The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, March 10, 1916, Image 2

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■BMBHh NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN, FRIDAY, MAR. 10. •LARQKHT GUARANTEED COUNTRY OIROULATION »N FOURTH OONGRMMOlfAfs DISTRICT. Official Organ of Coweta County. E. brawn. Ellin M. Carpenter. BROWN A CARPENTER, EDITOR!! AND F1JDI.IAHRRR. L. P. WINTER, Contributing Editor. Grantville Boy Makes Fine Record Thomas Edward Zellara, a young Georgian, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Moreland Zellara, of Grantville, Ga., wrote the winning eaaay on “Washing ton and Preparedness, ” in a contest by the students of Culver Military Academy, which will bo sent to the Navy League at Washington in a com petition for a silver loving cup offered by the Navy League for the best paper on this subject submitted by all the prop schools in the United States. Each school is entitled to one paper, and young Zellers won out over many fine essByistB in this noted institution, where a number of Atlanta boys are students, as well ns others from all parts of the United States. A remark able record haB been made by young IZellars, who is well known here. He led all chemistry classes in the institu tion for the first term with an average of 97. His physics notebook, as t second classman, wan sent to the Uni- versify of Chicago as a model notebook. Mr. Zollara was prepared for Culver Military Academy by Mr. Homer Wright, of Grantville High School.— Atlanta Georgian. “The Battle Cry of Peace.” To be shown at the opera house in Carrollton, Friday, March 17, at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m.,, and Saturday, March 18, at 11 a. m., 2:30 and 7:30 p. m., by W. L. McClure, manager Bonita Thea tre. “The Battle Cry of Peace” is a "call to arms against war” and “prepared ness” It is the greatest moving pic ture production of the age, and one that every man, woman and child in the United States should see. It bears the indorsement of our churcheB, army and navy. Thousands of horses and sol diers, warships and air craft were used in the production of it. It shows thu enemy shattering our forts and taking New York City, and many thrilling and exciting scenes that will make your American blood boil. The picture iB in nina reels, taking 2 hours and 20 min utes to seo it. Special orchestra music will play the picture. The ad mission will bo 25c. nnd 50c.; — 25c. to all schools and colleges in a body. The 11 o'clock show Saturday morning is especially for out-of-town schools and colleges, and others who cannot wait to see the 2:30 show. Write or 'phono W. L. McClure, Car rollton, Ga., for reservation of seats for euch show. Court Notes. The spring term of Coweta Superior Court convened Monday morning, with Judge R, W. Freeman on the bench. Although the civil docket was called in the regular order, no cases wore found ready for trial, and the first four days of the aossion were devoted mainly to hearing motions, etc. The criminal docket was taken up yestorduy morn ing. The hose sorving as jurors this week are as follows: Grand Jury.—T. M. Goodrum, fore man, Wm. L. Carmicol, ,1. W. Story, J. I*. Camp, W. M. McEIroy, G. H. Carmical, T. H. Mattox, R. B. Thomp son, C. B. Nixon, J. L, Hemphill, T. M. Hyde. J. A. Kempson, W. E. Me- S ee, E. N. Cnmp, L. R. Powell, E. R, lent, R. L. Hardy, G. E. Smith, J. F. Ferrell, T. L. Cook, A. P. Carmical, J. W. Turner, G. L. Cavender. JVavorso Jury.— Lon Gray, W. N. Walthall, E. M. Camp, B. P. Cook, A. P. Bowers, W. H. Sewell, B, D. Lee, J. G. Carmical, S. L. Hill, Arthur Ar nold, T. B. Hyde, D. S. Cuttino, J. E. Boone, T. D. Austin, Lee Hand J. Al bert Hyde, J. P. Jones, S. A. Callahan, R. L. Braswell, A. B. Hyde, J. H. Keith, W, T. Moore, J. W. Smith, J. F. Russell, A. Q. Haynie, E. J. Bailey. Coweta Camp, U. C. V-, Elects Offi cers and Appoints Delegates. At a meeting of Coweta Camp, U. C. V,, held Tuesday, officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows: John B. Goodwyn, commander; I. J. Steph ens, vice-commander; Jos. L. Brown, adjutant; Rev. W. J. Cotter, chaplain. Delegates were chosen as follows to attend the Confederate reunion to be held in Birmingham, Ala., on May 16, 17 and 18, via: John B. Goodwyn nnd S. W. Woods. Joe. L. Brown was ap pointed a committee of one on trans portation. Comrades who have died since the last annual meeting were reported as follows: T. A. Brown, Co. D, 9th Ga. Regt.; J. E. Robinson, Co. A, 12th Ga. Batt.; F. M. Dennis, Co. A, 12th Ga. Butt.; W. H. Holmes, Co. A, Bell’s Batt.: E. E. Summers; W. A. Smith, Co. F, Phillips’ Legion; J. R. Stamps, Co. A, 12th Ga. Batt.; J. K. P. Brooks; J. B. Walker, Co. K. 1st Ga. Cav.; T. R. Bridges, Co. F, 56th Ga. Regt.; M. H. Couch; J. C. Smith, Co. C, 34th Ga. Regt.; Ben J. HarriBon, Co. I, 19th Ga. Regt.; W, M. Quick, Co. D. 63d Ga. Regt.; W. M. Scoggin, Co. I, 19th Ga. Regt.; A. L. Stephens, Co. B, 10th Ga. RegL; J. M. L. Watts, Co. 1,1st S. C. Regt.; W. R. Brooks, Co. A, 58d Ga. Regt.; John M. Haisten, Co. F, Phil lips’ Legion; R. C. Ward, 10th Ga. Cav. Do colds settle on your chest or in your bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or are you subject to throat troubles? Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the strengthening powers of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott’s Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the res piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special ists. You can get it at any drug Btore. Scott & Bo woe, Bloomfield, N. J. fled as guardian of Sarah H. Caldwell, minor. T. G. Farmer, jr.. County Guardian, appointed and qualified as guardian of Gladys Ponder, Cicero Partridge, ThoB. Haines, ,Jus. F. Shell, Benson Hill, Pauline Banks, Diamond Banks, Cliff Banks, Ethel Banks, Johnnie Kearse, Fred Kearse, Jas. D. Kearse, Lillie Mae Kearse and Cynthia O. Benton. T. G. Farmer, jr.. County Adminis trator, appointed and qualified as ad ministrator on the estates of Mrs Mary Floyd and Ed Banks, both de> ceased. T. B. McRitchie appointed and quali fied as temporary administrator on the estate of Mrs. Jessie Howell, deceased Negro Thief Shot and Killed. For some time past Mr. Glenn Ar nold. of Grantville, has been missing goods from his store, and there was ac cumulating evidence that some slick thief was responsible for these losses. The store usually opens for business about 6 o’clock. Yesterday morning Mr. Harry Baxter, a member of the firm, determined to set a watch and catch the thief if he should show up. With this purpose in view he concealed himself under a counter und awaited developments. He did not have long to wait. Shortly after the store opened Lewis Fitten and another negro named Rosser came into the store. Rosser approached a clerk—the only one in the house at the time—and asked to see some goods that wore kept in a differ ent department Fitten carried an emp ty sack, and as soon as the clerk and RoBser were out of Bight he began fill ing the sack with clothing and other articles. When the sack wbb filled he shouldred it and started out at the front door. Just sb he reached the door Mr. Buxtcr rose from behind the counter and called to him to halt., but instead of paying heed to the warning he dropped the sack and ran. Seizing a shotgun Mr. Baxter hurried to the door, and, merely to frighten him, sent a chance shot after the fleeing negro. He continued to run, and soon disap peared. Imagine Mr. Baxter's aston- shment when information was brought shortly afterwards that his chance Hhot had taken effect, striking the fugitive in a vital spot and causing his death. Coroner Cook summoned a jury atfd held an inquest yesterday morning. After a full and thorough investigation Mr. Baxter was exonerated, the jury finding that the killing of the negro was justifiable. Notlca is hereby given that on the 24 day of March, 1916, the said person was duly adjudica ted bankrupt; nnd that the first meeting of cred itors will be heid in the court-house in Nownan, Ga., on the 17th day of March, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt nnd transact such other business as may properly come before snld meeting. ALVAN D. FREEMAN, Referee in Bankruptcy. Nownan, Ga., March 6, 1916. For Sale! Owing to change to elec tric power we have on hand machinery in good condition, consisting of Boilers, Engines, Water Pumps, Fire Pumps, Air Compressers, and sundry other machines; all of which we offer at prices which are a small part of the original cost. If interested address Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., F. A. WILLIS, Supt. NEWNAN, GEORGIA. Though money is not the greatest thing in the world, yet the greatest number of people in the world are af ter money. Perhaps a man can write a sensible love letter, but he seldom does. Btate. of Ohio, City of Toledo, I „„ Lucas County. i 8a .,, Frank J. Cheney mukmi onth that ho is senior jortner of tho ilrm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in thoCIty of Toledo, County nnd State nforosald. nnd that said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each nnd overy caao of catarrh thut cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to hoforo me nnd subscribed in my pres ence, this 6th day of Docember, A. D. 1886. j„ RA1 l A. W. GLEASON, I SKAL * S Notary Purlic. Hall’a Catarrh Cure is taken internally nnd nets through tho blood on tho mucous surfaces of tho system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Proprietors. Sold by all druggists. 7Bo. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Family Pilla for constipation. New Advertisements. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Coweta County: B/Pitman and J. P. Pitman having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for lottors of administration on the estate of Miss Mary E. Bol ton, deceased, ail persons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday In April next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This March 6,1016. Pra. foe, $3. L, A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Application for 12 Months' Support. GEORGIA—Coweta County: The return of tho Appraisers setting apnrt twelve months’ support to the family of Green Freeman, deceased, having boon filed in my office, all per sons concerned are cited to show cause by the first Monday in April. 1916. why said application for twelve months' support should not bo granted. This March 6, 1916. Pra. fee. *8. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Ordinary's Court Tbs fallowing business was disposed of at the regular monthly term of the Court of Ordinary on Monday last, to- fit: Last wilt and testament of Matilda C. Jackson, deceased, admitted to rec ord as sutia(acto«Uy proven in common form. W. E. Nimmona appointed and quali fied as administrator on the estate of Mrs. Jennie W. Nimmona, deceased. Twelve months’ support set apart to Mrs. R. U. North out of the estate of R. M. North, deceased. Twelve months’ support set apart to the widow and minor children of G. T. Drake, deceased. Miss Idella Poek appointed and quali- Applicntion for Twelve Months’ Support. GEORGIA—Cowkta County: Tho return of tho appraiser* netting apart twelve months' support to the widow of E, D. Foute, doccaaod, having boon filed in my office, ail persona concerned aro cited to show cauao by tho first Monday in Anril, 1916. why said appli cation for twolvo months' support should not bo granted. This March 7, 1916. Pra. foe. $3. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. To All Whom It May Concern. GEORGIA—Cowkta County : The estate of Mrs. Mag. Aloxnnder, late of said county, deceased, being unrepresented and not likely to be represented: all persons concerned are required to show cauao in the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in April next* why such administration should not be vested in the County Administrator. This March 6, 1916. Pra. foe. $3. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. and ex-officio Clerk C. O. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Cowkta County: C. H. North, administrator on the estate of R. A. Ingram, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said countv for leave to aell the lands of said deceased, all persons con cerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in April next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This March lO.Tiie. Pra, fee. $3. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Citation to Compel Title. GEORGIA—Cowkta County ; Walter L Carmical having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for an order to compel W. E. Nimmona. administrator of the estate of Mrs. Jennie W. Nimmona deceased, to execute ti tles to land under a bond for title, all persona con cerned are hereby notified thkt l will pass on said application at the April term. 1916. of the Court of Ordinary of aaid county. This March 6.1916. Pra. fee. 68. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia. No. In Bankruptcy. In re R. C. Hunt Bankrupt: To the creditors of the above-named person of New nan. Ga.. la the county of Coweta and district aforoaaki, a bankrupt: Citation to Heirs-at-Law. Court of Ordinary, I Coweta County, Ga. f In the matter of tho petition of Thos. B. Mc Ritchie for probate in oolemn form of tho nuncu pative will of Mr». Jessie Howell, Into of aaid county, deceased— To Mrs. Maggie Gny, Mrs. Jean Young and Thou. B. McRitchie. of the county of Coweta and State of Georgia; Mrs, Moriah Hays, of tho coun ty of Fulton, said State; V. H. McRitchie, of the county of Fulton, said State; Mrs. Mollie Vaughn, of tho county of Leo. in tho State of Alabama, nnd whoso postofficc address is Loachnpoka. Ala.; Geo, McRitchie, of tho county of Coffee, in said State of Alabama, nnd whoso poatolfice address is Enterprise, Ala.; Mrs. Maude Hill, of the county of" Chambers, in tho State of Alabama, nnd whose postoffico address is R. F, D„ Waverly, Ain.; Mrs. Nettle McGehce, of the county of Montgomery, in tho State of Alabama, nnd whoso postoffice ad dress is R. F. D. 1. Montgomery, Ain.: “John Mc Ritchie, of the county of Lee, In said State of Ala bama, and whose postoffico address is Loachapo- ka, Ala.; David McRitchie, of the county of Hen ry, in the State of Indiana, and whose postoffice address Is New Castle, Ind.; and all of the other, if any, heirs-at-law nnd next of kin of said Mrs. Jessie Howell, deceased: Whereas, Thos. B. McRitchie, of the county of Coweta and State of Georgia, clniming to bo the executor of the nuncupative will of Mrs. Jessie Howell, late of said Coweta county, deceased, haB filed sntd nuncupative will in this office for pro bate nt tho regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said Coweta county to be held in and for said connty on t he first Monday in April, 1916, you, and each and all of you, are cited and summoned to be nnd appenr at tho said Court of Ordinary to be hold in and for said Coweta county on the first Monday in April. 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the court-house in the city of Newnan, in said county of Coweta and State of Georgia, thon and there to attend tho probate of said will and show cause. If nny you have, why the same ahouid not be proved in Bolnmn form and admitted to record as proven in solemn form. In witness whereof V I have hereunto sot my hand and seal of office this tho 6th day of March, 1916. Pra. fee. $12 84. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary, Coweta county, Ga. Petition for Dissolution of Charter GEORGIA—Coweta County: To the Superior Court of said county: The peti tion of the Coweta Gin Company respectfully shows— ‘ 5. • TX A*. 1. That it was duly incorporated as a body poli tic according to the laws of Georgia by said Court on Sept. 5. 1901. 2. Your petitioner desires to surrender its fran chise and to bo dissolved. , 3. Petitioner further shows and avers that tho entire capital stock of said Coweta Gin Company has been t runsferred to and is now owned and held by McCollum & Park, a partnership com posed of J. R. McCollum, Charles Park and T. A. Ellis, of McCollum, said county and State. 4. All indebtedness of said corporation has been fully paid. 6. That Bold dissolution may bo granted and al lowed by the Court without injustice to the stock holders and creditors of aaid corporation. Wherefore, The premises being considered, your petitioner prays for an order of Court fixing the tlmo for hearing said petition, that said cor poration be dissolved, and that process issue re quiring all persona interested to be and appear at the time and place of hearing to show cause why tho prayer of your petitioner bo not granted. A. SIDNEY CAMP. Petitioner’s Attorney. The forbgoinq read and considered. Let the petition and ordor be filed in the office of the Cleric of Superior Court of Coweta county, Geor gia. It is ordered-that a copy of this petition bo published once a week for four weeks in the newspaper of said county wherein the Sheriff's advertisements are published. It is further or dered that tho hearing hereon be had at tho court house in tho City of Newnan, Coweta county. Georgia, at 2 p. m. on the 8th day of April, 1916, at which time all peraona interested may appear and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of said petitioner bo not granted. This 8th day of March, 1916. R. W. FREEMAN, Judge Superior Court Coweta county. Filed in office this March 8,1916. L Turner, Clerk Superior Court, Coweta county. Go. I, L Turner, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that tho foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original potition of Cowbta Gin Company for dissolution of its charter, together with the order oft he Court set- tiny a time for hearing said petisn, etc., as ap pears of file in this office. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this the 8th day of March. 1916. L. Turner, Clerk Superior Court, Coweta county, Ga. Sheriff’s Sales for April. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Will be sold before the Court-house door in New nan. Coweta county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in April next, botwoen the legal hours of Bale, to the highest and beat bidder, the following de scribed property, to-wtt: One acre of land situate and being in the city of Scnoia, said State and county, on what is known os "Sugar Hill.” whereon are located one church house, one 3-room dwelling and a barn, said church being known as Evergreen M. E. Church, colored, said land being bounded ns follows: On the north by land of W. F. Culpepper, on the east by land of Alvan Chunn. on the south by land of Jennie Vinson, and on tho west by land of Mar shall North. Levied on as the property of Mack Pinson et al., trustees of Evergreen (Colored) M. E. Church, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the 691st district. G. M., in favor of Senola Drug Stere va. the said Mack Pinson et a}., trustees, etc. Levy mado by J. W. Bellamy, L. C., and turned over to me. Defendants in fi. fa, notified In terms of the law. This Feb. 12,1916. Pra. fee. *6,27. Also, at the same time and piaco, one blue mare mule about 6 years old, and one bay mare mule about 4 years old. Levied on as the property of Rufus Washington to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. is sued from the City Court of Newnan in favor of Manndt Estes va. the aaid Rufus Washington Levy made by R. W. Jackson, Deputy Sheriff, and turned over to me. Defendant in ft. fa. notified in terms of the law. This March 2.1916. Pra. fee, *3. Also, at the same time and place, one house and lot situate In tho town of Grahtville, said State and county, containing one acre of land, more or lcea, and bounded as follows: On tho north by Grantville and Newnan public road, on the east by Henry Fuller place, and on the south and west by Mr*. S. K. Leigh. Levied on as the property of Emma Miller to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the 1139th district, G. M.. in* favor of GrantvtUa Men- candle Co, vs. the sakl Emma Miller. Levy made by G. A. Burks, L. C.. and turned over to me. Defendant in fi. fa, notified in terms of the law. Thla Fob. 26.1916. Pra. fra. **.78. Also, at the same time and place, one house and lot in the town of Grantvilfo. said State and coun ty. and bounded as follows: On the north by Staf ford street, on the east by Belle Woodley, on tho aouth hy Poet, and on the west by Church street. Levied on as the property of Alma Reid, to satis fy five ft. fas. issued from the Justice Court of the 1139th district, G. M.—one in favor of L. P. Bryant against Albert Reid and Alma Reid, one m favor of Glenn Arnold against the said Alma Reid, one In favor of H. F. Baxter against the said Alma Reid, one in favor of Sewell Merchan dise Co. against the said Alma Reid, and one In favor of Grantville Oil Mill against the said Alma Reid. Levy made by C. A. Burk*. L, C.. and turned over to me. Defendant in fi. fa. notified in terms of tho law. This March 6. 1916. Pra. fee. *6.10. BHEWSTBR. Sheriff: Two Phones, 66 r\ You, -will soon Le well. You Have iTxe Best medicine ivom fixe Best Drug Store** This community is fortunate in having scientific physicians who know how to diagnose and prescribe. We are also fortunate in having in this town phar macists in a drug store who KNOW HOW to fill your prescriptions. Come to us for your medicines and drug store things, and know you have come to the right places Have your'doctor leave your prescriptions with us. Norris’ Exquisite Candies Dahl’s Cut Flowers, Atlanta Idlehour Cut Flowers, Macon Prompt Delivery Efficient Service J. F. Lee Drug Company Good Shoes For Less This weather is ideal for colds, grippe and pneumonia and dry shoes are the real preventive Ladies’ Shoes Gun metal button $2.50 Gun metal blucher — . 2.50 Patent leather button 2.50 Patent leather button, low heeL 2.50 Patent leather cloth top button _ 3.50 Patent leather cloth top blucher 3.50 Patent leather cloth top spool heel 2.00 Vici blucher 2.00 Vici, kid blucher • 1.50 Plain toe, cushion sole, rubber heel old ladies’ comforts _ 1.50 Plain toe old ladies’ comforts 1.00 White high-top boots 1.98 Boys’ Shoes Gun metal button, 2 to 5 $2.00 Gun metal blucher, 2 to 5 2.00 Black Scout school shoes, 2 to 5. 2.00 Tan Scout school shoes, 2 to 5 __ 2.00 Extra heavy calf blucher, 2 to 6. 2.00 Gun metal button, 2 to 5 1.50 Gun metal blucher, 2 to 5 1.50 Gun metal blucher, 8 to 13 1.25 Gun metal button, 8 to 13 1.25 Patent colt button, 8 to 13 1.50 Patent colt blucher, 8 to 13 1.50 Men’s Shoes Gun .metal button $3.00 Gun metal blucher 3.00 Tan calf blucher 4.00 Patent colt button 3.50 Patent colt blucher 3.50 Tan vici button 4.00 Gun metal button 2.50 Gun metal blucher 2.50 Patent leather blucher 2.50 .Patent leather button 2.50 Vici blucher_ 2.00 Extra heavy tan, green bottoms. 3.00 Plain toe brogan 1.50 One lot, sizes 5 to 8 1.00 Misses’ and Children’s Shoes • Black kid broad toe button $2.00 Dongol a patent tip button 1.50 Extra heavy school shoes 1.50 Tan button broad toe 2.00 Extra heavy calf blucher, 8 to 12 1.25 Gun metal button, 5 to 8 1.25 Patent leather button, 2 to 4 .69 White canvas button, 2 to 4 ____ .69 I. IV. ORR CO. tt HOME OF GOOD BUYERS”