The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, February 04, 1916, Image 2

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• I NEWNAN HERALD "NEWNAN, FRIDAY, FEB. 4 XAHflRKT OlfAHANTKKtl UOfWTKY OIKOULATIOK 'R FOtmTM nONOKRMNIONAL DIATIUTT. Official Organ of Coweta County. Jam. E. Brown. Kill" M. Corpenbir. BROWN & CARPENTER, CDITOM AND PUBI.MnBR8. L. P. WINTER, Contributing Editor. •COUNTY DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The members of the County Demo< cratic Executive Committee are hereby called to meet at the court-house in Ncnnan on Saturday, Feb. 12, at 11 a. m., to fix a date and prescribe rules for the primary election for county officers, and to give attention to such other matters as may oeme before the committee. Jas. E. Brown, Chairman. PRESIDENT WILSON'S CAMPAIGN FOR PREPAREDNESS. One of throe things is true about the speechmaking campaign President Wil son has been conducting in the Middle West. He may bo playing to the gal lery; he may be obsessed with an idea that is utterly without reason; or he is in possession of facts and in a position to know onough to make him feel all the anxiety he expresses in his speeches. The first of these suppositions is not at all reasonable. The policy the Pres ident is advocating as to an increase of our army and navy is not the declared policy of the Democratic party. Since this is so, it is not at all probablo that Mr. Wilson would bo so eager for the course ho pleads for for political or partisan reasons. S As to the second, President Wilson is not a man to be easily led ofT by a fad or a fancy. He iB eminently sane and cool-headed. It is therefore reasonable to believe that he knowB more about the real sit uation than does the public generally, or even Congress itself. Without giv ing absolute adhesion to the course he is advocating, one would do well to give all the weight such statements as he makes are entitled to, in view of his high office and charactor. That Presiddbt Wilson should feel called upon to go beforo the people with his patriotic plea for "prepared ness” ia a reflection upon Congress, some of the members of which are har assing him in many ways that deserve criticism. That Republicans, for purely partisan purposes, should lend them selves to this cabal is not surprising; but for Democratic members to join this yelping crew in its efforts to em barrass and belittle the Administration is enough to excite tho disgust of all true Americans, whatever their politi cal leanings may be. The policy ad vocated by President Wilson is not a political one, nor by any method of distortion can it be construed as a par ty measure. It is simply an appeal to the patriotism of the nation, and the enthusiasm with which he has been re ceived at all points on his speechmaking tour shows that the people are behind him. MIDWAY. The singing at the school-house Saturday night was well attended. It was not only an event of social pleasure, but the singing was fine. The new books purchased recently contain some splendid compositions, and our singers are good as any community affords. After the singing a number of four-yard lots of canvas belonging to the school were sold to the highest bidder. Much interest was shown, and about $4 was realised from the sale. This will be used for school improvements. Tho bouse has been remodeled and painted, and some new desks put in. There are other needed improvements which the progressive patrons hope to make. With the start already made there is no reason why they should not have a standard school within the next year or so. Much praise is due those who bsve responded so readily to every call, both with work and money. Mr. C. A. Wiggins spent Monday and Tuesday in Newnan. Mrs. Sussn Kidd, accompanied by her grandsons, William and Crantlll Kidd, apent Saturday night and Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Berry Davis, at Dresden. Miss Eva Jones and J. M. Kidd spent the week-end in Whitesburg. Mr. and Mrs, Wade Luckie, of Buck eye, visited Mrs. Lula Kidd Sunday. Mr. Lynn Kidd, of Corinth, spent Sunday with his mother here. Mr. D. L. Hardigreo is having his bouse painted. Mr. Will Kidd waB in Newnan Tues day. Several from this community visited the Georgia exhibit train in Newnan last week. Feb. 2d. A WORD FOR MOTHERS It is a grave mistake for mothers to neg lect their aches and pains and duller In silence—this only leads to chronic sick ness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves are excitable: if you feel languid, weary or depressed, you should know that Scott’s Emulsion overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated form the very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves and build strength. Scott's Is strengthening thousands of mothers—and will help you. No alcohol. Scott ft Downs. Bloomfield. N. I. Attractions at The Strand. Monday Betty Nansen, the famous Danish tragedienne, will be featured in the great 5 part Fox feature, “The Song of Hate,’’adapted from the great society drama of the speaking stage, ‘La Tosco.” Miss Nansen is always a favorite with Newnan people, being one of the most popular actresses ap pearing in motion pictures. Wednesday the Vitagraph Blue Rib bon feature, “My Lady’s Slipper,” featuring Anita Scewart and Carl Wil liams, will be shown. Both of these popular players will be remembered for their work in “The Goddess,” and both are very popular with the patrons of The Strand. Thursday Helen Holmes, the most daring girl In the world, will be fea tured in the Becond installment of “The Girl and the Game. ” Don't miss this great series. Each installment com plete. Friday Francis X. Bushman and Marguerite Snow will appear in the big Metro feature, “The Silent Voice.” Both Mr. Bushman and Miss Snow are well known to the movie fans of New nan, having appeared in many pictures shown at Tho Strand. Special music on Mondays, Wednes days and Thursdays. Go-to-Sabbath-School Day. The second Sabbath (Feb. 13) is “Go- to-Sunday-school Day.” All the Sab- bath-Bchoola under the supervision of the Coweta County Sabbath-school Association, which is a part of the State Association, are requested to mako this a record day in attendance. As the churcheB in the county will not wish to fall below tho other counties in the State in this most laudable effort, not only to increase attendance but efficiency as well, we are sure that this notice iB all that ia needed. Christian f ride in your school will do the balance, n addition to this request we wish to ask the following, nnd kindly request you to conform to them as far as is practicable and consistent with your own church duties and obligations— 1. Have the secretary to tabulate the attendance of pupils, together with visitors. 2. Send the tabulated Hat to the divisional president of your district. 3. Let your collections for the day go to help the State Association in its work. This wo kindly ask of all schools. It is only a request; we have no claims upon you. 4. Send your contributions, with the name of your school, to T. G. Farmer, jr., secretary, Newnan. in the name of the Master whom we all trust and wish to honor, wo appeal to all Christians to help us to put Coweta county in the “gold star” rank. It can be done with your help and God’s grace. W. H. Millen, T. G. Farmer, jr., Sec’y. Pres’t. Proven Swamp-Root Aids Weak Kidneys The symptoms of kidney and bladder troubles are often very distressing and leave the system in a run-down con dition. , Tho kidneys Beem to suffer moBt, as almost every victim complainB of lame back and urinary troubles which should rot bo neglected, as these danger signals often lead to dangerous kidney troubles. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, which soon healB and strengthens the kid neys, is a splendid kidney, liver and bladder remedy, and, being an herbal compound, has a gentle healing effect on the kidneys, which is almost imme diately noticed in most cases by those who use it, A trial will convince anyone who may be in need of it. Better get a bottlo from your nearest drug store, and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation, send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghampton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure to mention The New nan Herald. Robbie was very busy with paper and pencil. “What are you doing, Robbie?” asked mother. "Making a picture of God.” "But, Robbie, nobody knows how God looks.” “They will when I get my picture donp,” replied Robbie confidently. HOW APPENDICITIS CAN BE PRE VENTED. Newnan people should know that a few doBea of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka, often relieve or prevent appendicitis. This simple mixture removes such sur prising foul matter that ONE SPOON FUL rolievcs almost ANY CASE of constipation, sour stomach or gas. A abort treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. Adler-i ka has the easiest and most thorough action of anything we ever sold. The Odom Drug Co. Many a roan gets a reputation for wisdom by Burrouoding himself with silence at the right time. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of thin paper will bo pleased to learn that thore in at least ono dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in ail ita stage*, and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly in- tluencod by constitution!!! conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acta through tho blood on the mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of tho disease, giving the patient strength by building up the conatitution and assisting nature in doing ita work. The pro prietors have so much faith in the curative pow ers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it rails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Proprietor*. Sold by all druggists. 76c. Toledo, Ohio. I hereby announce my candidacy for tha office of Ordinary of Coweta county, subject to the Democratic primary, and will greatly appreciate the support of my friends and fellow-citizens. T. F. Shackelford. I tnko this method of announcing to the voters of Coweta that I urn a candidate for the office of Ordinary, subject to the Democratic primary. Assuring the people of toy county that I will deeply appreciate their support, I promise, if elected, a faithful and business-like administration of the office. Kmmktt J. Bailev. FOR CLERK. I horchy announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Clerk Superior Court, subject to tho Democratic primary, and if elected I promise the same strict attention to the business affairs of tho pfflee as heretofore, and the same courteous treatment of the public. Will appreciate the votes of tho people. Lynch 7urneil I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of Superior Court, subject to the Democratic primary, and respectfully sollc* of the rotors of the county. F. T. MkAcham. it tho support c I am strain a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to' the Democratic primary, and will appreciate any assistance my friends may Hive me. C. J. Owens, Announcements. FOR ORDINARY. 1 use this medium to notify my friends and fel low-citizens that I am in the race for Ordinary, and will appreciate their support. My candidacy is subject to the Democratic primary. John A, R. Camp. 1 am a candidate for Ordinary of Coweta coun ty. subject to the action of the Democratic party. If 1 should be elected l will do my utmost to keep the business of the office up to the high decree of efficiency that has characterised the administra tion of the many excellent officials who have held the place heretofore. I am in favor of the fee system and the placing of all county officer* on a salary. W. H. Daniel. 1 use this medium to announce to my friends and follow-citizens that 1 am a candidate for Ordinary, subject to the Democratic primary, and will be grateful f or t beir influence and sup port. L. A. Perduk. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Coweta county, subject to tho action of the Democratic primary, and will appreciate the support of the voters of the county. J. D. Brewster. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Receiver of Coweta county, to succeed myself in office, subject to tho coming Democratic primary. I earnestly solicit tho support of my friends and the voters of the county. B. Paul Smith. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. To my fellow-citizens and the voters of Coweta county: I use this medium to ask you for the office of Tax Collector, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. Your influence and support will be appreciated. W. J. CooaiN. This Is to notify my friends and fellow-citizens that I am a candidate for Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic primary, and will bo grateful for their support. I need the office. John T. Chestnut. I heroby announce mysolf a candidate for re- election to the office of Tax Collector of Coweta county for the ensuing term, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. B. J. Fry. To tho Voters of Coweta county: I heroby beg to announce my candidaoy for the office of Tax Collector of Coweta county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I nave had several years' experience in handling the affairs of this office and am thoroughly familiar with all its de tails. For this reason I earnestly ask your sup port and influence. L. E. Snead. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector of Coweta county, subject to the ac tion of tho Democratic primary. Have resided iu the county all my life, and will appreciate the support and Influence of my follow-citizens. Huoir B. Sasser. I hereby announce my candidacy for tho of fice of Tax Collector, subject to tho Democratic primary, and will appreciate the suoport of my friends and follow-citizens. Knowing that there aro others worthy, competent and deserv ing. I promise if clocteu not to offer for re-olec- tloii, Jos. L. Brown. At tho solicitation of muny friends I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for Tax Collector, sub ject to tho Democratic primary. I will appreciate the support and influence of my friends. J. Paul Pitman. I beg to announce to tho voters of Coweta county that I am a candidate for Tax Collootor, subject to tho Democratic primary, and will greatly appreciate their support. If favored with this office, I will give faithful attention to its duties. W. B. McDonald. I take this method of informing my friends and fellow-citizens that I am a candidate for Tax Col lector. and will very much appreciate their sup port In the Democratic primary. J. I. Scroggin. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Collector. subjecWo the Democratic pri mary, nnd will appreciate the support of my friends and fellow-citizens. J. A. Stephens. I respectfully solicit the support nnd influence of my friondB for tho office of Tax Collector, nnd will gratefully remember everyone who helps me. Of course, rny candidacy is subject to tho Demo cratic primary. If I should be elected I will not ask for u second term. C. I. Stamps. FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. Wo hereby nominate REV. FRANK J. AMIS ns n candidate for County Superintendent of Schools, subject to the Democratic primary. He la an experienced educator, and one of the best men in tho county, loved by all who know him. HIb qualifications are beyond question. Many Voters. I take this method of informing the peoplo of Cowota county that I am a candidate for tho of fice of County Superintondont of Schools, subject to tho Democratic primary, and will appreciate their support. As to my qualifications will say that I have had 20 years' experience In school work, having served at different periods as a member of tho faculty of Vanderbilt University, (Tennessee.) Centenary College. (Louisiana,) Em ory and Henry College. (Virginia,) and Epworth University, (Oklahoma.) Have been a member of the County Board of Education for the past five years, B. M. Drake. I respectfully submit to the voters of Coweta county my candidncy for the office of County Superintendent of Schools, subjecc to the Demo cratic primary, and will appreciate the support of my friends and fellow-citizens. J. M. Starr. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. Tho many friends of MR. W. B. SHARP, of Sharpsburg, announce him as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic pri mary. Mr. Sharp is an old Confederate soldier, and one of Coweta's worthiest citizens. He is now aged and infirm, and the office would be a great help to him in his last years. We ask for him the support of the voters of the county. I beg to announce my candidacy for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic pri mary. During a long life I have had occasion to ask but few favors from my fellow-citizens; but I am now advanced in years and unable to work, and if they will help rao to get this office I shall bo deeply gratoful, P. M. Waltom. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Treasurer, auhject to the Democratic pri mary. I am a Confederate veteran, and was three times wounded during the war. The small salary that goes with this office would be a great help to mo in my old age. and I shall be deeply grateful for any as&latanco given me in my race. Jas. R. Bodge. I wish to inform my friends and fellow-citizens that I am again a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic primary. In three pre vious contcats I sought this office, but each time met defeat, which I accepted without a murmur. Don’t you think it should be my time now? I am feeble and afflicted, and need the place more than ever. J- W. M. Turner. I beg to announce my candidacy for County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic primary, nnd will be deeply gratoful for the support of the voters of tho county. Although a Confederate veteran, I do not draw a pension. I ran Becond in the race for Treasurer two years ago, and if the same friends who supported me then will vote for me in this race I will bo elected. Please give mo your help, J. A. Millians, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic primary* l need the office, and will appreciate the support of my friends and fellew-cltizens, A. J. Smith. To the voters of Coweta county: I respectfully solicit tlie support nnd influence of my friends nnd follow-citizens for tho office of County Treas urer. Will greatly appreciate any help that may be given me. My candidacy is subject to the Dem ocratic primary. E. J. Lovern. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the Demo cratic primary. I am an old and needy Confeder ate veteran, having served nearly four years in the army. Am now poor in purse and infirm in body, and need the office. Help me. friends. Patrick A. Carmical. The friends of MR. JOHN S. MOORE, of Pan ther Creek district, present him to the voters of Coweta county a* a candidate for County Treas urer. subject to the Democratic primary, and earnestly bespeak for him the support of his fel low-citizens. He la now 78 years of age. poor and dependent, and it is not likely that he will ever again ask for office. He needs help. To tho Voters of Coweta county: The offW of County Treasurer is more nearly a county charily than a county necessjty. and is usually awarded to some needy veteran of the Civil War'to help him eke out a precarious existence. Being one of those very needy veterans. I would feel grateful for your support for that office in the forthcoming Democratic primary. E. J. Stephens. FOR CORONER. I desire to Inform my friends that I am a can didate for the office of Coroner, subject to the Democratic primary, and respectfully solicit the support of the voters of the county. X C. Cook. Don’t you need a Hot Water Bottle? We have a very complete line of Rubber Goods—Hot Water Bot tles, Fountain Syringes, Combination Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe, Bulb Syringes, IceCaps, Household Rubber Gloves, Surgical Gloves, Rubber Sheeting, Atomizers, etc. There is a great deal of difference in the quality of rubber. We guarantee satisfactory service in every item we sell in this line. Eastern-Grown Irish Potatoes Just received shipment, 75c peck. Now is the time to plant. Norris’ Exquisite Candies Dahl’s Cut Flowers, Atlanta Idlehour Cut Flowers, Macon Prompt Delivery Efficient Service J. F. Lee Dreg Company Bohannon’s Hardware We handle Landreth's Garden Seed exclusively, and in large quantities. Have just received as fine a lot as we have ever had, consisting of Potatoes 75 bushels on hand ( Irish Cobbler Early Rose Bliss Triumph I Snowflake [ Peerless 15 bushels Beans. 4 bushels English Peas. 20 bushels Onion Sets. 2,000 papers small seed. Cabbage plants always on hand. IF YOU WANT THE BEST, WE HAVE IT. Bohannon’s Hardware FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. The friends of R. E. J. WINKLES present him to the voters of the county as a candidate for County Commissioner from the Fourth Road Dis trict. subject to the Democratic primary. He is familiar with conditions in his district, and well qualifled for the position. He will appreciate your support. I hereby offer myself as a candidate for County Commissioner from the Fourth Road District, and will appreciate tho support of my friends and fellow-citizens. Of course, my candidacy is sub ject to the Democratic primary. J. D. Starr. I hereby announce my candidacy for County Commissioner for Coweta county from the First Road District, subject to the Democratic primary. Will appreciate your vote and influence in this election. L. L. Hutchinson. At the solicitation of my fellow-citizens of the Fourth Road District, as well as many voters in other parts of the county. I have consented to become a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the Democratic primary. Believing that the taxpayers should know how and for what purposes the county’s money is expeuded, if elected I shall urge that monthly or quarterly reports of all moneys received and disbursed be published. P. B. Vineyard. Wo hereby propose the name of MR. -T. J. KEITH as a candidate for County Commissioner from the Newnan road district, subject to the Democratic primary. We do not believe that a better roan for this responsible position could be chosen, and appeal to the voters of Coweta to give him their support Many Citizens. New Advertisements. Executors* Sale. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Under and by virtue of the toms of the last will and testament of Fannie G. Pinson, late of said county, deceased, will be sold at public out cry, on the first Tuesday in March. 1916, at the court-house in said county, between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate, situate in Coweta county, to-wlt: A certain house and lot in the city of Newnan, said county, situated on the west side of Robinson street. said city, containing one acre, more or less, being the h use and lot occupied by Fannie G. Pin*»on prior to her aeath, and more fully de scribed as follows: Bounded on the north by lands of F. B. Cole, on the west by lands of J. B. Ra mey. on the south by lands of Mrs. R. F. Milner, and on the east by Robinson street. Terms—CASH. This Feb. 3, J916. Prs. fee, 15.22. R. M. PINSON. B, H. PINSON. Executors last will and testament of Fannie G. Pinson. Legal Notices. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGLA-Coweta County: Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the es tate of Dr. J. C. Jackson, late of said county, de ceased. to render in an account of their demands to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law, properly made out; and all persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make imme diate payment. This Jan. 28, 1916. Prs. fee. $3.75. WILLIAM MELSON WARE. Executor. To All Whom It May Concern. GEORGIA—Coweta County: J. C. Harris having applied for guardianship of the persons and property of Terrell Dodds, J. B. Dodds and Edna Harris, minor children of A. C. and Saflie Belle Dodds, deceased, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at my of fice at 10 o'clock, a. m.. on the first Monday in February next. Tbit Jan. 11.1916 Prs. fee, $3. L. A. PfcRDUE. Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Mollie Jordan, administrator on the estate of J. H. Jordan, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of dismission from her said trust, all persons con cerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday In February next, if any they can. why said application should not be granted. This Jan. 10,1916. Prs. fee, $3. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary, • Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA—Coweta County; Mrs. Susan V. Cannon, administrator on the es tate of Mrs. Annie Watts, deceased, having ap plied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of dismission from her said trust, all per sons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in February next, if any they can, why said application should not bo granted. This Jan. 3.1916. Prs. fee. $3. L, A. PERDUE. Ordinary. Lei GEORGIA—Co tiers of Dismission. owBTA County : 8 B. Hungerford. administrator on the estate of Mrs. S L. Hungerford, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters, of dismission from his said trust, ail persons con cerned ara required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday In February next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Jan. 3.1916. Prs. fee, $3. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Coweta County: C. F. Hollberg having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of administra tion on the estate of Mrs. Sallie E. Sibley, deceased all persons concerned are required to show cause In said Court by the first Monday in February next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. ThbJan 3.19*6. Prs. fee, $3. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. *