The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, May 26, 1916, Image 1

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THE NEWNAN HERALD kwNAN HERALD \ Consolidated with Cow-eta Advertiser September,: ^Established 1866. I Consolidated'With Kewnan News January. 1916. NEWNAN, GA, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1916. Vol. 51—No 35. GET A FORD “if you’re going to buy a car, Get a Ford; Then if you would travel far, Get aboard; North or south or east or west, She can ramble with the best, Always equal to the test; Get a Ford. She'll just cost you half the price; Get a Ford; And she’s every bit as nice; Get a Ford; If you want to save expense, Don't sit longer on the fence; Show your good common sense; Get a Ford. If you want to be in style, Get a Ford; Costs you less to run a mile, In a Ford. Save the half your little pile, Make your wife and children smile, Either one is well worth while; Get a Ford. Don’t you know a big machine, (Get a Ford) Takes more oil and gasoline? Get a Ford. If a small machine goes wrong You can mend it for a song, Neither does it take so long; Get a Ford. Ford repairs are very cheap; Get a Ford; Parts of others are so steep, Can’t afford; Broken parts of other cars Cost you 'way up in the stars, High as Juniper or Mars; Get a Ford. Men who know are saying loud, Get a Ford; Join the pleasure-loving crowd; Get on board; Settle now within your mind That you’ll buy no other kind; To your interest don’t be blind; Get a Ford.” Next Annual Teachers’ Examina tion Aug. 4 and 5, 1916. 1916 RBAOING COURSE FOR TEACHERS. Primary and General Elementary. Manual f >r Georgia Teachers; county superintendents; free. Cubberley’s "Rural Life and Educa tion;” Southern School Book Deposito ry, 121 Auburn ave., Atlanta, Ga.; postpaid $1.25. Colgrove's “The Teacher and the School;” Chas. Scribner’s Sons, Tem ple Court building, Atlanta, Ga.; post paid $1. High School and Supervisory. Manual for Georgia Teachers; county superintendents; free. Hollister’s “High School Administra tion;” Southern School Book Deposi tory, 121 Auburn ave., Atlanta, Ga.; postpaid $1.35. Cubberley’s "Rural Life and Educa tion;” Southern School Book Deposito ry, 121 Auburn ave., Atlanta, Ga.; postpaid $1.25. There is to be an examination on this course for all those who desire it, and all such are hereby put on notice that the examination will mean something. There will be a week’s institute for colored teachers, beginning June 12. SUMMER SCHOOLS. The Board of Education insists that all white teachers attend the Bummer school at Powder Springs on June 5-16, or at Carrollton June 19-30. All that can do so should attend both schools. Write at once to Mr. J. H. Melson for information about board and lodging at Carrollton, and to Mr. H. R. Hunt about the same at Powder SpringB. For registration write to Superintend ent E. T. Steed, Carrollton, or to Su perintendent Bernard Awtrey, Mariet ta. Summer schools will open on the sec ond Monday in July, and continue eight weeks. Teachers who lose a day on ac count of examination may teach on Saturday to make up that day. All teachers whose licenses expire this year must take the examination. J. E. Pendergrast, County Superintendent of Schools. Hugh Dorsey’s Candidacy. Buchanan Tribune. Some are attacking Hugh Dorsey on the ground that he does not possess the qualifications necessary for the making of a good Governor, declaring that un til the Frank case Dorsey was un known in the State, except in his im mediate locality. But you will notice that all these statements emanate from those who would oppose the Atlanta solicitor under any and all circum stances, with no regard as to his qual- lifications. Even if the Frank case did make Dorsey popular, why shot-id that be used agaist him? Some one had to conduct the prosecution, Dorsey, being the Solicitor-General of the Atlanta circuit, within whose domain the dirty crime was committed, was the sworn defender of the State’s laws, and it be came his duty to see that the guilty man was convicted. Dorsey’s manage ment of the case caused him to be famed, not only in this State, but throughout the United States. He matched his ability against some of the country’s most noted legal talent—and he won upon every point. Of course, merely the fact that he won his case gives him no more call for gubernato rial honors than any other lawyer who has won a case, but the famous case was the means of bringing out all that was in the brilliant young solicitor. He was shown to be competent under any and all circumstances; hence, when suggestions for Governor began to ap pear, the people, remembering that in the young Atlanta solicitor the State had an absolutely dependable man for the place, hiB name began to be sug gested here and there, until from all sections of the State have come thous ands of solicitations for the young man to make the race. And here’s a pointer: If the Frank caBe is injected into the campaign, watch who holds the hyperdermic. It will not be in the hands of Dorsey and his friends, but the opposition forces will use it—in fact, they are already doing so. The commission form of government iB in effect in 31 of the 204 cities in the United States of over 30,000 inhab itants. Newnan Wins Second Place in State Spelling Bee. Athens, Ga., May 20.—Under the di rection of the department of secondary education a State spelling contest con sisting of fifty words was held on May 9 in a large number of the high schools of the State, the conditions being that all the pupils in the high school on that day should take the test. The reports have been received and tabulated and it is found that the Mettijr high school, T. M, Purcell, principal, with an en rollment of 14 boys and 23 girls, made the highest average; boyB, 98.85 per cent.; girls, 92.2;general average, 98.8. The boys miBsed eight words, and the glrlB 32. The second plaC# was won by thd Newnan high school, E. A. Armistead, principal, with 65 boys and 94 girls, to tal of 159. Ths boys missed 353 words, girlB 218. The pat Sent, for boys was 89.1; for girls 95.3; avefage 92.8. The American Book Co. has kindly argreed to give a Webster’s Interna tional Dictionary to the school making the highest average. The grades ranged all the way from the highest to 45 per cent. The following students from Newnan made a perfect Bcore: Way land Lyle, Katherine Blalock, Colquitt Perry, Ra chel Farmer, Florence Askew, Frances Hutchens, Melba Baker, Lena Martin, Eula Carpenter, Dorothy Meyer, D’Mayes Holmes, Ellie McNeil, Oma Hudson, Lois Lythgoe, George Mc Bride, Zipporah Kidd, Ruth Field, Lil lian King, Frankie Cameron, Eliza beth Palmer, Rachel Thornton, Mary Atkinson, Virginia Glover, Arthur Murphey, Hamilton Arnail, Nina Tomp kins, Ruth Young, Bradley Askew, George Kinnard, Thomas. Brad ley, John Daniel, Billie McBride. Best Thing for a Bilious Attack. “On account of my confinement in the printing office I have for years been a chronic sufferer from indigestion and liver trouble. A few weeks ago I had an attack that was so severe that I was not able to go to the case for two days. Failing to get any relief from any other treatment, I took three of Chamberlain’s Tablets and the next day I felt like a new man," writes H. C. Bailey, Editor Carolina News, Chapin, S. C. Obtainable everywhere. We hope you read last week’s an nouncement of the change in the sub scription price, tojtake effect June 1, and understand the reasons which make it necessary. We have as intelligent a class of subscribers as are to be found anywhere, and feel sure that they will appreciate the fact that at present prices a paper cannot be gotten out for $1. The newspaper ia one of the most potent factors in the upbuilding of any county, and to do its work properly it must be run on a businoas basis, with sufficient profit for the editor to make a decent living for his family. We are confident that our subscribers will ing to concede this, and indorse our efforts to keep the paper up to the Stan* dard. Remember, you can rCheW ftt the old price till June 1; after that date' it will be $1.50 to everybody. —Douglas County Sentinel. Out this Out—It la Worth Money. Don’t miss this. Cut out this slip, enclose 5c. to Foley & Go., Chicago, III., writing your name and addreaB clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound for bronchial coughs, colds, and croup; Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Knowledge is power when harnessed to practical purpose, but economically worthless without application. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the surest way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment ia MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the Ailments of ' Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. _ Good for your ouln A ches. Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cute, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $!. At all Dealers. REMARKABLE INTRODUCTORY OFFER FOR THIS VISIT ONLY FOR THIS VISIT ONLY $5.00 EYE-GLASSES AT $1.00 A PAIR The Tru-Sight Optical Co., of Atlanta, Ga., wishes to Announce that their Specialist and his Assistant will be in Newnan at the VIRGINIA HOUSE, May 29, 30 and 31, and Every 90 Days Thereafter Our Object in making this remarkable offer of $5 glasses for $1 a pair is sim ply to introduce our service in your community as well as our TRU-SIGHT LENSES. Our Tru-Sight Lenses have met with a great success by many persons who are now wearing them and are meeting with the same results wherever they are introduced. Our New Invisible Bifocals WILL NOT CONFUSE YOU You can see near and far with same lenses Remember That the above offer of $5 eye-glasses at $1 a pair is for this visit only. Special prices on all other classes of optical work. Regular prices will prevail after our first visit to Newnan. ////nm Our Work is Guaranteed for 5 Years Beware of all persons who call at your home and claim to be representing Us, as we do not have representatives, but our Specialist at the hotel as we advertise. All orders taken deliv ered by insured parcel post. TRU-SIGHT OPTICAL CO. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO MAIN OFFICE Fourth National bank building ZZ ATLANTA, GEORGIA Our Optical Specialist and his assistant have had years of experience and are licensed to practice in the State of Georgia, so you may rely on them abso lutely. They will be pleased to examine all those who have eye trouble or wear glasses ABSOLUTELY FREE. We would sug gest, therefore, that you call on them. Tru-Sight Lenses WILL POSITIVELY RELIEVE ALL PAINS ABOUT THE HEAD AND EYES as well as other abnormal conditions of the eyes that can be re lieved through wearing of properly fitted glasses of quality in most all cases. Don’t Forget the Dates Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday May 29, 30 and 31 VIRGINIA HOUSE OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 A. M. TO 8 P. M. If your time is limited come early arid avoid the rush. RECEPTION ROOM, HOTEL PARLOR. We would ask you not to permit our remarkable offer to conflict in your mind with other such offers that have been made at Drug Stores and other such places by men who were not responsible nor established anywhere, nor do they claim to be, A3 to ourselves, we are located and established both. We guarantee our work and glasses both for five years in writing, and as to the responsibility of our guarantee we will give bankable references to those desiring same. These glasses we are advertising are the kind that usually sell at most optical establishments at $5 and in some cases even more. This is the first time to our knowledge that such an offer has been made by responsible people who will stand back of their work and who cannot be branded as fakirs as some have. We will make these prices THIS VISIT ONLY and no more. Call and see us and we will explain how these special prices can be made. You are not obliged to buy glasses, and all EXAMINATIONS ABSOLUTELY FREE