The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, October 03, 1919, Image 4

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STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION -OF THE- Moreland Banking Company Located at Moreland, Ga., at the close-of business Sept. 19, 1919. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION , —OF THE- Turin Banking Company Located at Turin, Ga., at tbe close of business Sept. 19, 1919. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Sharpsburg Banking.Co. Located at Sharpsburg, Ga., at the close of business Sept. 19, 1919. RESOURCES. Demand Ioann .. S 7,887 88 LIABILITIES. Capitol stock paid In *28,000 00 RESOURCES. Dwiand loans $17,521 99 ‘ LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in *16,000 00 RESOURCES. Demand loans 8 200 00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 816,000 00 Time loans.. 71il66 84 Overdrafts, secured 6,096 12 Overdrafts, unsecured 61 23 Bonds snd stocks owned by the bank... 1,633 14 Furniture and fixturoa 806 00 Duefrom banks and bankers In thlsState 37,721 46 Due from banks and bankers In other Sts tea. 1,942 71 Currency $1,448 00") Gold 80 00 l n lM no Silver, nickel*, etc 231 04 1 “ Cash Itemn, checka, etc. 376 881 Tefal tl?S 1M 27 Undivided profit*, less current expenses, Intorest and taxos paid... 18,980 74 Individual deposits Hubject tircheck 69,036 01 Time certificates 10,084 88 Cashier’* checks.. 13167 Bill* payable, Including time certificate* representing borrowed money........ 20,000 00 TnCnt .......... $|7*t IP? ?7 Time loans 68,969 68 Overdrafts, secured 18,880 48 Bonds and stocks owned by bank 1,286 00 Btnkinp-house 1,666 76 Due from banks and bankers In this .State 8,662 87 Due from banka and bankers In other States, 6,845 26 Currency *2,610 00 Silver, nickels, etc 824 68- 3,884 68 War Savings Stamp* 83400 Total 8124.864 21 Surplus fund 12,000 00 Undivided profits, lees current expenses. Interest and taxes paid 8,266 10 Individual deposits subject to check 77,244 76 Time certificates 11.788 60 Cashier’s checks.: 666 85 Bills psyable, Including lime certificates representing borrowed money 6,000 00 Total $124,864 21 Time loses. 29,203 74 Overdrafts, secured 1,786 60 Overdrafts, unsecured 376 68 Furniture and fixtures 1,222 22 Duefrom bunks and bankers in this State 18,408 39 Due from banks and bankers In other States. 1,823 09 Currency *2,160 00) Silver, nickels, etc 183 82 1 6,343 82 C**h it«n» 4,ooo 00} Total 860,912 40 Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid 1,284 49 Individual deposits subject to check..... 36.906 81 Demand certificates 72 00. Total $60,912 40 STATE OF GEORGIA-County on Coweta Moreland Banking Co., who, being duly aworn, nay condition of aald bank, as shown by the books of fi Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 24th da ft. Before mo came J. A. R. Camp, Cashier of. that the abovo and foregoing statement is a true In mild bank. J. A. R. CAMP. Coahler, of September, 1919, , V. Webb, Jn„ Notary Public Coweta county, Ga. STATE OF GEORGIA—Coweta County: Before me came Edgar Dominick, President of the Tu- rin Banking Co., who, being duly *worn, says that the above and foregoing statement Is a true condi tion of said bank, as shown by the books of file In said bonk. EDGAR DOMINICK, President. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 30th day of September. 1319. * 1 T. P. Shell, Notary Public Coweta county, Ga. STATE OF GEORGIA-County op Coweta: Before me came W. L. McLean, Cashier of Sharpsburg Banking Company, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement la a tine condition of said Bank as shown by the books of file in said bank. W. L. McLEAN, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 24th day of September, 1919. . J. C Harris, Notary Public CAveta county. Ga. 7 ■ . MO ONE V * S The First Store in New nan to Install the Measuregraph Always watchful for the improvement of our Store Service, we wish to ad vise our patrons that we have .installed the wonderful machine /known as the Measuregraph—a machine that not only measures goods accurately, but at the same time computes the c'ost. For instance, if you buy 3% yards of goods at $1.69, you would, of course, have to figure with a pencil £o ascertain the amount of your purchase, and so \^ould our sales people. But when the cloth is passed through the Measuregraph it automatically records the amount of the sale, which in this case is $6.13. Here is time saved for both of us and accuracy assured. What is of even greater. importance is the safeguard against unintentional short measurement, for the Measuregraph is impartial and precise—it gives you and it gives us a square deal. While the Measuregraph has been in use in large Eastern stores for the past two and a half years, and is regarded as essential equipment in the selling of piece goods, we are first to put it info service ifi Newnan. Come in and' see them; our salespeople will be glad to show afid explain the work ings of this wonderful instrument. . M. B. MOONEY WESTERN October c r BIG DAYS r c 3 BIG Nights 0 The Biggest and Best Fair Ever Held in WESTERN GEORGIA Wonderful Agricultural, Livestock and Poultry Exhibits! Daily Demonstrations of Tractors and Farm Machinery! Industrial Displays! EXCITING RACES! HAIR-RAISING HIPPODROME ACTS! A Passenger-Carrying Aeroplane Will Be Flying Every Day, Making 15-Minute “Hops!” Never before in history has an entertainment program of such merit been offered!- Several novel features wholly unlike anything you have ever seen before will be presented! Your pleasure and enjoyment will be our first consideration, and nothing to this end will be overlooked. EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILROADS! Educational! Instructive!