The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, November 19, 1915, Image 7

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r newnan herald NEWNAN. FRIDAY, NOV. 19, Played Too Rough. Kansas City Star. A negro in a Southern town had been condemned to die. The day of the hanging came and Raatua was taken to the scaffold in the cburt-house yard. The hood was slipped over his head and the noose adjusted. , Just as the sheriff was about to spring the trap a cry of “Fire!” wbb heard, and smoke was seen coming from the court- house windows. The officials and spectators, forgetting their taBk, rushed to help fight the blaze. Any way, RastuB was tied and could not es cape. During the fire another negro wan dered into the court-house yard and passed the scafford. He thought he rec ognized a familiar form standing on it and proceeded to find out. “Hello, dar! Is dat you, RaBtus?” “I’se Rastus.’’ "What is you doin’ on dat flatform?” “I’se a movin’ pictur’ actor now, Sam.” "A movin’ pictur’ actor?” "Yas, sah; a movin’ pictur’ actor.” “Is movin’ pictur’ actin’ hard work, Rastus?” “It's softer dan eatin’ watermelon.” “Is yoa paid well?” "Gets $5 every day for workin' a hour or two.” “Rastus, youse a friend of mine, isn’t you?” "I sho’ is, Sam.” “D' n if de white folks what run dis movin’ pictur’ actor business wants an other actor you tell ’em about me, Ras tus.” “You can come on up here and take my job right now, Sam. I’se tired of movin’ pictur’ actin’ for to-day. Be sides, I got to spend the money I’se made already.” Sam mounted the steps and released Rastus from his bonds. Rastus in turn prepared the unsuspecting Sam for hanging. Then skipped. A few minutes later the sheriff returned. He saw a negro standing patiently on the scaf fold. Without further ado he sprung the trap. Fortunately for Sam the rope was old and broke under the sudd"n strain. It rolled Sam into the duBt of the court house yard. He wrenched his hands loose and jerkgd the hood from his head. Then rolling his eyes around and rubbing his neck, he said: “You ad white folks can take back your old job. You all’s too rough.” "Mary!” Father’s voice rolled down the stairs and into the dim and silent par lor. “Yes, papa, dear.” "Ask that young man if he has the time.” A moment ef silence. "Yes, George has his watch with him.” “Then ask him what is the time." “He says it is 11:48, papa.” “Then ask him if he doesn’t think it about bedtime.” Another moment of silence. “He says, papa,” the silvery voice announced impersonally, “he says that he rarely goes to bed before 1, but it seems to him that it is a matter of per sonal preference merely, and that if he were in your place he would go now if he felt sleepy." OHIO WOMAN’S WISH For Tired, Weak, Nervous Women Belief on taine, Ohio.—“ I wish every tired, weak, nervous woman could have Vinol, for I never spent any money in my life that did me so much good as that I spent for Vinol. I was weak, tired, worn out and nervous, and Vinol made me strong, well and vigorous after everything else had failed to help me, and I can now do my housework with pleasure.”—Mrs. J. F. Lamborn. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all weak, run down, nervous, debilitated conditions. JOHN R. CATES DkUlS CO., Newnan, Ga, "Are you sisters?” asked the census- taker of two colored women who sat on the tiny porch of their cabin. “No, sir,” one of the women replied, "us ain’t no blood kin. You see” — pointing to a rather pretentious-looking house on the hill—"hits dis er way: Sanders up dar in de white house, he married me fu’st; den Sis’ Liza heah cum ’long, an’ he ’vosted me an’ put me out heah in de cabin so he could marry her. But bimeby he fetched her down de hill to de cabin to make room for dat young gal Cora, he dun mar ried. No, sah, us ain’t no blood kin—I guess we’s wives-in-law.” Made Over Again. Mrs. Jennie Miner, Davidson, Ind. writes: “I can truthfully say Foley’s Cathartic Tablets are the beBt I ever used. They are so mild in action. I feel like I have been made over again.” Good health haB no greater enemy than constipation. Foley’s Cathartic Tablets keep the stomach sweet, liver active, bowels regular, and banishes bilious ness, sick headache, sour stomach. Stout persons welcome the light, free feeling they give. J. F. Lee Drug Co. A widely-known New Jersey doctor was playing golf with a widely-known New Jersey minister. “Well, what are we playing for,” asked the doctor. “Why, it’s rather out of my line to put up anything,” replied the minister. “Well,” insisted the doctor, "we ought to play for something; so I’ll put up a pill and you put up a prayer.” giniimiuiii!m:::jit!:Mm!!KuiiiiMm!>iiiiiiiininuini!iiimiiuiniivnMuiiimiinmnoiri:iuuiiuiiin:mm.'n::Hiniinnaiinni , Diioi!:m!iiiminiiuiiaiiiiraimmiiiii:i.'iuu!mi[!::ii!iumiu:miniin!i!ittimiis Do You Eat The Best? Why punish your stomach by eating inferior food when THE BEST is just as ECONOMICAL? Every careful housewife knows that THE BEST in foodstuffs costs no more than the poorer grades of goods, for the very same reason that THE BEST has VERY LITTLE or NO WASTE, and therefore lasts longer than the inferior article that is sold for a cent or so less. My stock of Groceries is new, clean, well-assorted, and comprises the very best and purest goods that money will buy. I give careful attention to all orders, my prices are reasonable, and I deliver promptly. Try me with an order and let me show you. I am grateful for the generous patronage given me since I opened for business on my own account, and a continu ance of these favors will be much appreciated. ilas. M. Wadsworth West Side Court Square THE RIGHT OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT PARTY One of the oldest Old Line Life Insurance Compa nies desires to appoint a DISTRICT MANAGER For Coweta County. Appointee must be a man of high standing in the community, must have some mean-* and be a man of irreproachable integrity. Previous experience not essential. The man who suits can secure a money making contract. Write, giving full particulars and referen ces to 618 EMPIRE BUILDING Atlanta, Ga. BRACEJIP! Liv-Ver-Lax Will Make You Feel Better That tried feeling, dull headarhe and lasting grouch are most probably due to a clogged up liver. Now, don’t make yourself feel worse by taking nasty, disagreeable calomel, but clean out that bile and make vourself feel bright er and better generally by taking Liv- Veb-Lax. It acts safely, surely and pleasantly, and is made entirely of harmless vegetable material. Liv-Ver-Lax is guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money will be re turned without question. Insist on the original, bearing the likeness Btid signature of L. K. Grigsby. For sale hero in the 50c and $1 sizes at John R. Cates Drug Co. DYER, TENN., MAN SUFFERED 40 YEARS J. T. Cattleman Finds Hope Fulfilled After Passing Threescore Years. J. T. Castleman of Dyer, Tenn., suffered from stomach derangements for forty years, taking all sorts of medicine, following all kinds of med ical advice. In all the forty years, ho said, ho never had a real good day—until he tried Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy. Then he discovered something. Let his let ter tell about it: “The first dose of Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy caused gall stones to pbbb from me. I am feeling much better than I have ever before. I am 64 years old and I had never before en joyed one whole good day. “I would not give the one bottle you sent me for all the drugs and doc tors' medicine that is made.’’ Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives per manent results for stomach, liver and intestinal ailments. Eat as much and whatever you like. No more distress after eating, pressure of gaB in the stomach and around the heart. Get one bottle of your druggist now and try it on an absolute guarantee—if not satis factory money will be returned. For Sale br J. F. LEE DRUG CO.. Newnan. Ga. Grateful Mothers Tell Experiences Mrs. T. Neureuor, Eau Claire, Wis., writes: “Foley’s Honey and Tar Com pound cured my boy of a very severe attack of croup after other remedies had failed. Our milkman cured his children of whooping cough. I recommend it to every one, as we know from our own experience that it is a wonderful remedy for coughs, colds, croup, and whooping cough.” Mrs. D. Gilkeson, Youngstown, O., writes: "My little girl had a severe cold and coughed almost continuous ly. I tried lots of cough reme dies, but she didn’t get any better. My sister recommended Foley’s Honey ami Tar Compound to me. The first dope, 1 gave her relieved the inflammation in her throat, and after using one bottle the cough left her.” This sterling old remedy has been in use for years and is just as effi cient for adults as for children. It gives relief for irritated and tickling throat, tight and sore chest, grippe and bronchial coughs. J. F. LEE DRUG CO.. Newnan, Ga. For Shoe and Har ness Repairing and NEW HARNESS S° to A. J. BILLINGS 6 SPRING ST. Only high-class materials used in my work. Advertise in the Bell Directory Your advertisement in the Bell telephone direc tory places your business before the leading people in the community. Bell subscribers are almost without exception able to buy the goods you ad vertise. Bell directory advertis ing does not conflict with any other medium. It is the most permanent and persistent of all me diums and is consulted more frequently than any other list or refer ence book. Ask the Manager for rates. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY I Panama Pacific Exposition Opened February 20th SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA Closes December 4th Panama California Exposition SAN DILGO, CALIFORNIA Closes December 31st Opened January 1st ST1.90 Round Trip Fare $04.45 FROM NEWNAN VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South $71.90 applicable via Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, Shreveport; returning via same or any other direct route. Not via Portland or Seattle. $94.45 applicable via Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, Shreveport; returning via same or any other direct route. ONE WAY VIA PORTLAND—SEATTLE. Tickets on sale until November 30, 1915. Final return limit December 31, 1915. STOP-OVERS permitted at all points on going and return trip. SIDE TRIPS may be made to Santo Fe, Petrified Forest, Phoenix, Grand Canyon, Yosemite National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Pike’s Peak, Garden of the Gods, Glacier National Park, and other points of interest. Free side trip to San Diego, and California Exposition from Los Angeles. Through Pullman sleeping cars from Atlanta to Chicago, Kansas City and Denver, making direct connection with through cars for the Pacific coast, necessitating only one change of cars. For complete information call on nearest agent, or address: R. L. BAYLOR, D. P. A., J. C. BEAM, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Old newspapers for sale at this office at 25c. per hundred. Libel for Divorce. Chnrllo Hint in) Libel for Divorce. In Coweta vh. > Superior Court, March term. Mario Hiotin.) 1916. GEORGIA—Cowbta County: To Marie IliotiH. defendant: You nre hereby re quired, in person or by attorney, to be and appear nt the next term of the Superior Court, to las bold in and for said county on tbo first Monday in Murch, 1916. then and thorn to unswor the pla nt iff in an action for a total divorce: as in default of such appearance, the court, will procoed thereon OH to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable R. W. Freeman, Judge of said court, this the 29th day of October, 1915. L. T,UKNER, Clerk. Executrix’s Sale. GEORGIA—Coweta County: By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Haiti county, granted at the November term, 1916, of said Court, will ho wold at public outcry be fore the in the city of Newnan, said county, on tin* brat. Tuesday in December, 1916, between the legal hours of sale, to the high est bidder for cash, the following de scribed city lot., as the properly of the estate of D. S. Summers, late of said county, deceased, to-wit: A cer tain city lot, with residence situated thereon, lying and being on the north side of Wesley street, in the city of Newnan, in said State and county, and described as follows: I login at a point, on the north side of said Wes ley street where said lot adjoins the lot of Dr. A. A. Barge, and from said point west along the north side of said Wesley street 6G feet, more or less, to the line of lot of I). W. Boone, thence north along the line of I). W. Boone 151 foet, more or less, and con tinue therefrom north in a straight line along the line of I). W. Boone for 122 feet, more or less, to the line of lot of P. F. Outtino, thence east along the line of P. F. Cuttino for 66 feet, more or less, to the line of Dr. A. A. Barge, and thence south along the line of said Barge for 272 feet, to the beginning point on Wesley street. This Nov. 9, 1915. MRS. BEULAH PRATHER SUM MERS, Exf*cutrix of the last, will and testa ment of I). S. Summers, deceased. Sheriff's Sales for December. GEORGIA—Cowbta County: Will be sold before the Court-houwj door In New nan. Cow eta county, Ga.. on the first Tuesday in December next, between the legal hours of Hale, to the highest and beat bidder, the following de- acribed property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land consisting of 125 acreH, lying and being in the county of Cowe ta. Haid State, and being the Houthennt quarter of lot No. 158. in tho original Fifth, now Panther Creek district. i*aid county and State; alao. one and one-eighth acrcn. more or Iohh, in the above- mentioned lot, lying junt north of above described Koutheant quarter of Jot No. 158, and Mouth of public road running through aaid lot. and bounded aa follows: On the north by road, on the east by T. M. Hyde, on the south by said southeast quar ter lot of Innd, and on the went by Mrn. N. A. Newton—Haid two parceln containing together fifty-one and one-eighth (51 1 *) acres. more or lean. Alao. Hi.xty (60) acres, more or lean, of the east half of lot of land No. Til, in said district, and be ing all of nald ennt half except the forty (40) acreH of Haid east half Hold to B. P. Witch# r on tho the 10th day of December, 1909 nald sixty (00) acres being the north part of said east half, and being in tne shape of a parallelogram. Levied on uh the property of C A King to natinfy a 11. fa. issued from tho City Court of Newnan in fnvor of L B. Mann vs. the nukl C. A. King. Defendant in fi. fa. notified in termn of the law. TIiIh Nov. 4. 1915. Prs. fee. 30.24. Also, at the same time and place, one black mare mule about 9 yearn old, and one dark moune- colored mule about 9 yearn old. levied on an the property of G. W. Smith to nntinfy a fi. fa. Iwmed from the City Court of Newnan In favor J. T. Brooka vh. the said G W Smith. Defendant in fi. fa. notified in term* of the law. i/ovy made by R. W. Jarknon, Deputy Sheriff, and turned over to rne. This Oct. 18. 1915. Prs. fee, |3. Alao, at the same time ami place, one dark hay mare mule H yearn old named “Maud,” one rnoime-colorod mare mule 8 yearn old named "Ada.” and one light gray home mule 9 yearn old named ‘ Ike." Levied on the property of X O. Newman to satisfy a fi. fa. burned from the City Court of Newnan in favor of Armour Fertilizer Works vh. the nuid X. O. Newman. De fendant in fi. fa. notified iri terms of the law. Levy made by R. W. Jackson, Deputy Sheriff, and turmxl over to me. Thin Sept. 24, 1915. Pm, fee. S3. Also, at tho same time and place, a certain tract of land situate in what in known uh "Chalk ]>-v- ol." in the city of Newnan, said county, contain ing one-half acre, more or less. and being the lot purchased by Frank Ware fmin I*. F. Cuttino on Feb, 13, 190*3, aa shown by deed recorded in Deed Book ", in the Clork'n office. Coweta Superior Court, page 365, ami upon which a 3-room frame house in located. Levied on a* the property of Frank Ware to natinfy a li. fa. issuwi from the City Court of Newnan in favor of Jl. I). Cole Mfg. Co. vh. the aaid Frank Ware. Defendant in ff. fa. notified In terma A the law. This Nov. 11. 1915. Pm. fee. $4.05. Aino. at the name time and place, one gruy rnare about 12 years okJ; one 2-bo rue wagon. 1.000 bun dles fodder, more or lain; 75 bushels corn, more lor lesa, onoathored; and 4,300.lbs. seed cotton. H. G. ARNALL MERCHANDISE COMPANY "The Store That Underbuys." Are you going to raise your own wheat and oats this year? If you are, it is about time to plant them. We have in stock the best seed we could get, so get our prices before buying. WHEAT Purple Straw Virginia OATS Appier Rust-Proof Burt Fulghum We have just received a car-load of nails, barbed wire and hay baling wire. Therefore, if you have any baling or building to do, we would like for you to figure with us before placing your order. Our grocery department is full of bar gains. Come and see if you can’t use some of them. “The Store That Undersells.” K. G. ARNALL MERCHANDISE COMPANY Laxative Cold Breaker- are guaranteed to cure your cold or your mon cy refunded. For sale by J. F. Lee Drug Co. morn or lers.l ungathored. Levied onas the prop erty of II. W. Miliums to satisfy a li fa. Issued frvn tb»* City Court of Newnan in favor of C. Ober & Horn; Co. vs. the nuid B. W. Mllllans. De fendant in U. fa. notified in terms of the luw. Thin Hept. 23. 1915. Prs. fee. S3. Also, at the name time and place, un undivided onr-nlxth interest in and to n twain tract or par cel of land lying and being in th town of Grant- yille, said county, and hounded an follows: On the «funt by Church litre*:t. on the Houth by Dee Wil liams and Arnanda Williams, and on the north and west by Jerry Pollock containing one-fourth of un acre, more or lefts, and being tho tract or par cel of land bought by Elizabeth Bollock from Jos. W. Williams on Dec. 24. 1883. and being a part of lot of land No. 2d9. in Gr ntvllle district. Levied on as the property of Vf. O. Bullock to satinfy n fi fa. issued from the Justice Court of the 1129t:f district, G. M., in favor of Sewell Merchandise Co. vs. the nald W. O. Bullock. Defendant in fi. fa. notified in terms of the law. Levy made by H. I McCollum L. C., and turned over to me, This Oct. 12. 1915. Prs. fee. $0.40. also. at the name time and place, parts of lots Non. 2 and 3. in section 25. In the city of Senoia. and bounded as follows: On the north by Johnson ntroet, on tho east by J. W. Arnall. on the south by ntroet running by A.. B. & A. depot, and on the west by right-of-way of A., 11. & A. railroad, nald lots containing one aero, more or lean, togeth er with improvements thereon. Levied on os the property of C. »J Tinsley and W. C. Tinsley to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from City Court of Newnan in favor of 8. T. A. A. O. Itluloch vs. the said C. G. Tinsley and W. C. Tipsley. Defendant in fi- fa. notified in terms of the law. This Nov. 4, lfiu Prs. fee, $4.38. J. D. BREWSTER. Sheriff.