The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, March 03, 1916, Image 2

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NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN, FRIDAY, MAR. 3. LiBOBUT 0 It A BA NTESB OOUWTBV 01 ttUWLATfOK IS KOUBT1! OONOIIIWMONAL MUTBIOT. Official Organ of Coweta County. Ju. E. Brown. Kllli M. Carpontnr, BROWN Sc OARPBNTER, EDITORS AND FUDLUnERfl. L. P. WINTER, Contributing Editor. CONTEMPT FOR LA W. That there ia a widespread, almost universal contempt for law cannot be questioned by anybody who has his eyes and ears and mind open. And this ia the peril of the situation. What one man thinks may be of little weight in the community; what the whole community, or a majority of it, be lieves is quite another matter. It is unnecessary to point out the dangers of this popular contempt for law. One who cannot see these dan gers would not see them even if pointed out to him. But herein lies the peril. The man who takes his opinions altO' gether from his neighbors and does no thinking on his own account, is blind and doesn't know it. That this contempt for law leads to lawlessness and the lax enforcement of law is as logical as cause and effect; and this crop of evils is prolific of many other evils. Evil not only produces its liko; it multiplies Bpecies, if it does not originate new genera. A man who has contempt for law will have no respect for anything sacred. Who is responsible for this contempt of law? People generally are in part responsible for it. There are not many disputes or differences between neigh bors that might not be settled out of court. And yet when men become an gered they rush into court with mat ters that are as small as the disputes of children. The number of trifling cases that havo been docketed and tried in the courts of Georgia, from Justice Courts all the way to the Supreme Court, irmktt up a catalogue of absur dities thnt would be amusing if it were not so seiious. Take, for instance, the disputes thut have gone into the courts about land linos. These suits have cost litigantB many times more than the land in question was worth. Much of this attitude of the people towards law is justly chargeable to law yers. There ore, of couro, many hon est and conscientious lawyers: but no profession is more discounted by un worthy members than the legal profes sion. Even unworthy preachers do not discount the ministry more than un worthy lawyers discount the gentlemen of the bar, and, unfortunately, the law itBelf. The impression haB gotten abroad that the worst criminal can escape justice entirely, or at leaBt de lay the enforcement of the law against hlm'indeflnitely, if he can only put up •enough money to carry the case through all the courts. Every man charged with the violation of law has a right to a fair trial and the services of an attorney; but to shield a guilty man from punishment by legal quibbles and technicalities is in itself a crime, whether the law calls it auch or not. That thore are many loopholes in the laws of the land whereby guilty men can escape punishment ia also a matter of common knowledge. These ought to be closed up. LITERARY PATRIOTISM. The Ad. Men's Club of Atlanta gave Frank L. Stanton, tho Georgia poet, a banquet the other evening. One of the features of the occasion was a move ment to have a “Stanton Day" in the schools of the State; and it was sug gested that the last Friday in October be selected as the day. This is a step which appeals to every well-informed Georgian. Of course, we are not, as a people, utterly lacking in patriotism, but wedu lack literary patriotism. Our children are made familiar with Whittier, Low ell and Longfellow through the books we put into their hands, but are not made acquainted so fully with our own Southern poets. New England writers exploit New England authors and New England literature, which of course they have a perfect right to do, and for good reason; but Southern writers are ignored, or at best given scant atten tion in our school books. And yet South ern writers have been pioneers in some of the beBt literary work of the day. Edgar Allan Poe was the originator of the de tective story and the author of possibly the finest poem ever written by an American, “The Raven." O. Henry, the recognised master in his lifetime as the leading ahort-Btory writer of hia day, was a native of North Carolina. In every department of literature the South has had a worthy representative. And no literary geolus among us ia more entitled to the honor of a day in our schools than Frank L. Stanton. Ho is a Georgia poet dis tinctively. He is true to the soil. Hie verses are not modeled after the poetry of Old England nor New Eng land. Writing as much as he writes, of course he does not write real poetry every day he makes his contributions to the Atlanta Constitution. But now and then he sends out a poetic, gem, and all he writes is bo full of the sun niest optimism that one always feels better for reading hia simple rhymes. We need more literary patriotism. WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm Bystem of the human body. In perfect health we hardly renlb-e that we have a network of nerves, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin ing, the same nervous system gives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul sion Is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment gets into the blood and rich blood feeds the tiny nerve-cells while the whole system responds to its refresh ing tonic force. It is free from alcohol. Scott St Bownc, Bloomfield, N. J. At the meeting of the State Demo cratic Executive Committee on Satur day last it wbb decided to hold b State Convention at Macon on May 3, to select delegates to the National Democratic Convention, which meets in St. Louia on June Id. Georgia will be entitled to twenty-eight delegates, two from each Congressional district and four from the State-at-large. Delegates to the State Convention will be appointed by the County Executive Committees of the several counties—two delegates for each Representative to which the coun ties are entitled in the General As sembly. The Relegates from Coweta to the State Convention will be appoint ed when the County Executive Com mittee meets on March 23 to consoli date the returns of the primary elec tion. Meriwether Vindicator: “There is no place on earth better than a country newspaper office to loarn the different kinds of people there are. Some get huffy if a statement is sent them; others will not pay until they receive a statement. Some will pay without a statement, and others will not pay whether a statement is sent or not. Some thought they uwed more and Borne thought they didn’t owe so much. Some say they couldn’t get along with out the paper, and others say it does not amount to much. But the meanest and scrubbiest in the list is the man who takes it until he is shut off for non payment, and then spendB half his time explaining how 'he used to take the thing, but Btopped it because it was no ’count.”’ Dawson News: "According to re ports that have every indication of authenticity Hon. Hugh Dorsey will be a candidate for Governor, and his an nouncement may bo expected in the next few days. Mr. Dorsey’s record as Solicitor-General of the Atlanta cir cuit proves him to be a man of ability and resourcefulness. People in all sec tions of the State have urged him to become a candidate, and his entry will complicate the situation. That be will be a strong factor in the contest there is no reason to doubt." Btatb op Ohio, City op Toledo, I Lucas County. f, Frank J. Choncy makoB oath that ho Is aonlor S artnor of tho firm of F. J. Chonoy & Co., doing uslnrsa In tho City of Toledo. County and Stato aforosnid, nnd thnt said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for oach nnd ovory cnoo of catarrh that cannot be cured by the uso of Hall's Catabbii Cube. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mn nnd subscribed In my proa- onco, this dth duy of Docombor, A. D. 1886. t A. W. GLEASON, (seal, j- NoTAnY Public. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intornally end acts through tho blood on tho mucous surfaces of tho Byatom. Sond for testimonials, froo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Proprietors, Sold by all druggists. 76c. Toledo, Ohio. Hall’a Family Pllla for constipation. Announcements. FOR ORDINARY. 1 ubo this medium to notify my frionds nnd fol- low-oitisena thnt I am in the raco for Ordinary, and will appreciate their support. My candidacy is subject to the Democratic primary. John A. R. Camp. I uho this medium to announce to my friends and follow-cltizene that 1 am a oandfdalo for Ordinary, subject to tho Democratic primary, and will lio grateful for tholr Influence and sup port. L. A. PmtDun. I hereby announce my candidacy for the offico of Ordinary of Coweta county, subject to the Democratic primary, and will greatly appreciate the support of my friends and fellow-citizens. T. F. SlIAOKBLPORD. I take thlB method of announcing to the votors of Oowota that I am a candidate for tho oflloo of Ordinary, subjoot to tho Democratic administration of tho oifloe. Ummktt J. Bailky. FOR CLERK. I hereby announce my candidacy for ro-eloction to the ortice of Clerk Superior Court, subject to the Democratic primary, and if elected I promise tho same strict attention to tho business affairs of tho odice as heretofore, and tho same courteous treatment of tho public. Will appreciate tho vote* of tho people. Lynch Turner. I hereby announce mysolf a candidate for the office of Clerk of Superior Court, subject to the Democratic primary, and respectfully solic it tho support of tho votors of tho county. F. T. Mkaoham. I am again a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to tho Democratic primary, and will appreciate any assistance my friends may give me. C. J. Owrns, FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for ro-eloction to the office of Sheriff of Coweta county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and will appreciate tho support of the voters of the county. J. D. Brkwstrr. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce mysolf a candidate for Tax Receiver of Coweta county, to succeed myself in office, subject to the coming Democratic .primary. 1 earnestly solicit the support of my friends and the voters of the county. B. Paul Smith. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I am a candidate for tho office of Tax Collector of Coweta county, subject to the Democratic pri mary. Will appreciate the support of my friends. T. J. Wilkinson. To my fellow-cltiien* and the vote re of Coweta county: I uee this medium to ask you for the office of Tax Collector, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. Your influence and support will be appreciated. W. J. Coooin. This ia to notify my friends and fellow-citizens that I am a candidate fqr Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic primary, end will bo grateful for their support. I need the office. John T v Chestnut. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re- election to the office of Tax Collector of Coweta county for the ensuing- term, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. B. J. Fey. To the Voters of Coweta county: I hereby be® to announce my candidaoy for the office of Tax Collector of Coweta county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. 1 have had several years’ experience in handling the affair* of this office and am thoroughly familiar with all its de tails. For this reason 1 earnestly ask your sup port and influence, L. K. Snead. I horobv announoo mysolf a candidate for Tax Collector of Coweta countv, tubjeot to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. Have resided In the county all my life, and will appreciate the support and influence of my follow-citizens. HUOII B. fiAMKU. I hereby announce my candidaoy for the of fice of Tax Collector, aubbet to the Democratic primary, and will appreciate the hii ..port of my friends and fellow-citizens. Knowing that there are others worthy, competent and deserv ing. I promise If eloeted/fiot to offer for re-elcc- tlon. Jo». L. Brown. At the solicitation of many friends I hereby an nounce mysolf a candidate for Tax Collector, sub ject to the Democratic primary. I will appreciate the support ahd Influonfce of my friends. ' 'J. Paul Pitman. I beg to announce to tho voters of Coweta county that I am a candidate for Tax Collector, subject to tho Democratic primary, and will greatly appreciate .their support. If favored with thin office, I will give faithful attention to Its duties. W. 8. McDonald. ' I take this method of informing my friends and fellow-citizens that I am a candidate for Tax Col lector, and will very much appreciate tholr sup port in the Democratic primary. J. L Scrogoin. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic pri mary, end will appreciate the support of my friends and fellow-citizens. J. A. Stephens. I respectfully solicit tho support and influence of my friends for tho office of Tax Collector, and will gratefully remember everyone who helps me. Of course, my candidacy is subject to the Demo cratic primary. If I should be elected I will not ask for a second term, C. L Stamps, FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. We hereby nominate REV. FRANK J. AMIS ns a candidate for County Superintendent of Schools, subject to tho Democratic primary. Ho is an experienced educator, and one of tho best men in the county, loved by all who know him. His qualifications are beyond question. Many Voters. I take this method of informing: the people of Coweta county that l am a candidate for the of fice of County Superintendent of Schools, Subject to the Democratic primary, and will appreciate their support. As to my qualifications will nay that I havo had 20 years’ experience in school work, having served at different periods as a member of the faculty of Vanderbilt University, (Tennessee,) Centenary Coileare, (Louisiana,) Em ory and Henry College. (Virginia.) and Epworth University. (Oklahoma.) Havo been a member of tho County Board of Education for the past five years. B. M. Drake. I respectfully submit to the voters of Chweta county my candidacy for the office of County Superintendent of Schools, nubjocc to tho Demo cratic primary, and will appreciate the support of my friendB and fellow-citizens. J. M. Starr. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I am a candidate for the office of County Treas urer, subject to the Democratic primary. I served four years in tho Confederate army; am 70 years old, feeble, and in very needy circumstances. I was run down by an automobile the 29th of last September and have been unable to work qince. My wife has been sick for three years or more, nnd I am not able to buy medicines and other ne cessities for her. Will appreciate your vote. C. N. Baker. I wish to announco my candidacy for County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic primary, nnd will thank my friends and fellow-citizens for their support If any candidate in the race can prove that ho is poorer or needier than I am I will vote for him. Osoar W, Floyd. I am a candidate for the office of County Treas urer, subject to the Democratic primary. I was in the Civil Wnr, but do not get a pension. Am 74 years old, and have been crippled for many years. I will appreciate tho help of my fellow- citizens. ’ L. Z. Johnson. The mnny friends of MR. W. B. SHARP, of Sharpsburg. announce him as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic pri mary. Mr. Sharp is nn old Confederate soldier, nnd one of Coweta's worthiest citizens. He is now nged and infirm, and the office would bo a great help to him In his last yours. Wo ask for him tho support of tho voters of the county. I beg to announce my candidacy for the office of County Treasurer, subject to tho Democratic pri-^ mnry. During a long life 1 have had occasion to aBk but few favors from my fellow-citizenB; but I am now advanced ip years and unable to work, and if they will help me to get this office I shall bo deeply grateful, P. M. Waltom. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Treasurer, subject to tho Democratic pri- , mary. I am a Confederate veteran, and was three times wounded during the war. The small salary that goes with this office would be a great help to me in my old age, and I shall be deeply grateful for any assistance given me in my raco. Jas. R. Hodge. I wish to inform my friends and fellow-citizens that I am again a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic primary. In three pre vious contests I sought this office, but each timo met defeat, which I accepted without a murmur. Don’t you think It should bo my time now? !am feeblo and afflicted, and need the place more than over. J. W. M. Turner. I beg to announco my candidacy for County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic primary, and will be deeply grateful for the support of the voters of the county. Although a Confederate veteran, I do not draw a pension. I ran second in the race for Treasurer too years ago, and if the same friends who supported me then will vote for me in this race I will be elected. Please give me your help, J. A. Millians, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic primary. I need the office, and will appreciate the Bupport of my friendB and fellow-citizens, A. J. Smith, To the voters of Coweta county: I respectfully solicit tho support and influence of my friends qnd follow-citizens for the office of County Treas urer. Will greatly appreciate any help that may be given me. My candidacy is subject to the Dem ocratic primary. E. J. Lovern. I hereby announoo myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the Demo cratic primary. I am an old and needy Confeder ate veteran, having served nearly four years in the army. Am how poor in purse and infirm in body, and need tho office. Help me. friends. Patrick A. Carmigal. The friends of MR. JOHN S. MOORE, of Pan ther Greek district, present him to the voters of Coweta county as n candidate for County Treas urer, subject to the Democratic primary, and earnestly bespeak for him the support of hia fel low-citizens. Ho Is now 78 years of age. poor and dependent, nnd it is not likely that he will ever again ask for office. He needs help. To the Voters of Coweta county:, Tho office of County Treasurer is more nearly a county charity than a county necessity, and 1b usually awarded toaome needy veteran of the Civil War to help him ekp out a precarious existence. Being one of those very needy veterans, I fc would feel grateful for your support for that Office in the forthcoming Democratic primary. E. J. Stephens. FOR CORONER. I hereby announce mysolf a candidate for Coro ner. subject to the Democratic primary on March ?2d> I will appreciate the support and influence of my friends and fellow-citizens. J. C. Morgan. I desire to Inform my f rionds that I am a can didate for the office of Coroner, subject to the Democratic primary, and respectfully solicit the support of tho voters of the county. J. C. Cook. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce my candidacy for County Commissioner of Coweta county from the First Rond District, subject to the Democratic primary. Will appreciate the tnfluenco and support of my friends and follow-citizens. W. H. Masuburn. Tho friends of R, E. J. WINKLES present him to the voters of the county as a candidate for County Commissioner from tho Fourth Road Dis trict, subject to the Democratic primary. He is familiar with conditions in hia district, and well qualified for tho position. Ho will appreciate your support. I hereby offer myself aa a candidate for County Commissioner from the Fourth Road District, and will appreciate the support of my friends and fellow-citizens. Of course, my candidacy is sub ject to the Democratic primary. J. D. Starr. I hereby announce my candidacy for County Commissioner for Coweta county from the First Road District, subject to the Democratic primary. Will appreciate your vote and influence In this election. L. L. Hutchinson. At the solicitation of my fellow-citiaens of the Fourth Road District, M well ao many votors in other parts of the county. I have consented to become a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the Democratic primary. Believing that the taxpayers should know how and for what purposes the county's money is expended, if elected I shall urge that monthly or quarterly reports of all moneys received and disbursed be published. P. B. Vineyard. We hereby propose the name of MR. J. J. KEITH as a candidate for County Commissioner from the Newnan road district, subject to the Democratic primary. We do not believe that a better man for this responsible position could bo chosen, and appeal to tho voters of Coweta to give him their support. Many CmasKS. Don’t Neglect a Cold You won’t ever fear sickness or disease when you learn to come to us for your medicines Don’t neglect a cold. A little attention at the right time may save many weeks of severe and expensive illness. “Catch” your cold in time—overtake it. Let us supply the medicines; they will be pure, fresh and effective. Our registered pharmacists verify each and every prescription we fill. Ask your doctor to leave your prescription with us. Norris’ Exquisite Candies Dahl’s Cut Flowers, Atlanta Idlehour Cut Flowers, Macon Prompt Delivery Efficient Service J. F. Lee Drug Company jdaeL SMOKE A “urnm” CIGAR 5c STRAIGHT Strictly Hand-made and is guaranteed to contain nothing but the very choicest Havana tobacco. MANUFACTURED BY Hicks Chandler NEWNAN, GEORGIA. % d$b a$E> A§5 # ■=$£> 4 s 4 s IP §£ New Advertisement*. Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla with Iodide of Potassium is a well-known blood purifier indicated in eruptions of the skin, pimples, boils, etc. For sale only by J. F. Lee Drug Co. Tax Receiver’s Notice. SECOND BOUND. The Thx Receiver’s office will open Feb. 1 and does May 1* w required by taw. Pioaae make your returns of State and county turn. and avoid being double taxed. Those who did not give me their correct land lot number* last year, please look up your deeds and help roe get them correct on the digeet. All employers are required to make returns for their employees. I will be in my office at all times except when out on my rounds, as mentioned below. Raymond, Wednesday. March 15, 8 to 840 a m. Sargent. Wednesday. March 16,11 a. m. to 140 ^ GrantvUle, Thursday. March 16.8:30 a. m. to 12 m. Palmetto. Thursday. March 16. 140 to 440 p. m. Moreland, Friday. March 17. 840 to 11 a, m. St Charles. Friday, March 17. 2 to 4 p. m. Newnan. Saturday. March 18. ail day. Sharpsburg. Monday. March 20, 8 a. m. to 12 m. Turin. Monday. March 20,1 to 5;JU u. m. Newnan. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, March 21. 22 and 23. Senola, Friday, March 24. 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Newnan. Saturday, March 26, all day. Haralson. Monday. March 27. 840 a. m. to 12 m. Roscoe, Tuesday. March 28. 9 to 11 a. m. Handy, Wednesday, March 29, 9 to 11 a. m. Welcome, Wednesday, March 29, 1 to 2 p. m. Hall’s Store. Thursday. March 30. 9 to 11 a. m. McCollum. Thursday. March 30, 12 ro. to 2’ p. m. Madras. Thursday, March 30. 240 to 4 p. m. PAUL SMITH. Tax Receiver Coweta County. Legal Notices. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Coweta County: W. E. Nimmons having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of administra tion on the estate of Mrs, Jennie Nimmons, de ceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause in safcLCourt by the first Monday in March next. If an/they can. why said application should not be granted. This Feb U. 1916. Prs. fee, S3. JTVTA. PERDUE. Ordinary. v ra—— ■ 1 1 Application fof Twejre Months’ Support GEORGIA—Coweta CoiAmr: The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months’ support to the widow of R. M. North, deceased, having been filed in my office, all persons concerned are cited to show cause by the first Monday in March. 1916. why said appli cation for twelve months’ support should not be granted. This Feb. 8.1916. Prs. fee, $3. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. Application for 12 Months’ Support. GEORGIA—Coweta County: The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months’ support to the family of G. T. Drake, deceased, having been filed in my office, all per sons concerned are cited to show cause by the first Monday in March. 1916, why said application for twelve months’ support should not be granted. This Feb. 8.1916. Prs. fee. $3. L. A PERDUE. Ordinary, Citation for Guardianship, and for Letters of Administration de bonis non. GEORGIA—Coweta. County: Tho estates of Glady. Ponder. Sarah H. Cald well. Cicero Partridge, Thomas Baines. WUUe W°re»n. Jo*- J. Moreen, Joe. F. Shell. Ben Km Hill. Pauline Banks. Diamond Banks. Cliff Banks. Ethel Banka. Johnnie Keane. Fred Keane. Jamea D. KMrae and Lillie May Keane, all the above- named being minora; and the estate a£Cinthia O Benton, non compos meutis. being unrepresented and not likely to be represented; and the estates of Mr*. Mary Floyd and Ed Banks, deceased, be ing unrepresented and not likely to be represent ed: all persona concerned are required to show reuse to the Court qf Ordinary of said county by the first Monday in March next why guardians ip for the estates mentioned of the minors and of the person non rempos mentis should not be vested in the County Guardian: and why administration de bonis non of the estates of the deceased persona mentioned above should not be vested in the County Administrator. This Feb. 9, 1916. Prs. fee. *5.63. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. and ex-officio Clerk C. O, Pay your Subscription.