The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, December 17, 1915, Image 9

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M. B. Mooney GIFT Men's silk ties, late styles, infancy gift boxes at 50c, 75c and $1.00. Men’s silk sox, with tie to match, at $1 and $1.25. Men’s embroidered Jap silk hankerchiefs with ties to match, $1 and $1.25. Men’s silk scarfs, in pretty boxes with gold plated vest chains, at $1.50 and $2. Ladies’ fine embroid ered handkerchiefs, i n both white and colors, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c and 8" Many useful articles packed in pretty gift boxes at most reasonable prices. Kid Gloves Good quality k i d glove for ladies in white, black and brown, fully guaranteed, at $1. Silk Petticoats Pretty, stylish colors in messaline and taffeta skirts at $1.50, $2.50, $2.98 and $3.50. Local Happening's Told in L CM NEWS AND PERSONAL TO OUR ITEMS LOCAL OF GENERAL INTEREST READERS. 1 JS Sofa Pillows Large size sofa pillows filled with filtered cotton, cretonne covers, at 50c. House Dresses Big bargain lot of per cale house dresses, me dium and Idark colors, high neck, long sleeves, at 75c. Gift goods at Boone's. Bought those Xmas trix yet? Buy your clothing at Boone's, Bargains in overcoats at Boone’s. Mail your Christmas packages early. Only one more week until Christmas. Six shopping days before Christmas. Better do your holiday shopping to day. Baby blankets. 50c, and 75c. at Boone's. Bicycle repairs of all kinds at R. L. Askew’s. Money to loan. Apply to A. H. Freeman. Cotton is selling in New nan to-day at 11} cents. Ferris waists and “Kabo” corsets at Glover’s. Only six more shopping days before Christmas. Only two more episodes of “Neal of the Navy. ’’ Ribbon novelties for Christmas gifts at Glover’s, Bathrobes for ladies and gentlemen at Glover’s. Call on Mrs. W. D. Palmer for your Christmas toys. Pictorial patterns and publicatiens on sale at Glover’s. Cotton seed is selling in Newnan to day at 63 cents. Holiday boxes, cards, seals, ribbons, | etc., at Glover’s. Kid gloves for children $1 pair at | Parks & Arnold’s. ChristmaB ribbons of all kinds at P. F. Cuttino & Co. 's. Winter caps with ear protectors, 25c. and 50c. at Boone’s. Coat Suita.—If in need of a coat suit visit Glover’s half-price clearaway sale. —— m ■ ■ ■ ■■■ Desirablo dress shirts, 50c.; “No Fade” shirts, SI and $1.50 at Boone's. Fancy ribbons in a variety of patterns only 39e. the yard at P. F. Cuttino & Co.'s. ’Phone 74, Brannon’s market, for both native and Western meats. Prices right- __ Christmas handkerchiefs for children, ladies and gentlemen at Parks & Ar nold’s. Fourteen-inch bronze boots, in kid and cloth tops, $5 pair at Parks & Ar nold’s. The prettiest selection of ties we have ever shown;—25c. and 50c. Boone’s. - — ■ - Vassar silk hose in all of the desired shades for holiday gifts at Parks & Arnold’s. — —■■ Blankets and comforts for a practical gift. A large assortment on display at Glover’s. House shoes for children, $1; ladies and gentlemen, $1, $1.25 and $1.50, at Boone’s. We have replenished our shoe stock, and now have your size and kind. Boone’s. Skirts. — Many new and beautiful models in skirts now on display at Glover’s. If you wish to secure a loan on your farm lands at 6 per cent, see T. G. Farmer, jr. Bed-room shoes for Christmas gifts, in felt or kid, $1 and $1.25 pair at Parks & Arnold’s. Mr. H. S. Carson, formerly of this city, has been elected cashier of the bank at Lyerly, Ga. I am selling for the next few days real nice suits for men at $7.50. Call and see them. Y. C. Foster. Special to close, all serge and silk poplin dresses, regular price $5 and $5.95;—choice $3.95. Boone’s. For Exchange.—We have several good homes in Newnan to trade for farm lands. G. E. Parks Ins. & Realty Co. We believe the “Paul .lones” and “Jack Tar” middies are the best made; —$1 each. Glover’s. Hosiery makes a nice gift for Christ mas. “Arrowhead” 15c., two for 25c.; “Wunder” hose, 25c. Boone's. Furs. — We have a large selection of fashionable furs, either separate pieces or sets. Glover’s. Mitlinern at Reduced /Vices.— My entire stock of millinery at greatly re duced prices. Mrs. W. D. Palmer. Coun/crpam's—See the bargains in fine Marseilles spreads at $1.50, $1.75 and $2. Mooney’s. Jones' Cane' Syrup. — I am selling Jones’ pure ribbon cane syrup at 75c. gallon. ,1. M. Wadsworth. Table Linen.—'Table linens are alwnys acceptable gifts. Special values at 50c. and $t yard. Mooney’s. A good selection of suspenders, 25c. “Nu Way” stretch suspenders, guar anteed one year, 50c. Boone’s. Initial Handkerchiefs.—Ladies' initial handkerchiefs, packed three in a gift box, for 35c. Mooney’s. Sewing sets make an acceptable gift for ladies and children, at 25c. and 50c each. Parks & Arnold. Do your Christmas shopping with us. With every dollor cash purchase we give a profit-sharing certificate worth 10c. in trade. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Handkerehieja. — Afterseveral weeks' busy handkerchief-selling we still have a complete assortment of nil the new novelties. Glover’s. A complete assortment of table dam- nsk, priced from $1 to $2.50 the yard, with napkins to match priced from $3 to $-1 a dozen. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Mrs. Gone Kirby, who has been si* riously ill at the home of her son in Jacksonville from an attack of pneu monia, is reported now as convalescent. Dr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Jones left Saturdayjfor Cocoa, Fla., where they are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. T. Gibson, and will spend several weeks. Boys’ clothes in a selection you will be interested in—sizes 4 to 18. Boone’s. For Rent.—Six-room house at 32 Wesley street; all conveniences. Apply to H. F. Odom. Special values in damasks and nap kins. Either makes an exceptional gift. Parks & Arnold, Complexion Chamois. —Large assort ment face chamois in three sizes—5c., 10c., and 15c. Mooney’s. The Newnan public schools will close next Wednesday for the Christmas holidays, and will reopen Monday, Jan. 3. The genuine Oliver chilled plow c»n be had at Kirby Hardware Co. ’a. The only satisfactory implement for fall plowing. Hand-bags.-A few left of the sam ple line we purchased at half-price, and are offered at the same reduction. Glover's. Kimonas Ladies’ crepe kimonas, special, at 89c and $1 Coat Suits Several extra fine suits, values $22.50 to $30, to close at $13.50 to $15. All $15 and $16.50 suits now at $10. Long Coats Ladies’ fine zibeline coats now at You can be pleased. cut prices, fitted and Children's Cloaks Large assortment sam ple cloaks for children at remarkably low prices. M. B. Mooney All the college boys and girls will be | at home next week. Holiday shoppers have been out in | full force this week. Large stock of toys just arrived at ] Mrs. W. D. Palmer’s. Blanket specials, $1, $1.50, $2.50, I $3.50 and $5 at Boone’s. “Paul Jones” and “Jack Tar” mid- | dies, $1 each at Glover’s. For Sale.— Collie puppy, 6 weeks old. I Apply to R. S. Holbrook. For Sale.—Some 5-year-old mules. | Apply to E. C. Goodwyn. For the many new and beautiful gift suggestions visit Glover’s. Pope and Dayton bicycles are sold in | Newnan by R. L. Askew. R. L. Askew is Newnan agent for | Firestone automobile tires. New patent cloth-top shoes, for ladies I and big misses, at Boone's. Handkerchiefs in sealed packages and | boxes, 5c. to 25c. at Boone s. E. C. Goodwyn sells Montevallo coal | at $6.50 per ton. ’Phone 97. . J. B. Ashley, on Temple avenue, | handles fireworks of all kinds. , Genuine blue-stem seed wheat for | sale at Kirby Hardware Co.’s. i Ties for gentlemen, in Christmas I boxes, 50c. at Parks & Arnold’s. I Art Goods.—Embroidery and, crochet | threads can be found at Glover s. i Exceptional values in table linens, 125c., 50c., 75c. and $1 at Boone s. i Towels 10c., 15c. and 25c., for every I purpose, can be found at Boone s. I Visit Glover’s for the many little I useful gifts you will want to give. i Fancy voile and crepe de chine, hand- | kerchiefs at P. F. Cuttino & Co. s. i Boudoir caps, in holiday boxes, 25c. | and 50c. each at Parks & Arnold s. Onlv a few more dresses left. Priced | to close out quickly. Glover s. Our hat stock is very attractive. We | specialize at $1 and $2. Boone s. i A full line of cloaks for children, ] misses and ladies are on sale at Boone s. Fay stockings, black and white, for | children. _ Glover a. A good selection of coat suits;—spe | cial at $10. Boones. , Rugs. - Large selection of rugs, | priced very reasonably. _ Glover s. Bath robes for children $1.50; ladies and gentlemen, $2.50. Boone b. For Gentlemen.—Beautiful neckwear in a handsome box. ^Glover s. Special crochet-edged handkerchiefs, blue, pink and lavender, 5c. Boone s. , Special middy ties, black and red, |50c.; Windsor ties, 25c. Boones. Suits that were $16 50 to $25 to clean 1 up at $12 50. Parks & Arnold. Quite an assortment of tie and sock sets in pretty holiday boxes at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. Special prices are being made on all ladies’ and children’s coats. Parks & Arnold. Next Tuesday will tell who is to be the lucky one to get the little Ford at the Coweta CBfe. A few coat suits for large women, in navy and black, sizes 43 to 47 buBt. Parks & Arnold. In printing the honor roll of the Newnan public schools Inst week the name of Miss Mary Fuller, member of the eleventh grade, was inadvertently omitted. “The White Slur” will be the fea ture at The Halcyon on Wednesday next. Charlie Chaplin will be on the same programme in a screaming l-reel comedy. A beautiful assortment of toys bought especially for the holiday trade ean be found at Mrs. W. D. Palmer's. Her store will be open each night until Christmas. On Thursday next The Halcyon will show the second of “The New Adven tures of Terence O'Rourke.” This one will be entitled "When a Queen Loved O’Rourke.” Farm Jor Rent.-A splendid farm in Heard county for rent, with good houses, farm, store-house, and fine pasturage. Apply to Mrs. Eula Rowland, 6 Fair street, Newnan, Ga. School Notice. —I will open my pri vate school on Jan. 3. Pupils desiring to enter will please communicate with e. ’Phone 259. Kate Nimmons, 29 NimmonB street. C. L. Davis, B. E. Wise, C. C. Wyehe, Sam Bulloch and T. H. Lunceford have have been elected Commissioners of Roads and Revenue in Meriwether county for the ensuing four years. Rev. B. P. Allen, presiding elder of the LaGrange district, will preach at the First Methodist church next Sunday at 11 a. m. Silk Hosiery.—We furnish a beauti ful holiday box for each pair of silk ho siery at 50c., 75c., $1 and $1.50. Glover’s. WHERE TO BUY Spices Buy Your Spices Where They Sell Good Ones The best spices you can buy are the cheapest. A low-grade spice made from raw material that has no strength to start with is useless for any purpose. Take cinnamon foi example, ground from bark that has all the oil taken out of it. Technically it is pure ground cinnamon, nothing else in it. but practically it might as well be the kind that is adulter ated with ground cracker crumbs or ground peas. We have a full line of ground spices that are dependable. Every kind is not only pure, but full strength as well. We warrant them satisfactory to you. Tumeric, cloves, sage, allspice, black pepper cayenne pepper, mus tard, ginger, cinnamon, mixed spices, mace. Some arc 10c. per can, some 15c„ some 5c. Extra good flavoring extracts are here too. Vanilla, lemon, straw berry and pineapple, all from; nat ural products. The housewife will always appre ciate as o Christmas gift a nice table cloth, with napkins to match. We are showing some exceptional values in this line. P. F. Cuttino & Co. You can find useful Christinas gifts for each member of the family at I’. F. Cuttino & Co.’8. Nicest line of toys in town just re ceived at Mrs. W. D. Palmer’s. See them before buying. For Rent.—Four nice rooms, with private bath; only men desired. Ap ply to John R. Cates. Money to Lend. —Ten thousand dollars of local money to lend to good parties. Apply to W. G. Post. When you want a Duggy come to see us. We will save you money. M. G. & J. J. Keith. Mr. R. D. Cole joined a party of At lanta friendH last week on u fishing trip to Florida. He is expected home to-morrow. Don’t forget that the every day store has a full line of dress goods and ladies’ and children’s ready-to-wear garments. Y. C. Foster. Mrs. lone SimmB is on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. L. L. Scarborough, at Anniston, Ala., and will spend several weeks there. Kirby Hardware Co. sells and guar antees the “Jewel” cooking range. The best and most, satisfactory range on the market. For Rent. —Two nicely furnished up stairs rooms. Apply to Mrs. Mark Dun bar, 32 Salbide avenue. Special Notice.— Our store will be closed all day Christmas Day. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Silk Scarfs.—A beautiful selection of scarfs for ladies at 50c. and $1 each now on sale at Glover’s. Misses’ and boys’ raincoats for Christ mas gifts at $3 and $4 each, can be found at Parks & Arnold’s. Loans.—Farm loans at 6 per cent, in terest. Commission extra. Hall & Jones, Attorneys. Wanted.— Plain and fancy sewing. ’Phone 47, 52 Greenville street. Mrs. Lily Andrews Walkfer. Neckties, gloves, sockB, handker chiefs, etc., make useful gifts. A full line at P. F. Cuttino & Co. 's. Silk hose in white, black and colors, make acceptable gifts. A full assort ment at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. Special Notice. — For the convenience of our customers we will be open until 8 o’clock every night until Christmas. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Home-raised Pecans. — A limited quantity of home-raised Stewart paper- ahell pecans for sale. Apply to Geo. I. Wilson, Moreland, Ga. Men’s all-linen handkerchiefs, with initals in colors, make very acceptable Christmas gifts. A nice assortment at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. Linen and crash towels suitable for Christmas gifts — a large selection, priced from 25c. to $1 each. P. F. Cuttino & Co. On Wednesday evening, Dec. 22, an Indian drama will be presented by the pupils of White Oak High School. Ad mission 5 and 10 cents. The farmers of Coweta will begin the New Year with a greater abundance of “hog and hominy” than the present gen eration has ever known. For Sale.—A 1913 Cadillac body, in good condition. A big bargain for some one. Let us show it to you. Thompson & Scroggin. The Rexall sale at John R. Cates Drug Co.'b thiB week has been a big event, and hundreds of dollars’ worth of those well-known preparations were gobbled up by eager purchasers at the prices advertised. Special performance at The Halcyon for the little children on Christmas Day. from 10 a. m. until 4 p. m. “Hansel and Gretel” is the picture to be shown, A very pretty story in three parts, con structed for little folks. Money to Loan. —I have several thousand dollars of quick money to lend on improved farm property at 7 per cent. No application for leas than $2,500 will be considered. ThoB. G. Farmer, jr. “The Little Lady Actress” is the title of the 2-reel comedy that will be shown at The Halcyon next Mondny, featuring Jane Gail and Matt Moore. This picture has been highly praised througheut the country. - » — •** MeHsrs. Thompson & Scroggin, the undertakers, have added to their equip ment a handsome motor hearse. New nan is the only town of its size that has an auto vehicle of thiB character, and the firm is quite proud of it. Free.—All our friends who have Vic tor or Columbia talking machines are welcome to one of the new complete catalogues of records. These will be given you free of charge. Call or ’phone for one. H. S. Banta. Piano Bargains.—I have three new standard pianoB for sale. Will give special inducements until Jan. 1. See a sample at Odom Drug Co.’s. This fin ishes my contract on twelve pianoB. I sold seven in Newnan. Chas. Astin For Sale. — Fine Jersey cow, with first calf; gives about two gallons milk K er day. Also 8-months-old Jersey eifer. AIbo, twenty-five White Ply mouth Rock hens and one cock; pure strain. W. Y. Scroggin, 82 College street. Special Sale of Ladies' Waists.—For next week wo offer a nice assorhment of ladies’ shirt-waists, consisting of lawns, voiles and madras; long Bleev s. These we have just received, and offer at only $1.25 each. P. F. Cutl ino & Co. For Rent.—Store-house on E. Broad street, Possession at once. G. E. Parks Ins. & Realty Co. Ladies’ embroidered handkerchiefs in holiday boxes, priced at 25c. to $1.50 the box, at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. White counterpanes, priced from $1 to $6.50, make nice gifts. A good as sortment at P. F. Cuttino & Co. s. The “Jewel” is the best and highest class cooking range sold anywhere. See Kirby Hardware Co. for particulars. Crepe de chine waistB, white, flesh and black. Special at $2 25 and $2.50 eBC h, Parks & Arnold. Coats.—A splendid selection of coats for ladies and children at very attrac tive prices. Glover 8. I have just receiued a big lot of drummer’s sample caps, sweaters,glovts and shirts. Y. C. Foster. To Automobile Owners. —Vie sell and guarantee Pyro spark plugs, 50 cents jeach. Johnson Hardware Co. For Rent.—Two or three-horse farm, 2} miles from the court-house, on lower Fayetteville road. Good improvements. Apply to John E. Robinson. For Rent.—Seven-room house at 69 Spring street. All modern conven iences; large lot, with servant’s house. Apply to Mrs. A. M. Norris. Circle 5 of the Sarah Hall Missionary Society will meet next Monday after noon with Mrs. M. P. Martin, on Wes ley street, at half-past 2 o’clock. For the little folks we have quite a variety of fancy handkerchiefs in pret ty boxes, priced from 10c. to 25c. the box. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Hemmed napkins ready for use, 50c., 75c., $1, and $1.25 dozen. Linen doy lies, to be hemmed, $1, $1.25 and $l.o0 dozen. Boone s. Ladies’ Handkerchiefs. — Ladies’ fine embroidered handkerchiefs, in both white and colors. Special values at 35c., 50c., 76c., and$1 box. Mooney’s. The great war has not interfered with the sale of Parisian Sage for the hair, as it ia now made in thiB country from the original formula. Cures dandruff and stops falling hair. John R. Cates Drug Co. guarantees it. According to figures furnished by Mr. J. H. Simms, Government agent for the collection of ginning statistics, there had been ginned in Coweta coun ty up to Dec. 1, 1915, 24,912 bales of cotton, as compared with 33,859 bales for the same period last year. Practical Gifts.—A practical manor woman can always find useful presents, and when they decide on a pair of spec tacles or eyeglasses I will be glad to supply them, and after Christmas I will fit the proper lenses without extra charge. H. S. Banta. Hath Ilohes.-Just received by ex presa an assortment of ladies’ bath robes, which we offer at $2 and $2.50 each. Also, a lot of misscB’ and chil dren’s bath robes at $1.25. These are exceptional values, and make useful Christmas gifts. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Newnan friends of Judge W. C. Hod- nett will regret to hear of his death, which occurred yesterday at his home in Franklin, after a long illness. He was for several years Judge of the City Court of Carrollton, and a prom inent member of the bar of the Coweta circuit. About five years ago he re moved to Franklin, and at the time of his death was Solicitor of the City Court of Franklin. He ia survived by his widow and Beven children—three sons and four daughters. 'Phone 151 R, Cates Drug Co Ready For Christmas AND YOU AT BANTA’S c / have a 'beautifully selected line of goods suitable for pres ents, and I extend you a cordial invitation to call and see them. «L H. S. BANTA “The Newnan Jeweler." Writing Paper You’ll Like The Latest and Best —IN- You may be sure that our sta tionery is stylish and up-to-date. It is all new stock and we recom mend no papers that are not good form. Good values in pound pajiers of fine quality and finish. A good pa per by the pound costs you less \ier letter than a cheap paper by the box. Kraften Linen, 25c The newest in fabric finish pa pers at 25c. Handsome packages of first-class stock, and the 25c price means that we buy right from the maker and gfve you ev ery advantage of price. For 35c., 40c. and 50c. we have such papers as you cart get no where else for the money—beauti ful fabrics that it is a pleasure to use and receive —papers that will properly represent you to your cor respondents. Purity Lawn, 50c It will be a pleasure to show you these. Muiray Drug and Bool Co. ’PHONE US • 18