid.... 3.000 00 I 3 ™ Furniture and fixtures 1.500 00 Not amount duo from Federal Reserve Bank 1,900 00 Net amount due from ap proved reserve agetxta in New York. Chicago and SL Louis - $2,060 25 1 Net amount due from ap- 1 proved reserve agents in J other reserve cities.. . 1.898 83 I N*et amount doe from banks and bank ers (ether than included in above two items) Exchangee for clearing house ■Outside checks and other cash items .... .-....$ 375 86) Fractional currency, nickela and cents 23181) "Notes of other National Banks Federal Reserve notes ’Lawful money reserve In bank, vix : Total coin and certificates 6,505 20 Legal-tender notes • ^Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (not more than 5 per cent, on circula tion) 3.965 08 46 73 983 78 607 67 m oo 200 00 500 00 650 00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 60.000 00 f TTTT Surplus fund. 60.000 00 » Total capital and surplus $100,006 00 Undivided proflta $10,320 30 I Reserved for taxes and inter- ) eat 300 90 1 Leas current expenses, iu- I u .. terest and taxes paid... 903 13 J ,<I7 17 Circulating notes 31,000 00 Dividends unpaid $ 10 00 I Demand deposits: • Individual deposits subject I to check 61,281 25 , Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days 13,396 32 I Total deposits of above two items 74,690 57 Bills payable, including obligations rep resenting money borrowed 30.000 00 TOTAI $246,407 74 Total $246,407 74 STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Coweta, as: I, J. S.-Hardaway, Jr., cashier of the abovn-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. S. H ARDAWAY. Jk.. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this llth day of September. 1915. CoWrkct-Attest: E. T. Owrns, Notary Public. Mike Powbll. | H. C. Glover. {-Directors. Frank L. Stevens. ) They Ara All Athletaa and Ar# the Prida tha Army. The bemaglierl (sharpshooters) are the elite of (lie Italian army, ami each bersutftlere is a picked man, chosen for Uia hardihood and stamina, the aver age bersagliero btdng short and thick set, hut with magnificent strength and exceptional powers of endurance. There is no prouder soldier in the world than the full blown hersugllere as he swaggers along the street of an Italian town in Ills dark blue uniform, with its rich red facings, and on his head, set at a rakish angle, the famous wide brimmed black slouch bat adorn ed with large, heavy, drooping plumes •f green cocks* feathers. Bersagiieri. by the way, Is pro ueunced bcr-sarl-iary. When on the march the bersagiieri never walk us do other soldiers, but a I ways go at a sort of quick trot. These 25.000 or so men are among the most perfectly drilled troops in the world. Every single hersugllere. apart from being u man chosen for his endur ance, Is a fully trained athlete.—West minster Gufcette. (•ATT) REPORT OF THE CONDITION O F T H K Manufacturers National Bank At Newnan, in the State of Georgia, at the close of business Sept. 2, 1915. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $216,718 66 Overdrafta. secured 9,818 67 •U. S. Bonds deposited to se cure circulation (par value) 15,000 00 Subscription to stock of Federal Rtwerve Bank $"#.400 001 n,. Less amount unpaid.... 2.700 00 \ Furniture and fixtures 3.464 04 Net amount due from Federal Reserve Bank 3,000 00 Net amount due from ap proved reserve agenta in New York, Chicago and St. Louis $16,096 17 1 Net amount due from ap proved reserve agents in other reservo cities 2.456 27 I Net amount due from banks and bank ers (other than included in above two items). Exchanges for clearing house ... Outside checks and other 18,552 44 207 90 75 90 174 21 1.630 00 cash items I 66 12) Fractional currency, nickels and cents 108 09) Notes of other National Banks .... Lawful money reserve iu bank, viz : Total coin and certificates 8,419 9rt Legal-tender notes 760 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer f not more than 5 per cent, on circula tion) 750 00 Total. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 60.000 00 l Surplus fund 30.000 00 ' Total capital and surplus $90 000 00 Undivided profits $13,763 58) “ ‘ “ Less current expenses, in terest and taxes paid 1,267 76 ) Circulating notes. Demand deposits: Individual deposits subject to check $129,779 12) Certificates of deposit due /• in*lf ss than 30 days 3.996 78) Bills payable, including obligations rep resenting money borrowed 12,486 82 16.000 00 133,775 90 30,000 00 $281,261 72 TOTAI $281,261 72 state OF GEORGIA-County of Coweta, sh : I. W. B. Parks. Cashier of the abov<*-named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statemont is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. B. PARKS. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn bo before me this llth day of September. 1915. Correct—Attest: Jack H. PovrtfM,. Notary Public. It D. Colr. ) R. O. Jones. ;• Directors. T. G. Farmer. I FORD TOURING CAR $440.00 F. O. B. DETROIT Walter Hopkins 25 Perry Street. 'Phone 145. full stock of ford parts An Idol With Diamond Eyos. The famous Orloff diamond was once the right eye of the (treat Iddl Scrrlug ham in the temple of Hrnhma. This precious gem was stolen at about, the beginning of the eighteenth century by a French soldier who find made n pro tense of belli); converted to tbe Hindu religion iu order to gain tbe confidence of the priests and admission to tbe temple. Tbe Frenchman first Hold tho diamond for £2,000. On the nest turn it was bought by a bunker of Con stantinople for £12.000. Tbe banker kept it until 1774 and then sold It to the Russian empress for £90,000 and a life pension. The item lias been Iu the Russian royal family ever since. Ah it Is now set In the Imperial scep ter of Russia it presents a flattened, rose cut surface and weighs exactly 194Vi carats. Alpaca. In spite of attempts Lo Introduce th* alpaca Into countries away from its na tive habitat, failure has attended them. It Is rarely found below an altitude of 5,000 feet. Its wool la of an exceedingly line luster and qual ity. and occasionally attains a length of six in*'h"s Hawk's Wonderful Sight. A hawk can spy i lark npoa earth almost exactly the same color at 20 times the distance at which it Is per ceptible to a man nr doe A WORD FOR MOTHERS It is a grave mistake for mothers to neg lect their aches and pains and suffer In silence—this only leads to chronic sick ness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves are excitable; if you feel languid, weary or depressed, you should know that Scott's Emulsion overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated form the very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves and build strength. Scott's Is strengthening thousands of mothers—and will help you. Noaloobol. Scott A Bowuc, Bloomfield. If. J. J Sheriff's Sale for October. GEORGIA-Cowbta County: Will be sold before tho Court-house door In New nan, Coweta county. Ga.. on the firHt Tuesday in October next, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best ladder, the following de scribed property, to-wif A cerlain tractor parcel of land lying and be ing in ‘he Fifth district of Coweta county. Ga., containing two acres, more or less, and bounded a* 1 follows: On th»* west by public road leading from Newnan to Palmetto, and extendirg along Raid road 21 rods; on the south by land of Rollin Bledsoe. 17* L* rods: on the east by land of Louisa A. Gibaon estate, extending up and along a gully 21V.. rods; and on the north by land of Louba A. Gibaon estate, 13 rods, more fully de scribed in a deed from Mrs. Sallie G. .Stallings to Waltisr Fed rick, recorded in Book 5, page 481, in office of Clerk of tho Superior Court. Levied on an the property of Allen Federick aad Walter Federick to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Jus tice Court of the 646th district. G. M., in favor of W. A. Fotta vs the said Allen Fedrick and Walter Fcdrick, IWendanta In H. fa. and tenant In pos session notified in terms of the law. Levy made by J. T. Alsabrook. L. C.. and turned over to me. This Sept, 3. 1915. Prs. fee. $6 53. J. D. BREWSTER. Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale, GEORGIA—Coweta County: By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina ry of said c lunty. will be sold before the court house door at Newnan. Ga.. on the first Tuesday in October. 1915. between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and beat bidder, for hahm. the fol lowing described lands, belonging to the estate of I. J- Jackson, late of said county, deceased: Three hundred acres of land, more or leaa, lying and beta* In the Second land district of said coua- On Tuesday and Wednesday September 21 and 22 We will have on display the latest things in FALL MILLINERY. To our friends who have been loyal to us in the past we wish to express our thanks. We are home people, and the money you spend with us is kept at home and spent in Newnan and Coweta county. Come out to the opening. Prices will be as reasonable as could be expected for first-class mil linery. iKra. IGria Afcama The Only EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY Store in Newna., Owned by Newnan People. JL 3IC MONEY ON YOUR COTTON! C, We beg to announce to the farmers of Coweta and adjoining counties that we are prepared to handle their cotton upon very favorable terms and at as small cost as possible to insure safety. Parties wishing to hold their cotton may obtain advances from us up to three-fourths its value, and we will carry it as long as may be desired. Every bale of cotton 6tored with us is fully covered by insurance from the moment it leaves the scales, and, besides, our warehouse is equipped with a patent sprinkler system as additional protection. Our rates are 25c. per bale per month, including insurance. Stprage FREE the first month. Farmers’ Warehouse Co. H. C. ARNALL. Sr., President. J. H. SUMMERS, Manager. II 1 '1 □ 1 ! r —ii ty. and )x?ing all of land lot No. 106, containing two hundred two and one-half (202V-<) acre«. more or less; alar#, one hundred (100) acres of land, more or less, being the went half of lot of land No. 87—bo!h tracts containing in the aggregate three hundred (300j acres of land, rnoro or less. Said lands are all in one body, and bounded as follows: North by W. A. Potts, eant by E. E. Fry and Hill Moore estate, south by G. W, Matthews estate and Mrs. M. A. Fry. and west by C. 8. Colley and W. A. Potta. Said lands are aold for the purpose of paying debts and for distribution among the heira-at-law of said I. J. Jackson, deceased. (Terms of sale- cash. This Sept. 7, 1915 Pra. fee. $7.21. E. B. JACKSON. Administrator estate of I. J. Jackson, deceased. Executor’s Sale. GEORGIA-Cowbta County: By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina ry of anid county, and according to the terras of the will of Thus. Drake, late of said county, de ceased. will be sold before the court-house door at Newnan. aakJ county, on the first Tueedmy in Oc tober. 1915. between the legal hours of sate, to the highest and best bidder, the following lands be longing to the estate of Thos. Drake, late of said county, deceased, and containing in the aggregate about throe (800) hundred acres, more or leas, all in one body, lying and being in the First land district of said Coweta county, and being all of lot of land No. 262. except a few acrea on which Is located what Is known aa the Tho*. Drake old mill, aad GEO. W. FULLER MANUFACTIJKKK OF 67 FIRST AVENUE ’PHONE 475 CONCRETE BURIAL VAULTS. BLOCKS. COPING, TILE, LAWN VASES. NEWNAN, GEORGIA. onn (100) hutidr-H aorea. mor- or Irw. off of lot of land No. 1&7. Said Undn irt bounded u follow,: North by J. A. MrKninht »nd K L. Krwwnnn. aouth by U A. Couch »nd Williams ind F rwnen. mat by E. L Frmmnn. and went by William* nnd WrUtht. Said land* an In a high .tat* of cuKIv*- tioo. and have three settlement* on same the home house and two tenant house*. Kaid lends are add for the purpose of distribu tion among the heirs-at-law of Thos. Drake, lata of said county, deceased. Term* of sale—cash. This Sept. 7. 1915. Pr*. fee. 17.99. J. C. DRAKE. Executor last will aad testament of Tho*. Drake, deceeaed.