The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, December 17, 1920, Image 2

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THE NEWMAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1920. TURIN. Wo nrc informed that Ebpnozfir Bap tist church on la«t Saturday called to its pastorate for next year Bov. F. J. Amis, and that he hntt accepted the call. The days of mooting will bo as in past. Second Sunday and- Saturday before of each month. Bov. Anna is an able min* Sstor and consecrated to tho divine work, and thOse who hoar him will receive some thing worth taking home with them. Wo are also apprised that tho church nt Sharpsburg has called to its pnstor- ntc, Rev. W. K. Fuller, of Nownan, who will servo one Sunday por month, the day not got given out. Rev. Fuller is endowed with a burning zeal for the Master's enuso and those who hear him will bo quickoned la their zeal for the cause. By request a former pastor of Sharps- burg church, will hold a sorviee with that church/ tipi pnstor of said church fifty years ago. Thom should be a full house for tho occasion. Rev. W. J. Stephenson recuperates very slowly from his sevoro attack of indigestion soino wooks ago. Jib will hardly ho ablo to resume his pastoral work during tho winter. Cards are out announcing tho mar riage of Mr. Robnrt Dominick to Miss Arlonn Williams, on Wodnosdny tho 22d, at the Turin Baptist! church, at 4 p. m. Thoso people Rra two of Turin's popular young people, and tlielr many friends will honor thorn, by their presence on this occasion. Owing to the greatest drop in the price of cotton over experienced in tho South tho farmers are not anticipating tho holidays as on joyed in past years, few will have regrets by tho failing of what was onco their "joyful." But this cut oir of tho "joyful" saves thousands to our country and makes aomo amends for the shortage in tho price of cotton. Tho smnll grain crop is larger in this floction than sevornl years and is now up and growing off rapidly. Quito number of fine porkorjf have boon slain and feasting on , sparo ribs and back bones has boon enjoyed enough to dis pell gloom. ; Itev. J. II, Clarke flllod his regular appointment at tho ProBbytorian church Sunday, preaching a most helpful sor mon. Mrs. W. C. Ragsdale, who has boon qulto sick, is now convalescent. Owing to grading for tho ntow high- wny, and rains, the road from Sharps- burg, Turin and Seaoia is almost im passable. Mrs. Morris, of Bowden, Ga„ spent tho week-end with tho family of ,Rov. W. D. Stephenson, Rev. W. ,D. Stephenson, who lins boon confined to his room for tho pnst threo wooks, is slowly improving and his many friends wish for his oarly roturn to his wor]<. Friday night, tho 17th lust will bo tho regular communication of Turin Ma sonic Lodge, Election of officers and work in M. M. dogroo. Mr. J. B. Wilkes has moved to Turin, ns agent for tho Gontrul railroad. Ho and his family orb welcome 'Additions to our town. Tho music pupils qf Mrs. E.*L, Mor rill will giyo a roeital Saturday p. m., I)oc. 18, at tho homo of Mrs. 13. G. Wynn, Sharpsburg, Gu. Tho program is as follows— Duet — "Y ulotldo Bolls, *' Richard Goordoloa; Robocca Ingram and Mary Bridges. "Docombor," Goo. Spaulding; Sarah Wynn. * 4 Christmas. Morning at Home, ’' Mar tin; Willie Mry Neely. * * Christmas,' Romance, * ’ Paul Lawson; Margaret Shell. "Snow Bolls," G, Brascombo; Ruth Danlol. , Song—»"A Noto t,o Santa Claus," Uroonwold; Martha Bob Ingram. "SiBtor Dear," William Korn, op. 156; Eddie Ingram. "On Tho Ico at Sweet Briar," Crawford; Mary Fox North, "Winter Idyl," Plorro Ronard; Lilia Wood. gong—"Just a Little Empty Stock ing,” Bishop; Olivo Morrill. "Holiday March," Spaulding; Gena Neely. "Silver Star," Mazurka; Bolm op. ■327; Catherine Ingram. ‘ * Boa Muscadlus, ’' Paul Waohs; Mary Bridges. (a) "Wintor Blossoms," (b) "Chini- «s at Christinaa/tf Duniol Rpwo; Mary Ixm Benton. 4 4 Christmas Bolls,' 1 Wyman op. 17; Rebecca Ingram.- , Belgium's stool production is now 22 per cent of tho pro-war output. DRESDEN. Wo had a heavy rain Monday night and this (Tuesday) morning the weather being clenr and colder, quite a number of hogs are being slaughtered in the community. There was no preaching service at Emory Chapel Sunday afternoon for lack of a preacher. We understand that Rev. Mr. Ware, who was assigned to this circuit has resigned and taken charge of the Odd Fellow's Orphanage nt Macon. Wo are Bure of a preacher, though, for tho coming year, for that is tho beauty of the Methodist policy, church is loft without ft pastor. Mrs. Lizzie Mitcham is spending some time with tho family of her son, Mr. W. B. Mitcham. Mr. Clem Newman is moving his fami ly to South Georgia whore he will make his home. Mrs. Ed Mininas daughters, Misses Maude and Thelma, and their guests, Miss Bailie Millions, of Nownan', spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. M. ‘D. Mil lions, nt Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Meriwether and little son, Billy, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hutchins in Newnan. DODSON. Several pupils uro absent from 'School tliis week on account of sickness? viz: Raymond Witcher, Garland Witcher, Warner Hyde, Robert Ward, and Opal Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sewell and cliil dren, Louis and Hugh, of Roscoe, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sanders. Mr. Hugh Gibson, of Newnan, spent Saturday night witli his parents here. Mr. anrl Mrs. T. B. Nowton, of Sar gent, wore guests of Mr. P. H, Gibson and family Sunday. Rev. J. S. Edwards, of Buchanan, proachod his farewell Bongon at Mace donia church Sunday, nftor having serv ed a pnstor over four years. Tho church has called Rev. Louis Fowler, of Atlanta, for another year. Mr. T. A. Ward, of Atlanta, spent a few days with rofhtives hero last week. Tho pupils of Macedonia school aro planning to have a Christmas tree tho last day of school. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Egbort Culborson Palmer was born at Corinth, Hoard (then Troup) county, July 18, 1838. IIo enlisted in the Confederate army nt LnFayotto, Walker county, Ga., in .1861 and served four years. Ho wns married *to Miss Ara bella Moseley on Oct. 2, 1866, and from that time until his death remained a citizen of Cedar Crook district, Coweta county. Ho served ns Clerk of tho Su perior Court of Coweta county in 1877 and 1878, became a member of the Ma sonic fratornity in Nownan in 1877. Ho was for many yoars Notary Public in Codnr Creok district. Ho united with Macedonia Baptist church in 1866, and remained a monibor of that organization until his death. Ho departed this life on Sept. 8, 1020. Ho leaves a wifo and sovon children to cherish his memory. Macedonia church, in conforonco, passed tho following resolution of sym pathy : ‘ ‘ Resolved, That wo extend to the be- roavod family our sincoro sympathy, and prny God to comfort thorn in this hour of griof, and permit Ilis compas sion to comfort them in all their ways. ’ ’ Respectfully submitted, J. C. Sowell, J. Potty, H. E. Eidaon, Committee. Charity bogins at homo, but reform usually makes its debut olsowhoro. In Holland you cannot .suo for a bet nuido upon cards, but you can for one mado on a horse race or any similar outdoor sport After you eat—always take 1C Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat ed Ga»y Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating, nnd all stomach miseries. Aida dictation sod appetite. Keeps stomach ■we«t and strong. Increases Vitality and Pop. 1 EATONIG i* tho boot remedy. Ton* of thou- **nda wondorfully benefited. Only coet* a cent or two * day to uu it. Pooltiroly guaranteed to please or wo will refund money. Got a big box today. You will boo, JOHN R. OATES DRUG COMPANY, Newnan, Ga. ITCS for hi l dren Their happiness on Christmas Morn and there after is your privilege. Though it be in a small way do not deprive them. 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT At ORR’S this week will help. SANTA CLAUS Christmas Goods Reduced Means a Saving to You! Don’t wait! Come in and select your Christmas gifts before the rush starts. C, Beginning Friday morning, December T7th, and running through Dec. 24, these prices will prevail— Ivory Goods Marked Down 33* % Now is the time to buy to finish out your set. Ivory makes the most appreciated gift. We have a large assortment to select from. In sets and odd pieces. $45.00 Sets marked down to $30.00. $30.00 Sets marked down to .. $20.00 $18.00 Sets marked down to .$12.00 $15.00 Sets Marked down to .$10.00 $12.00 Sets marked down to .... $8.00 $7.50 Sets marked down to ,$5.00 ODD PIECES. Clocks Nail Buffer Bud Vases Cuticle Scissors Picture Frames Cuticle Knife Dressing Combs. Shoe Hooks Hair Brushes Hair Receiver Mirrors Puff Boxes Nail Files. Books for Grown-Ups Miss Minerva’s Baby by Emma Speed Sampson. Billy and the Major, by Emma Speed Sampson. Mary Marie, by Eleanor H. Porter. The Man ofthe Forest, by Zane Grey. ExitBetty, by Grace Livingston Hill Lutz. The Search, by Grace Livingston Hill Lutz. Leave it to Dorris, b yEthel Hueston. Prudence of the Parsonage, by Ethey Hueston. The Poreygee, by Joseph C. Lincoln. The Call of the Wild, by Jack London. The Rivers End, by James Oliver Curwood. The Valley of Silent Men, by James Oliver Curwood. Harriet and the Piper, by Kathaleen Norris., The Amazing Interlude, by Mary Roberts Rhinehart. The Enemies of Women, by Blasco Ibanez. Returned Empty, by Florence L. Barclay. Games and Toys All Marked Down Santa Claus Masks Filled Stockings Sparklers Game of Quoits Painting Outfits Tiddled Winks Lotto Authors Sewing Sets Spoof Flinch f Rook Building Blocks Printing Outfits Ouija Boards Hqrps Domino Pencil Boxes Homs Checker Boards Old Maids Monday, Dec. 20, Only—Bargains In Stationery Gift Boxes at unusual prices. Stationery makes a useful gift and is always appreciated by the one who receives it. Come early as the quantity is limit ed. Stationery $ .35 to $ .50—33 C Stationery .75 to , 1.00 -67 c Stationery 1.25 to 1.50 -98c Stationery 2.50 to $3—$1.35 All in Gift boxes. All Gift Boxes reduced. Coaster Free With Each Doll Sold 15-inch China Head Sleepy Dolls with real hair $2.00 9-inch Unbreakable Baby Doll. . $1.00 9-inch Unbreakable Baby Doll .. .with hair, $1.50 11-inch Unbreakable Baby Poll $1.50 11-inch Unbreakable Baby Doll .. . with hair, $2.00 13-inch Unbreakable Baby Doll .. $2.00 13-inch Unbreakable Baby Doll .i .with hair $2.50 15-inch Unbreakable Baby Doll ........... $3.00 15-inch Unbreakable Baby Doll . .. with hair $4.00 20-inch. Kid Body, China Head, Sleepy Doll $8.00 30-inch China Head, Real Hair, Sleepy Doll $15.00 Kewpie Doll 25c to $4.00 10-inch Stockinette Dolls $2.25 and $2.75 All have been marked down. Gome in and look over our large assortment. It will save you money. rr p ■ Bibles, Testaments and Psalms Khaki Covered Pocket Testaments ... 50c and 75c Leather Covered Pocket Testaments ... 75c to $1.50 Leather Covered Testaments, large type, 50c to $2.25 Illustrated Holy Bibles, school edition, $1.50 and $2 Red Letter Testament, leather covered, large type $1.50, $2 and $2.50 Holy Bibles, self pronouncing, leather covered, large type . $2.00 to $7.50 Scofield Reference Bibles $4.00 to $10.00 Books for Children IN LINEN, PAPER and BOUND. The Three Bears Haiwatha , . The Three Little Pigs / Helen’s Babies The,Child’s Garden of Mother Goose Verses. 1 Charlie Chaulin’s Comic Riley’s Home Again With Copies Me. Barnyard Friends Little Boy Blue. A. B. C. Life of Jesus. EVERSHARP Th* nmr u tn th$ pencil Eversharp is ab solutely, unique, the pencil that is always sharp yet never sharpened, always ready for smooth, easy writing,andbeau- tifully made for lifelong service. Eversharp prices, with 18 inches of EversharpLeads, are $1 up. Sold by Dealer’s Name and Address Serviceable Gifts Are the Kind to 6ive This Year A FOUNTAIN PEN—EVERSHARP PENCIL. Will last for many ^ears. _ Every time it is used you are reminded of the giver. a/ On Pipes, Cigarettes OJy3 U /0 VJII and Cigar Tubes Pipes with and without Cases, Amber and Bakelite Stems and Bowls, also a French and Italian Briar. Prices 35c to $10 with one-third off. Cigarette Tubes in Amber, some with gold bands, both long and short, all in individual cases. Prices $2 to $6 with one-third off. Cigar Tubes in Amber and Ivory, some with gold bands, all in individual cases. Prices $2.50 to $6 with one-third off. Most men Smoke, and they appreciate any thing in tie smoking line. Use It—Then Decide We Will Lend Yoa An AnUStrop Razor fara30 day trial If JTtKl the* decide ta keep it. pay na for **» not, ratarn it. No Risk—No Obligation Any,la patty can ■—-t-- far , .-.t^aatuM pony CH over our Cutlery « tkia Fra. Trial, which mean* yon {•“ “of e»en depoait it, vaioc. If yea Saw a| Charge Acceunt, write la ns and we will send It to you by °m‘l, COWETA DRUG & BOOK Co. Phones 17 and 18—8 Greenville Street ■/ — AND THE Phone 393—23 Court Square