The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, October 22, 1920, Image 1

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dmb (cr SECOND SECTION \ 1 fH E | N EV V P s| AI N HERALD SECOND SECTION ■ tfHWNAN HERA-LD [.Consolidated with Coweta Advertiser September, 1886. I established 1868. f Consolidated with Newnan News January, 1016, r NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1920. Vol. 56-No. 4 (i Didn’t Rest Well" Prominent Georgia Lady Suffered from Faint Spells and Sleeplessness—Relieved by Ziron. P EOPLE who get to feeling weak every now and then, and who do not Beem to get the proper re freshment from rest, sleep and recrea tion, need a tonic to help their blood revitalize and build up their system. For thlB, you will find Ziron Iron Tonic very valuable, as the teslmony of thousands already has proved. Mrs. j. W. Dysart, lady of a prominent Georgia family residing near Carters- vine, says: “L didn't feel like myself. "I didn’t rest well some nights. I would be just as tired when I got up In the morning as when I went to bed. I would get weak, and have kind of falnty spells—at times hardly able to do my housework. "I heard of Ziron, and felt maybe a tonic would help me. I thought It would at least strengthen me. “I believe Ziron has done me good. I feel better! I am glad to recommend It as a good tonic.” Try Ziron. Our money-back guaran tee protects you. M. your druggist's. ZY W. Y BARNES T HERE is no such thing as a rattling good car— cut out the rattle. Or rather let us do it. We know how to make your car behave, and will give you a lot of free advice on the subject’if you ask Free air, also. TURIN. Wo attended the annual meeting of tho Western Baptist Association at Gay last week, going in company with- Messrs. B. H, Ware and A. A. Boeso, two com panionable gentlemen of Newnan. Wo also visited Concord, and our short stay there revived memories of long ago. The writer’s parents moved from Jasper county to Concord when wo wero in. our infancy. After a few yonrs thoy sold out and moved to Russell county, Ain. Indians wero numerous in Alabama in those days, who soon began mnssacrolng tho white settlers. Fearing for their liveB our family and others moved back to Georgin, where they camped until tho U. S. Government moved tho Indians rther West. This occurred 86 years jo, when the writer wns but 7 years of age. A younger brother of our fathor went swimming in Flint river, at Flat Shoals, and contracted pneumonia, which caused his death. He left a bride of little more than a year, a beautiful young woman, and a little son. Wo could relate other reminiscences of Our early days that might interest the young generation, but do not wish to make thja sketch too lengthy. But to return to the Western Associa tion. Devotional services on tho open ing day wero conducted by Rev. Mr. Kiser, of Senoia. Rev. E. C, Smith, of Newnan, was chosen moderator. Inter esting reports were read and diBcusBed in their regular order. Prominent women of the association started a movement to raise a fund with which to eroct a monu ment to the late Dr. S. B. Cousins. A fine tribute to the memory of tills be loved man of God was paid by different members of the association. The good people of Gay and community were lav ish in their hospitality. We were as signed to the beautiful home of Mrs. Philip Matthews, in which wo had fre quently been, a favored guest in former years. The death of Mr. L. B. Gurley, of■ Newnan, brought genuine sorrow to his friends in this community. He was an annual attendant at the Standing' Rock memorial singing, and will bo missed at these gatherings. It wns a real pleasure to have a visit last week from our old friend, Mr. J. W. Bowers, of Newnan. Other Newnan friends who called during the week were Messrs. Bob Ware and Will Harris and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Field. Cotton-picking will booh be a thing of the past in tliiB section. Up to the present aboutlBOO bales have been ginned here, compared with twice that number at this time last year.. Col. R. W. Adamson is attending court in Tallapoosa this week, Oct,. 19th. SARGENT. Mrs. ,0. M. Gordon, who hns boon sick for sovornl days, is reported bettor to day. Mr. Lon Bridges, of Nownnn, spent tho week-end with homefolks here. Mrs. Vnmtnvle Simmons hns returned from a visit to hor daughter in Dougins county. Mr. arid Mrs. Marlon Herring, of East Point, are spending awhile with the. lat ter’s mother, Mrs. J. W. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gordon, of Wel come, spoilt. Sunday with Mr. 0. M. Gor don and family. • Mr. 9am Crain and family, of Welcome, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Allen. Mr, and Mrs, W. B. Morris spout Sun day with their son, Ernost, nt Hulotto. Mr. 8. G. Allen, sr. is visiting his son, Mr. L. D. Allen, 0|t Troy, Toxns. Ho will return home next w<jck. Messrs. Byrd Bearden and Paul Jones, from near Nownnn, wove hero Sunday afternoon. 1 Messrs. John and • Elmer Gordon mo,- tored to Franklin Sunday. MisB Hattie Bridges, who is teach ing at East Newnan, spent tho week end with homofolkB here. Oct. 10th. It isn’t necessary to spend money In advertising your troubles; -simply tell them to a goss'iper. MIDWAY. Mrs. Lula Kidd, of Atlnutn, is visit ing her son, Mr. Robt.. Kidd. Misses Newel and Oiia Btophons, of Elion Grove, were guests of Misses Eulu and lima Kidd for t.ho weok-ond. Our formers are about through pick ing cotton, and some nro now digging potatoes. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Hnrdogrco spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wood, nt Mt. Carmel, The little daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robt. Kidd is quite sick this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Barks, o^ Nownnn, wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ambroso Caswell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. 9. Kidd spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. M, Kidd, in Now nnn. Mrs. Alex Stephens, who hns beon quite sick, is bettor at this writing. MIbsos Una Kidd,' Francos Mllllans, Florrio Millions nml Mr, Ed Millions, of Newnan, visited In our community Sunday. MisB Lizzie Herndon, of Nownnn, spent Inst, week with her brothor, Mr. ErnoBt Herndon. Miss Lillian Hnrdogroo, of Handy, spent. Saturday night with hor Bistor, Mrs. Lewis Stephans. Oct, 10th. Mr. Leo Watson nml sister, Annie Lon, spout tho week-end with relatives near Boxton. Mr. mid Mrs. T. W. Cook and children nnd Miss Snlllo Thompson, of Sonolo, vlBitoil relatives hero Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Miller nnd chil dren, of Boxton, spent Sunday with Mr. nml Mrs. T. V. Neill. Oct. 10th. p A woman may listen to hor husband’s advice, but she does ns bIic plonsos any how. 1 HAPPY VALLEY. Misses Vnnnio Lou nnd Mary Cope land, of Whitesburg, spent tho weok-ond with Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Sowell. Mr. Dave Sewell, of Atlanta, spout a few days with relatives hero Inst wook. Mr. W. .1. Sprnyberry 1 and family and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Sewell nnd children wore guests Sunday of Mr. and Mm. Albert Mitcholl, in Nownnn. Mrs; D. A. Brimor Bpent n few days Jast week with hor daughter, Mrs. Nan- man Watkins, in Atlanta. Several from our community attend ed tho Sacred Harp singing in Newnan Sunday. Elder Frnnk Adams, pastor of Liberty church, preached a lino sermon at An drew Chapel Sunday night, to a largo congregation. Mr.'' D. A. Brimer and family spent Sunday in Newnan, tho guests of Mrs. H. G. Billingsly. Mrs. Cliff West and children spent Saturday night with her sister, Mm. “Dock” Lee, at Madras. Mrs. W. II. Sowoll and Mrs. .Too West spent the wook-ond with the former’b son, Mr, Anron Sowell, at Mt. Carmel. Born, on tho 10th Inst., to Mr. and Mrs. James Otis Tarleton—a daughter. Oct. 10th. The UrsulhiG College of Now Orleans, which recently observed its 102d com mencement, is believed' to bo the oldest institution in America for. tho edurntion of women, i '' 1 - • ' HOMEWOOD. Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Grimes spout Sun day with Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Wortham, nt Handy. Miss Francos Stephens, of Midway, -spent tho weok-end with Mrs. Albert Lylo. Mr. and Mrs. Mndison Turner and young son, Jnmo|, of Mt. Carmel, spent Sunday with Mr, nnd Mrs. Tom Payton. Tho ice c.ronm snppor given by Mr. and Mrs. Albort Lyle Saturday night' wns much onjoyod .by.thoso present. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Story nnd children visited Mr. nnd Mrs. John Beavers, at Mt. Carmel, Sunday. Mrs. Arnold Broyles, of Atlanta, spout a few days with Misses Jennie and Liz zio Lucklo Inst wook. Mr. nnd Mrs. G, C. Newman, of Cor nor Branch, wero guosts of Mr. 0. S Forbus and fnmily Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Story, of Mt. Car mol, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs J. T, Story. Mr. Bob Sqgort, of South Georgia, spout the' weok-ond with his daughter, Mm. Tom Payton. Oct. 10th. BETHEL. Mrs. W. A. Bailey is spending tho week with hor parents in Nownnn. Miss Ruby Brittain, of Raymond, visited hero Sunday. Mr. Bob Thompson, of Atlnnta, visit ed relatives here Sunday.' Mrs. R. F. Byrom spoilt Sunday with her parents near Sonbia. To abort a cold and prevent com plications take' The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nauaealess, safe and sure.. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c, CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. CURRENT SCHEDULE. ARRIVE FROM pod^rtown.,, . .0:45 a. m. Columbus... . 0:40 a. m. 6:Z5 p. m. Grimn , ,11:18 a. m. 7:20 p. m. DEPART FOB Orlflln , 0:45 a. m. 1:00 p. m. Chattanooga . 1:00 n. m. ColumbUH... , 8:05 a, m. 5:22 p, m. Codartown.. , 7:00 p. m. Books for , Coupon Books for November 1, the date upon which we begin the CASH SALE of GASOLINE and OIL, we will place on sale COUPON BOOKS of the value and prices stated above, which will be accepted in payment of cash transactions in GAS and OIL ONLY. These coupon books will be sold FOR CASH ONLY—no charges, no tickets, and no exceptions to this rule. We are placing these books on sale so that our patrons who do not wish to pay us for gasoline and oil in money or by check may have a convenient method of making payment. Where much gasoline or purchased, there is a clear saving. Your cordial co-operation in making this change will be apprecia ted. We believe time will prove it satisfactory in all respects. R. B. Askew & Co. W. Y. Barnes