The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, September 24, 1920, Image 1

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The Newnan herald \ - N l^aMUheTim Lr \“'a Vh\ Ne'wn^S'ra^u^ 6 ^!^ 1S80 ' 1 NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1920. Vol. 55-No. 52 Kill That Cold With CASCARA ©QUININt FOR and Colds, Coughs ”QM*^ La Grippe o Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chancca. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks r.p a cold in 24 hours — Rolieves Grippo in 3 tlayc—Excellent for Headache Quinine in this fcrm docs not affect the head—Cascara is best Tonic Laxative—No Opiate in Hill’s. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT IF iU EXPECT TO A Residence, Bam, Garage, Store, or remodel your Residence, we have a full stock of BUILDING MATERIAL On hand, including Lime, Cement, Brick, Nails, etc. GET OUR PRICES. R. D, COLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY IN BUSINESS SINCE 1854 Coweta County Fair Oct r 6,7, 8 and 9. Coweta County Fair opens Wednesday, Oct 6. WELCOME. Cotton-picking is tho order of the day now. The boll weovll hns certainly got his shore of tho crop, too. Some lmvo fnirly good crops, while' other urops nro almost a complete failure. It. scorns that tho farmers who kept tho punctured squares picked up nro the ones who nre getting tho best ylolds. This goes to prove that the only way to baffle Mr. Weovll is to plant a small acreage, ferti lize well, work fnst, and keep nil infested squares picked up mid burnod. Letters rocolvod from Miss Mattie Vie Summer, written from Jnpnn, state that sho had a nice, trip across tho U. 8, into Onnadn and a plonsnnt voyage across tho Pacific. Ere this she has reached China, her destination, and is rondy to take up her work ns a missionary. Messrs. J. 1,. and Ralph McKoy mul' Mr. and Mrs. W. Y,'Summer and children Bpont Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. U. L, Cavendor, near Madras. Several of our farmers attended the mooting at ,tlie court-house in Nownnn Mondny afternoon and lionrd Hon. Hnrvle Jordnn’s speech, which they pronounce one of the best they over hoard regard ing the cotton situation. Maybe tho poor old- farmer will get on top some day and won’t have to bo “kicked and cuffed about” nlwnys. Will be glnd to Beo tho day when lie can stand shoulder to shoul der with the monied men of the country. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wood and daughter, Virginin, spent Sunday afternoon at Franklin, the guests of Dr. and Mrs. F. J , Amis. Mrs. Janie Hodnett and daughters, Ida and Katherine, returned last week from a visit to Hogansville. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mrs. Aubroy Carter, who 1ms been quite ill, is better at this writing. Miss Retha Bridges, who spent Inst woek with her, has returned home. Mr. Gene Newman entered Newnan High School last week, Mr. Goss Witcher spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0, T, Witcher. ■Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McKoy, of Wash ington, D. 0., Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kidd and son, Oita, and Mrs. Wlllio .Tonkins spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, T. D, McKoy. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson and baby, of Carrollton, spent tho week-olid with Mr, and Mrs. J. C. McKoy, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bridges and chil dren and Mrs. John Austin and daugh ter, Lizzie, of Sargent, visited Mr. and Mrs. Aubroy Carter Sunday. Lot everybody remember that wo hove Sunday-school in tho afternoon now, ex cept on preaching days. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boone and chile dren spent Sunday in Newnan, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Boone. The B, Y. P. U, entertainment nt. the church Thursday ovemug was much en joyed by those prosont. Ag oxmniiin- tion was held on the B. Y. P. U: manual and several passod it successfully. The instructions contained in the manual and the examination wore given by Rov. W. E. Fuller. , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Qooddy, Mr. J, B. Strong and Miss Ximona Strong, of Newnan, attended Sunday-school at Prov idence church Sunday afternoon, Miss Knthorine Strong spent Sunday night in Newnan, tho guest of Miss Xinir nu Strong. Miss Ethel Blodsoe, of Heard county, Is visiting Misses Snllio Pantile, anil Allin Mac Thigpen tide week. Next Saturday is tho time appointed to cell n pastor at Providence church, and Ret. W. G. Fuller requests that all ineiii- bers be present, ns matters of Impor tance will bo brought up. Mr. J. C. Nawnum, of Newnan, visited Mr. nml Mrs. R. L. Pitman Tuesday. Sept. 21st. HAPPY VALLEY. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Smith and chil dren, of South Carolina, Bpont n fow days last tveok with the latter’s father, Mr, II. P. Stamps, and other relatives in our community. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. G. Sowoll and sou, Joe, Mrs. J. S. Edwards, Mr. A. H. Lang and family, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sprayborry wore guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. 13d Osburn, in Nownnn. MiBs Connie McIntosh, of Atlanta, was the guest of Miss Hnttlo Mao Lang a few days this weok. Miss Sara Starr loft Inst Thursday for Milledgoville, where she will nttond tho G, N. & I Collego. Mrs. Delishn Lang, of Carroll county, is visiting Mrs. J. S, Edwards and other relatives here. Master Rox Hyde, of Madras, spent the woek-end with his nunt, Mrs. D. A. Brimor. Miss Lucy Kate Sowell, of Atlanta, spoilt Wednesday niglit with hbr brother, Mr. W. G. Sowell. Sevoral from our community, attended services at Liberty church qnd Ramuli church Sunday, Sept. 2lBt, ■HWtow Primitive Plre Prevention.' __ In the early'days'of the fire Insur ance business each company In Lon don maintained Its own fire brigade, tn those days a citizen might go out Into the street and shout “Fire I" as loudly as he liked, but unless he had paid Ills Insurance premium no fire man would lift Ills finger or a bucket to snve Ills possessions from inirnin- HOMEWOOD. Mr. mul Mrs. A. B. Story spout Sun day with relatives In Hoard county. Miss Fannlo Stephens, of Midway, wns tho weok-ond guest of her slstor, Mrs. Albert Lyle. Mr. nml Mrs, Ilonry Wortlinm nnd children of Hnndy, visited Mr. nml Mrs. Jesse Grimes Sunday. Mrs. J. T. Story, sr„ visited Mr. mul Mrs. Scab Millions, in Nownun, Satur day, Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Story spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wortham, at Hmuly. Mr, Joo Story, of Nownnn, spout the week-end with homofolks hero. The entertainment given by Mr, and Mrs. Albert Lyle Sntnrdny night was greatly dijoyod by those present. Mr. Glenn Harris, of Sprlngvlew, visit ed friends hero Sunday afternoon, Mr. nml Mrs. C. C. Story visited friends nt Sargent Sunday. Messrs L. B. Forbus and Cliff Pnytou spout Sunday afternoon with friends at Hnndy. Mr. and Mrs. M. R, Story, of Mt. Car- mol, spout Sunday afternoon with Mr, nml Mrs. J. T. Story. Sopt 21st. will lio the shortest, in yoafs, owbig to tho ravages of tho boll weevil. Miss Snrnli Brook nnd brothers, Clnudo nnd Robert, Bpont Saturday afternoon with tliotr sister, Mrs. Alox Hardaway, in Newnan, ■ BETHLEHEM. Mr, Millodgo Loncli, of Nownnn, gave mi interesting talk at our Sunday-school last Sunday. Mrs. L. J. Brook spout Wednesday with relatives near Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brlloy, of La- Grungo, spent the weok-ond witli Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Brook. Mr. P. R. Fry spout Sunday in At lanta. Mrs. B. W. Boswell nnd children spent Sunday with relatives neur Newnan. T1(b cotton crop throughout this section Qive your child clean, healthy hair Shampoo niularlt With Wild- j I root Liquid Shampoo Soap. j Cleanses perfectly, yqt does ; l not make hair and scalp harsh > | and dry as most soap docs, = | Made by the makers of Wild- : j root Hair Tonic. " Sold and Guarantee! bs COWETA DRUG & BOOK CO. RATS DIE so do mice, once they eat RAT-SNAP. And they leave no odor behind. Don’t take our word for it—.try a package. Cate and dogs wen’t touoh it, Rata pass up all food to get RAT-SNAP, Three sizes. > 35c. size (l cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar, 65c. size (2 cakes) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. $1.25 size (5 cakes eonugh for all farm and out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by Lee-King Drug Company. Sold and guaranteed by Coweta Drug & Book Co., and Lee-King Drug Co. FRE5 FOR THE ASKING. , Selected List of Desirable Farms for Sale 1 ALONG A.. B. & A. RAILWAY. Tho Agiculturnl Development Depart ment of the A., B. & A. Railway has just prepared a “Selected Ltet of Desirable Farms” for sale along its lino, for the benefit of thoBe who may be socking a now homo. The list contains both small and largo farms, improvod as woll as cut-ovor tracts suitable for development. The following counties are represent ed In tho list: Thomas, Oolquitt, Tift, Irwin, Bon Hill, Goffeo, Ware, Bacon, Piorco, Wayno and Glynn. A postcard roquast addressed to tho undersigned will bring one of theso lists to you by first mull, free of charge. W. W. CROXTON, *1 P. T. M. A., B. & A. Railway, 1; 614 Transportation Building, ■ , Atlanta, Ga. Values That Yea SKI mm BEST QUALITY OUTINGS kj Light Or dark colors—big as- sortment of patterns to select from. Per yard 35c g| - DRESS GINGHAM |ggf it Over 2Q00 yards; regular 45c Hi k 2^" ’ quality, in beautiful plaids, checks Wt V' and stripes. Per yard /fUl ' 35c Cotton Flannels Good quality in unbleached or BSBm//. bleached Flannels; 27 inches wide. Per yard 35c * W foia [ i/IJt ! m t U Via: XL A AfT TTrfr Ip'iwffi j/J blk fS CHEVIOTS h Mercerized or heavy weights; §§ nice aasortment of patterns to TO select from. Per yard H 35c A F.H. R N O L D F. li. A R N O L D Good quality 36-inch Taffeta at $1.95 A 40-in. Georgette Crepes, all-silk, at 1.95 11 Crepes de Chine from $1.75 to 3.00 Silk Specials Good quality 36-inch Satins at $2.50 Extra heavy all-silk Pongee, 34 inches wide . . $2.00 READY-TO-WEAR —SUITS— Of all-wool Tricotine, French Serge and Silvertone, in all the desired colors, at $25.00 to $47.50 —DRESSES— Snappy yet inexpensive—Satins, Tricotines and French Serges; some real values, at $15.00 to $30.00 SHOES A complete line of Ladies’ and Chil dren’s Shoes; moderately priced. A style and price to suit you. SWEATERS A beautiful line of Ladies’ and Chil dren’s all-wool Sweaters; slip-over or coat styles, at $5.00 to $15.00 F. H. ARNOLD The Ladies’ Store Newnan, Ga.