The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, October 15, 1915, Image 7

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%rm&n CUi&nfayn Is it possible there is a woman in this country who con tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer ing among women than any other one medicine in the world? We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub- ished in the interest of any other medicine for women— and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen uine and true. Here are three never before published: From Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. 1. Providence, R, I.—“ For the benefit of women who suffer as I havo done I wish to state what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound done for me. I did some heavy lifting and the doctor said it aused a displacement. I have always been weak and I overworked after my baby was born and inflammation set in, then nervous pros- :ration, from which I did not recover until I had taken Lydia E. Pink- La m’s Vegetable Compound. The Compound is my best friend and when I hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to induce her to take your medicine.”-Mi's. S. T. Richmond, 190 Waldo Street, Providence, R. I. A Minister’s Wife Writes: pain hi the same to all that are troubled with these complaints.”—All’s. Jen nie Akkrman, e/o Rev. K. Aker man, Cloquet, Minnesota. From Mrs. J. D. Murdoch, Quincy, Mass. South Quincy, Mass.—The doctor said that I had organic t rouble and he doctored me for a long time and I did not get any relief. I saw Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound ad- vertised and I tried it and found relief before 1 had gj] finished the first bottle. I continued taking it all through middle life and am now a strong, healthy woman and earn my own living.”—Airs. Jane D. Murdoch, 25 Gordon St., South Quincy, Mass. to LYDIA E. PINK HAM MEDICINE CO. (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS.,foradvice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. H. E. MILL USE COMPANY "The Store That Underbuys.” Look at this list and see if you are going to need any of these items. Canned Goods Potted Ham. Vienna Sausage. Pork and Beans. Salmon. Sardines. Tomatoes. Corn. Pineapple. Oysters. For Mules and Horses No. 2 White Oats. Green Cross Feed. Mogul Feed. For Hogs and Cows Pure Shorts. Bran and Shorts. Pure Bran. For Wrapping Cotton New Arrow Ties. New Bagging. Second-hand Bagging and Ties. For Building Nails. Barbed Wire. “RINGLEADER” FLOUR. “Ringleader” is the best dour on the market to day. You may pay more money for your tlour, but you don’t get a better erade. W hen you eat “Ring leader” you eat the best. “The Store That Undersells.” H. C. MILL MERCHANDISE COMPANY Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the es- ’ate of Warner Hill Smith, late of said county, de- •••eaaed, to render in an account of their demands to the undersigned within thp time prescribed by 4 ®w, properly made out: and all persons indebted to aaid deceased are hereby requested to make “^mediate payment. This Oct. 7. 1915. Prs. foe, *3-76. A. J. SMITH, Administrator Warner Hill Smith, deceased. GEORGIA- Coweta County: Notice is hereby given to all creditor! of the es tate of I. J. Jackson, late of w»kd county, de ceased, to rend* r in an account of their demands to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law. property made out; and all persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make imme diate payment. This Sept. 17.19*0. Prs. fee, $3.76. E. B. JACKSON. Administrator. Sign* of Pain. It In (lldlmlt lo estimate Ihe tltgree of j>n!n, but there arc curtain signs of suffering which arc unmistakable— the pinched features, the knotted brew, the '-oiling ey i s with w idely diluted pupils, the ashen countenance, the cool and clammy skin, the thready pulse, the Increased blood pressure, the hands alternately clenched and opened, the erieH and groans and the bodily contortions. All these present a difinite picture with which every experienced physician or nurst is familiar. Just a Hint. "Now. men," said the genial em ployer, ns his hands clustered round him at the breakfast hour, "ibis is the election, and 1 hope you are all going to vote. Now, I'm not going to tell who ray favorite candidate is. Ev ery one of you is to he entirely free to vote as he thinks best. But do you see that big barrel of beer over in the corner? Well, that barrel won't be opened unless X gets In." Why Hq Hadn't. "Why is it." asked the poet's wife's neighbor, "that jour husband never dedicatee any of his books to you? Nearly every post who has a wife dedi cates at h ast one hook to her." "Oear me! I'm glad you called my attention to it. 1 most look at his hooks some time, and if what you say is true I shall never forgive him."—Tit-Bite. Slap at Chicago Culture. MiBB Ritta—"Aren't you fond of dia lect poetry, Mr. Drostbeeph?" Mr. Drestbeeph (of the Chicago Browning society)—"Well, James Whitcomb Riley and Eugene Field do very well; but I tame across some poems by a fellow named Chancer the other uay, and he carried it too far."—Life. More Important Thing. The latest estimate places the age of the earth at 100,000.000 yeara. How ever, the age of the earth Isn’t half as important to some men as the age of the liquor they consume. Giant Leaves. The leaf of the coeoanut tree is nearly thirty feet long: while a single leaf of the parasol magnolia of Ceylon will shelter fifteen to twenty persons. The Colds of Mankind Cured By Fines ! Have you ever gone through a typi cal pine forest when you had a . old? What a vigorous impulse it sent! How you open wide your lungs to take in those invigorating and mysterious qualities. Yes, Dr. Belt’s I’ine-Tar- Honey possesses those stimulating qualities and overcomes hacking coughs. The inner lining of the throat is strengthened in its attack against cold germs. Every family needs a bottle constantly at hand. 25c. There is a demand for good boys. The boy who is honest, earnest and in dustrious, will not be long out of a job. There are lots of prosperous busi ness men, merchants and mechanics who are constantly on the lookout for good boys. They do not look for them on the streets, however, but in some sort of employment. They have no use for an idle boy. He is apt to make an idle man. AGED TAX COLLECTOR Be stored To Health By Vinol Corinth. Miss. — " I am a city tax col lector and seventy-four years of age. I was in a weak, run-down condition. My druggist told me about Vinol- I tried it and in a week noticed consider able improvement; I continued its use and now I have guined twenty pounds in weight, and feel much stronger. I con sider Vinol a fine tonic to create strength for old people."—J. A. Price. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all run-down, weak and debilitated conditions. JOHN R. CATES DHUG CO.. Newnun, G». Watch Your Children Often children do not let parents know they are constipated. They fear some thing distasteful. They wiU like Rexall Orderlies—a mild laxative that tastes like sugar. Sold only by us, 10 cents. John R. Cates Drug Co. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA —Haralson County: By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county. granted at the January term, 1013. wiM be Bold before the court-houBe door in Sew- nan, O/weta county, Ga., on the first Tueoday in November. 1915. next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Six shares in the Newnan Cotton Mills, par value $100 each. Sold for distribution among the heirs*at-law of Mm. H. M. Jones, deceased, late of Haralson county. Ga. Term«—Thirty days. Prs. fee, W. 18. H. G. JONES. Admin jut rotor of Mrs. H. M. Jones, deceased. Tax Notice The city tax books will be open at the City Clerk’s office Oct. 1, 1915, for the collection of all property tax. Books close Dec. 1. J. P. SHACK ELFOR D, Sept.L 15, 1915. City Clerk. Fulghum Improved Seed Oats. Recleaned and put up in nice 5-bushel sacks at. $1 per bushel, f, o. b. .Moreland, < la. Write for special price on lots of .50 bushels or more. For sale by E. N. CAMP, Moreland, Ga. LOOK OUT FOR COLDS-CATARRH Don't let this Winter bring to you the annoyance of Catarrh and suffering which every man and woman who is afflicted with this disease, has cause to dread. Cause fee Complaint. A quiet little Chicago )u<l server as altar boy at the family ohurch on ter- talu days of the week, lie 1ms been attending rather oftetit r itian usual ol late, ami his mu'.her recently Inquired the reason, adding that he seemed to her to he doing the work of bin.self ami Ills comrade. "So 1 arm Brum- bled the boy sharply, "but I cat l help It. That darned hid always ditches Ills dates!" Politeness |(| Rewarded. "A man kin he It o polite bp' oblig in'," said Uncle llhc p. "( Knott a man dat stood wlfom kickin' while his wife dressed him up In s fancy loungin’ cj'at an' a gorgeous necktie an' a smok in’ cap. Ben site inspected hint an’ decided (1st she couldn't live nif such a lookin’ uiau. nohow.” Are You One? Anyone ran begin a thing, most peo ple can finish one already begun, hut those who can always be depended upon to go straight ahead from start to finish are few ami far between. Diversified Humanity. Rome men are hammers; others an vils, hut most of us are mere bel lows.— Philadelphia Ledger. Administrator's Sale. OKOftGlA- -Coweta County: By virtue of an order from the court of ordinary of said county, will be sold before the court house door in Newnan, tin., on the first Tuesday in November, 1915, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the follow ing real estate belonging to the es tate of Jas. M. Bridges, late of said county, deceased: One hundred and one and one-qtiar- tcr 001*4) acres of land, more or less, situate, lying and being in the Raymond militia district, originally second land district of said county, and being the north half of lot of land No. 81, and bounded as follows: North, eAst and south by J. H. Neely, and west by 11. C. Neely. Bold for distribution among the heirs-at-law of) said Jas. M. Bridges, deceased. Terms of sale—CASH. This Oct. 5, 1915. H. 11. NORTH, Administrator de bonis non on estate of Jas. M. Bridges, deceased. Firsl of all remember. If you will corlinue to suffer with Catarrh. It Is your own fault. Catarrh Is worse In Winter because the most common plsce precautions against germs and contaminations are neglected. We go to stuffy theatres and Inhale over and over again vitiated and germ-laden air. We sit In over heated rooms, neglect exercise, exclude fresh air because it's cold, and in a hundred ways do everything possible to assist in the ravages of a disease that Is al ready making tremendous progress to wards a complete sapping of vitality. It is small wonder that Winter brings additional annoyance lo Catarrh suf ferers. The nostrils, reasonably free In summer, are easily stopped up by the Inflammation of the tender membrane, and the phlegm and secrefiona which (Minot readily flow, aggravate the delicate lining of the throat and poi son the system. Hawking and spitting liecomes more frequent. In fact, Ca tarrh is not only a nuisance, danger and annoyance to the afflicted, hut a eonlinoed menace to everybody. Any one who comes In contact with Ca tarrhal germs, expectorated or ex haled in stuffy rooms, poorly venti lated Iheanes or cars, may contract the disease They’ll think they Imve Sherifi's Sales for November. GEORGIA - Cowi;ta County: Will lx- sold 1* fere the Court-house iloor In New- non. Coweta county. Ca., on the first Tuesday In November next, ltetween the legal hours of rude, to the highest and tieel bidder, the following do- scribed property, to-wit: A certain house unit lot in the- town of Haralson, Coweta county. Co., amt which let is on town lots Noe. JtiS and :gt!». containing tt.Sti acres, morn or less, and bounded as follows: On th« north by R, A. Venter, pen J. Taylor and (tea lhsinelt, on the east by public read, anil on the south uud west hy M r«, M. J. EhIph—Hatd house and lot bving now in poHNOBBionof the defendant, J. B. Wood. Levied on an property of J. B. Wood to HHtinfy a fi. fa. iiutued from the City Court of Newnan in favor of II. G, Scrogga and C. V. Miller, adndniRtratorH of Geo. Wood ter* dc canned, vh. J. H. Wood and W. O. Herndon. Defendantn in fi. fa. notified in forma of the law. Thin Sept. JO, 1915. Prs. fee, $5.58. Also, at the name time and place, ports of lotn Non. 2 and 3, in woction 25, in tho city of Sonoin. and bounded ns follow»: On the north hy Johnnon ntreet, on the. cant hy J W. Arnall. on the nouth by ntreet running by A., It. & A. depot, and on taken cold, but it, in more likely that this Insidious waster of strength and vigor has hastened Itaolf upon them. They will soon know the Catarrhal headache, tho disagreeable closing of air pnHHHgen, they may And It attack ing the bones of the nose, the tissues of the ear, resulting in deafne»H, the loss of amell, for no part of a body iH Recure from the ravages of Ca tarrh. Catarrh makes you sick all over. It is a disease of the blood. It cirrulalPH through the system, and for this reason sprays, washes, vapour* and salves must be failures in curing it. You can relieve Catarrh thoroughly and permanently. S. 8. 8. will cleanse the blood, relieve unhealthy secre tions, reduce the membraneous swell ing. It will literally wash the blood free from tho poison. S. 8. 8. goes di rectly to the source of trouble, en- ricbes, while It. cleanses the blood. It Is a wonderful tonic invigorator. Writ© us particulars of your case snd let our physicians help you get rid of this stubborn anti dangerous malady. Our physicians are trained specialists; their services cost you nothing. We will take pleasure in answering ques tions. S. S. 8. 1h for sale, at drug stores. Refuse Imitations. Write the Swift Specific Company, Medical De partment, Room 16, Atlanta, Ga. the went by right-of-way of A., H. & A. railroad. »nid lotn containing one acre, mure or Ichh. togeth- er with improvements thereon. Levied on as tho property of C. G, Tinsley and W. C. Tinsley to Batinfy a fi. fn. issued from City Court of Newnun in favor of Arnall Bros. Lumber Co. vs the said C. G. Tinsley and VV. C. Tinsley. Defendants in fi. fn. notified in terms of the luw. This Oct. 5, 1916. Prs, fee. $4.08. Also, at the same lime and place, n part, of tho old John W. Powell place, situated In Newnan. Ga., nnd bounded as follows: Commence at a point on the south line of Elmwood avenue where it croeHOs the lino of Tulip street, (which is an ex tension of Camden! street-,) and run east along the said south lino of Elmwood avenue 135 feet, thence nouth 188 feet, thence west 135 feet to said Tulip street, thence north along the east lino of said Tulip street. 197 foot to beginning point. I*evie<l on an the property of Mrs. S. C. Odom and J. D. Odom to satisfy n fi. fa. issued from the Jus tice Court of the 1139th district. G. M.. in favor of A. II. Catos va. the said Mrs. S. C. Odom and J. D. Odom. Defendants in fi. fa. notified in terms of the law. This Oct. I*. 1915. Prs. fee, $6.23. J. D. BREWSTER. Sheriff. U r "" ii iir~-—ini ti ii MONEY ON YOUR COTTON! C. We beg to announce to the farmers of Coweta and adjoining counties that we are prepared lo handle their cotton upon very lavorable lerms and at as small cost as possible to insure safety. Parties wishing to hold their cotton may obtain advances from us up to three-fourths its value, and wc will carry iL as long as may be desired. Every bale of cotton stored with us is fully covered by insurance from the moment it leaves the scales, and, besides, our warehouse is equipped with a patent sprinkler system as additional protection. Our rates are 25c. per bale per month, including insurance. Storage FREE the first month. • I Farmers’ Warehouse Co. “| H. C. ARNALL, Sr., President. J. H. SUMMERS, Manager. il Hi ill im ~n —Jl—J ir ii ir KABO “THE LIVE MODEL CORSET- lieu—idznrz^i Try to Remember This The very next time you are in this store, ask see among the other things, our new models of KABO "The Live Model Corset" There is a model among them that will give you more style, poise and ease than any corset you have ever worn. The fitting of these corsets on live models means tFat every style and comfort feature have been combined—that the one is not sac rificed for the other. This will be good news to you, for you may now have that smart, youthful appearance w hich every woman dreams to acquire. Each Kabo is guaranteed not to rust, break nor tear, and the prices are $1 to $5. Real value-giving is our first consideration; it permeates every department of this store. “Kabo Means Good” II. c. GLOVER CO. ~ll II II iH 111 Ol Jl—~1[—?.