The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, October 08, 1915, Image 2

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NEWNAN HERALD NFWNAN, FRIDAY, OCT. 8. \ K * KH I CII' A K A N'l K t» VI lit urn \ f'f lt» « I.ATION • n romti h f‘oNc*iiKMMii>KA i. i»im ritn'T. Official Organ of Coweta County. Ju. F, llntwn. Elite M. C*rp,'ntlT. BROWN <* CARPENTER, KDITOIU) AND 1'UntlfMfKIIP. I*. I'. WINTKH, C or.trfbtitina Editor. COTTON. Within ii week the price of cotton has gone up more than two cents, which nummt aliout $12 11 hule. A most unu- ,ual feature of the advance has been that it has come at the lifginning of the season, and not at the end of it. Of course, the shortness of the pres ent crop, which is now generally real- iz,»d, has had more to do with it than anything else. The most liberal ea- (imate months ago, based upon the re duced acreage and reduced uho of com mercial fertilizers, put the cr ip at 12,- <r)0,000 bales. Nobody believes now that the crop will reach that figure, it is more generally believed that the to- al will not go beyond 10,000,0(10 bales. The world, notwithstanding the war, needs more cotton than the South can make this year, and the deficit will not be met by the surplus brought over from last year. The advance, we believe, is due in part to a normal reaction after the low price Inst year. Cotton has been worth more for twelve months past than it has brought. Only 7 per cent, less cotton was shipped abroad the last cotton year than was shipped the previous year. This must have been fully mode up by what the factories in this country ab sorbed. We rejoice with the farmers that a better day has come; but if we people are deluded into planting a large crop next year to the neglect of other crops the advantage of the present situation will be measurably lost. If the ex periences of the past yonr have taught the farmers of the South anything at all, it has been that independence is to bo achieved only in diversified crops, with plenty of foodstuffs raised at home. Surely, this dearly-bought les son will not be forgotten now. when it is worth so much to the South. Catarrhal Doafncss Cannot Be Cured l»v local application** * . ns they cannot roach the tliHOiiHctl purl Ions tif the oar. There In only ono way to cure eatnrrV nl deafness, and that in by a constitutional rcnukly. Catarrhal deafness ta • nuned hy an ir.tlumed condition of the muenua llnintr of the Eustachian Tube. WIi ii thin tube ih infill mod you have u nmihlinp Hound or Imperfect henrintf. and when it in entirely cloned. deafness i t the result Unless I lie inflammation can he re duced and thW tube restored to its normal condi tion. hominy will be destroyed forever. Many esses of di afness are eauaed by catarrh, which is an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces IImII'm Catarrh Cure uetR through the blood on the mticouM mtrfnei m of (lie system. We will uive One Hundred Dollars for any cnfle of catarrhal deafness that cannot Iw cured hy Hall's Ciflurrh Cure. Circulars free. All druR- y i «tI* * ,r.e. F .i. CHJSNQV & CO.* Toledo, Ohio. New Advertisements. Application for Twelvo Month*’ Support. GEORGIA Cowkta County: The return of the appraisers seMiny apart r waive months' support to the family of llermun K Smith. deeeaMetl. havinjc l»een filed in my of- Hec. all perMouH concerned are ritod to show cmiHe hy the ilrtd Monday in November, 1915, why said application for twelve months' HUpport should not be «rant»*tl. Thin Oct. h. 1915. Pro. fee. $9. I.. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. Application for 12 Months' Support (iEOUGIA- Cowkta County: The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months' HUpport to the family of .1 W. Iloiar. deceit Ned. Imvimr been tiled In my olTlco. all per Aontt concerned are dtid lit ahow cauae hy the flrat Monday In November. 1915. why said application ior I tvelve months'support ahotlld not he granted, thl . 191 Pr» fan. |4I l. A. PERDUE. Ordinary Letters of Administration. GEORGIA- PmvKTA County; lion on the eatate of JewC, CiiUlwell. deccaaed, nil persons com erncvl me inquired to show can «n .sahi Court hy the flrat Monday in November net', if any tlu > can. why said application ahould not la» mauled This Oct I*. 1915 Pro. fee. W. h, A. l'KUIHlK, Ordinary. Li-tl-rs of Administration. CLOKCIA f’uwKiACounty; |l.• m .s. Ilrr l>uvlns iiltpllrs to llo* <%-nrt «,f Ortll- nary uf said count'* for letter* of administration ,<n the entaio »f la\lor Jackson, deceased nil persona cM»n< ermvl ire n tpilrod to show can no in tmd Court hy the find Monday in November next, .f any thev < an. why aaid application ahould not t»e irmnUHl. Thin pet. ii, 1915. I'rs. fw. fS, I . A. PERDUE. Ordinary ly. dnrratwM, **» render in an account of tht-ir d*'* nutririrt *o the UndnuirnH wilhtri th«* time* prv» honlwii by law, properly made out, and all per'on* in«P*bt* , d to raid ewlal** are hereby requested t»» make immediate payment. Tho* OcL r.*r*. |*r*. fee. FI.7'. JOE A. UAMf\ Administrator Notice to Debtora and Creditors GEORGIA Cowkta County: Notice ih hereby Riven to all creditor* of the ••»»- late of Mrr K. K. Summer*, late of paid coun ty, dooi a. *d to render in an urrounf of their de* nutndH to me within the time prescribed by law. properly mode out. and all pcrw»t<H indebted to *hbI deceased are hereby n«iu»*M»*d to mnlo-irnme- dlate payment to the under.ikfrud. Thu* Oct. r *. IOI'i. I’ra. f«e, f.t 7f». C. E. .SUMMERS. Admin tat rat nr. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA—Cowkta County : Notice in hereby aiven to all creditors «*f the i h. late of Mr*, he L. Huniferford, late «if said coun ty, deeafiMcd, *o render in nrcount "f tbair de* rnundn to the tinderiiiirned, properly made out. within ihe time prescribe! by law; and all periona indebted to said eatate are roqucMted to make iin- mudiatc* payment. Thin Oci. ", I91'i. Fra. foe, A';,7r>. K. 11. HUNGERFORD. Administrator, (itaye, Ga. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA Cowkta County: Notice in hereby irivnn ft* nil creditors of the es tate of Warner Hill Smith. Into of Haiti county, de- «••lined, to render In an account of their demands to the undcrsiirned within the time prescribed by luw, properly made ouf; nnd all persons indebted to said deceased sr« her* by reaurMtid to make immediate payment. This Oct. 7. 1915. Prs. fee. A. J* SMITH. Administrator Warner Hill Smith, decoaaod. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEOEUGIA -Cowkta County; Notice in hereby tfiven to all creditors of the es tate of Mrs. Pauline Favor Camp late of aaid county, deceased, to render in account of their demands to Ihe underd(rned, properly made out. within the time prescribed by law and a’l persons Indebted to said eatate are requested to make im mediate payment. This Oct. 4. 1H14. Prn. foe. *i.7f». JOHN D. FAVER. Executor will of Mrs. Pauline Favor Camp. La- (irnnsco, Go. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Cowkta County: Mrs M. T. Pearson, administratrix on the estate of Ii. 11. Pearson, doceanod, having applied to the Court of Onlinnry of said county for leave to sell the lands belonjrini? to said deceased, all per sons concerned are nspiired to show in said Court by the first Monday in November next, if any they can, why said application should not be Krnnted. This Oct. C. 1915. Pro fee, $8. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA • Cowkta County; T. F. Rawls, quardinn of Willie and Jol’. .7. Monran. minors, hnviny npplied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for l»*ave to soil the the lands of said minors, all persons con cerned are required to ahow cause in said Court by the first Monday in November next. If any they can. why said application should not be granted. This Oct. f», 1915. Prs. foe, XI. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA Cowkta County: Mrs. Mavurie P. llowt. administratrix on the es tate of J. W. Hoiur. deceased, having applieil to the Court of Ordinary of Huid county for leave to sell the lands of said deceased, all persons con cerned are required to show cause in said Court by the lirst Monday in November next, if any they can, why said application should not ls» granted. Oc t. 5. HUG. Prs. fee. $:i. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA Cowkta County Joe A. Camp, administrator on the estate of Mattie Teasley Camp, deceased, having ap plied to tho Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to soil the lands belntipinur to the cut a to of mild deceased, all persons eon* erned are required to show onusc in said Court by the first Monday in November next, if any they can, why said appli cation should not be (fronted This Oct. fi, 1915, Prs. fee. Jr-J. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Cowkta County J. A. Davis, administrator on the estate of Mrs. Lucy C. Dun la. deceaucd, having applied to t he Court of Ordinnry of aaid county for leave to sell the lands of said drccaud, all person*i concerned are required t«* show cause in said Court by the lirst Monday in November next, if any they can. why said application should not be y.ranted This Oct. h. 1915. Prs. fee, R I . A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell. UKORMIA Owkta County. C. E Summers, administrator on the estate of Elias E. Summers, deceased, havitur applied to the Court of Onllnary of said county for leave to sell the lumls of said deceased, all persona concerned nre required to show enuse in said Court by the first Monday in November next. If any they cun. why said application ahould not bo granted. This Oct. h. 1911. Prs. fee. fcl. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. ^ Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA Poi.k County: Mrs Hnilah Prather Summers, executrix of the will of D. S. Summers, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands of said deceased, all persons con cerned are r« quired to hIiow cause In said Court by the lirst Monday in November next, if any they can, why said application should not bo (fronted. This Oct. 5, 1915, Pro. fee, $:t L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Cowkta County: Mrs. Hoxie H. McDonald, administratrix on th«- estate of J. Y. McDonald, deceased, huvintf ap plied to thr Court of Ortiinary of said county for leave to sell the lands of said deceased, nil portions concerned are required to .how cause in said Court by the first Monday in November next, if any they can. why aaid application should not be granted. This Oct. 5. 191 ’’rs fee, f;l, L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA Cowkta Countv ; T. !•' Rawls euardine ..t' Ida Onlhn Sima. Oa- *m Sima ant! Robert .1. Stun, having applied to v I'oiiit of Ordinary <>f said county fei litters . f diamission from hia -ui»l trout, all persons con- cerned are r**qnircd to how cam e in said Court hy the firet Monday in November next, if any they . an. why aaid application should not he granted. This Oct. •. 191 \ I'rs. fee. &t. I. A. PERDUE. Ortiinary. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA Cowkta County: T F. Raw Is, administrator on the nutate of Mr*. Klim belli Wimiom. deceased. having applied to the Court of Onllnary of said county for letters of dis mission from hi* aaid truat, all p* nnina c 'ncormnl 4re rcquiml toaho * cauae in aaid Court by the flrat Monday in November next, if any they can. why --»kl application should not i»c Rrantixi. Tbit* Octo- U*r • lylO. Prs. f»s*, Sit. L A. I'EKOUK. Ordinary- Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA Cowkta County: T. V. K;:w Is. administrator on the estate i»f ,1. F. Williams. d< crust'd, huving applied to the Court Ordinars 11 aid county for lattora of dia- mifoiion from hi** said tnisl. all pemmi concerned nrx' reuuinsl to allow cause in aaid Court hy the first Monday in November next, if any they . an. why :oird appheation should not be irmnttki. This Oct. c . U»lo. l'r \ foe. (S L. A. i*KKnUK. Ordinary Letters of Dismission. C.EORC.IA -Cow eta County : T K. Rawls, administrator on the estate of Mrs. Nettie Mfi.-r dtcpaacd. Iihvinp applied to th*' C-ourf of Ordinary of said county for letter* of I ism i sxnii from hia aaid truat. All persons con- .-ciTied ore ’M|uireti to ahow cauae in said Court tiv the lirst Monday in Ni*vemtH*rnext, if any they *an why aaid application should not bo *frant4nl. This iJet. VjKi. Pro. fi*o. (X 1. A. PFROl-F. Onlinnry Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEtJKGIA Cowkta Cuunty: Notice is hereby irtven to all mditow of the ea- aloof Mattie Tcuslcy Cfiitt|*.Ute of said coun- Tax Notice ’he city tax books will be open at the City Clerk’s otTicc Oct. I, 1915, for the collection of all property tax. Hooks close Dec. 1. J. 1\ SHACKELFORD, Sept. 15, 1915. City Clerk. Administrator’s Sale, GEORCIA-Cowkta County: Und.-r *nd by vtrtnpof un nrd,*r by the Omrt of Ordinnry of imiil county !, hh the ndmin- letmtnr of the eatnte of Mre. Willie ft, flrndley. HecsufteH. will sell before the court-house divir in Newnnn, (is,, on the lirfit Tuesday in Now mber, 191b. to tin* hishe.t and l,rHt bidoer, the following xhnrenof stock in tho Newnan Cotton Mills. Now- nan. (la., to wit; Five hare* u the capital Hiock of the Newnan Cotton Milla of the par value of ono hundred tflbO) dnllap: each. Sold for the payment af debts of said deceased. Terms of aalo—cash. This Oct. T. 191:; I'm. foe, fd 31. L. f*. NEILL.. Adininislrator of estate of Mrs. Willio it. lirnd- ley, deceasfsi. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. In tho District Court of tho United States for the Northern District of Georsria. No. in Bankruptcy. In n* Oiionr S Fincher, Bankrupt: To the creditors of the above-named person of Newnan, Go.. R. F. D , In tho county of Coweta and district aforeaaid. a bankrupt: Notice ia hereby (riven that on the tth davof Oc tober. 1915. th<-aaid person was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that th« first meeting of creditors will be held :vt the Court-house in Newnan, Ga.. on Get. 1H. 1915, at 9 o'cloek a. in., at which time the said credltora may attend, prove their claims, appoint, a trustee, examine tho bankrupt and trananct such other buainesi} as may properly come before uuid meeting. ALVAN I). FREEMAN. ^ Referee in Bankruptcy. Newnan. Ga.. Oct. fi, 1915. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA Cowkta County. W. B. Evans, adminiatrnt>>rnn tin* n>tute of Ma linin lOvans. ilwi»s»(tl. havinu applied to the Cimrt • »f t>r«iiuary of «aid county for leave to sell the lands htdunirintr to the i*rttnt»* uf -aid ilecea «ed, all pereona cunt’ermvi am iciiuin i to show- euuse in said Court hy the first Mondnv in November next, if any they can. w' y aaUl npplii-ation should not Ik* ifrantnl. This Oct, 5. l'»i; ( j*r» fee. $3. 1. A. PERDUE Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA Cowkta County; II. H. Kemp, administrator on the estate of GtH'W Bridges, deceaseil. havitur applied tt* the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands bclonviina to the estate of Haiti deceased, all persona concern(«d are ruiuirtNi tt --how cause in wild Court hy tht* first Monday in Nov* mber next, if any they can. why said application should not be cmntcdx This Oct. 5. 1915. Prs. fee. $;t. I. A. PERDUE Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Cowkta County: T. E. Hubert, administrator on tho estate of Mrs. M. A. Hubert, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of .-aid county for leave to sell the lands of said deceased, all persons con cerned are required to show cause in s »id Court by the tirat Monday in November next, if any they can, why *nul applies!ion should not be Krranteil. This Oct. s. 1915 Prs. fee. fcl L. A. PERDU E. Ordinary. Administrator's Saie. GEORGIA 11 akai: os County: By virtue of an nnlcr of the Court of Ordinary of said county, granted at the January term. 1919. will la* sold before the court-house d»or in New nan. Coweta county. t‘.a.. on tho first Tuesday in November. 1915. next, within the leiral hours • t sale, the follow injr property, to-w it Six shares in the Newnan Cotton Mills, par value SUM each Sold ford* sttdbut ion amonir tin h»iro-at-law of Mrs. H. M. Jones deceased, late of Hamilton county. Go. Terms Thirty davs. Prs. fee.$iU5, R. G. JONES. Administrator of Mrs H. M. Jones, deceased. Valuable Farm for Sale. Unleu previously diatK>st\I of at private sttle. I will sell on the first Tuesday in November. 1915. to the highest bidder for cash, the fellowinir de scribed property, ti*-wit: One hundred and thirteen sen s of land, three- quarters of a miles northeast of Bexton. Two *- room houses—one pl»HUr.d. the other ceded. Barn and outhouses on each place Thirty acre.- fresh new ground. acres woodland. Two icood postures nnd two branches. All or part cash, to «uit purchaser. A. S. YOUNG. R. F. D. No. 6, New nan, Ga. Administrator’s Sale. GHORGIA-—Coweta County: Hy virtue of ail order from the court of ordinary of said county, will be sold before the court house door in Newnan. Ga., on the first Tuesday in November. 191f», to the highest and best bidder for cash, the follow ing real estate belonging to the es tate of Jas. M. Bridges, late of said county, deceased: One hundred and one and one-quar- ter (lOIVi) acres of land, more or less, situate, lying and being in the Raymond militia district, originally second land district of said county, and being tho north half of lot of land No. SI. and bounded as follows: North, oast and south by J. H. Neely, and west by P. C. Neely. Sold for distribution " among the heirs-at-law oC said Jas. M. Bridges, deceased. Terms of snle CASH. This Oct. 5, 1015. U. H. NOBTH, Administrator de bonis non on estate of Jas. M. Bridges, deceased. Executor’s Sale. CilCOUGIA Coweta County. Under and by virtue of the terms of I lie last will and testament of Alary M. Bridges, late of said county, deceased. !, as the executor of said yy ill, will sell before the court house door in the city of Newnan, Ga., un the first Tuesday in November, 1915, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder, the following described binds and bank stock be longing to I he estate of said Mary M. Bridges, deceased, to-wit: One bouse and lot in the town of Sbarpsburg, Ga., said lot containing one acre, more or less, and being the residence of deceased at the time of her death, and at present occupied by T. A. Bridges. Also, five shares of the capital slock of Ihe Sliarps- burg Banking Company, of the par value of sixty dollars per share. Sold for the purpose of distribu tion among the legatees of said Mary M. Bridges, deceased. Terms of salo— cash. This Oct. r>, I9ir>. H. H. NORTH, Kxecutor of the last will and testa ment of Mary M. Bridges, de ceased. Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA—Coweta County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary, granted at the October term, 1904. of said Court, I will sell before the court-house door in New nan, Ga., on the first Tuesday in No vember, 1915, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bid der, for cash, the following real es- tate lying and being in the original Second (now Orantville) district of said State and county, and belonging to the estate of Mrs, Emory O. Mead ows, deceased, to-wit: Fifty acres of land, more or less, of lot No. 216, bounded on the north and east by lands of J. U Morris, on the south by the "State Road" and right-of-way of the Atlanta & West Point railway and lands of Mrs. M. A. Hilbert estate and on the west Ity lands of Mrs, S. R. Hayes and Airs. M. A. Hubert estate. Sold for payment of debts and for distribution among heirs-at-law. i Terms ol* sale CASH. This Oct. 1, 1915. ISAAC II MEADOWS, \dministra1or of estate of Mrs. Emo ry o. Meadows. Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA Coweta County. By virtue of an order of the court, of ordinary for said county, granted tit the October term, 1915, the under signed, as adininislrator upon the es tate of Warner Hill Smith, late of Coweta county, deceased, will sell at the court house in Newnan, said coun ty and state, on the first Tuesday In November, 1915, between the usual hours of sale, tit public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate belonging to said estate of Warner Hill Smith, to-wit: All the south half of lot of land No. 14. situate, lying and being in the original Eleventh (now Lutherville) district of Meriwether county, Ga., containing one hundred and one and one-fourth 1101 ) acres, more or less -the same being the place deeded to Collie J. Smith by L. H. Colley, ad ministrator of the estate of B. R. Smith, and which said deed is of rec ta <1 in clerk’s office, Meriwether coun ty C.i , In Peed Book 4, page 465. ref- eteme to which is had. This Oct. 5, 1915. A. J. SMITH, Administrator of the estate of War ner Hill Smith. Administrators' Sale. GEORGIA -Coweta County. By virtue of an order from the court of ordinary of I'll lien county, Ga., will be sold before the court house door in Newnan, Ga., on the first Tuesday in November. 1915. between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for CASH, the follow ing described lands, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Sul lie J. O'Kelley, late of Fulton county, deceased, to-wit: Three hundred and seventy-five Norris’ Exquisite Candies always have fresh, pure CandieS 4 K r-sR ctri* When you buy Norris’ Exquisite Candies from us you get the best candy that is to be had at any price. We keep it in refrigerator display case and it is always fresh. The quality is the best and the package the most attractive to be had. It is pure and wholsome. Every package is guaranteed to please. Norris’ Candy makes a nice gift—and appreciated, too « J. F. Lee Drug Co. Prompt Delivery | ^ OTT/^\]VT|7Q I Norris’ Candies Efficient Service | ~ -F AlVyi X £Lk3 UO | Dahl’s Cut Flowers acres of land, more or less, lying aud being in the Grantville District, the said land being parts of lots Nos. 233, 234 and 235, ail in one body and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Homer Ector and Mrs. C. A. Burks, on the south by lands of Mrs. S. E. Leigh and John W. Smith, on the east by lands of Ohas. Bradbury and Mrs, C. U. Barnett, ami on the west by lands of Mrs. R. W. Miller and T. M. Todd. The said land will be sold in lots containing 50 and 60 acres each, for the purpose of paying debts anti for distribution among the heirs-at-law of said Mrs. Sallie J. O’Kelley, deceased. Terms of sale- -cash. This October 6th, 1915. C. D. & R. H. O’KELLEY, Administrators. Executor's Sale G EO RGI A—Coweta County. Under the authority contained in the will of Elizabeth Worthen, deceas ed. anti in compliance with the direc tions therein contained, l will sell lie- fore the court house door in Newnan, Ga.. between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November, 1915, the following portions of the estate of said Elizabeth Worthen, to- wit: Twelve and two-tenths acres of land in the southwest corner of the north half of lot of land No. 138 in the Sec ond land district of Coweta comity, Ga., commencing 3S links east of north and south line between lots Nos. 138 and 139, run east, along the south line of said northern half to a rock corner 11.92 chains, thence north 10.70 chains to road, thence westerly along road to dividing line between lots Nos. 138 and 139, thence south to starting point 9.80 chains. Also, 94.06 acres, in the southern part of lot No. 139, in said county and dis trict. commencing at the southwest corner of said lot No. 139 at a rock corner, run east 44.68 chains to southeast corner of said lot, thence north 21.92 chains to the middle lot, thence westerly 22.37 chains, thence north 1.37 chains to public road, thence westerly along road to west line of lot, thence south along said west line 16.40 chains to starting point. Terms of sale CASH. This October 6th, 1915. P M. VVALTOM, Executor of Elizabeth Worthen. Sheriff’s Sales for November. GEORGlA—Cowkta County: Will tx’sold before the Court-houae door in New- min, Coweta county. Ga.. on the first Tuesday in November next, between the leiral hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder, the following de scribed property, to-wit- A certain house and lot in the town of Haralson. Coweta county. Ga.. and which lo» is on town lots Nos. 'A'th and ’ill*, eor.talnimr acres, more or less, unit bounded as follows: On the north by S. A t tester. Ben J. Taj lor and Geo. Hodne't, on the east by pub ic road, and on the south and west by Mrs, M. J. Estes—said house nnd lot le-infr now in possession of the defendant. J. B Wood. t.eJ iedon as property of J. B. Wood to -ntisfy a ft. fa. issued from the City Court uf Newnan in fuvor of II <3, beraega and C. V. Miller, administrators uf ueo. Wooster, d ceased, vs J. B. Wood and \v. O. Herndon. Defendants in fi fa. notified in n.nna of the taw. This Sent. fiO tbl5. i’rs feo. $5 IS Also, at the same time and place, parts of Infs Nos. J and fi. in section 2o, in the city of Semite, and bounded as follows- On the north by Johnson street, on the east by J W. ArnslI. on the south b> street running by A., tt. & A. depot, and on the west by right-of-way of A , l: & A. railroad, said lots containing one acre, more or less, togeth er with improvemerts thereon. Levied on as r.he property of C. G. Tinsley sod W. C. Ti-sley to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from City Court of Newnan In fttmr of Arnall rtros Lumber Co vs the said C. G Tins'ev nnd W. C. Tinsley. Defendants in fi. fa. notified in terms of the low. This Oct. 5. ItflL. Prs, fee, #i.d$. Also, at the same time and p!uc». a part of the old John W. Powell plan-, situated in Newnan. Ca., and Loundel au follows: Commence at a point on tho south line of Klmwood avenuo where it crosses the line of Tulip street, (which is an ex tension of Carmieal street.) and run east along the said uouth line of Elmwood avenue Ififi feet, thence south 188 feet, thence west lfifi feet to said Tulip street, thoney north along the east line of said Tulip street t&7 feet to beginning point. Levied on us the nroperty of Mrs S. C. Odom nnd J. D. Odom to satisfy a fi fa. issued from the Jus tice Court of the Llfiilth district. G. M., in favor of A. B. Cates vs. tho said Mrs. S. C. Odom and J. D, Odom. Defendants in fi. fa. notified in terms of tho law. This Oct. 0. 1915. Prs fee. $6.23. J. D. BREWSTER, Sheriff. Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA—Coweta County. E’y virtue of aai order from the court of ordinary of said county, will be sold before the court house door in Newnan, Ga., on the first Tuesday in November, 1915, between the le gal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder, the following lands be longing to the estate of T. A. Brown, late of said county, deceased, to- wit: One hundred and forty (140) acres of land, being parts of lota Nos. 150 and 169—the home lot—bounded on the north by Eliza Brown place, on the east by J. A. Davis and J. C. Gibson place, on the south by Mrs. L. C. Davis estate, and on the west by Freeman Hall Jind Brown Bros. Also, one hundred and seventy (170) acres of land, more or less, off of lot No. 149, hounded on (he north by Mrs. L. C. Davis estate, on the east by lands of T. A. Brown es tate, on the south hy Q. W. Davis estate, on the west by Brown Bros, and Mrs. C. B. Newman. Also, fifty-four (54) acres of land, more or less, being paj-t of lot No. 146, bounded on the north hy J. A. Davis, on the east by R. H. Ware, on the south by Hubbard lands, and on the west by Mrs. L. C. Davis estate and T. A. Brown estate. All of the above described lands are situated and located in the fourth land district of said Coweta county, Ga, and contain in the aggregate three hundred and sixty-four (364) acres of land, more or less. Sold for the purpose of paying debts, and for distribution among the heirs-at-law of said T. A. Brown, de ceased. TERMS OF SALE—CASH. This Oct. 4, 1915. R. H. WARE, I Administrator on Estate of T. A. Brown, deceased. Executor’s Sale of City Property. \ GEORGIA - Coweta County: I By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, granted at the March term, 1914, of said court, I will sell at public outcry, before the court house door in the city of Newnan, said county, on the first Tuesday in Novem ber, 1915, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: A certain house and lot in the city of Newnan, Coweta county, Ga., fronting on Temple avenue, and being lot No. 104 in the plan of said city, and being 68 feet and 8 inches, more or less, on Temple av- - enue, and the west line of same being 142 feet and 10 inches, more or less, to Fair street, and 78 feet, more or less, on said Fair street, and the east line being 121 feet and 8 inches, more or less. Also, a vacant lot lying immediately west of the foregoing lot. fronting 45 feet ' and 6 inches, more or less, on Temple avenue, and being lot No. 106 in the plan of said city, the east line of which is the west line of the foregoing lot, and being j 142 feet and 10 inches, more or less, to said Fair street, and 52 feet more or less, on said Fair street, and the west line from Fair street to Temple avenue being 157 feet and 7 inches, more or less, lit the southwest corner of the lot is a barn. Also, a certain city lot lying west of the last-named vacant lot. and being lot No. 108 in the plan of said city, and fronting 58 feet and 10 inches, more or less, on Temple avenue, and running back to Fair street, and being 56 feet, more or less, on said Fair street, and the east line of which is 157 feet and 7 inches, more o: less, and the west line is 175 feet, more or less. On this lot is a small dwelling- house. Also, a certain city lot, fronting on said Temple avenue 160 feet, more or less, and running south along the street be tween the lot herein described and the old Fair Grounds 190 feet, more or less; thence east 130 feet, more or less; thence north 185 feet, more or less, to Temple avenue, and being a part of land lot No. 39. On this lot are located two negro cabins.^ ’ J. C. Jackson. Executor H. F. Saxon, deceased Administrator’s Sale. Sale of R. M. Young Property. GEORGIA—Coweta County: By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, granted at the August term, 1913, of said Court, will be sold before the court-house door in the city of Newnan, Ga., be tween the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November, 1915, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing property belonging to the es tate of R. M. Young, late of said coun ty, deceased, to-wit: TRACT NO. 1. Begin at the northwest corner of lot of land No. 159, and run east along the original north line of said lot 18.80 chains to a rock corner in the old road: thence south in a straight line to Little Whiteoak creek; thence southwesterly along said creek with i f s meanderings to where said creek strikes the west line of lot of land No. 159 ; thence north to said beginning point at said northwest corner of --at' 1 lot No. 159. Begin again at said north west corner of said lot No. 159 anu run north 11.57 chains; thence west j 10.50 chains, to a certain road leading I to the Gordon road; thence southwes terly along said road, leading to said Gordon road, to where said roan leading to said Gordon road, m- | tersects with a certain road leading from the Moreland road to the Gea I Young place; thence south 2a.i- chains to the line between lots V>s- 15S and 159: thence east to the orig inal west line of said lot No. thence north along the original west line of said lot No. 159 to said begin ning point at said north corner ’< said lot No. 159, said two tracts jits' last hereinabove described to van - I prise said tract No. 2, and contain in all 70.36 acres, more or less. TRACT NO. 2. Begin at the southwest corner ut' of land No. 159 and run east a>" n {? the south line of said lot No. 159 ■ 1 • ' chains: thence north 15.38 cnaiL-. thence west 20.69 chains; then e north to Little Whiteoak ere thence along said creek, with ■ : meanderings to a point when- -w creek crosses the west line of lot •> 1 159; thence along said line to tne ’ ginning point—containing in the - gregate 86.66 acres, more or less, of the southwest portion of lot 159. , , Terms—CASH. Possession Jan *- 1916. This Oct. 1, 1915. r J. W. COLL. Administrator on estate R. M. You 1 ’-- deceased.