The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, September 17, 1920, Image 1

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SECOND SECTION 1 [H IE ] N El vr fAt Herald SECOND SECTION wtfh 1886 ’ \ newnan, ga., Friday^ September 17,1920. Vol. SS—No. 51 ~c3ffC?6o7fo? that needn’t worry you. This Close Belt Connected Western Electric Power and Light Outfit will stick by /ou and work for you twenty-four hours a day if necessary. It is A real earnest worker and will turn a grindstone, operate a cream separator, a fanning mill and do lots of odd jobs for you. It will also work for your wife—it will run a washing machine, vacuum cleaner, electric iron, sewing machine and any other electric household appli- Then, too—form hands stay on the farm that has electric power and light , This outfit has the Automatic Regulator which fully controls. the charging process and.. * Makes fire Battery Last Longer. (This is an exclusive feature of Western Electric Power and Light < Call us up—we will bc glad to-tell you all about this outfit . ' -V.' .i-jaSsssAyi ■v' CARL HAMRICK NEWNAN, GEORGIA «P *> 'MSUIIMr. Over $2,000 cash premi ums will be offered at Cow eta County Fair, Oct 6, 7, >8 and 9. ... Coweta County Fair opens Wednesday, Oct. 6 and lasts four days. Get your exhibits ready. LUTHERVILLE. Mrs. Jim Matthews and Miss Claudius Matthews are spending a few duys with relatives in Atlanta. Mrs. Charlie Garrett and Mrs. Dan Rittoraon are visiting relatives in Chat tanooga this "week. Miss Louise Taylor, M»bs Louiso Col ley and Mr. Ormond Wilson spent last Tuesday in Atlanta. Miss Mattie Lassetter left last week for Union, S. C„ where she will te&ch the coming year. Missos Lynda Lassetter and Margaret Carmichael will teach in the public schools at Jonesville, S. C. Mrs. John Morris, of St. Charles, spent Friday with relatives here. Mrs. Luther Smith was ; . called last week to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Montgomery, at Buena Vista. Mr. “Shon” Bullard, of Machon, was the week-end ugliest of Mrs. H. J. Las- settor. Miss Veola Jarrell, of Greenvillo, was the guest of Miss Louise Taylor for the week-end. Miss.Irene Sewell left Monday for Wes leyan College, Macon, where she will re sume her studies. Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Archer and chil dren are spending a few days with rela tives in Atlanta and Decatur. Mr.’ and Mrs. John Peavy, of Man chester, were guests Sunday of Mrs. S. B. Cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Shannon and two children, of/Saginaw, Mich., are visit ing Mr. and-Mrs. Nath'Upshaw. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Hardaway, Mrs. Ernest Fry, Misses Estelle Justiss and Bessie Couch attended. the picture show in Newnan last Wednesday night. Mrs. John Taylor and MisB Susie Wil boii, of Lutherville, and Mrs, Emma Milam, of LaGrange, attended the Eas tern Star meeting a^ Ep$t ^gint last} week. Mr. Boy Chandler has returned from a visit to relatives at Waco* Texas, and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Williams spent Sunday in LaGrdnge. . Mr, Bundy Lambert, of Jackson, has been visiting Dr. J. W. Lambert and Mr Lubie Lambert. Mrs. Eula Almon, Mrs. Earl Upsliav?, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. C. C. Nall, Miss Clara Williams, and Miss Dice Darden were in Newnan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bryant, of Mad ras, were guests Sunday of Mrs, Emma Couch'. Mr. J. H. Fuller and family, of GaV spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pau: Couch. Mr. Paul Dunlap left last week for Locust Grove, where he will attend school the coming term. s'The Woman’s Missionary Society of *jj Baptist church met Monday lifter- Mon, Mr. W. J. Herndon, of Codartown, is tlje guest this week of his sister, Mrs. “Jlni Robertson. ;Mr. Jim Braswell, of Roanoke, Ala., ig visiting his cousin, Mr. Hugh Bvns- Wpll. Dr. and-Mrs. Bili Brown, of Atlanta, aye visiting Mr. T. C. Wilson, Mr. ' ‘ Bu^^^tfiien and Miss SubIo Wilson. .Milj^v^knb), Garrett lmd ns hor guest jmdfyy’• Myrtlo Gnrrott, of Now- nan. Mr. v . v _, O&k, spent Surnlny with M 1 Bbrt Haynes, Mr. Julian Lovett, of Atlnntn, waa the aest last week of his parents, Mr. and ftrs. Goo. Lovott. Mr. and Mrs. Wideman Loo Bpont Sun day nt St. .Charles. IrMr. ami Mrs. Alvin Chandler visited rejhtivos at Rocky Mount Sunday. Jrs. Ada Lassottor has returned from dsit to hor sister, Mrs. J. H. Whito, Tifton. The latter accompanied hor hohio for a visit of several days. Mrs. Blon Teaglo is visiting her chil dren, Mr. Will Teaglo nnd Mrs. Louis Hamby, in Columbus. Sept. 14th. anil Mrs. Klmor Nall, of Lono dr. and Mrs. DRESDEN. Rev. J. G. Davis filled his appoint ment here Sundny afternoon. • Misses Maude nnd Thelma Mlllflnns and MisscB Louiso and .Fannie Lizzie Mitcham wore gueBts at a miscellaneous shower given by M*e.. J.* T. WillUUns, iff;. Newnan, Friday aftevm)on in honor of , Miss Eugenia Davis* a September bride-elect. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis, of Corner Bran^h^ hnd -Mr, and Mrs. Nick Thomp son, f^om near Bremen, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A, J, Fipoher Saturdny. Mifc Una Kidd, . Newnan, spent the leok-ead with Misses Fannie Lizzie and $<6uise Mitcham. r iB8 Margaret Davis, of Newnan, was guest of Miss Martha Fincher Sui\- day. __ # Mrs. Alice Davis and daughters, Eu genia anil Ximona, and Miss Mary Will- fioion, of Newnan, wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed MUllans Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Davis and ehlldron spent the week-end with relatives in At lanta. Rev. W. E. Fuller, Mrs. Kate Davis and Miss Maude Millians, of Newnan, •^ydre dinner .gueBts of Mr. and MrB. R. t. Davis Sunday, Sept. 14th. GRANTVILLE. MrB, Win. Banks entertninod the mem bers of the Rook Club nt hor homo Frl^ day nftornoon. Miss Lucllo Sowell, of Atlanta, was the week-end guest of hor pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Emmott Sowoll. Mrs. Will Post, Mrs. S. T. Lambert nnd Mrs. Cloveland woro in Newnan Tuesday. Mrs. Oscar Ross, of Winder, vitdtod in Grnntvlllo Wednesday, Mrs. Robh will bo plonsantly reinombered ’ by hor friends hero ns Miss Lucllo Lnmbert. Mrs. Gins. Arnold nnd Mrs. Lucllo Wisdom ontortained ut a beautiful porch party Tuesday nftornoon. Among tho younger sot who lonvo for college this wook lire Miss Leona Letson, to Wesleyan Collogo, Macon; Miss Emily Hollars, to “Tho Castlo,” Tarrytown, N. Y.; Miss Eloise Loo, to Elizabeth Ma- ther College, Atlanta; Missos Blanche ami Frankie Lnmbort, to G. N. & I. Col logo, Millodgovillo; Messrs, Jim Colloy and Frank Moacliatn, to Emory Univer sity, Atlanta. Tho many friends of Miss Bessie Lam* bort will bo interested in tho announce- meat of hor nppronching marringo, which will bo solemnized nt the homo of hor sistor, Mrs. Willie MnO Sowoll, Sunday afternoon nt 2 o’clock. Tho brido has many frlondB horo, who regrot that sho is to lonvo Grnntville. Mrs. 0. G, Perry nnd soc hnvo return ed to Amoricus, aftor n visit to MrH. John Doan. Miss Ruth Nall has returned from an oxtondod visit to relatives in Savannah. Miss Ruth Perry, of Ellijny, spout the weok-ond with Mrs. T. M. Hollars. Miss Ethel Banks is spending somo time with her sistor, Mrs. Moad, in At lanta. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Simms and sons, Thomas and James, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johhston motored tp Birming ham last weok-ond. Mr. Thos. Colloy has retrod fiom Charlotte, N. C„ whore ho completed a course, in cotton grading and itejrt.Wfr Sept, 14th. * Read Ruekln Occasionally. A goat Is derldod for eating news papers, yet many n man feeds hi* mind on nothing oIhp. About the freshest thing to be found pn a farm in summer is the city boarder. Dandruff was killing my hair Glycerme’mixture Prevents Appendicitis Simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, (.‘til., as mixed in Adlor-lka, romovos all foul, accumulated poisonous matter from noth upper and lower bowol and provents ap pendicitis. Holiovos ANY CASE gas an stomach or constipation, The INSTANT pleasant action of Adler-l-ka surprises both doctors nnd pationts. A business man reports groat benefit In a long stand ing cuso of indigestion and sour stomach, John R. Oates Drug Co. * = and removed quantities of dm... - lhe Itching .topped. Today it I. tl 5 and moreboaufllul than ever." Iflldmol 3 BC [ 3 tro.tu.out, WILPPOOTl = THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC | | * For ult fun under a 5 3 mona-hack ttmanlm a COWETA DRUG tc BOOK CO. FREE FOR THE ASKING. Selected List of Desirable Farms for Sale 'ALONG a., B, a. A. RAILWAY, Tlie Agicujtpval Development Depart ment Of the A., B, & A. Railway has just prepared a “Soloctod List of Desirable Farms” for snlo along Its line, for the betiollt of tlioso wlio may bu seeking, a iiew'jbbmo. Tho list jpntglas botlj, Bmult- l»nd Targo : farms, lmprovort ns well as eut-over tracts suitablo for Uovelopmoiit, Tito following counties are roprosent- od In tho list,: Thomas, Colquitt, Tift, Irwin. Bon Hill, Coffee, Wnro, Bacon, Pierce, yt«yno and Glymi. A postcard request addressed to the undersigned will bring ono of those lists to you by first mail, froo of charge, W. W. CROXTON, P. T. M. A,, B. Sc A. Railway, 614 Transportation Building, I Atlanta, Ga. . ) ! 4; • • / ' \ _ * Hardly any two alike; beautiful Dresses of black, navy and btdwn Satin, hand-beaded and embroidered; lovely models in all-wool Tricotine, fine French Serges; some plain-tailored, others silk-embroidered and beaded styles. They are clever copies of higher-priced models; sizes 16 to 44. Come, take your, choice from this lot of 50 fine Dresses at twenty-five dollars* , Sept. 17,18,20 ’THE NEW FALX, SUITS Our Ready-to-Wear Department is now shoVriWg complete line of new Fall Suits. Graceful, straight-line effects are to be the favorite for women, while misses may choose between new and different ripple effects and nobby straight-line box coats. The favorite materials for the popular-priced Suits are Tricotines, fine Serges, Broadcloths and Velours. OUr price range— $25.00 to $60.00 THE NEWEST OF FALL SHOES , Ready with ample lines to interest the early callers. Aiitumn shoe styles are as practical as they are beautiful. We want you to see the new Doro thy Dodd Boots in black kid, dark brown calf, etc., we are selling at— ii On Sale Friday, Saturday, 'Early fall Hats Already Here—At Very Moderate Prices, Too. The arrival of Millinery for a new season’ is always an auspicious occasion, but this year the popular prices at which- we offer these new- test modes makes our “Millinery Shop" douhty interesting. Ouvetynes.and Velvet (both Panne and Lyons)) are given prece dence over all other materials. They appear in hosts- of charming Sail ors, Mats with notched brims, tarns and soft-draped' affairs-,, adorned with hand-embroidery, feafhfers, etc. The popular fall colors are taupe, navy, pheasant, henna and black. Our prices range— $5 to $20. $10.00 to $12.50 New Waists The store $3.98 that About 100 lovely Crepe saues de Chine, Georgette and heavy Silk Waists on sale you money at the above price. “The Reliability ofa Store Should be Your First Thought" r//r /=>j?/c/r /s Ttff r/v//VG. One price to all. SPOT CASH New Blouses A dandy line of new fall Blouses—Crepe de Chine, Georgette and Pussy Willows— $5.00 to $12.50