The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, January 07, 1916, Image 6

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White Sale White Sale White Sale w H I T E S A L E White Sale White Sale White Sale White Sale White Sale White Sale W hite Sale A CASH SALE White Sale White Sale W hite Sale THE BEST EVER We have been preparing several months for this sale and can assure you that such values as we are now offering surpass by far our previous efforts. We have made connections with the largest operators in mill-ends in the United States. Have just opened up the greatest assortment of fine white goods ever carried by one store in Newnan. The values mentioned below are actual; we do not exag gerate in quoting comparative values. Early shoppers will reap a harvest of gen uine bargains in the new goods which will be needed this spring and summer. The Terms, Of Course, Are Cash to All White Sale White Sale White Sale White Corduroy White Organdy Plain Nainsook Yard-wide P. K. and corduroy in wide, medium and narrow welts. These sell reg ularly at 50c, 35c and 25c. Choice, 15c. This popular fabric is to be very much used this season. 35c grade, 40 inches wide, at 15c. 25c grade, 40 inches wide, 124c. Thousands of yards fine, extra soft nain sook, the kind for summer lingerie; you will be surprised when you see this bar gain; 10c yard. Plain Voile Bleached Domestic White Marquisette The finest grades of plain voile, 40 inches wide, pearl white and cream. This grade is always sold at 35c. Sale price, 15c. 5,000 yards of the best grade bleaching, yard wide, no starch or dressing of any kind. Extra special, 14 yards for S1.00. One of the prettiest fabrics to be worn this season, 32 inches wide and regularly worth 35c. Sale price 15c. White Gabardine Plain Flaxon Underwear Crepe This popular cloth for skirts and dresses will be much used this spring. Extra soft finish; 32 inches wide, 15c. Thousands of yards of fine quality white flaxon, 40 inches wide, all the 20c, 17Jc and 15c grades in one lot, at 10c. The most serviceable goods to be had for summer underwear, yard wide and ex tra soft light weight, 15c. Checked Dimities Fancy White Waisfings Checked Dimities Enormous lot of the finest grade checked dimities, divided into two lots, 25c grade at 15c; 20c and 15c grades at 10c. The new sheer waistings in stripes, checks, etc. Hard to believe that these 20c and 25c goods are on sale at 10c. One of the best values in the sale is this lot of small checked dimity, for underwear and children’s wear. Special, 5c. White Galatea Lingerie Lawn Pajama Checks The best grade galatea that has'been brought to Newnan. This grade has al ways sold at 25c. Now at 15c. The softest fine lawns, very sheer and light, 40 inches wide. These are worth 15c, 20c and 25c; all in one lot at 10c. Big lot of this serviceable goods for the summer underwear. Yard wide and al ways sold at 10c. All you want at 7c. Pajama Checks Shirting Madras Fancy White Waistings The finest grade pajama checks made by the Lonsdale mills. Regular price, 17Jc; all you want at 10c. Large stock of extra fine madras for shirts in both white and colored, (fast col ors warranted); 35c grade at 19c. .All of the new spring waist fabrics are included in this lot of fine goods, worth 20c to 35c. Choice, 15c. Plain Nainsook White Galatea Rice Cloth Extra special values in plain white nain sook for underwear. This is a medium .weight and a strong wearer. 12 yds., $1. Loom ends in white galatea of light weight; makes good, 1 serviceable middies. Special, 8c yard. White rice cloth for waists and dresses, full yard wide; always sold at 20c and 25c. Your choice at 15c. Fine Mull Seaside Cloth Bleached Domestic French mull of the finest grades. Only a limited amount of this goods on hand; be early for your 50c grade at 15c. A strong material for skirts and dresses, similar to Palm Beach cloth; 40 inches wide, white and linen color, 15c. Loom ends in bleached domestic of all grades, yard wide; pieces run from 2 to 10 yards. Choice, 5c yd. Colored Shirtings Fancy White Repp White Madras Enormous stock of fancy shirtings in madras, cambric, etc. All are fadeless col ors. Pine values at 10c and 15c. Extra fine grade fancy white repp' for dresses and skirts, just the right weight. 35c grade at 19c. Pretty quality white madras in stripes and figures for shirts, waists and dresses; yard wide, 10c. Whte Basket Cloth Silk Hose Light Color Outings The new material for white skirts is basket cloth. We show the 50c grade at 25c. A fortunate purchase enables us to offer all-silk hose in red, white, navy, light blue and gray; the best $1 hose made, at 59c. Mill ends in light color outing flannels, neat stripes and checks; your choice 5c. M. B. MOONEY White Sale White Sale White Sale White Sale White Sale w H I T E S A L E White Sale White Sale White Sale White Sale