The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, May 05, 1916, Image 1

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THE NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN HERALD I Connolldated with Coweta Advertiser September, 1886. I Established 1866. I Consolidated with Newnan News January, 1916. I NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1916. Vol. 51—No. 32 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT CASH DRUG STORE ODOM & McMAKIN, Proprietors WE SELL FOR LESS" NEWNAN, GEORGIA Cut Flowers, Carna tions and Roses, 75c and $1 a dozen 25c size Menthol atum, 21c 25c size Vick’s Vaporub Salve, 21c 50c size, 42c $1 Wine of Cardui, 89c 25c Sloan’s Liniment,21c 50c Sloan’s Liniment,42c 25c Cheney’s Expecto rant, 21c 10c Capudine, 9c 15c Capudine, 21c 50c Horlick’s Malted Milk, 46c $1 Horlick’s Malted «*» Milk, 95c 50c Dodson’s Liver Tone, 40c 25c Black Draught, 20c 25c box Stationery, 20c 50c box Glendale Linen, 46c 1 lb. Pound Paper, 21c TJ2 OLLB FRIENDS AND FORMER PUSTOMERS: We beg to announce that we have opened at 33 Court Square, next door to the Halcyon Theater, an up-to- date drug store, equipped with all modern facilities. The stock embraces a wide range of fresh drugs and prep arations—all of standard merit. Everything new; not an old article of any description on our shelves. OUR POLICY Which has the greatest purchasing power, CASH or CREDIT? A big question easily answered. Why, CASH, of course. We are going to sell for rash for no other reason than we can on a cash basis discount all of our bills which enables us to “Sell for Less.” A long drawn out argument is unnecessary; try our policy and convince yourself. OUR PROFIT-SHARING PLAN We give a Profit-Sharing Coupon with every pur chase. These Coupons are redeemable for Ford Auto biles, Buggies, Shetland Pony and Cart, Wagons, Sew ing Machines, Dining and Bed-room Furniture, Kitchen Furniture and Utinsils, Razors, Celebrated Silverware, and hundreds of other valuable premiums. Ask for our Profit-Sharing Catalogue. CASH DRUG STORE “WE SELL FOR LESS” For Prompt Deliuery 'Phone 135. Special Attention to Mail Orders Exclusive Agents for Wiley’s and Whit man’s Fine Candies Whitman’s Sampler Chocolates and Confec- tions, lb. SI Whitman’s Stick Candy, lb. 25c Whitman’s Milk Choco- lates, lb, $1 Wiley’s Chocolates and Bon Bons, lb. 80c Extra Special—Family box assorted Candy, one lb. 39c School Tablets, 4c School Pencils with Holder, 5c Ivory soap, 6 cakes for 25c In our prescription department we dispense Mulford’s, Lilly’s and Sharpe & Holmes’ tested antitoxens, bactcrins and vaccines; all stan dardized drugs. SPECIAL Talcum Powder Colgate’s Violet, Dactylis and Cashmere Bouquet, Williams’ Vio let and Carnation, Mennen’s Bora- ted and Babcock’s Corylopsis, at— 11 Cknts BASEBALL! NEWNAN VERSUS ANNISTON LEE PARK MONDAY, MAY 8, 3130 P. M. THE FIRST HOME GAME OF LEAGUE SEASON who's 601 m'To eT) -Trt'rtfcXT VlcriM?l Following the four-game scries which began last Wednesday in Griffin, the Newnan Champs return home and cross bats with the strong Anniston team, who are under the leadership of Wade Reynolds, a manager of wide ex perience. The Champs should be greeted by a record-breaking attendance. Practically all of the local merchants have agreed to close their stores at 3 o’clock, and business of all kinds will be suspended during the progress of the game. Come out and see Mayor Arnall officially open the season by pitching the first ball. Get in line early and avoid the rush. Bury your hammer and bring a horn. The Champs deserve your patronage and plaudits. Don’t forget the date—Monday, May 8. Remember the place— Lee Park. Bear in mind the time—3:30 p. m. ADMISSION, 25C; GRANDSTAND, 1 SO Additional SALE at all local drug stores; price, 82. These tickets include grandstand admission this season. “Ladies’ Day” Season Tickets 0N SALE at alllocal drug 8tores; price ’ 82 • These Burninq Them Over.