The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, January 07, 1916, Image 3

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64 Pure Food Stores Help You to Save FLOUR Rogers' Flour Sales In crease Daily, on the Rogers' Guaran teed Brands Rogers’ LaRosa 48-lb sack $1.59 Barrel $6.35 Rogers’ Best self-rising, 48-lb sa,ck $1.69 Barrel $6.75 PURE CANE SUGAR Stanford’s fine granulated 15 lbs _$J I -25-lb bag $L4S LARD No. 10 Silver 'Leaf...: No. 10 Rex pure lard... NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 7. Society TELEPHONE 174 $1.20 $1J5 I No. 10 Cotton 4 A ,| Bloom ... fJU I V 16-lb kit white lake herring 1,7 cans sardines 25c il’7 packages A. & soda • * Rogers’ better **>£/» bread, 7 loaves Notice — TO — f 0BACC0 USERS Bring this ad. and get U ilb. “Red OWENS-1NORAM. One of the prettieBt events of the season was the wedding of Miss Lucile Owens and Mr. J. Fred Ingram, which occurred Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the beautiful country home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Owens, near town. The house was beautifully decorated throughout with bamboo. ferns and cut-flowers, and the color-scheme of white and green was carried out in every detail of the deco, tiona. In the sitting-room, where the ceremony was performed, was an im provised altar of ferns and narcissi, on each side of which were pedestals hold ing lighted tapers. The bride and groom entered together, as the wedding march was tendered by Miss Dorothy Ingram, sister of the groom, and were met at the altar by Rev. S. B. Cousins, who peformed the ceremony in a beau tiful and impressive manner. The bride was attractively gowned in a broadcloth suit of midnight blue, with fur trim mings, and wore a becoming gold la6e hat and bronze shoes. She carried a bouquet of bride's roses. Mrs. Ingram is the only daughter of Mr. pnd Mrs. Owens, and a charming young woman, of beautiful character and a most lova ble disposition. Mr. Ingram is a pros perous and promising young farmer who numbers his friends by the list o:! his acquaintances. After the ceremony a salad course with coffee was served. Mr. and Mrs. Ingram then left for the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shell, at Turin, where an elaborate supper was server i the wedding party. Among those as sisting Mr. and Mrs. Owens in receiv. ing their guests were Misses Dorothy Ingram, Tommie Lou Carpenter, Ruth Carpenter and Nona Wadsworth, and Mesdames S. V. Carpenter, I. W Brooks, J. P. Pitman, H. E. Conley, J W. Owens and M. R. Bowen. DUnbar-Kirklanb. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dunbar announce I the marriage of their daughter, Mabel Claire, to Mr. J. A. Kirkland, formerly of Dothan, Ala., which took place Wednesday evening at-Trinity church, | Atlanta. A bit of sentiment -co-meB with the wedding date, which was the twenty- sixth wedding anniversary of 'the bride’s parents. The bride wore smart tailored suit of midnight blue broadcloth, with corsage 'bouquet of roses. Her hat was gold lace and blue velvet, trimmed in French roses. The bride is the eldest daughter-of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Duhbar, -and is -a -young woman of most pleasing (personality, After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland will 'be at home to their I friends in Ga-bettv-ille, l &a., Where the groom is located (in business. The next meeting of the Civic League will be held Wednesday after noon, Jan. 12, at the County Club rooms. The program will be in charge of Mrs.' G. W. St. John, chairman of the literary seotion. ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Katie Arnall entertained at a. matinee party at The Strand last week in compliment to Mrs. Jim Kinnard, of Knoxville, Tenn., who was the guest of Mrs. W. C. Kinnard. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cates and daugh ter, who spent the holidays with their mother, Mrs. J. A. Shannon, have re turned to their hjme in Chattanooga. -•i ♦ ♦ Miss Pearl Foster had as her guests Sunday MIbs Leonanie Woodall, of La- Grange, and Miss Christine Reid and Mr. ChaB. Reid, of Blairsville, Ga, Misses Christine Ragland and Mary Fuller Bpent last week as the guests of Misses Eunice Richardson and Nell Duncan, in Whltesburg. Mrs. J. R. Holt, who was called to Newnan by the illnesB of her sister, Miss Ruth Pinson, haB returned to her home in Montezuma. Mrs. Jas. Wadsworth-entertained at an informal luncheon -on Thursday of, last week, at ber borne on Spring,’ street. Tbs -table held a basket of scarlet sage tied with 'red tulle, and all other details -were in the ‘Christmas colors. Afterwards at IThe Strand was ecqoyed. Those pres ent were M-esdalh'-'fl iE.' G. 1 Cole, G. 3. Martin, Garlandh-Vnes, J. ‘G. -ArnaU, Harvey Hale, WJl le"' ftlurphey, Misses Emmie Terry Si,,,,,j lft ,-fcvelyn Martim ] and Susie Martin, y" Mr. and Mrs. 4E. 'O’. 'Reese announce 1 I the marriage -of their-daughter,-Lillian to Mr. Walter Slopkins,-of IReidsville, N. C., Thursday -afternoon, at home. Rev. E. W. Stone-dlficiated. ‘Only the: immediate family and »a few friends; were present. After the ceremqny. they, left for a short trip to-Atlanta. (Upon: their return thqy will -be at home to; their friends with Mr. and 'Mrs. ;E. ®, | Reese, on W. Washington street. Miss Evelyn Wright ■■complimented [ Miss Theodora Atkinson and Mr. John B. Cobb, of Macon, -with an'‘‘up-jinks party Monday -evening. 'Her other | guests included Misses ILouise Atkin son, Grace Davis, IRuth Thompson, Florence Dent, and Martha Lawshe, <£ Atlanta, and Messrs. (Robert Mann, Sidney Camp, J. Littleton donee, W. L. Strieker, and Murray Tyus.. iMb. “Sweep- stakes” mML \ iTib. Crews’ ■ “1;Lin-dh-3”. r Hu ...45c Good For 10 DAYS Only In calling for these spe cial prices mention THE HERALD L. W. Rogers Co. 8 Jackson Street 0 8 MANY FURNITURE BARGAINS Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mayson, of At lanta, spent the holidays with the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and MrB. Daniel Sewell, near town. ♦ Mrs. Geo. Wynn complimented MrB Earl Wynn with a bridge party last week. About thirty gueBts were in vited. Miss Julia Troutman left Sunday to resume her dutieB as domestic _ Bcience teacher in a school near Ft. Gaines. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brewster, jr., and baby spent several days last week with Mrs. Frank Patterson, in Griffin. ♦ ♦ Misses Bernice Ackier and Cecil Cramer, of Carrollton, were the guests last week of Miss Mildred Lee. ♦ ♦ Miss Louise McMath, of Columbus, was the guest for several days laBt week of Mrs. T. G. Farmer, jr. ♦ ♦ Miss Frances Wells, of Jacksonville, Fla.,waB the guest last week of her ‘aunt, Mrs. B. B. Mabson. Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Jeter, of Roan oke, Ala., spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephens. ♦ Miss Dorothy Duke, of Palmetto, was the guest of Miss W-illella Mur- phey during the holidays. Mrs. Luther FaTmer and Miss Har riet Farmer are -on a visit to Mrs. Jas. Trapiiell, in Chattanooga. ♦ ♦ Mrs. C. IE. Ragland and children spent several days last week with friends in Whitesburg. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 I 0 0 8 | 0 0 0 0 0 I O o 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 8 O © o 0 Right now we are offering the most wonderful bargains in Furniture of our whole mercantile career, and it is not necessary for us to add a single word to this simple statement of fact. These great values include everything in chairs for the whole ho.use, tables, book cases, couches, settees, lounges, bedsteads, mattresses, springs, dressers, chiffoniers, etc. Right Now is the Time to Buy Marbury s Furniture Store Made in Newnan’ FOR Thompson & Scroggin Funeral Directors AND Embalmers Newnan, - - Georgia. Miss '-Evelyn Martin returned Sunday to Etberton, after spending the holi days at 'home. Kirs. -W. A. 'Renegar and two chil dren,-of Chattanooga, are visiting Mrs. •J. A.-Shannon. ’Miss -Alberta Brittain, of Palmetto, ■spent'the week-end with Miss Margaret IBrewBter. ■V ♦ Mrs. IB. C. Sanders is the guest this week-of Mrs. J. Lucas Baird, in At lanta. ’Mrs.'Gordon Lee. of Chickamauga, -is the guest of Mrs. W. B. Pringle. Miss Mae Cole spent several last-with relatives in Carrollton. days -Miss‘Martha Lawshe of Atlanta, is the>guest of Miss Florence Dent. Miss Martha Hill, of Greenville, is the guest of relatives here. ♦ ♦ Mr. iBIake Nichols, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with Mr. Jas. Brewster. 'Miss Willie Herring is the gueBt of Miss Mariola Leonard, in Talbotton. Talented Newnan Girl Hay Star in Moving Pictures. Miss Virginia Glover-entertained at ani since the departure of Miss Georgia elaborate Christmas party-on ®haradqy,j /Atk j nson on £ vi8it to PIorida it • evening of last week at-the-home Of iDr. and Mrs. Thos, J. Jones. The -house was decorated with red (roses, -poin- cettias and palms, and (fill the -details were carried out in <tbe -same -colors. -About sixty of Miss ‘Glover’s friends .were present. One of the delightful -events of the holidays was the party given -by Mrs. iP. H.' Gibson at her beautiful -country home-on Saturday night of -last week in -honor of her niece, Miss fiarabel Sewell. About thirty couples were present. Games were enjoyed, after which refreshments were served. Miss (Evelyn Wright entertained at -an evening bridge party on New Tear's. Her .guests included Misses Julia Trout man, -Grace iDavis, Mae Cole, Frances Arnold, Rath Thompson, and Messrs, W-illis Davis, Arthur York, Stanford Ar nold.', Bradley Davis, Theo. Davis and Wellhorn J)avia. w Miss Helen -Carpenter, a bride-elect, will be complimented by Miss Lois Flemming with a theatre party at The Strand this afternoon, to be followed by dainty refreshments at Odom Drag Co's. The guests will include thirty- five of Miss Flemming’s friends. Miss Edith Darden, of Trimble, en tertained several Newnan friends last ween at dinner. Her guests included MiseeB Mildred Darden,-Doris Darden, Bessie Lee Owens, Mary Mooney, and MeBBre. M. J. Walker, Fahy Mooney and Biny Mooney. * * After spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. C. D. Hollis, Miss Win- nette Hollis has returned to Orange burg, S. C-, where she has a good po sition in the leading millinery establish ment of that city. -learned that, upon being Urged to do so -she has consented to enter a contes; which is being conducted ty the Photo play Magazine, in conjunction with the World Film Corporation. Those se lected from among the various contes- be given a tryout before the most noted directors and film stars in the country. Contestants who give indication of the required talent will be offered contracts for a period of not lesB than one year, at salaries paid regular .film stars. Miss Atkinson’s talents in this line are acknowledged by all who have Been her on the stage. She has de voted most of her studying to dramatic art under the direction of well-known teachers in this country, and for awhile abroad. For the past year or so she has taught classes both in expression and in dancing. She is the daughter of the late Gov. W. Y. Atkinson. Perhaps no girl in the South enjoys a wider popularity— due as much to her culture as to her charm and beauty. . Ordinary's Court The following business was disposed of at the regular monthly term of the Court of Ordinary on Monday last, to- wit: ’ c J. T. Hendrix and Mrs. Laura Cates, executors of R. W. Hendrix, deceased, compelled by order to execute title to land, on a bond for title, to 1. M. Hen drix. Last will and testament of Mrs. Car rie H. Sponcler, deceased, admitted to record as proven in common form. Last will and testament of Dr. J. C. Jackson, deceased, admitted to record as proven in common form. I Mrs. Jennie Belle Powledge appointed and qualified as administrator of the -estate of J. A. Sibley, deceased. H. H. Murray appointed administra tor df the eBtate of S. M. Murray, de ceased. Mrs. Lovie J. Lambert, administra tor of the estate of Martin B. Lambert, deceased, granted leave to Bell the lands of said deceased. Mrs,' SaUie West, executrix of Allan West, deceased, granted leave to sell a portion of the lands of said deceased. T. G. Farmer, jr., appointed admin istrator of the eBtate of Mary Jane Church, deceased. Mrs. Bessie Smith appointed and qualified as natural guardian of her minor children. Callie Tolbert, administrator of the estate of Wesley Tolbert, deceased, granted letters of dismission. C. C. Meison qualified as temporary administrator of the estate of Ada C. Meleon, deceased. E. G. Wynn appointed and qualified as constable of the 645th district, G. M., for an unexpired term. Objections were filed to the appoint ment of an administrator de bonis non cum testamento annexo on the estate of H. F. Saxon, deceased, which ob jections were sustained, the law fixiDg the matter of succession. tants are furnished a- trip to the stu dios of the film company at Ft. Lee, N. J., as the guest of »he Photoplay Magazine. There each contestant will CLERK ALL RUN DOWN Bestored To Health By Vinol Shelbyville, Ind.—“I am a clerk in a hotel and was all run down, no energy, rhy blood was poor and my face covered with pimples. I got so weak I had to put up an awful fight to keep at work. After taking many other remedies with out benefit Vinol has retored my health and strength.”—Roy F. Bird. For all run-down, weak, nervous conditions of men and women, nothing equals Vinol, our delicious cod liver an a iron tonic without oil. Try it on our guarantee. JOHN «. CATES DRUG CO.. Newnin. G«. AYS? THE MAN who tries to economize by cutting • down his meat bill pays a heavy toll in energy. Good meat gives a man energy and endurance. THAT’S THE KIND OF MEAT WE SELL. Sausage— Not made of scraps of beef and port, But of the very best pork, ALL PORK. In bulk- 20c a. pound; in links, just a little more. Ham— Baked and cured. Our baked hams retain all the sweetness and flavor .that belongs to a ham. It is not boiled out, They are delicious. Beef— j A. good as ffidney Can buy. Any cut you wish at a moderate price. Native and Western. 1 Flslt and Oysters, Dressed Hens We appreciate your trade. The White Star Market ’Phone 62 WWroaowa ter MMROS., Props. Makes Hungry People HAPPY Christmas cheer lasts for a few days and then fades away. Our Grocery cheer lasts throughout the year, and never fades,.and it is all in what you eat. Hungry people are as happy as a lark when they eat our Groceries, because the quality is in what they eat. . When dad pays the bill he, too, is some happy, and his satisfaction is over the price. Fact is, they just flood the whole family with cheer, because they are fine to eat, easy to cook, and stimulating to a degree. Can you beat it? Jas. M. Wadsworth West Side Court Square